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Everything posted by Warlock
[I]The Clone and Selven looked at each other, and ran out of the office extremely quickly... Flash pointed his hand at their retreating backs, and black energy formed in his hand... However, before he could fire, Warlock put his hand in front of him...[/I] Warlock: No... Don't kill them yet... Flash: And why not!? [I]Warlock's pupils flashed white for a second, before turning back to their normal black...[/I] Warlock: They... They will be dealt with in time...
[I]Warlock kneeled on the ground, covering something with his body... His clothes were badly burnt and battered, and half of his face bloody... Slowly, he got up, pulling up Rahia and Cinoris, who he was shielding...[/I] Rahia: ...Oh my god... Look at what it did... Warlock: ...Half the audience... Dear god... [I]Warlock wiped his hand across his face, wiping off abit of blood... He started to walk back, but stumbled, only regaining his composure right before he hit the ground... He floated back to his feet, and inspected his legs...[/I] Rahia: I think we should get away from the arena. Warlock: ...I'm with you 100%...
[I]I will stop you and your evil doings, if it's the last thing I do.[/I] [B]Oh, I'm not so sure... Not so sure at all...[/B] [I]Deny it all you want... I will win in the end...[/I] [B]You forget who's reigned surpreme all this time... You may have won in the past, but you will never win again.[/B] [I]You should know by now I'm truly more powerfull... You are a part of ME, not the other way round... In the end, I will prevail...[/I] [B]We shall see... We shall see...[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Warlock appeared above Meteo City, masked from view by the clouds surrounding him... He floated there, his eyes glazed over, as if he was fighting an erternal battle inside his head...[/I]
[I]Slowly, Warlock's eyelids fluttered open slightly... All he could see was a dim light right above his head, and what looked like a black shape moving around at the side of his vision... Slowly, his eyes became more focused, and a head popped up in front of the light...[/I] Flash: You alright buddy? Warlock: Ugh... Yeah... Except my entire body aches... Flash: That happens when a seeker's tentacles smash into you. [I]Warlock blinked his eyes and few times, and he saw everything clearly...[/I] Warlock: Next time Flash, you can get beaten and bruised alot all in the same day...
[I]Warlock knelt down next to Rahia, and placed his hand on her shoulder... Warlock closed his eyes, and with 'whooshing' sound, both Warlock and Rahia teleported to the arena... As Rahia got to her feet, the original Warlock and the copy fused back into one, and walked over to Rahia...[/I] Warlock: At the moment they seem to be even... Rahia: But that will all change. Warlock: *slowly nods head* Yes... That I know...
[I]Warlock closed the locker in his small room hard, stiffling a yawn as began putting on his Environment Suit... As he finished putting it all on, he walked to his door, and it slid open... On the other side, he was greeted by Flash...[/I] Flash: Er... Sorry 'bout the VR training t- Warlock: Don't worry about it... I'll make sure to make you pay sometime... Flash: Thanks alot. Warlock: No prob'. [I]They both began walking down the narrow corridor, talking about their up-coming ore-mining mission...[/I]
[I]Warlock quickly jumped to his feet, watching the battle through his mind... [/I] Warlock: Seph's got better... Too bad I can't have a re-match... He ain't the only one who's got better... [I]As Warlock 'saw' the shield's begin to flicker, he felt the sudden urge to be at the arena, watching over the match in person... he glanced at Rahia's body, then smirked... He put his arms out horizontly, and slowly, a weaker copy of Warlock split out of the original... With only a quick nod, Warlock teleported to outside the arena, leaving his copy with Rahia...[/I]
[I]Back in the waterfall, Warlock stood near the entrance, all his thoughts focusing on the newly started fight between Juggernaut and Sephiroth... For a reason he didn't know, he turned back to look at Rahia's body, senseing some kind of flicker of life... Slowly, he walked over to Rahia's body, put his right hand on her forehead, and closed his eyes...[/I] Warlock: Guess I might as well... [I]He started chanting something in the Zork language, and a red portal began to form above him...[/I] Warlock: Ghosts of More... Locate this lost soul... [I]Several spirits leapt out of the portal, and began to fly around Rahia... Seconds later however, Warlock lost his concentration, and the spirits and the portal collapsed...[/I] Warlock: Darn...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]I wanted to change my Awaken date...to 9.07.2174...my actual birth month and day...just so I don't have to look back as often...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, that's what I did... Alot easier to remember... *sigh* Hopefully we'll start soon... It looks like this could be quite a good RPG...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Actually Warlock, we already settled that in AIM... Now about that attachemnt? *rubs forehead* :mrt: :therock: :cross: :smooch: [/B][/QUOTE] What the...? Where on earth is the attachment!?!?!?! Grrrr... Da*n vB... Name: Warlock Age: 24 Race: Saiyiajin Appearance: (Check attachment) Level: 2nd Class Power Level: 12,000 *crosses fingers* It better work this time...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]OOC: gah! just posting my stats then I notice its over my timing is waaaaay off. . [/B][/QUOTE] You mean you missed James' final post? I think you need your eyes checked... And Rahia, yet again, lucky you....:rolleyes:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]This whole topic is less than 560 letters long so far. Shiro, look at SS Trunks' Metal Gear RPG. He started it yesterday. Look at the first plot. Look at the sign-up sheet. Notice a difference? It has something your RPG lacks... PLOT!! Shiro, I don't know if you got the idea for this RPG from SS Trunks or not, but the fact of the matter is if you make an RPG, take sometime to think about it. A new Metal Gear, you say? Then why is it called Rex? That was from MGS, remember? ...*sigh* [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah Flash, you pretty much summed it up. And listen Shiro, if you want a Metal Gear RPG, you might as well sign up in SS Trunks' RPG. And what's the point of an RPG without a plot? I recommend you atleast have a sign-up sheet, as Flash said...
[I]Liam turns to look back at Warlock, but sees he is nowhere to be found...[/I] Liam: Da*n... He's dissappeared... Warlock: Not quite... [I]From behind Liam, Warlock's fist connected with the back of his head, sending him flying into the middle of the room... Liam lies there, unconscious... Warlock turned to Flash, who still had his gun aimed at Chole's head...[/I] Warlock: I think we've effectivly got the message across....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Then it's not really the Saiyajin army then, is it... :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] I think you should stop Flash... You're probably hurting his brain...;) Name: Warlock Age: 24 Race: Saiyiajin Appearance: (Check attachment) Level: 2nd Class Power Level: 12,000
Ugh, could everyone stop posting at once? Everytime I try to type something, someone else posts...
Okay everyone, I think it'd be good if we actually got on with the story/RPG... ------------------------------------ [I]...Warlock stepped through the falling water, into the cavern behind the waterfall... Still cradling Rahia's body in his arms, he walked a few metres in around the edge, and then set Rahia's corpse down by the water... As he looked down at her body, a single tear ran down his cheek, landing in Rahia's hair... And he stood there, not moving at all...[/I]
[B]Terminal Accessed... Please input user name and password...[/B] [i]... ... ... ...User Name:[/i] Warlock [I]... ...Password:[/I] ********* [B]... ... User name and password accepted... Now initiating primary user systems...[/B] [I]Azn... Initiated... UrHis... Initiated... UrDts... Initiated... HckSys... Initiated... Scr... Initiated... Trk... Initiated... Com... Initiated... ... ...[/I] [B]Primary user systems initiated... [/B] [I]Secondary Systems (OK/Cancel)?[/I] Cancel [B]Terminal now ready... ... ... NOTICE: User details must be updated...[/B] [i]Name - [/i] Warlock [i]Age - [/i] 23 [i]Blood - [/i] Type A [i]Awaken Date - [/i] 16.05.2176 [i]Position - [/i] Battle Specialist/Hacker; SCH-071 "Zephyr" [i]Primary Weapon - [/i] P-90 [i]Secondary Weapon - [/i] Double Black 9mm [i]Inventory - [/i] 2x Medpack, 1x Combat Vest, 1x Binoulars, 1x Scrambler, 1x Specialised Sunglasses (nightvision), 1x fingerless gloves, 2x titanium knives, 1x custom head mobile 'phone' (speaker in the ear, and microphone insterted on one of the teeth) [I]Update User Details (OK/Cancel)?[/I] OK [B]... ... User Details updated... [/B] [i]Access other systems (OK/Cancel)?[/i] Cancel [i]Unlog off terminal (OK/Cancel)?[/i] OK [B]Turning off systems... ... ... ... ... ... Systems turned off... Logging off user [i]Warlock[/i]... [i]Warlock[/i] logged off...[/B]
[I]...Warlock kept low, a Covenant Scout Ship passing a few metres away... He was contemplating shooting the driver, when he heard the sound of light footsteps down in a small valley down to his side... Readying his P-90, he crept to the edge, looking down into the valley...[/I] Warlock: Zarith! Zarith: *Looks around* Raynor? Warlock: Above you! And what have I told you about not calling me by my nickname...
[I]...Warlock flipped back, the relfected ki shot missing him by a metre... As soon as he landed on his feet, several of the ki entities appeared, and passed right through him... Warlock felt his nerves begin to fry, and collapsed onto the void 'floor', dripping of sweet, and bleeding all round... Slowly, he got to his feet, and dissapeared from the void...[/I] Aldor: You look awful Warlock... [I]Warlock walked forward after appearing next to Aldor, walking toward the arena, still sweety and bloody... He started to turn to Aldor, when he saw Rahia's body, lying on the ground, left there even an hour after her death... Warlock walked up to her corpse, picking it up, and flew off in the direction of her waterfall...[/I]
Looks like you've finally got a big name here...:D ----------------------------------------- Name: Raynor 'Warlock' Dune Color Armour: Red Gender: Male Age: 25 Side: Good Weapon: P-90 Bio: One of the only senior members in the group, Raynor is collective and cool under pressure. After killing most of his family and friends, Raynor is willing to die to kill off the Covenant once and for all.
[I]...A few minutes later, Warlock leant against a wall right in front of where Rahia died, not moving, not blinking, and hardly breathing... [/I] Kaloc: Is there anyway we can snap him out of this? Aldor: *shakes head* No... He has to do it himself... Kaloc: What if he's like this when we need him for the fight after Safer's match... Aldor: ...Judging by Juggernaut's power, I doubt it would matter... Warlock: ...Everything makes a difference Aldor... [I]Aldor and Kaloc both looked to where Warlock was, only seeing him a metre in front of them...[/I] Warlock: You must remember that... [I]...In a flash of white, Warlock dissapeared...[/I]
[I]...Warlock crept away from Flash slowly, looking at him like he was crazy...[/I] Warlock: ...I have no idea why I agreed to let you guide me here... [I]Warlock was about to turn around, when he felt some force gripping onto him, resticting him to go further... He turned back to Flash, his face masked with annoyance...[/I] Warlock: Let me go. Flash: No... Warlock: Let me go! Flash: No... I know you'll agree with me in the end... Warlock: Let me go now or you'll have a fight on your hands... Flash: Wait a bit longer... I know you're oppinion will change...
[I]...Meanwhile, inside the cavern behind the waterfall...[/I] Golden Warrior: ...Warlock is no longer one of us... Female Warrior: What!? How was the connection broken!? GW: I don't know... Though his strong mind may have something to do with it... FW: ...What else is happening? GW: They're getting ready to attack... We should get out of this waterfall... They have a slight advantage in here... FW: Yes, sir... [I]Both the warriors quickened their pace, heading towards the waterfall...[/I]
[I]...Warlock smashed through the solid glass of the Warrior's Lounge, instantly turning Super Saiyia-Jin... Zyluis and Aldor both appeared at his side, grabbing his arms, forceing him to stay...[/I] Warlock: Let go of me! Aldor: Stop it! Don't even try on taking on Juggernaut! Warlock: Try and stop me!!! [I]Warlock twisted his arms around, Aldor and Zyluis slightly loosing their grips... In a flash, Warlock elbowed them both on their wrists, and flew forward, now out of their grips... As he flew, his hair flashed red, with black and white streaks... His eyes went completely black, and he drew back his fist as he reached Juggernaut... Centimetres from hitting Juggernaut, Warlock fist was caught by one of Juggernaut's massive hands, and he was thrown up into the air... Annoyance flashed over Warlock's face, and he looked at Rahia's lifeless body... His hair started to wave around, as if it was in zero-gravity... For a split second it was black, then back, and then black again... Warlock's already black eyes seemed to grow deeper, and black ki began to dance around his body... He had accenened to the form he had achieved when he almost died in his fight against Safer... He phased out, appearing behind Juggernaut and punching him right in the head... Juggernaut was sent forward, before swiping his right hand at Warlock... Warlock caught the hand, and tried to hold it from hitting him... After a few seconds, Warlock was unable to keep it away, and it plowed into him... Warlock was sent into the sheild... The sheild shuddered under the force, but held... Just... Warlock slid down the shield, about to go at Juggernaut again, when several hands grabbed him... Not caring who they were, he pushed them to the side, and flew forward at Juggernaut, where he was hit by a dark ki ball... It exploded on impact, and Warlock hit the ground, now back in his normal form, and barely alive... [/i]
[I]...Up above the arena in the Warrior's Lounge, Warlock watched the starting battle below, face serious and concerned... He felt a hand on his shoulder, and saw his twin-brother Aldor...[/I] Aldor: Relax Warlock... She'll get out alive... Warlock: ...I hope you're right... [I]Aldor took his hand off Warlock's shoulder, and both of them gazed down at the battle...[/I]