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Everything posted by Warlock
Warlock: *smirk* Oh trust me... You wouldn't of killed me... [I]Neil looked down at the ground, a frown on his face...[/I] Warlock: Come on... Let's go kick some masked warrior a*s... [I]...Neil looked up from the ground, and looked Warlock straight in the eye... Slowly, his mouth formed a smirk...[/I] Neil: ...I like how you think.
Neil: NO!!! [I]Neil brought his head back, and Warlock had to let go of Neil to evade it... As Neil flipped over towards Warlock, Warlock jumped up into the air, turned horizontal in mid-air, and zoomed at Neil, feet first... Warlock's feet hit Neil in his jaw, and continued pushing forward... Neil was sent flying back into the ground, where he slid for a few metres... Warlock landed in front of him, ready for any retaliation...[/I] Warlock: Neil... Stop this... Now...
[I]...Up above the waterfall, storm clouds were brewing... Down below, Neil continued shouting out Warlock's name... Slowly, Warlock's eyelids fluttered open... He got to his feet, and smirked when he realised he was no longer under the GW's control... [/I] Neil: THERE YOU ARE!!! [I]Warlock spun around, coming face to face with Neil... It began to pour...[/I]
[I]...As they walked down the corridor which seemed to go forever, Warlock continued glancing around, as if expecting a trap at any corner...[/I] Flash: Relax... We are on the same side now... Warlock: ...How can I be sure? Flash: Oh... You'll see soon enough... [I]Warlock took another look at Flash, and images flicked across his mind very quickly...[/I] Warlock: [I](Something about him is so familar... So, so, so familar... Those clothes are just weilded in my brain... And they seem to of being a long, long time ago... But why can't I figure out what it means?...)[/I] [I]Warlock sighed, and stopped suddenly when he realised they'd made it to the end of the corridor... A large rusted metal sliding door was in there way... Flash nodded at the door, and Warlock stepped closer...[/I]
[I]As Sephiroth dissapeared, Warlock sighed yet again.[/I] Warlock: There is no chance at all that he could win against Juggernaut... I doubt he could survive for over 10 minutes... But I guess we better not focus on the fight... Zyluis: Yes... We should focus on after it... Warlock: I can tell you one thing though... By the end of this week, things are going to either be gone, or badly damaged... That I can assure you with...
Zyluis: Which is...? [I]Warlock turned away from the conversation, sighing as he looked out at the arena. Already a small group of maintence workers were cleaning up the small amount of damage inflicted on the mighty arena.[/I] Warlock: By the end of the day, the match between Sephiroth and Juggernaut will arrive... Things are going to heat up alot... [I]Sighing again, he turned back to the converation, knowing soon things would be all revealed...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]When did this topic turn from 'Hey Aussies' to 'Tell everyone where you're from...' :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] Welcome to the OtakuBoards Flash. Where topics simply talking about what kind of underwear you wear turn into topics about what is [I]your[/I] favourite sock.;)
[I]As the group made their way out of the alleyway, a man stood on top of a building next to the alleyway. He watched them get out of his sight, and he then jumped off the roof, landing firmly on the ground. Taking a look around, he pulled up his slightly slipping trenchcoat, and slowly stalked after the others...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]*sigh* What a hottie.........................;) And he's MINE!!![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I could use that right back at ya with the pic of Rahia you showed a while back... Without the 'he' of course... ^_^;;;;;
Well, I've just attached a picture of Warlock which our amazing 'creator' (He [i]may[/i] of payed my to say that) drew. So, enjoy!
Yep, I'm an aussie. I live down in Melbourne, Vic. Quite close to James too... ...Um...Er...That's All Folks! *Chews on carrot, then dissapears down a rabbithole*
[I]Raynor opened the door for Prince and Levyn, locking it firmly shut after they had got in. Raynor stuck his hand out at Flash, and waited until he had shook it.[/I] Raynor: Name's Raynor. Prince: Call me Prince. [I]Warlock walked over to a nearby boarded up window, and peered through a small peephole in the wood.[/I] Warlock: No more dinosoars at the moment... Hopefully we'll have a nice next hour.... [I]Warlock turned back to Flash after taking on last look.[/I] Warlock: Say... Want me to get you something to eat? Flash: Sure... I'm starving... [I]Warlock walked off, Flash walking slowly after him...[/I]
Oh, that rules! That was really well made, and I've already watched it way too many times for me to count... I've gotta cogratulate the person who made that quite abit...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] Dear God, how do you find that funny? That's just sick...¬¬[/B][/QUOTE] Don't you know the laws of funnyness? Sick = Funny. And in NeoCactuar's case, the sickness if about level 8, so that makes it really funny... And if you can't understand me, don't worry. Even I can't understand what I just typed...
[I]After drinking up the several kegs of water, Warlock headed for the arena, talking with Kaloc, who was trying to help him jog his memory.[/I] Kaloc: And then Juggernaut fired a laser right through your right arm, and then punched you aside right in Mystical Pan... Speaking of Pan, I wonder where she's gone too... Warlock: ... Mystical... Pan... I do not remember her... Kaloc: Anyway, after that just when Mystical Pan was about to be killed, Connor first appeared... He- Warlock: Connor! I remember him... Kaloc: Well, we're getting somewhere... [I]Both of them entered the Warrior's Lounge, and Kaloc continued to talk as Warlock got ready to watch the next match...[/I]
[I]Warlock sat back, relaxing as his space pod drew nearer to the next planet that needed to be rid of all life, then sold... Looking at the small computer, Warlock typed in a few things, before sleep overcame him... [/I] Computer: [I]Planet Secra 2 is within two minutes of atomsphere descent... Please affirm atomsphere descent...[/I] [I]Warlock woke up, and looked at the pod's clock... He had been asleep for 23 hours... He bent forward, affirming the descent to the planet... Slowly, all of the pods reached the outer atomsphere of the planet, and began their descent...[/I]
[I]Raynor stood guard at the back entrance to the hotel, secret, yet still a possible area where the dinosaurs could attack from... He sighed, swinging around his newly aqquired gunblade, something he had got from someone on the boat a while after it crashed... He heard the snap of a twig, and stopped where he was... Quietly, he put his gunblade away, and pulled out his Magnums, and pointed them into the bushes... For a few seconds, he didn't hear anything, but then he saw a man came running out of the bushes... And what was beside... [/I] Man: Hey, you! Thank god, someone else on this island other than those god forsaken Dinosau-- [I]Raynor made rapid cutting movements across his neck... The man looked to his right... And came face to face with a dinosaur...[/I]
So, when do we get this show on the road?
[I]Kaloc wandered through the halls, now fully healed, and looking for Zyluis so he could wish him luck in the next round... As he turned a bend, he was knocked off his feet as someone in black came flashing by... Kaloc crooked up his head, and his eyes grew larger...[/I] Kaloc: Warlock!? [I]He jumped onto his feet, and ran after Warlock, eager to find out what had happend...[/I]
Raynor: I'll check the outskirts of the market, you go down that way. *Points though a group of people* Suzuku: Alrighty. [I]Raynor slipped his hand into his jacket, fingering a 9mm. He pushed past large groups of people, some who backed away, obviously realising that Raynor could have a 9mm within a few inches of his right hand. [/I] Raynor: (Doesn't look like it's around here.) [I]Raynor began to turn around, but instantly heard what sounded like a riot a few blocks away. He pulled out his 9mm, and ran...[/I]
Name: Warlock *cough* Age: 21 Race: Saiyin/Zork Weight: How will our weight affect the RPG? In no way whatsoever. Height: 6'2" Bio: Abbandoned on Planet Vegeta when he was hardly one, he was taken in by a proud saiyin family, where he was intended to be a slave when he grew older. However, he showed above average power, and instead he was trained, becoming a saiyin warrior. Apperance: Spikey black hair, black eyes with red pupils, black baggy trousers, black gi, black boots. Disposition: Calm, not easily angered and cool under pressure. Power Level: 20,000
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]WOOHJOO!!!!!! [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Woohjoo?:therock: Anyway, I remember the RPG quite well... Guess it's time for Raynor to return... ------------------------------------ Name: Raynor Age: 20 Personality: Calm, serious and cool under pressure. Appearance: 6'4", short black hair, blue eyes, black trousers with red streaks, black shirt, black trenchcoat. Fave long-range weapon: 9mm Fave short-range weapon: Gunblade (I've been playing [i]way[/i] too much FF8 lately...) Bio: Still an undercover cop, he continues to infiltrate Drub Dealers. (Sorry, just had to do that). Seriously though... Bio: After the first Possesor incident, Raynor retired from his undercover job for a year, and when he returned, he was greated by men in black suits. Seems he had been recommanded to a secret severice agency. Now, he continues his job as an undercover man, but now working under an agency...
Warlock: You...were? Rahia: Hmmmm... I think I know how to partly refresh your memory... [I]Rahia bent down so she was eye to eye with Warlock, then pressed her lips against his. As she pulled away, Warlock looked right at Rahia, then slightly smiled.[/I] Warlock: You're Rahia! Rahia: Correct! [I]Slowly, Warlock got up, and looked around at the people surrounding him.[/I] Warlock: I still don't remember these other guys... But if you'll excuse me, I got to go get some water... Headache is killing me... [I]Warlock ran off, Rahia and Zyluis following...[/I]
No, Gohan DOES die. When Buu blows up the earth, only Goku, Vegeta, Hercule and his puppy are teleported off the earth, leaving everyone else to be killed. And LittleFluteSan, there is another character who we see who doesn't die. Hercule.
The Simpsons and Futramama...