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Everything posted by Warlock
[I]He sat quietly behind his desk, his face covered by shadows, and while fingering a small datapad... Yet again, his plan to rid of Earth and it's fighters had failed, the elite team of warriors he had dispatched all killed... Grunting, he activated a com-system attached to his desk... His voice was low and deadly, and sounded extremely cold... [/I] ????: Prep my ship... I have business to attend to... [I]A voice on the other end acknoledged in a small, squeaky voice... He got up from behind his desk, his face still hidden by shadows, and floated towards the door, which opened, and then through it...[/I]
Name: Warlock Age: 27 Height: 5'11" Race: Paladin Staring weapon: Short short and buckler Starting ability: Zeal Staring place: Paladin Temple Bio: A naturally skilled fighter, Warlock is highly skilled in the light arts, and is of course one of the two Paladin warriors chosen.
Warlock: ...This was unexpected. [I]Flash launched at Warlock, his two seperate blades easily outclassing Warlock's upgraded Cossack Buster... Flash forces Warlock closer and closer to the molten metal pool, until Warlock has no where to go...[/I] Flash: Where to now? [I]Warlock looks up, then smirks... Flash, who could not see Warlock's eye movement due to his shades, also smirks...[/I] Flash: So... How are you going to get out of this one? Don't worry... I'll answer that myself. [I]Flash began to bring his sabres back, when Warlock threw his Cossack Buster up above using his Speed-Boost... There, it sliced some ropes holding up a large concrete pipe, which then came thundering down... Flash looked up at the rumble, and jumped out of the pipe's way as it landed... It started to roll towards Warlock and the molten metal pool, and Warlock jumped over it, and kicked it back into the pool... Grabbing his Cossack Sabre at it came down, Warlock fliped back onto the sinking and melting concrete pipe, and then up into the rafters above... [/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]*sigh* 'Lock, the G-Shield stands for Giga-Shield. Flash was originally called Giga man, remember? The shield was built by Dr. Wily, anyway... Wouldn't you have an L-Shield, or a W-Shield? [/B][/QUOTE] *edits last post* Um... Erm... What the [i]devil[/i] are you talking about Flash. I [i]never[/i] said G-Shield... *sweats nervously* ---------------------- [I]Warlock skided to a stop about 10 metres in front of Flash, with only a 9 metre long pool of molten metal seperating the two... Warlock deactivates his Speed-Boost, then looks around the room...[/I] Warlock: Yes... This will do... [I]Warlock draws out his Cossack Sabre, and then notices a small dial on it at full power... Looking up at Flash, Warlock smirked even more than Flash was...[/I] Warlock: You want a sabre battle? You got one... [I]Warlock pushed a button on the handle of his sabre, and then threw it up into the air... The handle split in half, unfolding until the handle became longer... The now longer handle folded out from within, increasing the size of the handle to it's normal size... The sabre then landed back in Warlock hand... He brought his other hand onto the sabre, and the other end suddenly burst with light... Now, Warlock held a double-edged energy sabre...[/I] Warlock: Let's see if you can handle this... [i]Using his jump-boosters, Warlock cleared the molten pool in one jump, landing beside Flash... Using both energy blades, Warlock attacked... [/i]
[I]The first 100 or so shots hit Warlock in the back, injuring him and frying a few of his systems... However, the rest of the shots are quickly absorbed by Warlock's custom cloak, which folds out of the centre of his back and covers his entire back... Flash flies back as Warlock falls to the ground, already running system checks... Meanwhile, Flash charges up both his busters, and then aims them at the prone... With a massive displace of energy, they fire, and zoom in Warlock's direction... Waiting until the last second, Warlock jumps up turning in Flash's direction... He quickly pulls his custom cloak off his back, put it in front of him, where it folds into his own W-Shield... The energy is absorbed into the shield, and Warlock throws it into the air, where it hooks onto his back, and folds back into his back... The absorbed energy goes through Warlock's power relays, and with a boost of energy, he pulls out his Cossack Sabre, and swings it so fast it breaks the speed of sound... A red arc of energy flys from it, and Warlock swings his Cossack Buster again, sending another arc of red energy blasting off at Flash... [/I]
Yes, it's true, I [i]did[/i] sign up on April 1st, though I did first come to the boards about March 25th... I'm ashamed to admit when I did decide to join, I couldn't find the 'Register' button for about a day... ^_^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; But yeah, it's nice to hear history about OB... And happy aniversery to Cera... *checks date* Well, mine is coming up... Wonder what I should do for it...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]When do we begin? [/B][/QUOTE] We begin when we (Me, Flash and Neil(SS)) think there's enough people... We'll post in this topic, so just wait until then...
[I]Warlock sighed as the sun set, casting an eerily look over the tower... Warlock had just taken a break from the Zork Elders training, which had already taken a day... Aldor stood beside him, also gazing out towards the horizon... [/I] Warlock: Aldor... We have to get the training done now... Maybe if we have time afterwards, we'll get the Elders to teach us more... Aldor: ...I guess we should. I'll tell the Elders. Meet you at the door... [I]As Aldor walked over to the Elders, Warlock began to walk into the tower, where he was greated by Popo...[/I] Warlock: I'll be using the ROST. Popo: Of course, sir. The food has already been replenished since Sephiroth's stay. Warlock: No wonder he got so strong... Well, I'll see you in a day Popo. [I]Popo bowed, and walked off... Warlock waited by the ROST door, and after a few minutes, Aldor arrived... With a single nod, Warlock opened the door, and both walked in, the door then closing behind them...[/I]
[I]Warlock watches as Flash starts to become smaller and smaller, and begins to slow to a halt... He deactivates his Speed-Boost, leaving it so it can recharge, and puts more power into his feet boosters... He jumps up into the air, turns horizontal, and then blasts off in Flash's direction, down the highway (Like Bass)... Slowly, a city begins to appear, like the one they were in before... But this one is abandoned, slightly demolished and completely quiet... He arrived at the edge, and readied himself for Flash's probable emergence...[/I]
Warlock: ...I don't need to catch you... [I]Warlock, barely keeping track of Flash's movements, pointed his buster up in the air... The nuzzle started to brighten and cackle... Then, electricity started to dance around it...[/I] Warlock: You may be fast, but you ain't as fast as light... [i]The entire area brightened, and then with a loud cackle, electricity burst off in every direction... It seemed attracted to Flash, and before he knew it, the electricity circled around his body, short-circuiting his boosters... As he slowed, Warlock drew out his sabre, and using his 'speed-boost' powerup, launched at Flash... [/i]
First off, no double-posting! I realise you're new, but you still should've read the rules. Well, first off, I really don't know who the kid is. I haven't seen anything from the end of DBGT... And to get the banner at the end of your sig, first you have to make one. For more information about it, go to General Discussion, and to the 'Images in Sig' topic...
That... Sounds... Completely... Positively... WICKED! I will make sure to hunt down and kill you because of that awesome paintball course... But anyway, extremely lucky you... I have an extreme interest in Paintball and Laser-Tag games, so playing Paintball their would be a dream of mine... Have fun, man...
[I]Warlock, still on his 'speed-boost' powerup, swipes where Flash was the exact moment time started up again... The sabre goes behind him due to the momentom, and the buster shot meets it... The powerup runs out, and Warlock suddenly feels himself been sent flying forward... Half of the buster shot is absorbed into Warlock's Cossack Sabre, while the other half pushes up against it... Warlock activates the boosters in his feet, which slow him down, which in turn causes the buster shot to split, and it flies right by Warlock, missing him by bare mili-metres... He lands on the ground, and then quickly flips onto his feet...[/I] Warlock: ...Way too fast...
[I]Flash continues to wait, and doesn't notice the teleportion trail appearing from the sky behind him... Warlock's hand forms into a buster, and Flash spins around...[/I] Flash: There you are... Warlock: *Pulls out lightsaber* Indeed. [I]Warlock quickly initiated his 'speed-boost', and everything slowed down... He ran forward, lightsaber in his ready position, and then leaped into the air... Flash, who was had just got out his sabre, wasn't able to keep up with Warlock's movements, and before to long, Warlock was coming down from above, his sabre pulled back...[/I]
[I]Warlock started to duck, but he wasn't fast enough... The beam plowed right into his torso, exploding on impact... Slowly, the dust settled, and Warlock lied there, a large chunk of his torso missing, and the rest of his body partly damaged...[/I] Warlock: Got... To... Ge-- Repaire--.. [I]Warlock gave Flash one last look, and teleported out... He sent a message to the computer of the holographic simulation, and slowly the jungle faded out... Flash watched as corridors faded in around him... He noticed a window to his right, and walked over to it... He was on top of a skyrise... Elsewhere, Warlock fell into a room full of engineer robots... They flew at him, materials with them...[/I]
Warlock: Hmmmm... But I wonder what the pyrimad was built for... Syth: Well, it's probably on part of the inscription... Warlock: Well, you get to work... I really need a shower... [I]Warlock walked out, and to the Shower Room of the ship... He closed the door behind him, and stripped down... He walked under the shower, and it turned on by itself, it's sensors feeling his presence... A mix of water and anti-viruls poured all over him, and after the shower max of 1 minute and a half, it shut down... Drying himself off, Warlock fingered the newly aqquired scar he had on his right shoulder, and rolled his shoulder muscles, before getting dressed... He opened the door, and walked back to the rest of the crew...[/I]
Oh, it's quite deep... ------------ [I]Warlock stood at the edge of the lookout, his cape fluttering in the wind as he gazed on... Behind him, Aldor walked up...[/I] Aldor: The Zork Elders are now ready to teach you. Warlock: So I take it I did well in the meditation test. Aldor: According to them, you're on of the best students they've ever had. Warlock: Why don't I find that surprising? Aldor: Who knows... Anyway, they're ready. [I]Taking on last look out at the earth below, Warlock turned and walked over to the Zork Elders...[/I]
Warlock: We'll... See about that... [I]Warlock aims his buster at Flash, and fires about a dozen small energy balls, all of which spin towards Flash... He quickly gets his G-Shield, and puts it in front of his torso... A few metres from Flash, they change direction slightly, and he has to move his G-Sheild in front of his face... They all bombard on the shield, and Flash puts the shield back in it's ready-postion on his forearm... [/I] Flash: You missed. Warlock: I never miss Ninja Ned! [I]Suddenly, Flash is sent flying forward thanks to some energy orbs fired by Warlock, who had fired them when Flash had his vision covered by his G-Shield... As Flash started to get up, Warlock charged up his buster, and fired...[/I]
Stop this NOW! I'm sick of hearing you to flaming each other... If you're going to do it, do it OUTSIDE of the Otaku Boards... Sheesh...
[b]Name:[/b] Warlock [b]Age:[/b] 152 years [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Weapons:[/b] Type 5 X-Buster 'Hellspawn', 'COSSACK 001' Beam Sabre [b]History:[/b] Warlock was Dr Light's last creation, even though he was started after the events of MM3... Warlock was a 'hobby' project of Dr Light's, which he worked on in his spare time... After the events of MM7, Dr Light also started work on MegaMan X, leaving the half-completed Warlock to lie and wait to be built... After a few years, Proto Man decided to activate what was done on Warlock so far, and Warlock's life began... Due to his lower torso and legs not being completed, he watched over the lab for a few years, watching as Dr Light and several robots went along with their work... Then, one fateful day, a green robot he had seen several times appeared, warning the good Docter of danger coming... Dr Light, who had only just sealed away X, rushed up to Warlock, and started to finish him off... However, just as his his first leg was attached, something smashed through the roof... This red robot started laying waste to the lab, and Warlock watched as Rock, Dr Light and several other robots were slain... Protoman, who had been away when this robot first appeared, teleported in... A battle between the two occured, and in the end Protoman, almost defeaten, grabbed Warlock and teleported out... They appeared at a mountain overlooking the lab, and watched as a giant generator by it's side was blown up by the red robot... The explosion which occured was gigantic, and Protoman yet again teleported out, returning back after the shockwave was gone... They looked out over the destruction, before deciding to find a safehaven... Warlock suggested another lab he had heard off, and Protoman teleported out with Warlock again... This time, they appeared in Russia, right at the entrance of Dr Cossack's lab... They met Dr Cossack, and he became intrigued with Warlock's design.... Finishing Warlock off, he also gave him an experimental beam sabre he had just made, including a few more upgrades... For a few weeks, both Protoman and Warlock trained at Dr Cossack's lab, until disaster struck... The red robot appeared again, laying waste to most of the lab... Both Warlock and Protoman teamed up on it, and just barely lost... Protoman yelled at Warlock to leave, saying that if he trained up, he could one day defeat the robot... Warlock teleported out, but came back almost straight after, realising his mistake to have Protoman sacrifice himself... When he appeared, everything was rubble, and Protoman and the red robot were gone... However, Warlock found Protoman's visor, and changing it into sunglasses, he wore them... From the on, he continued to train... Fastforward to the present, Warlock now works with the Reploid Hunters, still looking for Protoman who he hopes to be still alive, and forever feeling hatred towards Zero... [b]Persona:[/b] Cool, collective, and calm in a fight (most of the time). Warlock is an experienced fighter, who always helps those in need.
[I]But, Warlock being the slippery one he is, teleports out just as the buster fires... Flash lands, and begins to dodge the lightning, frustrated... He looks up, and then sees Warlock's teleportation trail coming down a few miles away...[/I] Flash: I hate when he does that... [I]Flash concentrates, and also teleports...[/I]
[i] With the busters only seconds away from firing, Warlock activates his trump card... Focusing on his custom active cloak, it quickly slides out of his back, making him several feet taller, and encasing all but his head by the almost impenetrable cloak... The Buster Cannons chose this moment to unleash a high concentration energy attack, which hit Warlock dead on... And was absorbed by the cloak... [/i] Warlock: You have your G-Sheild, I have my cloak... [i] Very quickly, the cloak folded back into his back, and Warlock flipped over Flash, his left hand turning into a buster, his right doing the same... Both locked onto Flash's head on the other side of the rock... [/i] Warlock: I dare you to make a move... --------------- And of course, you will. :rolleyes:
Erm... Well, due to internet problems, I missed the start of this... I don't have time to read all of it, so could someone just fill me in on what's happening, and I'll post...
I think he means what happened right after Goku was absorbed into the Dragonballs... Well, to tell the truth, we have no idea... And I guess we never will... The only way we even know Goku exists afterwards is because we see him 100 years after he's absorbed...
Well, I got 100, and I'm almost positive that his answers are right... Unless of cause I had luck on myside... But I'm pretty sure everything is in order...