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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [I]As what seemed like billions of drones swarmed everywhere, Warlock continued to power up, his hair slowly slowly gaining black streaks, his body slowly becoming larger, his body slower becoming bigger, and his eyes slowly turned blood red... And with a large yell as he threw his head back, Warlock erupted with red ki... He felt himself slowly been pushed forward from behind, and glanced back very briefly to see Connor beginning to flow with massive amounts of ki... "Here goes nothing..." Shouting out a sort of battle cry, Warlock launched forward and off the ground, right into the storm of drones... "Insanity" was all that flashed through Warlock's mind as he ducked, phased, punched and kicked, trying to gain some advantage at the never-ending number of drones... He fired a high-intensity ki blast into the swarm of drones around him, obliterating a fair few... But more came to fill the fallen drones place, and Warlock felt despair begin to overpower him... For every drone he destroyed, 10 more seemed to fill it's place... He felt a tugging feeling at his foot, and looked down in time to see a drone pull off his boot... Drones seemed to swarm down at the shoe, and began to pull and tear at it... Within seconds, they had made another drone... Warlock's eyes widened, and before he knew, he was been beaten to the ground, the drones getting ready to tear him apart, and build more drones from his own body... "No, I[/I]can't[I] be killed yet. I can't..." Closing his eyes, Warlock focused on Kami Dende's Tower, and channeled his ki... With a small rushing sound, Warlock felt himself been transported there... Feeling the cold stone of the tower, Warlock opened his eyes, only to see what he'd been dreading... The drones were here too, and were taking the tower apart... [/I] Warlock: "Well... Let's see if I can do it again..." [I] And closing his eyes, Warlock began to focus on his next transformation, and slowly, his hair began to flicker from red to black...[/I]
  2. [I]Warlock continues to power up, yellow energy flowing around him, air rushing away from him, and his hair flowing violently all the while... With a quick yet loud yell, the energy surrounding Warlock turned red, and Warlock launched himself at Connor... As he reached Connor, he flipped above his opponent, his fist coming down to smack from above at an incredible speed... Connor however, was quicker... Grabbing Warlock's wrist, Connor stopped Warlock's flip completely, and then began to twirl him around and around and around... Letting go, Connor sent Warlock flying at yet another rock pillar... Twisting around in mid-air, Warlock crashed into the pillar feet first, bouncing back but still completely demolishing the pillar of rock, which shattered into thousands of small pebbles... Shouting out in rage again, Warlock's hair gained white streaks as he flew back at Connor, who was getting into a defensive position... A second later, Warlock arrived at Connor's location, throwing a punch... Which merely hit air... From behind, Connor phased in, attempting to roundhouse Warlock in the side of the head... But Warlock was able to phase out in time... Connor watched slightly amused as Warlock reappeared several meters away...[/I] Connor: "Very impressive so far Warlock. But you must remember I'm hardly trying at all." Warlock: "Same here... Oh, and trust me, I'm a lot better than I was when I versed Seph... Heh heh..." [i]Lifting an eyebrow, Connor began to power up yet again...[/i]
  3. [I]Sighing, Warlock looked down from the sky, and turned to Connor...[/I] Warlock: "Connor?" Connor: "Yes Warlock?" Warlock: "Well, due to the fact we're probably going to be in one heck of a fight soon, I'm wondering if we could spar." Connor: "Erm... Of course Warlock. I just would've thought you would've chosen someone more at your level..." Warlock: *cracking knuckles* "No, I think I'm up to the challenge you provide." Connor: "If you insist."
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]l'm usually in the Bob and George IRC chat... [/B][/QUOTE] Yep, same here. I prefer message boards though, but whenever I can find a quality chatroom, I'll be there....
  5. [I]Zero glanced at all the other Hunters, his gaze finally resting on Warlock... Warlock's fists were clenched, and though his face remained emotionless, Zero knew that behind it he was feeling anger... Bowing his head for a second, he began to walk to the front of APC to help guide it... Meanwhile, Proteus walked up to Warlock, noticing his clenched fists...[/I] Proteus: "What's wrong?" Warlock: "That r-... Zero doesn't exactly have a nice history with me and Flash... Not nice at all..." Proteus: "What did he do?" Warlock: "He... he... I don't think you're ready to hear about it yet. It actually involves you in a sort of way... But let me just say that he and Light-Bots were [i]never[/i] meant to be friends." [I]Sighing, Warlock grabbed his hover-bike, placing it in a rack by the door, and began to shine his buster...[/I]
  6. *fills the room with a LOT more drool, which now fills the entire topic, seeping into [b]Music, Movies & TV[/b] subforum* Must... See... MATRIX RELOADED!!! *drools some more*
  7. [I]His voice chips creating a sighing, Warlock got up onto his feet, walking past the others and over to a rack in the middle of the APC... He grabbed a hoverbike, his, and began walking to the back of the APC again... [/I] Max: "Sir, what are you doing?" Warlock: "Going to get some fresh air. Tell everyone I'll just be riding along." [I]Reaching the end of the APC, Warlock punched in a buttons on one of the many consoles, and the back door began to slide up and out... Ignoring the questions been thrown at him from the others, he placed the hoverbike on the steel floor, and turned on the replusor-lifts... With a low whine, the hover-bike started to float up from the ground, and Warlock shot out from the back of the APC... Spinning the bike around in a 180 degree turn, Warlock keyed more power to the engine so it caught up with the gaint APC as it continued to glide above the ground... Pulling up alone side it, Warlock put the speed down a notch so he would stay with the APC, and took the time to think and honour his friend's memory...[/I]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]I live in Melbourne, Australia...the "world's most liveable city". [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, it's the same for me as it is for James here. I live in Melbourne, and quite close to James I might add...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] If you got an official looking letter from Washington, what would YOU do? Throw it away? :P [/B][/QUOTE] Of course I would Flash, of course I would... Mainly considering I'm not even from America... But anyway, Adam, I [i]always[/i] love when you reply to people's e-mail's and mail in a silly and comical way. Heck, you might just make this all up to entertain us...
  10. [i]Back inside the caves, Warlock continued to run back into the cave, while grabbing at the small comling attached to his belt... Bringing it up to his mouth, he began to speak into it...[/i] Warlock: "Okay everyone, we're pulling out." [i] Warlock waited for a few seconds, and then heard Max, coming in loud and clear...[/i] Max: "But sir, we need to finish off the Me-" Warlock: "Just get out now, before I take you out myself. Everyone, just get out of there!" [I]Warlock skidded to a stop, pivoting on his left leg, so he pointed back towards the cavern entrance... About 20 seconds later, footsteps echoed behind Warlock, and the figures of Max, Demos, Marth and Nova appeared, all running while shooting random shots behind their back... After they passed him, Warlock sprinted off, his buster forming as he ran... A minute later, they appeared at the hole entrance, and each jumped up and out of the caverns... As the rest jumped up, Warlock turned back the Metool room, and the rest of the caverns, and brought his buster up... From above, Max peered in, confused...[/I] Max: "...Sir?" Warlock: "Quiet." [I]Warlock's eyelids closed as energy began to flow out of his buster... From further down, he heard the "meeping" of the metools, obviously in persuit... [/I] Max: "Sir, you should hu-" Warlock: "GO BACK TO THE APC! I'll be a moment!" [I]Giving Warlock one last confused glance, Max began to run to the APC, the rest following... Seconds later, a small energy shockwave rocked their bodies, and Warlock jumped out of the hole, running... The ground for miles behind him blasted into the air, dust and soil and rocks littering the sky... And slowly, a large hole appeared in the ground, what was left of the collapsed caves... Max and the others watched as Warlock continued jogging to their location... The APC pulled up beside them, the door sliding open... The others got in, and waited for Warlock, who appeared a minute later... He jumped in, the door sliding shut behind him...[/I] Nova: "What did you just do?" Warlock: "Made the entire thing collapse in on itself. Easy solution to it all." [I]Warlock began to walk forward, and then noticed the absence of one member of their team...[/I] Warlock: "...Where's Flash?" Proteus: "He's... He's... He Self-Destructed..." [I]Warlock eyes opened in shock, and then slowy closed... Probably the oldest reploid/robot (whatever) alive had just died, leaving Warlock as the oldest alive... Bowing his head, he walked to the back of the APC, sitting against the cold steel of the back door...[/I]
  11. [i] Stepping out of the APC, Warlock took a glance of the garage... He walked forward, and Flash came out from behind him, followed by Craig, and finally Neil... [/i] Craig: "So, this is the place..." Warlock: "Yep." [i] Walking forward, Warlock noticed the red and black hovercraft which had just pulled up right next to the APC, and watched as a man stepped out, straightening his black and red suit... As the man began putting a pair of sunglasses on, Warlock lightly elbowed Neil in the ribs...[/i] Warlock: "Hey, isn't that the Galbadia Deputy-Headmaster?" Neil: "...Yes."
  12. ...ACK!!! Why... Won't... Anyone... Spot... The... Signup... Fourm?! It's there for a reason. Now, Darkmoon due to the fact that you're new here, I won't be too annoyed. Everyone makes a mistake the first time. But please, next time, make a signup topic in the signup forum, that's what it's there for. Topic Moved. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]This RPG dies more than Ran in the BnG fancomics section, [/B][/QUOTE] Okay Flash, let's not be hasty... It's not [i]that[/i] bad... Anyway, I think the problem at the moment is we're in one of that wereally need to get a bit more action... I NEED A FIGHT!!! Anyway, due to Writer's Block, I'm afriad I can't post at the moment... If someone doesn't post soon though, I guess I'll have to edit something into this... [i]-Warlock[/i]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]EDIT--Bwah! I forgot to mention the Sailor Scouts! Shame on me v_v;; [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I've noticed you do like them... And that's why I bet you made "Sailor Roll". Probably a real nice combination for you... And who do I think? Erm... Well, as lots of people have said, the chicks from DBZ are pretty all right... Um... Well, I'll get back to you... *runs off, to do who knows what*
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Yeah, well... Matt Groening DID announce that he'd be finishing the Simpsons... Lack of motivation or something. And didn't one episode about Brazil get banned in the US, or did I just hear that somwhere? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't think the episode got banned, but I believe the Brazilan goverment, or one of the city goverments, is sueing the Simpsons. But I hadn't really heard anything about Groening saying he'd be finishing off the Simpsons sometime soon... But, well, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Heh heh, no-one except staff knew. Don't you remember James mentioning their 'May Suprise'? ;) [/B][/QUOTE] May Surprise? I thought that was my birthday, or maybe the day Treize marries Flashy, or when Random Insanity [i]finally[/i] goes online... Or maybe when I finally stop being crazy. But yeah, as Flashy said, only staff knew about the upgrade, which was originally going to be v4.5... You could get that clue from James' avatar, with the monk guy, who was saying, "My favourite number isn't whole". And in James' sig, he had the monk, Mr (James) Burns , and a pig. Monk: "Aren't you ever going to do any with the boards James? They're [i]really[/i] boring. Mr Burns: "Ha. When pigs fly". And of course, behind his head, is a pig flying through the air... ...Anyway, I think I should leave now...
  17. Well, considering this Signup is partly alive, I might as well send it off to the sub-forum, where it'll hopefully gain some more members... Topic Moved. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  18. Well, I guess it's settled then. Lemme just set the course for the Signup sub-forum, and then go to lightspeed. Topic "moved". [i]-Warlock[/i]
  19. ...Dear god... DOESN'T ANYONE KNOW THAT THERE'S A "SIGN UP" SUB FORUM, WHERE YOU MAKE ALL THE RPG SIGN UP THREADS!?!?!?!?! *calms down* Sorry, sorry, I've just had to move alot of threads in the last few days. From now on people, make ALL RPG sign up threads in the above-mentioned Sub Forum. The link it located on the top of the Games/RPGs forum page. Thank you. RPG/Topic Moved. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  20. This is [i]supposed[/i] to be in the "Sign Up" Sub-Forum. It's clearly shown. Please, next time, post it there. Topic moved. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]er, while we're on the subject, has anyone ever used the shampoo bottle as a microphone to sing? lol *looks around* I have..>< [/B][/QUOTE] ...Okay, maybe I'm not [i]that[/i] crazy. And to answer your question, no... *slowly backs away from Pan*
  22. [I]Sighing, Warlock glanced out the window, watching as the waves rolled past... Standing up, Warlock edged his way to the back of the APC, his boots making a soft tapping... Reaching a few small footsholds stuck onto the back wall, Warlock reached above his head, pulling a handle which opened a small hatch on the roof... Placing his feet in the footholds, Warlock climbed up so half of his body was outside the APC, and watched as the waves rolled by... As he began to go back down due to the annoyance of having so much droplets of water been smashed into his face, he noticed a small landmass beginging to appear on the horizon...[/i]
  23. To answer the main question here, yes, yes I do. I hoot, hum, whistle, shout, sing... If it's a sound, I'll be making it. And yes, I know, I'm insane...
  24. Lol, that rules! Really brightened up my day... Yeah, Xaio Xaio rules too... I got the entire series on my harddrive. STICKS RULE!!! *cough*
  25. Well, when I was in Primary School (Elementary School for all you Americans and such), I did have this 'fitting in' kind of problem, and for some reason I couldn't really make myself go up to a group and join in that often. Sure, there was one group I fitted in with well, but there were times when I just didn't join in for some strange reason... But now that I'm in High School, I really don't have the 'shyness' problem. I actually fit in quite well...
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