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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Warlock


    [i]Casually saluting Rico, Raynor made sure his guns were holstered and made his way out of the building, down a small corridor and into the cold air outside... He gave a quick glance to the side as Flash, Neil and Rex came out the same way, shaking his head...[/i] Raynor: "Well, let's get to work." [I]With only the background sounds of a usual metropolis at night, and the whisper-soft voices of the citizens walking the streets invading his ears, Raynor began to walk forward a newspaper stand on the other side of the street, his boots making a soft tapping sound as he walked... Walking around a parked car in front of the news stand, Raynor walked up to the owner who was quickly packing everything up...[/I] Raynor: "Excuse me." [I]The owner continued to pack up, as if he hadn't heard Raynor at all... Calling out to the owner again, this time a bit louder, Raynor awaited a response... None came... Shaking his head in frustration, Raynor walked over to two teenagers about 10 metres from the stand, both decked out in black leather, one with a large green mohawk and several tattoes, the other with quite a large number of rings on his face... Stopping in front of them, he cleared his throat to get their attention...[/I] Teenager #1: "What?" Raynor: "Do you know anything about what happened in the apartment complex across the street?" Teenager #2: "No way, man. " Raynor: "You sure?" Teenager #1: "He said he ain't no nothing man, so jus' leave us alone!" [I]Sighing, Raynor turned around, walking back in the direction of the news stand... However, remembering something strange about one of the teenagers, he turned around, but only to find that they were gone...[/I] Raynor: "I have a very bad feeling about tonight..." [I]Taking one last look around, Raynor began to walk over in the direction of the apartment complex, looking for any more potential witnesses...[/I]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]I have no idea if this is where I sign up? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes Cloricus, you sign up here. And if anyone has any questions regarding this section, ask one of the Moderators. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  3. Well, this RPG has no plot or storyline and no signup... erm... thingies. That, and this isn't in the signup sub-forum. I'd move it there, but due to it's lack of plot or signup thingies, I'm afriad I'll have to close this. So, to learn more about plot and signup thingies, check the RPG signups in the Signup Sub-Forum, or PM one of the Moderators of this 'ere forum. (Me, Final_Flash, RicoTranzig, or even SuperSayian) Topic Closed. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  4. Cloudffx, note that there's a "Sign-up Sub Forum". Please, in the future, make a signup topic there. Topic moved. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  5. Name: Raynor "Warlock" Dune Age: 22 Sex: Male Weapon: Double-9mm Blank Panther Handguns (Customised) Brief Description: 6'1", black hair, medium build, right out of the marines (Yes, I know it's the same as Rico, but I'm usually a marine kinda guy) Specials: [list] [*][b]Stealth:[/b] Silent motions, can move around without detection. [*][b]Rapid-Fire:[/b] Continuous fire, activated by triple-push button above trigger. [*][b]Physical Limit:[/b] Once ammo is depleted, Warlock pushes himself to the limit with his gymnastic-type abilities and high knowledge of martial arts. [/list]
  6. Happy birthday you spoony Admins! ...Erm... [b]Happy B-Day Adam and James![/b] Hope you both have a great day... And speaking of birthdays, mine's getting extremely close... *Starts counting down days to birthday*
  7. Hmmm... There's already a Megaman Zero thread around... You should've posted there. [color=indigo]There, I merged the two threads. :) - Desbreko[/color] Oh, and with your info, you have a few mistakes, but they don't really matter that much... Anyway, you're right in saying it's a great game. I've already played it a-...Erm... You should forget I said that. ^_^;;; Anyway, even though I already know about all this, thanks for sending in the info! As James said, I'm sure many will be happy to see this info.
  8. Otaku Artist is great Adam... Quite a few of the artists submitting are talented. And if I ever get around to drawing, I'll send the pics your way...
  9. Yikes, good job there NoodleZ. You and your team must be quite good to do as well as you've done... Good luck for Internationals, and I hope ya win...
  10. So, oh holy FFVIII master, when shall we get this RPG on the road?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Awesome James, I can finally upload my Flash/Roll avatar... wheeee :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] ...I hate you. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tigervx [/i] [B]wait, is the custom thing ONLY for staff? if it is, then D***, i want to put up a custom avatar so badly! [/B][/QUOTE] No, anyone can have the custom avatar. Anyway, thanks alot James! Now I'll be able to use some of the larger avatars I've made...
  12. Well, time for me to point out the problems of this RPG... One: Where's the plot, the storyline? Two: This is SUPPOSED to be in the Sign-Up sub-forum, not in the main forum. Three: Could you please put some capitals in, they make RPGs look a whole lot better. Now, I could move this to the sign up sub-forum, but if you refer to point One, this doesn't have any plot or storyline. So, I'm going to close this thread, and if you want to make another RPG, make the signup thead in the sign up sub-forum, and actually have a storyline of some kind. Topic closed. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  13. Sorry, this is the wrong forum... This is for roleplaying, not RPGs... Don't let the name fool ya. Moving now... [i]-Warlock[/i]
  14. *starts kissing Adam's and James' shoes* Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! My life has gone down hill ever since you started upgrading the boards, and now I finally have a LIFE!!! ...Or considering how much time I'm going to be spending here, how much of a life I'm going to lose...:rolleyes: Either way, thanks alot James and Adam!!!!
  15. [quote] [i]Flashy[/i] [b]Heh heh... It was a good Idea. Plus, I'll get better members here! Not to say that Ken, Craig, Andrew and 'Locky are bad members. :D[/b] [/quote] Thin line Flash, THIN line... And considering I already signed up for this same RPG at SSF, it's a simple copy/paste procedure... Name: Locky "Warlock" Dune (Yes, I'm finally using my nickname's nickname as a name ) Age: 20 Height: 6'1" Occupation: SeeD Instructor Location: Trabia Garden Description: Short, spikey black hair, blue eyes, medium build. Black trenchcoat, black sleeve-less shirt underneath, slightly baggy trousers. Also wears stylish stylish sunglasses, and black combat boots. Bio: Born and raised by his father at a lone farm near Trabia Garden, Locky was accepted into Trabia Garden when he was 10. Becoming a SeeD at age 14, he nearly aced the field tests and exams. He was given his instructor's license when he was 18, but has teached on and off due to his sometime long training ventures out into the wilderness. A friendly guy, who fights in a calm yet fierce manner... --- Weapon: Gunblade (Someone had to do it) Magic: Fire, Thunder, Cure Limit: Para-Slash: A 5-hit combo with Locky's Gunblade, the sword flows with fire and thunder, putting the victim in intense pain and frying their nerves, thus paralyzing them. And thus, here is my first v5 post!
  16. [I]Warlock took his eyes off the sky, and glanced down at the ground...[/I] Warlock: "This is not good." Aldor: "Indeed." [I]Warlock glanced behind him, and saw Aldor who had just arrived... Walking up to Rahia and Warlock, he turned his head to the sky, shaking his head as he saw the patches in the sky...[/I] Aldor: "What's Connor said about this?" Rahia: "He's just said the universe is disappearing extremely fast, and soon it'll be our turn to disappear..." [I]Sighing in annoyance, Warlock turned around and walked over to Connor, grabbing him by the shoulder so all his attention was on Warlock...[/I] Warlock: "How can we stop it?" Connor: "As I said before, there's no-" Warlock: "How. Can. We. Stop. It? I'm not going to stand here and watch as everything gets destroyed. Now, tell me!"
  17. [I]Drake unleashed a massive tide of energy at the giant group of metools, covering his face with his arms as the energy blasted through the metools and exploded against the far wall... The bright light slowly died down, and Drake and Max looked around, surveying the damage... The far wall now had a giant crack in it, but strangely didn't seem than damaged... And to Drake and Max's astonishment, all the metools remained, covered by their hard hats... [/I] Drake: "But... but... How?" Max: "Atleast some of them should've been destroyed." [I]From a large door to the right of Max and Drake stepped a red and black repoild/robot, the left side of his torso slightly charred...[/I] Warlock: "The hard hats of the metools are impenetrable. You have to attack when they have their hats raised, and their body is uncovered. I'll sho-" [I]As one, all the metools raised their hats, and eached released three small orbs of energy at Warlock, and at Drake and Max... Nine-hundered orbs of energy, all moving at them... [/I] Warlock: "Everyone, find some cover!" [I]Warlock fell to the ground, and covered himself with his cloak as mass amount of energy slammed into him...[/I]
  18. [I]Walking up to Pyro, Warlock placed an arm on his shoulder...[/I] Warlock: "I'll get us there the quick way." [I]Warlock focused on the main arena, and both him and Pyro disappeared from the tower... They arrived there directly after, appearing next to Connor...[/I] Pyro: "That teleportation move seems familiar..." Warlock: "It would. You have a similar version." [I]Turning to Connor, Warlock began to ask him what the problem was...[/I] Connor: "Something's coming..." Warlock: "And what's that?" Connor: "You'll see soon..." [I]Giving Connor a long glance, Warlock turned to Rahia, and floated over...[/I]
  19. [I]Rolling to the side, Warlock watched as a few large rocks hurtled through the space he was just in... Jumping up, Warlock ran back, looking around...[/I] Warlock: "Da*n... The battle's blowing this cavern apart." [I]From the other side of the cavern, Stone grinned at his opponent's helplessness, and directed more stones from the walls to fly at Warlock... As the rocks zeroed in on Warlock, the jump boosters on his feet activated, giving him an extra boost as he jumped up onto the catwalk above... A few seconds later, Stone assembled at the other end of the catwalk, and both reploids stared at each other... Slowly, Warlock grabbed his Cossack Sabre, and flicked it on...[/I] Stone: Don't you even know that my body is impenertrable to that?! Warlock: "Yes, I know. But this thing ain't after you're body... [I]Smirking, Warlock cut the cables of the catwalk of his side of it, causing the catwalk to lurch violently down on Warlock's side... Throwing his Cossack Saber down below, Warlock held onto the slanted catwalk as his right hand formed a buster... Warlock quickly shot the cables on the other side of the catwalk, and the catwalk fell down... With a large splash, Stone's side of the catwalk landed in a large pool of molten lava, and slowly sank beneath the lava, taking Stone with it...[/I]
  20. [I]A few mintues later Warlock sat in front of a LARGE buffet table, wolfing down anything and everything he could get his hands on... [/I] Mr Popo: "I'll never get them..." Dende: "Either will I." Aldor: "...Speaking of food." [I]Aldor quickly rushed up to beside Warlock, and joined in with the mass eating... They were so engrossed that they didn't even sense the power signiture approaching the tower, nor when it arrived... Pyro watched dumbstruck as the large piles of food were reduced to large piles of plates...[/I]
  21. [I]Back in the cavern, Warlock and Stone continue to circle each other, Warlock having his Cossack Sabre out in front...[/I] Warlock: "Don't get to cocky. You're looking at a veteran here." Stone: "Whatever, fool!" [I]Stone brought his right arm back, then swung at Warlock, detaching a large peice of stone from the arm... Warlock swung his sabre at the stone, but surprisingly, the Cossack Sabre just deactivated as it touched the stone... Cursing, Warlock dived down, the peice of stone barely missing him... Activating his magnet system, Warlock let his sabre fly to his belt and lock itself onto it... Getting out his buster, Warlock aimed his buster at the now coming back peice of rock... Waiting for his buster to charge up for a few seconds, Warlock glanced around at the other battles... As the large peice of stone glided over him, Warlock released the charged shot, letting it hit into the large stone peice and blow it into oblivion... Now with a satisfied smirk, Warlock jumped onto his feet and pointed his buster at Stone, who now only had one arm... [/I] Warlock: "Good armour trick. But you're nothing against my buster!" Stone: "You really think I'm done?" [I]The stub of Stone's right arm pointed up to the ceiling, and a peice of rock from above detached itself, flying to the stub... It connected, and Stone twisted his arm around...[/I] Warlock: "...That's new..."
  22. [I]The entire group level their busters at Fire, who loses his confident smirk...[/I] Warlock: "Not so tough now, are you?" [I]Fire nervously looked around, but regained his smirk as he spotted something... Most of the group looked up, and saw what Fire was so confident about...[/I] Stone: "Looks like we got something to play with." Flame: "Pyro time..." [I]Stone and Flame both jumped down from the catwalk above, landing next to Fire... Warlock looked at the group around him, then focused on the Replimasters...[/I] Warlock: "Ready?" Drake: "Yeah!" Marth: "Bring it!" Max: "What out!" [I]The whole group ducked or jumped out of the way as a massive ball of fire shot past the group, fired by Fire... From a corner, Warlock asseses the situation...[/I] Warlock: "3 of them, 5 of us... 2 groups of 2, and someone going alone..." [I]Getting up, Warlock looks at the others...[/I] Warlock: "Max and Drake, you take Flame! Nova and Marth, you Fire!" [I]Forming his buster back into a hand, Warlock un-clips his Cossack Buster from his belt, flicking it on... He turns to Stone, noticing he's gone... Without warning, a large block of stone smashes into his back, and he goes flying forward... The peice of stone goes flying back, and re-attaches itself to Stone...[/I] [b] Start boss music, turn screen wavey, and began to the battle...[/b]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] Seeing as how this post will be deleted by the Great Pair, Flashy and Locky, I'm just going to inform you, Blaze, that Flash has officially made it "illegal" to post in this topic.. I suggest we run, very quickly..... Before Connor comes.....:nervous: [/B][/QUOTE] Squeal little pigs, squeal!!! /me delete j00 posts
  24. Warlock: d4mn, 71m3 1 u53 my l33t bu5t3r!11!!!11! [I]getin otu his l33t bu5t3r, warlck goes 'Super SaiYajjin annd uses his atak storm ALpah beta gammA flare ray 20032!!1!11'...[/I] Flash: n0, y0u h4v3 d3f34t3d m3 yoU ruel!1!!!1 ------------------------------------ ...I'm insane... ------------------------------------ Warlock: "Crap!" [I]Flash watched as the Plasma blasts sped at Warlock, but his face turned into a confused one as the large wing resting on Warlock's back folded back into his cloak, and then back into his back... Warlock started to fall from the sky, a few of the blasts hitting him as he fell, blasting apart peices of his body... And then, with a large 'splosh', Warlock lands in the water below...[/I] Flash: "Heh, smart move..." [I]Underneath the water, Warlock's cloak begins to fold out...[/I]
  25. Sorry, sorry... ------------------------ [I]Warlock stood at the edge of Kami Dende's Tower, gazing down at the earth... His mind was troubled with thoughts, such as who had defeated Dreadnaught, or-.[/I] Dende: "...What's that!?" [I]A massive rumble echoed all throughout the tower, and then down to the earth below... Dende, Mr Popo, Aldor and all the Zork Elders covered their ears, all trying to block out the load noise... A few seconds later, everything went quiet... Looking around, Aldor saw Warlock, his hand to his stomach as he looked sheepish...[/I] Warlock: "Y'know, it's been a [i]long[/i] time since I had something to eat..."
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