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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. I would not miss this for the world. Or at least, a fairly significant portion of it.
  2. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]So why am I the first person here making a "Welcome back Warlock" post ? Kids these days, they got no respect...[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Ssssh, you'll blow my cover. ;) But yes, you're right. Where's the parade and the marching band and the streamers? I guess that's the problem with waiting too long to make your triumphant return; no one remembers who you are.
  3. I think my record is roughly around the 36 hour mark. Despite the numerous screwed up sleeping schedules I've had in life, I've always managed to somehow squeeze in a couple of hours before or around that point, so I've never really went any longer continuously. I could actively try for longer, but I don't think my body or my mind would particuarly appreciate that little course of action.
  4. My hobby is studying. :( Well, apart from that I play some tennis, pay closs attention to cricket, as well as Australian football. I like cycling, though I haven't really done any for ages. I'm also a big fan of computer and video games, though I haven't played them lately as much as I used to. I'll have to rectify that. Oh, and I surf the web. A lot. That's pretty much my uninteresting life in a nutshell.
  5. An interesting question. One year ago... Hm. Well, a year ago things were certainly worse than they were today. I was heavily depressed, and for some stupid, stupid reason I'd stopped going to school. I didn't look after my health, didn't get much sleep. Heck, I really didn't do much of anything at all. I've had these sorts of problems for a long time, but last year it all just got too much for me and I lost control. Today? Well, I'm still depressed, but much improved from a year ago. Back in school (well, kinda), and I'm taking care of myself more. Sure, not as much as I should, but I'm working on it. Though I could still use more sleep. Oh, and I forgot! A year ago, I barely visited OtakuBoards anymore. Today, I... well, I still don't really visit OtakuBoards much anymore. But I'm willing to mend my ways! And finally, I'm taller than a year ago. Important thing to add.
  6. Well, the Mad King has now hit the American servers. And as Boo says, he's good fun. It can get a little tiring, but it's still a nifty treat. It's worth it if only for the item at the end. So I suggest people do what they can to catch him throughout the day, just so they don't miss out. He'll be appearing next at 3PM PST, and every three hours after that, I'd imagine. Remember, go to Lion's Arch at the proper times, and be part of something different. :)
  7. Hmm, well it looks like I've fixed the problem which made it impossible for me to even access OB almost all the time, so that's good. Anyway, I've now effectively finished the game with Seth, so I'll probably start focusing more on PvP with him. And I started a new character a few days back, an Elementalist by the name of Miss Thistle, whom I should really get past Pre-Searing soon. And on an un-related note, it'd be great if we could get a get a group together who've got to the Temple of the Ages and try out the Underworld or the Fissure of Woe. Apparently they're both quite the large challenge. Oh, and congratulations on the victory in the second Guild Vs Guild battle, which raised our Rating to 1,040! I missed it though, as I couldn't connect to Guild Wars for some reason, otherwise I would've been there. Oh, well. :(
  8. Well, after a week-long break from Guild Wars (a certain demo interfered) I've finally got myself to Lion's Arch. And I had to do the mission directly preceding it with only one other person, too, thanks to the rest of the group finding they suddenly didn't have the time for it halfway through. Still, there is something incredibly satisfying about been outnumbered by so many nasty critters and yet still winning. Anyway, I've being looking over the Guild Halls, though nothing in particular has stood out for me. I have a thing or two I like about each of them, so I'll certainly have to keep on examining them for a while. And lastly, taking a little tip from Desbreko, here's one or two little things I've got lying about that I'm willing to part with, so contact me, in-game or otherwise, if you'd like something. [COLOR=Blue][B]Necromancer Rune of Minor Blood Magic[/B] [/COLOR] Upgrade Component Improves Blood Magic [B]Earth Wand[/B] Earth Damage: 8-14 (req. 8 Earth Magic) [B]Deadly Cesta[/B] Cold Damage: 9-16 (req. 5 Death Magic) [COLOR=Purple][B]Ram's Hammer[/B] [/COLOR] Blunt Damage: 11-16 (req. 5 Hammer Mastery) Damage 12% while in a stance Two-Handed And I usually have quite a bit more things I'm willing to part with for free, so once again, feel free to contact me in-game if there's something you need. Or if you just want to do something. :)
  9. Woo, finally. After a month of waiting for more copies of Guild Wars to come in so I could actually play the darn game, I'm in! It was a painful wait, I'll admit. After sampling the game at the E3 alpha event last year and once or twice in the beta, I've been wanting to get my hands on the full thing for [i]ages[/i]. Anyway, I'm playing as 'Seth Orion', Warrior/Monk. Just got past the Searing so I'm just at the start of Old Ascalon, but I'll do my best to try and catch up. See you all in there!
  10. Melbourne, Australia. World's most liveable city apparently, though with some unpredictable weather. And, coincedentally, I live not but five minutes drive from James (heh, how many times have I said that at threads like these over the past couple of years?). And no, before you ask, I've never actually met him, because I keep imagining him as Willy Wonka, inviting me into his Chocolate Factory... I'm excited by the offer, but I can't help but feel there are going to be many strange, small, singing men inside, along with many other oddities.
  11. Ah, the traditional 'back-in-the-good-ol'-days-thread'. Been some time since I peered into one of these. Well, since everyone seems to be doing it, and I love to be doing the popular thing, I guess I might as well give a bit of history into my on again, off again, love affair with Otaku Boards, and how I've went from a tiny bit of a recognised name to 'Warlock who?'. Let's see, I registered to these boards at the beginning of April 2001, after a bit of nagging from an old member called Amioc who I knew from school (and coincedentally lived in my street 'til recently), though I'd actually been keeping an eye on the site for a while longer. My first post was in Games & Stores, in the thread of one Final_Flash, who'd made an RPG called Dragon Ball: Battle Field (posted alongside DBZman, who's now Rampage, and good ol' 'PyroDragon' too). From then on I was regular visitor to the site, making RPGs with Flashy, posting all over, ect. In fact, I was such a regular visitor I quickly became the Moderator of Games and Stories. And so life continued, only briefly disrupted by the Hacking incident. I made my name as a bit of an RPGer, but for some reason, eventually my trips to that forum, and indeed the Boards in general, began to thin... Soon I was rarely around, only posting in an RPG or two I was invested in, and eventually I began to stop posting there too. I gave up my role of Moderator, and kind've disappeared. And that's how things have been ever since. I still make the very occasional visit here, though, sometimes for a few days at a time, [i]and[/i] I'm always on AIM for those who want to chat. Heh, I've still got to make that promised Second Coming one day... [QUOTE=Kane][size=1] Warlock (whom I still idolise though rarely speak to) [/size] [/QUOTE] I'll have to make sure to change that then, now won't I? :) ...Um, the rarely speak to bit, not the bit about you idolising me. ...Though I guess you speaking to me more often would kinda make you stop idolising me too. Quite a condundrum. :D
  12. Warlock

    Halo 2

    [QUOTE=Shinmaru] Bots by themselves would not make any difference, I agree, but bots in combination with other people [i]would[/i] be a significant difference. [/QUOTE] Hmm, true, hadn't thought of it with that edge before. But yeah, with Live and System Linking and all, Bungie at least has a pretty good excuse. :) Also, Frankie (from Bungie.net, the official bungie site) posted a little rumour debunking list. [url]http://www.bungie.net/News/TopStory.aspx?story=rumorbuster&p=676412[/url] Bots is in there, down a bit. Interesting just to see a Bungie member's take on it.
  13. Warlock

    Halo 2

    Eh, the lack of bots doesn't really faze me. If you don't have Live or friends to play with, well, bots really aren't going to fill the gap. At all. Single player AI wouldn't work for multiplayer, and it would take a [i]lot[/i] of hard work to program AI that could move around the maps, using vehicles effectively (and switching in and out of them), stealing flags, ect, and even then the end result wouldn't be fully worth the effort. Bungie are great, but I doubt they could pull off something hardly anyone's done well, and that's good multiplayer bots (even Unreal Tournament 2003/2004's bots, which are arguably the best, have faults). And of course, they have enough as it is to fit on that single disk, too. Hmm, I 've got to stop rambling on in these half-asleep dazes. [QUOTE=Semjaza Azazel]I know some people were asking about this in the past, so I figured this was the best place to put it: [url]http://halo.bungie.org/oldnews.html?item=10511[/url] [/QUOTE] And speaking of good ol' HBO... [url]http://halo.bungie.org/oldnews.html?item=10500[/url] Guess who pointed out the first bit of Gamespy's Halo 2 Reader Feedback Followup #2... (Gotta squeeze all these little bits of publicity for all they're worth.)
  14. A little note about Metroid: The company that John Woo works for has merely gained the rights to negotiate with Nintendo of America to make Metroid into a movie. Production hasn't started, nor has it even been officially decided yet. At the moment, it's simply in limbo. So, it isn't a sure thing that we'll get a Metroid movie, let alone next year, but it has a reasonable chance of happening. We'll just have to wait and see.
  15. Arthas Lothar sighed as he stared at Glen Haven from a distance. He had expected to of reached the town ages ago, but had been interrupted by a woman requesting help. Well, of course he had jumped to her aid. He was a Paladin, after all, it was what he did. Except that the task presented to him was something better suited to a man who had time on his hands, not someone who was constantly on the search for evil. Arthas shook his head slowly. No, he had done the right thing; the woman's little girl was missing in the woods, and he had helped look. The least the woman could've done before hand was actually make sure that the girl wasn't simply hiding at home first before sending him out. Continuing his slow walk down the road, Arthas's thoughts drifted back to earlier in the day. By now Aleks' trail was surely cold. And it would seem unlikely such a person as wanted as Aleks would go into an inhabited area like Glen Haven... But still, perhaps someone there may've seen somthing. Anything. He would not waste time on querying every single person in the town, but maybe, just maybe, he could stumble upon something that would lead him to Aleks, and there would be one less danger for the people of Gaia to worry about...
  16. The freshly churned earth crunched rythmically under Arthas Lothar's boots as he strolled across the clearing, eyes not focused on the beautiful flowers that adorned the ground, nor the hearty trees that surrounded him, but the curled up figure that lay a number of metres directly in front of him. The Paladin has spent several days hiking through the wilderness, and this was the first sign of humanity he had seen since he had passed a wandering caraven at the beginning of this particular part of his journey. It was not, however, the sign he would've particually liked to of stumbled across. Coming to a stop over the motionless man, Arthas' eyes scanned the edge of the clearing, his right hand gripping his sword. Several seconds passed before he knelt down and gently rolled the man onto his back, one hand still holding onto the hilt of the gleaming blade. "Can you hear me, Hunter?" The Holy Knight asked, as it was clearly what the man was. His weapons and choice of clothing left that obvious. "What attacked you?" Gunter Vontig stared up at Arthas with dimmed eyes, a light gurgling the only sound issuing from his mouth. "Relax," Arthas spoke calmly, while slowly resting a hand upon the source of Gunter's condition, his stomach. "Remain perfectly still, and I shall heal you." But even as Arthas' hand began to glow, Gunter Vontig stirred, before leaning forward, and grabbing Lothar by the shoulders. "Please, Hunter, relax! This injury is serious, and if I do not heal it now, you will die!" But Gunter didn't follow the Paladin's wishes, and instead opened his mouth again, this time a single word becoming discernable: "Aleks." Arthas paused, before pushing Gunter back onto his back, and focusing his energies into healing the Hunter's wound. But even now, he realised there would be no helping him now. Vontig had been hanging onto his life by a thread even when Arthas arrived, and now.... A minute later, Gunter Vontig's chest stopped moving, and Arthas Lothar slowly rose to his feet, eyes closed. He had recognised that name. Though having never met the 'mysterious' Aleks, he was perfectly aware of man's (though was he one?) history. And of the bounty placed on Aleks, and the reasons behind it. Sighing, Arthas once again scanned the edge of the clearing. His work was against evil, that of demons. But clearly, this Aleks was becoming a threat to all those who had the unfortunate luck of crossing paths. One way or another, he would have to be stopped. "I am sorry, friend. I will ensure you get a burial. And that you are avenged."
  17. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]And hey, how awesome is it that PiroMunkie and I have been married for two and a half years? ^_^[/color'][/size][/quote] Ah, and I still remember that so well, too. Good times. ^_^ Let's see, moments for me... So many, but I'm sure I can think of some. [list] [*] All the RPGs Final Flash and myself collaborated. Shame I rarely, if ever, see him these days. [*] Padded Room Party - ...Insanity. [*] The whole 'hacking' incident. Shame I was only there for the final stages, but it's great to see how such an event actually affected OB for the better. [*] And of course, all the fun I had back when I was the Games and RPGs/Adventure Arena Moderator. [/list] Really just a taste from all the years I've been here... Ah, the memories.
  18. Warlock

    Halo 2

    [quote name='Burori']Does anyone know if they will add a multiplayer system into Halo 2 I mean Co-op. I know that Halo 2 will have it to be against each other but will there be a co-op. If not my friends and I are going to send tons of (unhappy) letters to them.[/quote] I'm almost certain there's going to be a co-op mode. And anyway, they'd be stupid not to include it, seeing how it was a success with the first Halo.
  19. Warlock

    Halo 2

    Oh, curse you Bungie, curse you! Anyway, Halo 2 has made me really want to get an Xbox. Little ol' me, a PC gamer who only just got a console a bit into this current generator, my beloved Gamecube. A whole console, just for one little game (well, and maybe its prequel too). I've been following it for quite a while, and I'm very pleased with the way the game's turning out. Even though I don't care too much about the graphics, I've got to say that it looks fantastic. Not to mention all the new features, the destructable vehicles, the multiplayer, and let's not forget the Plasma Sword. Oh yes, can't forget that. Should be interesting to see how the end product turns out. I'm fairly convinced it'll be good though, of course. Just a few months now...
  20. About time I got into an RPG again. :) ------------------ [b]Name:[/b] Arthas Lothar [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Paladin (Knight, Healer, Wielder of Holy Magics) [b]Weapons:[/b] [list] [*] [b] Longsword - [/B] A reasonably plain looking blade, this is Arthas?s most prized armament, and apart from his bow and dagger, which he rarely uses, the only weapon he often wields in combat. Sharp, lightweight, and encrusted with the holiest of magic, it is a weapon to be feared in the Holy Knight?s hands, particularly when coupled with his large, round shield. [*] [b] Bow - [/B] Like his longsword, Arthas?s bow is also fairly plain looking. Unlike his sword, however, it is neither powered by magics, nor a honed weapon in his hands. While he is a better-than-average shot with the ranged device, it is not a weapon he is particularly comfortable with. [*] [b] Dagger - [/B] But a mere dagger, Arthas carries it hidden on him at all times, just in case he ever finds use for it? [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Arthas is a man of two halves - his exterior personality, which he reveals to the world, and in interior one, his true self. On the outside, Arthas Lothar is friendly, extremely helpful, not to mention courageous and driven by justice. Always stopping to help his fellow man, he is one always to be counted on, no matter his own needs. He is, however, slightly different inside. Already scarred by his battles against the unholy, he has grown cynical, and his intentions are not entirely that of a pure heart. Indeed, his lust for the blood of evil has perhaps grown slightly out of proportion. Regardless, his goals are still the same - to protect the weak, and destroy evil. He has simply become rather bitter to the whole thing, something that occasionally sinks to the surface, no matter how well he hides it. [b] Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20114]Attachment[/URL] [b]History:[/b] The Holy Order of the Paladin has, in these troubled times, underwent many changes. This society of holy knights, once well known for their heroic good deeds in the name of justice, has rapidly shrunk, with many of its members felled in combat against the encroaching darkness. It was into this environment that Arthas Lothar was born. Part of a long lineage of Paladins, he was trained and taught from an early age to uphold the values of truth and justice and to reject the temptations of evil. Trained in the methods of combat and taught holy magics, he became a man of the people. Upon reaching manhood, he officially became a Paladin, and joined the steadily shrinking Order in its quest to protect mankind against the very demons that haunt Gaia. It was not long before this mammoth battle began to leave its scars, both physical and mental. As of this moment, Arthas happens to be passing through Glen Haven, just in time for the beginning of the Harvest Festival?
  21. [QUOTE=Lore][size=1]*reads post slowly, relishing every bit* God, Warlock. I've missed having you around. *grins* [/size][/QUOTE] Heh, nice to know I'm wanted. ^_^ And upon further thinking, I've realised the best way is to simply get a time machine, go back to early civilisation, amaze them with technology and unite the ancient world under my leadership, thus entrenching me in all future history. Of course, that isn't as fun as what I said earlier, and there's always the chance of paradoxes screwing up my day, but it's a start.
  22. We had a chatroom here once, but I believe it wasn't able to be properly moderated and controlled. Hmm, I'm sure James will be able to field this in much greater detail. And that little comment about insulting someone right away is a good reason why message boards are better than chat rooms. ;)
  23. Seeing as I don't have the time to review everything peice by peice, I'll be short. I'm very happy to see how well you've improved. A step up from that little peice I'm sure you remember. Not to say it was bad. ^_^; And ah yes, I believe I remember Trohan. Oh, the memories...
  24. As much as I despise those messages, thankfully I've only ever received a few. It helps that I'm not as well known as I was in the past... Means a lot less stupid people get ahold of your SN. But if they ever do, the block button helps me just as much as it helps everyone else here.
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