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Everything posted by Warlock
RPG/Stories all the way! I [I]am[/I] the one of the Mods of that forum after all...
[I]As Rahia got within striking range of Warlock, he dropped to the ground, the spear missing him by inches... As Bilouhou came past, Warlock inserted his foot in it's side, sending Bilouhou and Rahia flying to the side, right into the FW... Thinking that they were out of action for the time being, he turned towards the waterfall, only to fell a burning pain in his backside... He looked back, and saw Rahia, spear in hand, which was inserted in his back...[/I] Rahia: Take that! Warlock: ...How?... [I]And with that, Warlock fell to the ground, the spear still inserted in his back... As Rahia pulled it out, the tatto on Warlock's left upper arm slowly dissapeared...[/I]
Warlock: I... I don't know... [I]Warlock got up onto his knees, and looked around at everyone who was around him.[/I] Warlock: Who... Are you all? Zyluis: He's got amensia... Damn... Rahia: Do you know who you are? Warlock: No... I can't remember anything...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Anyway, N*Sync played, hence the reason I didn't watch it, seeing as I hate N*Sync an' all. *hides Justin Timberlake plushie* What are you looking at? Be off with you! [/B][/QUOTE] Y'know Flash, I will [I]never[/I] fully understand you... To tell the truth, I doubt even you can understand yourself...
Name: Raynor 'Warlock' Dune Age: 26 Height: 6'7" Weight: Ever-changing Weapons: 2x Black Magnums, 1x SpringField Custom Sniper Rifle, 1x Custom Colt loaded with speical posion-injecting bullets. Bio: Raynor was an invited guest to the cruise, his parents quite good friends with the Gretta family. Having his holiday from his job as an Air Force guard, Raynor decided to take the trip as a good time to relax... When the cruise boat crashed, he equipped himself with the guns he just 'happened' to bring with him... Appearance: Short black hair, blye eyes, black trousers, black sleeveless shirt, black coat and black boots. Disposition: Confident, energitic, willing to sacrifice... Has a good heart, but when things get on his nerves, he turns slightly evil...
[I]A few metres behind the GD and FW, the tiger Bilouhou fell to the ground, knocked out. Warlock floated to the ground in front of the others, and cracked his knuckles.[/I] Warlock: Well... that was an interesting tiger... Well, lert's go! [I]Warlock walked up to the waterfall, the others right behind him. The exact moment he passed through, lighting burned into his side, followed by the water of the waterfull wraping around him, cutting off his air supply. But before anymore injury could be inflicted, and hand grabbed Warlock's right arm, and pulled him out.[/I] GW: That place is dangerously magical. Warlock: *Coughs out water* I know that... But why would the cavern itself attack me? GW: Either Rahia can control it... Or you harming that beast has something to do with it... Warlock: And since when were you such an expert on these things? GW: I am part Zork... A magical race similar to Rahia's race... I am proficent with magic... I will stand more of a chance... I will tell you if you can come in... [I]With that, the GW walked forward into the waterfall...[/I]
[I]Warlock stared at the battle below with wide eyes... It seemed he could not believe how powerful Juggernaut was... He closed his eyes, his thoughts set on one thing... To get off the planet, to return another time... When he was ready... However, Warlock just floated there, but his eyes seemed to be slowly losing their darkness... And then, Warlock yelled out in pain as a black shadow erupted from his back, and dissapeared into the sky... As the fight between AJ and Juggernaut was beggining to turn bad for AJ, Warlock fell from the sky, landing on top of the shield, draining some of his fast dissapearing energy... He bounced down the shield, before landing in the stands right by the sheild... He took one last glance around before passing out...[/I]
[I]Warlock sat in a comfy desk chair, sitting infront of a small laptop, working away at some reports he had to finish, detailing a low-key mission he had worked on the day before. He hadn't done that well, but he attributed that to the fact he was still healing from the mission before that...[/I] [I]Warlock shut the laptop down, and got out of the chair... He had barely got out of the mission alive, but he did manage to stop the tanks from escaping... He opened his frigde, and pulled out a bottle of cold mountain water, drinking it all quite quickly... [/I] Warlock: Guess I better check how the others are going... [I]He dropped the bottle in a wastebasket, and walked out of his room... That was when he heard a gun going off...[/I]
[I]Before Yorikoma dissapeared from Warlock's view, he pulled out two Desert Eagles, and emptied his clips at the back of Yorikoma car. After he heard the satisfied screech of the car having to brake, Warlock jumped out of the Cartel Crusier, and spotting a black banshee, jumped in, and jump-started the engine.[/I] Warlock: Well...time to see if I can catch up. [I]Warlock floored it, and smoke flew as he sped off in the direction the other cars had headed, and hoped he would be able to catch up with them...[/I]
[I]The two remaining remaining warriors of the group, and the newest addition, Warlock, floated above the ground, trying to think of were to strike next.[/I] FW: They will of run off. They could be anywhere! GW: I know... It could make it quite difficult to find them... [I]As the two talked, Warlock kept to himself, thinking. And then, the answer appeared in his mind.[/I] Warlock: Why didn't I think of it sooner... They're at the waterfall... [I]The other two exchanged glances, before speeding off, Warlock in the lead. The final fight was about to begin...[/I]
Flash should post the end of the Kaloc/Zyluis fight soon... We really want to get the plot along... *Checks watch* We could be waiting awhile...
[I]Following and his Idaho, and the Mustang GT, was Warlock, following them by a short distance in a borrowed Cartel Cruiser. Warlock had seen the firefight between Flash and Neo, and had followed Flash, for Warlock was led to believe Flash was related to the Leone family, and that was the gang he needed to infiltrate. [/I] Warlock: Damn...they're getting away... [I]Warlock floored it, chasing after Flash and the new car, which were speeding through the streets...[/I]
[I]Seconds after Neil dissapeared, Warlock and the GW arrived at the scene, taking everything in.[/I] Warlock: ...damn...Neil's been here. Golden Warrior: It doesn't matter...the warrior he killed was worthless...We shall be able to find better replacement... Warlock: And Neil will of lost most of his energy in his attack...He should be easy to take out when we find him. Golden Warrior: Yes...indeed... [I]The Golden Warrior sped off, as Warlock continued to glance around, trying to find any sign as to were Neil could be...[/I]
[I]Warlock walked down one of the streets of Staunton Island, his right hand near his left Desert Eagle, which was attached to his belt. Up ahead, was the Centeral Police HQ of Liberty City. Scattered around where various armed police officers, who gave Warlock a glance before he showed them his I.D.[/I] [I]A few minutes later, he was in a small bedroom, his bedroom. It was small, and only had one bed, a desk and a bathroom in a another room. Not exactly luxury.[/I] Warlock: Can't wait to get out on the job again... [I]Someone knocked on the door, and then opened it. Standing there was a police officer he had never seen before, who montioned for him to stand.[/I] Warlock: How can I help you? Officer: You're been sent out again... Warlock: Already? Officer: Yes, already. There's no time to rest in your job. [I]Sighing, Warlock proceeded to put on his gang-type clothes after the officer had left, and with one last glance around his room, walked out...[/I]
I believe we'll start the RPG as soon as Neil joins...so we must wait until then...
[I]Meanwhile, in a plain several miles away from Flash and Neo, Warlock was facing his own major problems... Hyperion swung it's energy beam sabre, cutting off one of the doll's heads, but giving the others dolls a chance to attack... He was shot several times by the doll's doberguns in the back, and Hyperion hit the dirt hard...[/I] Computer: [i]Polaron power tubes leaking...[/i] Warlock: Damnit... [I]Hyperion got back up, and the cannon on his shoulder began powering up... With a flash of red, a beam of energy shot out of it, smashing into three of the doll's, destroying them in a ball of flames... Hyperion spun around, and was about to fire his rail guns when he was hit in the chest by one of the moblie dolls... The doll who had headbutted Hyperion was about to fire one of it's gun when Warlock's beam sabre slashed it right through the torso, destroying it... Hyperion floated there, scanning for any more dolls...[/I]
Name: 'Warlock' Age: 23 Bio: Warlock is one of the city's many undercover cops. He is known to slip into a gang quietly, get his job done, and then slip out without anyone noticing...(If you want a longer bio, look for a WB cure...) Description: Black trouser, black shirt, black jacket. Weapon of Choice: Dual Desert Eagles
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maverick [/i] [B]what the hell is a neopet is it like the tamogachi or something like that [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, it kinda is. You raise creatures of somekind at the site... What I want to know is, why would people want to take care of graphics? All sounds quite silly to me...
[I]Powering down as he walked, Warlock reached the debris, and picked up a small piece of metal lying at his feet... It was defiantly otherworldy, energy seemed to radiate off it... Dropping the metal, Warlock walked over to some larger remains, and looked them over...[/I] Warlock: ...Well...this doesn't give me that much help in finding out who he is... [I]Warlock walked forward, and then saw what he was hoping to find... A computer...[/I]
Kaloc: (I guess it's now or never...) [I]Kaloc closed his eyes, channeling energy through him... Seconds before the attack hit him, his body parts dissolved into the very essence of ki, and split up, zooming in all directions... The Force Gamma attack was left to speed up into the shield, were it exploded... Zylius kept on scanning the battle field, trying to see Kaloc... [/I] Zylius: (Damn... I can't find him...) [I]As if on cue, the seperate parts of ki appeared behind him, and began forming into a figure without Zylius knowing... Kaloc's fist, still completely 'energised', stabbed Zylius in the back, leaving a large gash...[/I]
[I]Deep under the rubble, Warlock started to radiate with energy. Slowly, the rocks began to rumble, and red energy showed through the cracks... The warrior watched with interest, as some rocks began to disentergrate... Then, with a small explosion, Warlock blasted out of the rubble, a red arua surrounding him...Warlock had now powered up to his max...[/I] Warlock: ...My turn... [I]Warlock phased out, reappearing behind the warrior, and inserting his fist in his back... The warrior was sent flying forward, into a group of trees, and through... Warlock lightly touched the ground, and waited...[/I]
[I]Warlock quickly flipped back, the sword cutting a gash in his left leg just. The warrior lunged at Warlock, but this time he was ready, and Warlock flipped over the sword, hitting the warrior two times with each leg as he went over. Warlock landed gracefully a few metres behind the warrior, and immediatley got into a fighting stance.[/I] Warlock: ...You're good... [I]The warrior said nothing, but kept his penertrating gaze on Warlock, as he readied himself to attack...[/I]
[I]Warlock sped at the new warrior, fist pulled back, ready to strike. Seconds before coming into range of the warrior, Warlock flipped over him, landing back to back with him, and then bringing his elbow back. The warrior cringed slightly, before bringing his arm to over his shoulder, grabbing Warlock by his hair, and throwing him over his head. Warlock hit the dirt, sliding through it for a few metres. Slowly, he got up, and faced the warrior.[/I] Warlock: *wipes blood from mouth* Well...nice to know you can fight without using those guns of yours... [I]The warrior said nothing, and both Warlock and him stared each other down...[/I]
[I]Pointing hands forward, palms facing outwards, Kaloc fired hundreds of small ki needles at Zyluis, and unable to dodge them, was hit many times, before fireing his own ki ball, scattering the last ki needles approaching him.[/I] Zylius: *wipes blood from cheek* Well...that was interesting... Kaloc: It gets better... [I]Zylius felt a stab of heat spread through his back, and he slowly turned around, seeing all the ki needles that had missed him come flying back, stabbing him in the back. Just before the next batch hit him, he phased out, leaving Kaloc in the path of his own weapon. He flipped upwards just in time, the ki needles hitting the arena wall. Kaloc, sensing Zylius near, phased out also...[/I]
Hmmm...well, I really didn't make mine up. It was already my nickname which everyone called me by years before I joined Otaku, and I guess I thought it really fitted. That and the fact I'm really an evil magicain kinda guy in real life, just in disguise, and it would be good to use that alias so that my brotherhood will be able to somehow track me down and help me regain my powers... Um...erm...I've gone crazy, haven't I?