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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1][color=firebrick] [b]Special Move(s):[/b] In bed ;) Oh... wait.. Wrong "special moves" heh.. :blush: [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You [i]really[/i] scare me sometimes Piro... And considering this RPG has my name in it, I think it'd be good for me to join up. ---------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Warlock (No doubt, was there?) [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Height:[/b] 6'4" [b]Weight:[/b] 162 lbs [b]Weapon(s):[/b] One large light weight sword [b]Attacks:[/b] [list] [*] Large Sword: It's a large sword. What more do you need to know? :p [*] Martial Arts: Warlock also has a large knowledge of Martial Arts, and is quite skilled in it's arts. [*] Ancient Magics: Just what it sounds like. Warlock also has knowledge in the fields of ancient magic. [/list] [b]Special Move(s):[/b] [list] [*] Reflective Shield: Using some of the ancient magic he has learnt, Warlock can create a round magical shield which surround him and deflects most objects and magics. [*] Mind Trick: Also using ancient magic, Warlock can invoke a curse which confuses the mind, thus leaving an enemy confused and open for attack. [*] Self-Heal: [i]Once[/i] again using ancient magic, Warlock is able to slowly heal himself, though he can only do it every so often. [/list] [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Description:[/b] Short spikey black hair, blue eyes, leather pants, leather boots, black shirt.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by R-Babe [/i] [B]I don't now the answers to any of these so I quess I can't play [/B][/QUOTE] If you don't know the answers than don't post at all.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SS Trunks [/i] [B]Ask any respected RPGer; Neil, Flashy, Andrew. [/B][/QUOTE] ...Haven't you forgotten someone!? ---------------------- Name: Warlock Race: Saiyiajin/Human/Zork Age: 26 Height: 6'4" Weapon: Wrist Ki-Swords; two ki swords which form attached to Warlock's wrists. Bio: A descendant of Goku and Gohan, Warlock is a basically a loner, who prefers to stay away from civilisation and train in the wilderness. His knowledge of his mother is limited, and all he really knows was that he was not of this world. He is one of the few who still practices with ki, and has learned to manipulate it. Description: See atachment. Personality: Basically a loner who prefers not to have company, he will most likely sit back and watch as a fellow man is been beaten.
  4. Warlock: "And I don't recall hearing anything about reinforcements when I left." [I]Warlock unhooks his Cossack Sabre from his belt, as Flash unhooks his Terra Fatalis beam... Both flick it on, shading their faces with a light red and green light... [/I] Flash: "Does he look Maverick?" Warlock: "Hard to tell... But he has a design similar to Zero's... [I]Both Warlock and Flash exchange a look, before focusing on the Hover-Bike as it gets closer... It glides to a stop five metres in front of the two, and the Hunter jumps off...[/I] Hunter: "Are you the other hunters?" Flash: "Yes. That we are." Hunter: "I've been sent by Commander Signas to join you. I am called Max." [I]Warlock stepped closer to Max, his Cossack Sabre in a ready position... After looking Max over, Warlock turns to Flash, and nods...[/I] Warlock: "He's not Maverick." Flash: "Interesting. But I wonder why Signas sent him... I told him we didn't need anyone else." Warlock: "Mayb-" [I]Warlock stopped talking, as he brought his Sabre up... Flash looked at him oddly, while Max's expression didn't change...[/I] Flash: "What is it?" Warlock: "I... Don't know... I just thought I saw something, that's all..." Flash: "Well, let's just get that grass scanned..."
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] In any case, I've shaken hands with Mel Gibson once and I didn't even realize that it was him until ten minutes later.. I think that catigorily makes me stupid, no? :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] ...Nurse, get ready to CAT-scan this poor fellow... And James, which department store was it? I might be able to camp out there and see if I can single-handedly catch this Osama look-a-like if he ever returns... ...Or maybe I've just had to much Wily Beer... And no, I haven't seen any celebrity look-a-likes as long as I can remember... Which is only a few seconds back... ...What's this all about?...
  6. [I]Warlock sat down in front of the Radar System, and hooked a wire into his ear... Information read-outs of the entire area downloaded itself into his database... Unhooking the wire, he set the radar to continue sweeping the area, and walked over to the large clear area at the back, sitting down near the back door... He looked up at Drake, who was sitting opposite to him, pointing his buster around...[/I] Warlock: "Excited?" Drake: "We're going to be shooting up lots of things soon... Of course I'm excited..." Warlock: "Heh. I knew you'd say that." [I]Getting up, Warlock released his Cossack Sabre from his belt, and held it up to the light... Suddenly, the APC rocked, nearly sending Warlock to the ground... Regaining his balance, he rushed to the front of the APC, scanning for trouble...[/I] Warlock: "Are we being attacked!?" Flash: "Calm down... Just a few bumps in the road." [I]Feeling a bit embrassed, Warlock turned to the front window, and saw the mountain starting to loom up overhead as the APC entered the alcove...[/I]
  7. [I]Warlock stood on top of the tallest remaining tower, looking down at the partly-destroyed city... His cape fluttered in the wind as the sun case an eerily shadow on his face... Coming from behind, Kaloc landed beside him, seeing the troubled look on his face... [/I] Kaloc: "What's wrong?" Warlock: "...When Dreadnaught appeared, he was half-dead. Something of amazing power must've hurt him, something which I doubt we'd be able to defeat... And I remember back when Connor first appeared, and he told us of Xero... Where has he been all this time?" Kaloc: "I don't really know how to answer any of that Warlock, but you've got to relax. Whatever that could of hurt Dreadnaught could of been equally injured, maybe even killed..." Warlock: "But we don't know that, do we!?" Kaloc: "You've got to calm down. There's nothing we can do for now." [I]Warlock turned his head to look at Kaloc, his face free of any emotions... Without saying anything, he blasted off...[/I]
  8. [I]Warlock reached the waiting area along with most of the other competitors, and began to search the board for his name...[/I] Warlock: Hmmmm... Interesting. Sugara, I wonder who he is... He better be a hearty warrior. [I]Warlock glanced around, looking for who could be Sugara, when a small boy, about 9, with red streaks through his black hair... The little boy looked up at the board, obviously searching for his name...[/I] Warlock: "Oh, I'll have a good laugh at whoever that boy is picked with." Boy: "Oooohh... I'm with someguy named 'Warlock'!" Warlock: ...*faint*...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Raiha, you've been a [I]very[/I] naughty girl! Go to my room! :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] ...I think I'll leave now... --------------------- [I]Both Warlock and Aldor stood in the Warrior's Lounge, Aestus and Zylius with them...[/I] Warlock: "Well... This just keeps getting more and more interesting, doesn't it?" Zylius: "Isn't everything around here interesting?" Aldor: "Yeah... But I think this has hit an all new high." Aestus: "Now all we can do is wait, and see what happens." Warlock: "Yeah. And let's just hope whatever happens is good..."
  10. [I]Warlock sat on a peice of wreckage, gazing out at what was left of Dr Light's lab... His mouth was formed in a frown, for he had failed again... Every time he picked up the signal, he always lost it... Always... Slowly getting back onto his feet, he climbed onto a higher pile of wreckage so he could get a better look of the rubble... It was there he saw a flash of red... It came from below, to the east and behind a small wall of rubble... Not wasting any time, he jumped of the pile of wreackage, landing professionaly on the uneven ground... Running forward, he flipped over the wall of wreckage, his eyes scanning the ground... As he landed, he looked around...[/I] Warlock: "...Dam*it!" [I]With a sigh, Warlock teleported out of the remants of the lab, back to Hunter H.Q... As his teleportation trail disappeared into the sky, a yellow scarf floated to the ground...[/I] ----------------------------- Anybody know who Warlock was looking for? ;) ----------------------------- [I]A few minutes later, Warlock ran up to Commander Signas' office, bursting through the double-doors... Commander Signas' and the strategists all looked up at him in surprise... [/I] Warlock: "Where are the others?" Commander Signas: "They've already left. I suggest you go down to the Armoury extremely quickly, then-. [I]Warlock wasn't able to hear anything else as he leaped out of the office, engaging his Speed-Boost powerup and sprinting to the Armoury... After a minute of sprinting, he arrived outside the Armoury, and turned off his Speed-Boost so it could re-power...[/I] Warlock: "Let's see... What could I get?" [I]Warlock wandered through the Armoury, and then quickly remembered something... His Custom Cloak, a transforming wonder, was currently being repaired... Quickly running to the other side of the Armoury, he opened Armoury Repair door, and looked around... Right by the door, hung up, was the cloak... Snatching it, a part of Warlock's back opened up, and Warlock quickly placed the cloak in the space... He re-activated his Speed-Boost, and thundered out of the the Armoury, heading for the Garage... Leaping down a group of stairs, Warlock arrived at the Garage... Warlock knocked the large double doors to the side, and quickly glanced around the Garage... There were several large transports, a few speeders, some Hover-Bikes, and several other assorted things the Hunters had collected or made over the years... Warlock ran across one of the catwalks next to the main part of the garage, and then saw what he was looking for to his left... Parked a few metres away from the other Hover-Bikes, and having a rope surrounding it, was Warlock's Hover-Bike... The base was black, with red streaks down the side... Putting the rope aside, Warlock jumped onto his Hover-Bike, and started the engine... With a silent roar the enginges sprang to life, and the bike lifted off into the air...[/I] Warlock: "They shouldn't be too far away." [I]Gunning it, Warlock and his Hover-Bike screamed towards the Hover-Bike entrance and exit of the Garage... The Reploid at the control-panel had only a few seconds to disengage the shield, giving Warlock clear passage out of the Garage... He thundered through the hole, and out into the open... The Hover-Bike kept low to the ground, and Warlock slowly gained on the transport... Ten minutes later, the transport was within Warlock's sight... Taking his right arm off it's handle, Warlock brought it up close to his face, talking into it... [/I] Warlock: "This is Warlock, Flash. I suggest you open the back ramp, and tell everyone to get out of the way." Flash: [i]"Can do Warlock."[/i] [I]Warlock gained on the transport as it's back door slid open, and the transport slowed down... Also slowing down, Warlock and his Hover-Bike entered the transport...[/I]
  11. [i] Warlock was just about to say something when a small red light on his right wrist began to beep... Warlock just stared at it, as if not believing... Suddenly, he began to run in the direction of the base's sensor station...[/i] Warlock: "I'll be back in a while... I've got business to attend to." [I]Warlock sped through the corridors, almost knocking over several other hunters... Within a minute he had arrived outside the Sensor Department, and rubbing his forehead, opened the door and walked through... The room was full of equipment, several Reploids rushing around between them, and relaying information into their head-mics... He smiled as a small green reploid came up to him, giving him a datacard...[/I] Green Reploid: "We picked up the signal a few minutes ago... It seems to fit with your report." Warlock: "So, where exactly is this?" Green Reploid: "The remanants of an old lab... We picked up the signal not long after sensing another unusual signal." Warlock: "Wait... This is Dr Light's lab..." [I]Warlock stared down at the daapad, then up at the green reploid...[/I] Warlock: "Thanks." [I]And without another word, Warlock teleported away... Destination: The remains of Dr Light's lab...[/I]
  12. [I]Warlock and Drake wandered down a hallway, passing some of the labs, when up ahead, Flash walked out ofa room, a strange robot following him...[/I] Drake: "How is [i]that[/i]?" Warlock: "No idea... I've never seen him before... But... He does seem familiar..." [I]Warlock and Drake pursued Flash and the new robot, until they were walking right behind them...[/I] Warlock: "A-hem..." [I]Flash spun around, surprised at Warlock and Drake's appearence, but happy none the less... [/I] Flash: "Hey. So, who have you found?" Warlock: "Just Drake here so far. And who's he?" Flash: "Oh, he's P-120x." Warlock: "Um..." Flash: "Yet another of Dr Light's unknown projects... I found him a day ago..." Warlock: "Hmmm... Dr Light you say? No wonder he looks familiar..." Drake: "What do you mean?" Warlock: "Well, you know how I was built by Dr Light? Well, I was kinda 'surveillance' for the lab for quite a few years... If my memory serves me right, I remember seeing Dr Light work on him. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if I have some of his abilities, thoughI do doubt it... But anyway, do you understand now Drake?" Drake: "I lost you around the 'know' bit..."
  13. *cough, cough, cough* ...Have you forgotten anything Flashy-Waashy? 'Cause if you don't post here soon, I'll eat you. /me gets out knife, forks and lots of sauce
  14. Question for the guy in green and grey, and carrying a shield on their back... Yes, you, the one with the "Flash" name tag. [i]Why[/i] did I see this plot development coming from ten miles away? ------------------------------------------------------ [I]As Warlock continued to train, Aldor hovered high above the air, in deep meditation... His mind was clear of thoughts, and he simply let the ripples of space and time flow around him... He found the meditation hard, due to the fact the every message which came from outside the ROST was completely slowed down, and distorted... But all so suddenly, Aldor felt one single strand of time and space quickly rush by his mind, and that was all he needed... He quickly opened his eyes, and flew quickly to Warlock...[/I] Aldor: He's here. Warlock: Da[u]m[/u]n! C'mon, we better hurry. [I]The twins teleported to the ROST door, and quickly opened it... Fresh air rushed into their faces, and without even trying to sense what was happening outside the city, teleported there... And were struck by the sight or Rahia, Cinoris, Connor... And a man, who looked similar to Connor, yet older, and tired...[/I] Warlock: [i]...Why on earth does he have Dreadnaught's power signiture!?[/i] Aldor: [i] ...I never would of believed it...[/i] Warlock: [i] What?[/i] Aldor: [i] ...Dreadnaught is Connor's dad...[/i]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]Hm, is it too late to join? Perhaps my character can be new, given that I'll have to learn as I go along...lol[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes James, if you're involved, it's [i]never[/i] too late to join. Though I'd prefer it if you went this RPG's sign-up thread... And because I'm so nice, here's the link:[URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9704]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9704[/URL] There you go all gracious leader...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTerriermon [/i] [B]ok,sry [/B][/QUOTE] ChibiTerriermon, please try and refrain from only posting 2 word replies. Next time, try and add more to your post, or don't post at all.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1][color=indigo] *bows to Warlock* ......... By the way, I believe it is spelled "sugar" :p[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, well it looks like in all the excitement of my Otaku Anniversary, I forgot to pack! ...Wait... That doesn't sound right... Oh yes, in all the excitement, I rushed through my post... Lemme just change that... And anyway, thanks for bowing. I'll make sure not to put you in slave labor when [b]Random Insanity[/b] takes over the world...
  18. Da[u]m[/u]n, someone beated me to the posting point... And I had such a good post too... *snaps fingers* Now, hopefully [i]this[/i] post will make sense... ----------------------------- [I]The three continued to wander around, until they reached the annex of the base...[/I] Warlock: "Listen, I think we should split up. After an hour or two of searching, go to the Commander's office with whoever you find, okay?" Flash: "Fine with me." Slash: "Same here." Warlock: "Well, I'll be off." [I]Warlock seperated from the group, and walked over to the exit to the armoury, and proceeded down the corridor... After passing several doors to side rooms, Warlock reached a large door, "Armoury" printed in large black letters above it...[/i] Warlock: "I think I know who's gonna be in here..." [I]Warlock walked up closer to the door, and it slid open... And he was instantly greeted by the sight of Drake arguing with one of the Armoury Robots... [/i] Drake: "What do you mean you can't give my buster that missile upgrade!? I DESERVE a missile upgrade!" Armoury Robot: "One, we don't have enough personal to carry out an upgrade, and two, we'd have to upgrade half of your body to let you have a missile upgrade." Drake: "Well then do that! Just give me the da[u]m[/u]n missile upgrade! Do you know how many Mavericks out there deserve to be missiled!?" Armoury Robot: "I've already told you, y-" [I]Warlock, already sick of the arguement, walked over, and stood in between the two [/i] Warlock: "Drake, would you stop hassling him for a missile upgrade!?" Drake: "But I want a missile up-" [I]Warlock quickly unhooked his Cossack Sabre, flicking it on...[/I] Drake: "...I'll get a missile upgrade some other time..." Warlock: "Good."
  19. [I]...Flipping back, Warlock unleashed a dozen small ki orbs, before flying forward, somersaulting over the ki orbs, landing, spinning around, and flicking the ki orbs away as they reached him... [/I] Aldor: "Show off..." Warlock: *puff* "Yeah, well I do try." Aldor: "C'mon, we better get back to work." Warlock: "Yep!" [I]Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Warlock flipped over to Aldor, and smirked...[/I] Warlock: "C'mon, time to spar!" Aldor: "...Have you been raiding the sugar supplies?" Warlock: "Of course not! What would make you think that? [I]At that, Warlock flipped backwards, landed on his hands, fired small ki blasts from both his hands, the force propelling him upwards...[/I] Aldor: "..." Warlock: "Race ya!" [I]Warlock quicklu powered up to Super-Zork 1 (Red SSJ), and flew off further into the ROST void...[/I] Aldor: I should [i]really[/i] keep him away from the sugar...
  20. I agree with Flashy on this one. That was quite interesting. Good job Nerdsy! :)
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]...Dude, I gave YOU a chance to escape my MASSIVE buster shot... There is a line ya know... And I think you've crossed onto the 'excessive God-modding' side.. -__- [/B][/QUOTE] *snaps fingers* Guess I finally snapped the wire... I'll change it...
  22. Warlock: "Sh*t!" [I]With only a few seconds left, Warlock quickly brough his left wing around, so it was covering his entire body... The large flow of energy smashed into the wing, either exploding against it, being absorbed into it, or sliding off and continued across the sky... Warlock's left wing went back behind his back, revealing Warlock, a pissed off look on his face, and one charging buster...[/I] Warlock: "I [i]really[/i] hate that time stopping move of yours... Time to show you why my buster is called [i]Hellspawn[/i]! [I]A large and growing charging sound filled the air as Warlock pointed his buster at Flash, the buster shaking... Energy from the buster began to escape it, and began to collect around it...[/I] Warlock: Take THIS!!! [I]A enormus tidal wave of red energy suddenly erupted from Warlock's buster, taking up a large area of the sky... Flash looked around as it came, thinking of what options he had....[/I]
  23. ALL HAIL TO THE ANNIVERSARY MAN!!! ...Erm... *cough* ...Me... Anyway, I've got James putting a 'Anniversary' cake as my avatar... It's still been cooked, so let's look at the one I made earlier... ;) Anyway, congrats also to Cera, Shyguy and N-Man... But anyway, if anyone wants me, I'll be celebrating around Otaku. :alcohol:
  24. Well, it's less than 12 hours until my Otaku Anniversary... Who knows, maybe I'll make a Flash movie or something... Oh, and Voodookana, if you truly are leaving, good luck in your future endeavours... ...And maybe I should make a giant cake... Mmmmm, cake...
  25. [I]Warlock looks into one of the camera screens, checking to see what's behind him... His eyes widen when he sees Flash, now in his Wing-Adaptor...[/I] Warlock: Sh*t! [I]Warlock quickly looks around the cockpit, and spots what he's looking for... he attaches a cord into an open outlet in his ear, and hooks himself up with the Helijet's weapon systems... As the jet's of the aricraft power up, so do the two buster built into the back of the helijet...[/I] Warlock: Bombs away... [I]Two of the missile launchers buzz into action, and both fire out 4 missiles, which quickly scream in front of the jet... They turn around in the air, and blast off in Flash's direction, just as the rear-mounted busters fire... Behind the helijet, Flash fires his charged busters, sending out a large energy blast... With a massive explosion and shockwave, Flash's buster shots slam head-on with the missiles and helijet buster shots... Flash is thrown back several metres, before flying right through the explosion... The helijet continues to fly on, the quad-laser cannons powering up...[/I] Warlock: Da[u]m[/u]n, he's catching up. [I]In just a minute, Flash goes from 30 metres behind the helijet to just 5, and points both his powered up busters at the back of the helijet...[/I] Warlock: C'mon lasers... [I]But alas, just before Warlock can fire the laser cannons, Flash fires a dozen of high powered shots right into the back of the heli-jet... It implodes with great force, sending Flash flying back... He smirks, watching as what's left of the helijet fall to the ground, and the dust in the air settle down... It's then he notices a figure in the middle of the settling dust, who has one large buster aimed at Flash... Warlock waves to Flash, his custom active cloak now folded out behind his back, forming one large wing peice, jets placed in each at each end, and in the centre...[/I] Warlock: Well, time for my adaptors... [I]The jet's on Warlock's back move around, until they point behind Warlock... With a large roar, Warlock flys towards Flash...[/I]
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