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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [I]But as Flash brings down his Terra Fatals Beam, it only swipes through air... Flash spins around, trying to catch a glance of Warlock... Meanwhile, about 20 metres away, Warlock was jumping from rock to rock, esclating up a small hill overlooking the area... He stopped near the top, hid behind a large rock so Flash couldn't see him, and began to charge his buster...[/I] Flash: Where are you!? [I]Flash suddenly noticed the faint red light coming from the hill about 15 metres to his right, and was starting to run for cover when a large blast of light came down from above...[/I]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]:mad: Alright who deleted my post!? I wasn't spamming! It was just like all the other spectating posts!!! :mad: As soon as I find out whos been delelting my posts over the past few months is gonna pay...:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] Dbzman, there's no point in been annoyed. Your post had to true relevence to the fight anyway... If I could have it my way, I'd make it so this topic could only be posted in by me and Flash... Oh, and your turn Flash. --Note to all; This topic is now officially only for Warlock and I. You can read, but no posting... It detracts from the fight, and just ain't nessecary. -Flash
  3. Name: Warlock Age: 27 Height: 6'4" Race: Saiyiajin Appearance: (See attached picture) Level: Second Class Power Level: 13,500
  4. [I]Warlock swiped his Cossack blade at Flash's feet, but he jumped, and countered with a slash to the head... Warlock brought his sabre up, blocking the beam... They continued countering each other, until both sabres locked with each other...[/I] Flash: *trying to push forward* You're still just as good Warlock. Warlock: *also trying to push forward* That... I am. [I]Unbeknownst to Flash, Warlock had slipped his left hand off his Cossack Sabre, changed it into a buster, and aimed it at Flash from below... A shockwave erupted from it, sending Flash soaring back into a tree...[/I]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Erm, Never mind then. Back to teh story... o_O [/B][/QUOTE] Erm... I'd prefer to go back to THE story, not TEH story... :p ------------------------- [I]Warlock, the Zork and Aldor sat in a deep mediation circle, red energy flowing from one to the other...[/I] Zork Elder #1: [i]Gendash... Capar...[/i] Zork Elder #2: [i]Honder... Hesit...[/i] Warlock: [i] Capch![/i] [I]Red lightning shot between the group, and they continued on...[/I]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]D-gah, I remind you Warlock that we don't KNOW the Universe is in danger... Yet... Just the world... Ahh, ya made me ruin it... There goes the RPG... :( [/B][/QUOTE] ...I [I]don't[/I] know the universe is in danger. I simply want to be trained in Zork Magics so I'll be ready for when Dreadnaught returns... See, that works, doesn't it?
  7. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Warlock started to walk around the Grand Kai's planet, when a little blue kai stopped him...[/I] North Kai: Ahhh yes. You must be Warlock! Warlock: Erm... That I am... Who are you? North Kai: I'm the North Kai. I watch over your part of the galaxy. Warlock: ...Right... North Kai: I'll show you everything. [I]The North Kai began to walk away, and Warlock followed him...[/I]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]LOL, If you wnted help with magic, I was there....[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Quite true, but I want help with [i]Zork[/i] magic...
  9. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [i] Warlock and Flash sparred with the Golden Warrior, both sides showing no end... Warlock phased out as one of GW's punches came at him, and Flash kicked at the GW's head... The GW phased out, reappearing ten metres above Flash... It was then he felt hands grip around his arms... [/i] Warlock: NEIL!!! Do your attack NOW!!! [i] Neil watched hesitantly as Warlock yelled at him from behind the GW, who was struggling to get out of Warlock's arm grip... [/i] Warlock: DO IT! You can wish me back, okay! [i] Neil slowly nodded, and pointed his right hand at the GW and Warlock... Golden energy was already encircling the hand, and with one last through, initiated his attack...[/i] Neil: GAMA FLARE!! [i] A bunch of golden ki orbs erupted from Neil's hand, their energy tails trailing behind them... Up above, the GW struggled against Warlock, powering up to his max to try and escape Warlock's death grip... [/i] Warlock: I won't let you go that easily. [I]Warlock closed his eyes, tightening his grip on the GW, and channeling energy out of his body... And then, the golden orbs hit the GW and Warlock... [/I] [b] [code: Change topic name] Large 'Boomy' Explosion [/code] [/b] [i] The sky was alit as a golden explosion dominated the sky... Flash was sent flying fast into the ground, where he created a large crater... Dbzman, who was further away from 'ground zero', was thrown to the side, landing on the ground several miles away, dust, dirt and grass flying as he skidded to a stop... Neil and Rahia were thrown to the ground, hard, as the shockwave attempted to push them further into the ground... The Female Warrior, who was too close to the explosion, was ripped to peices by the energy of the explosion, and what happened to Pyro was similar to what happened to Flash... Slowly, the light faded, and the area could now be seen clearly... All the trees were gone, either obliterated or blown far away... The ground was scorched, and all wild life that had happened to be in the area was gone... One of the only things which stood relatively undamaged was the waterfall, which was protected by it's heavy magic... Slowly, everyone got up, and then noticed the two bodies lying on the ground, scorched, and not moving... [/i] [b] [code: Change topic name] Sigma-like return [/code] [/b] [I]The group, still badly injured, flew over to the two bodies, still staying on the alert... As they neared, they felt an extremely low lifeforce from one of themn... They landed next to it, and it smirked at them...[/i] GW: ...I... am... impressed... But... I... will... return... to... plague... you... aga- [I]The GW was silenced as Neil obliterated the body with a ki blast... Slowly, the group moved to the second body, which was of course, Warlock's... [/i] Flash: *pointing his hand at the body* I'll destroy it... Warlock would prefer it this way... [i] Energy appeared in Flash's hand, and then streaked out at Warlock's body, obliterating it... [/i] Rahia: Come on... Let's get healed... [b] [code: Change topic name] Other World [/code] [/b] [I]Warlock appeared at King Emma's desk, and looked up at the giant... [/i] Warlock: Why do I suddenly get the feeling my life... errr... death is about to get very weird? -------------------------------- I'm [i]really[/i] weird, aren't I?
  10. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]I'd finish off the GW with Gama Flare (The attack I wuz powerin up), but Locky might be pissed.....*sits and twittles thumbs, waiting for Lock to get on AIM* [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I would... Now Neil, tell me what this attack is, and how it works, and then I'll finish off this story arc... And sorry about not posting here that much, but with homework and everything, I kinda forgot about it. ^_^;;;; But anyway, now that I've got school holidays, I'll be able to focus on this more...
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Ahh, Silly me... God I want some Chips. Not Potato Chips, Chips ya get down at a Fish and Chip shop. Real chips. Not this French fry sh*t. Some real chips... But not the ones you get here, the ones ya get from the Akaroa fish shop down along main street... It's a 2 hour drive from here, but it'd be worth it... Hot D[u]a[/u]mn, those are nice. They've got the whole Lemon pepper thing going on.. And they're greasy... in a GOOD way. Plus, they have a seafood kinda taste with them, rather than just plain chip taste... Well that was pointless... [/B][/QUOTE] ... ... ... ... *slowly backs away* ---------------- [i] Warlock didn't move his eyes from where Connor disappeared from for a few minutes... Finally, he turned, and walked over to Rahia... [/i] Warlock: Listen... I've got alot of things to do... New things to learn, more power to gain... I'll see you in two days... [i] Warlock kissed Rahia, gave her one last glance after he pulled away, and flew over to Aldor, who was gazing down at the city[/i] Warlock: *touching down* Aldor... Where are the Zork? Aldor: They're on the outskirts of the city. *points* Warlock: Good... Follow me then... [I]Warlock powered up, and flew off towards the city, Aldor right behind him... Within a few seconds they had already reached the large group of Zork, and hovered above them... [/i] Warlock: Fellows... The universe, and the demensions are in great danger... I wish to gain the help of the Grand Elders, so I can gain more magical knowledge... [i] Warlock watched as a few of the Zork quickly talked to each other, and then stepped away from the crowd... [/i] Zork Elder: We will help you. Warlock: Thank you. [i] Warlock told his plan to the elders and Aldor, and together they teleported to Kami Dende's Lookout...[/i]
  12. [I]Warlock looks around, making sure the area is deserted... He concentrates on his left hand, and it turns into a buster... With his right hand, grabs his beam sabre, and flicks it on, emmiting a light red glow... He is ready to fight...[/I]
  13. Unfortuantely, this won't start for atleast about 15 hours or something... I don't have time to do anything and I'll be at school for the first half of tommorow... I'll edit over this when I get back... Sephiroth, keep your pants on until then. ;) --- Name: Warlock Model Number: DL 009 Height: 6'1" Weapons: Type 5 X-Buster 'Hellspawn', 'COSSACK 001' Beam Sabre Defense units: Custom Active Cloak History: Warlock was Dr Light's last creation, even though he was started after the events of MM3... Warlock was a 'hobby' project of Dr Light's, which he worked on in his spare time... After the events of MM7, Dr Light also started work on MegaMan X, leaving the half-completed Warlock to lie and wait to be built... After a few years, Proto Man decided to activate what was done on Warlock so far, and Warlock's life began... Due to his lower torso and legs not being completed, he watched over the lab for a few years, watching as Dr Light and several robots went along with their work... Then, one fateful day, a green robot he had seen several times appeared, warning the good Docter of danger coming... Dr Light, who had only just sealed away X, rushed up to Warlock, and started to finish him off... However, just as his his first leg was attached, something smashed through the roof... This red robot started laying waste to the lab, and Warlock watched as Rock, Dr Light and several other robots were slain... Protoman, who had been away when this robot first appeared, teleported in... A battle between the two occured, and in the end Protoman, almost defeaten, grabbed Warlock and teleported out... They appeared at a mountain overlooking the lab, and watched as a giant generator by it's side was blown up by the red robot... The explosion which occured was gigantic, and Protoman yet again teleported out, returning back after the shockwave was gone... They looked out over the destruction, before deciding to find a safehaven... Warlock suggested another lab he had heard off, and Protoman teleported out with Warlock again... This time, they appeared in Russia, right at the entrance of Dr Cossack's lab... They met Dr Cossack, and he became intrigued with Warlock's design.... Finishing Warlock off, he also gave him an experimental beam sabre he had just made, including a few more upgrades... For a few weeks, both Protoman and Warlock trained at Dr Cossack's lab, until disaster struck... The red robot appeared again, laying waste to most of the lab... Both Warlock and Protoman teamed up on it, and just barely lost... Protoman yelled at Warlock to leave, saying that if he trained up, he could one day defeat the robot... Warlock teleported out, but came back almost straight after, realising his mistake to have Protoman sacrifice himself... When he appeared, everything was rubble, and Protoman and the red robot were gone... However, Warlock found Protoman's visor, and changing them into sunglasses, wore them... From the on, he continued to train... Fastforward to the present, Warlock now works with the Reploid Hunters, still looking for Protoman who he hopes to be still alive, and forever feeling hatred towards Zero...
  14. Well, for some strange reason, I completely forgot about this RPG... So... Could someone fill me in with the current happenings so I can get back in?
  15. I knew this topic wouldn't stay hidden from you forever Neil... ----------------------------------------------- [I]Medium sized ki balls of red, blue and black hammered into the Neil from the sky, as Warlock centred more of his energy into his powerful sky bombardment... Neil, whose clothes were tattered, body was bleeding externally and internally, and literally been forced underground, was finding it hard to formulate a plan, let alone execute it? Then, for a bare second, Warlock stopped forcing ki into his attack? Sensing a break in the comic bombardment, Neil focused as much energy as he could muster into his palms? A few seconds later, Neil felt cold air rush around him, and he fired the ki which had built up in his palms? It spiralled towards Warlock, and just before hitting him, Warlock forced more energy out of his body? However, through his attack, all it did was force most of his energy into his attack, and leave him defenceless? The ball ploughed into his stomach, and he coughed up blood as the attack pushed him back like a steam engine, and then exploded? Up above, the continuing barrage of ki balls were no longer controlled by Warlock, and began to fall all over the battlefield? This last set of ki balls fell to the ground at around the same pace, and extremely quickly, hit the ground at the same time? The area entire area lit up like fireworks going off, and the lights of the simultaneous explosions could be seen from 100s of miles away? [/I]
  16. I'm surprised I missed this sign-up topic... Thank god there's a spot left... Even though I hardly show it, I'm a big Star-Wars fan... ------------------- Name: Raynor "Warlock" Dune Age: 26 Description: 6'3", short black hair, blue eyes, Rank: Sargent Wing #: 5 Home Planet: Coruscant R2 Name: Flash Bio: Born and bred in Corusant, Raynor grew up in a wealthy family, and always wanted to be a fighter pilot when he was young. He entered the New Republic Acadamy when he was only 17, and has excelled since then...
  17. Erm... Rahia... Syth's outside... ----------------------------------------- [I]The group wheeled their MCUs down to the bottom of the ramp, and stopped to have a quick look around.[/I] Syth: See anything Flash? Flash: *over radio* Hmmmm... There's a P12 Clean-Up 'bot... Along with a few P37 Cleanups... Nothing that'll 'cause that much trouble that I can see... But keep an eye out... Rico: Will do, Flash. [I]Warlock took a few steps forward, making sure his energy pistol was at 100% power... The rest of the group and their MCU's followed...[/I]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Oh. I thought it was just the top that got blown off.[/COLOR] :demon: [/B][/QUOTE] Heh heh. Wrong again Rahia... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Flashy[/i] [b][i]The top half of it exploded, revealing Dreadnaught clasping the Azure Jewel in his massive hand... He laughed, and then shot off into the sky, with such force that he obliterated the rest of the tower...[/i][/b][/QUOTE] See?:p
  19. [I]Warlock smirked, and both of them turned to the window, and gazed out at the readying "space station" city... [/I] [B]*~* Meanwhile... *~*[/B] [I]Chole, Iris, Pi, Siren and the others watched the city from a distance, all the while slowly walking towards it...[/I] Chole: This isn't right... Iris: I know... How could the city just burst back to life like that!? Liam: ...And why is it doing this anyway? Chole: I have no idea. [B]*~* Back at the city...*~*[/B] [I]The reactors sparked with energy, slowing filling up the energy tanks powering the city... Several of the builings around the city were being pushed up from the ground... Slowly, spires cracked out of the ground... 1 hour and 45 minutes were left...[/I]
  20. [I]Warlock appeared next to Flash, who was back in his shady office, glancing down at the city through the office's east window...[/I] Warlock: They have been moved, brother... Flash: Good... Good... Warlock: Shall we procede with the next stage? Flash: Of course Warlock... Of course...
  21. [I]Warlock un-hooked a medium-sized energy pistol from his hazard suit's belt, and powered it up...[/I] Syth: Okay... Let's go. [I]Slowly, the airlock hatch opened, and the team made their way down the long ramp leading down... Rico looked around, sensing movement...[/I] Rico: Tell them to get the turret's ready... Seems like they robots are on the alert... Warlock: Yeah... I know... [I]The group continued decending...[/I]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=purple]LOL, you are supposed to meet Connor and the rest of the fighter type peoples at the ..........um............tower?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] If you're talking to me, that already happened... And it was at the cliff north of the city...:p ;) Oh, and the tower was completely destroyed by Dreadnaut just before Connor gave the message...:p
  23. Well, I've [I]never[/I] heard George Micheal until just a few minutes ago when I read this thread... So yeah, I have no idea about his raunchyness or whatever about him has being raising eyebrows...
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sere Tuscumbia [/i] [B][I]AND[/I] Selven isn't the type to run . . . that's the one thing you got to get through your thick skull; Selven isn't human, and I don't think she's gonna run. [/B][/QUOTE] True, but if you have the combined forces of Warlock and Flash about to kill you, it's probably the smartest option... And Selven is smart, right?:p
  25. *Rubs head* I'm way to confused...:rolleyes: -------------------------------------- [I]Warlock overlooked the city from the cliff face, his eyes drilled on the arena where, only about 10 minutes ago, Sephiroth was killed... Warlock gazed out at all the destruction, knowing nothing could be alive there... Energy began to cackle around Warlock, warming up the air... And in one large shout of fury, power erupted... As the light faded, Warlock floated above the ground, his hair red, white and black... His body was about 50 centimetres taller, and his eyes were pure blood red... And as all this happened, his hair slightly flickered to complete blsck, as did his eyes... But as Warlock's rage began to slowly subside, so did the flashings of black... Maybe it was his saiyijin side coming through, but Warlock couldn't wait for the chance to rip out Dreadnaut's eye... Warlock lifted further into the air, and flew off towards the destroyed arena... [/I]
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