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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Kaloc: ...It stung slightly... [I]Flipping off the ground, Kaloc brought himself face to face with Zyluis, before throwing a quick set of punches. Blocking them all, Zyluis procedded with a counter attack, diving beneath Kaloc, grabbing his left leg, and twisting it around, causing Kaloc to bend over in pain.[/I] Zylius: Too fast for ya, eh? [I]Ignoring Zylius, Kaloc took Zyluis' quick moment of bantering to flick his foot, and somehow twisting Zyluis' wrist, causing Zyluis to loose his grip. Kaloc teleported to behind Zylius, and sidekicked him straight at the arena walls. He quickly gained control though, and twisted himself around so his feet were heading for the wall, and he propelled himself back at Kaloc after htting the wall. The two warriors crashed into each other, and continued fighting...[/I]
  2. [I]Warlock stood atop a high cliff edge overlooking a large large forest and many plains. The wind rushed against him, his hair and cape swaying slightly. His eyes were closed, and he was concentrating, ki appearing in his palms. He pointed his hands up into the sky, and in a rush of heat and wind, the ki escaped his hand and shot into the sky, before exploding in a violent shockwave. Slowly opening his eyes, Warlock glanced down at the forest and plains.[/I] Warlock: Well...what I really need it a training partner or something... [I]Suddenly, a bright flash up in the sky alerted Warlock, and he watched as something sped towards the forest in front of him, and crashing in a violent shower of sparks and explosions. As the dust and dirt settled, Warlock saw what had crashed. He smirked when he saw what had crashed.[/I] Warlock: A spacecraft...there better be a strong occupant in there...I feel the need for battle....
  3. Well, I can't remember if I signed up for this in the sign-up topic...I think I did anyway... And are we going to continue on bantering, or actually start the RPG?
  4. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Back at the battle field, the two MWs watched out for Neil as both Warlock and his look-a-like both appeared. Bowing down to the GW, the two MWs reported to him.[/I] Female MW: All but one is gone, sir. GW: Who? Female MW: *Points to Dbzman* Him. Warlock: He could be useful. I'll get him. [I]Warlock flew down to Dbzman, who was slowly getting up, and punched him hard in the back of his head. He was knocked out before he hit the ground. Picking Dbzman up, Warlock flew back to the others.[/I] GW: Me and Warlock will preform the drain...you two can keep a lookout for the group...and try and find some of our comrades if they're still alive. FMW & MW: Yes sir. [I]As the two MWs flew off, Warlock and the GW floated to the ground, Dbzman with them...[/I]
  5. I don't think they're that funny either...only "slightly" disturbed...
  6. [I]A flash of light... and another... and one more... after a fearsome battle, the Rojin collapsed, it's guts out of it's body, it's limbs crushed, dead. High above the plain where the Rojin had taken it's last breath was a black warrior, panting slightly as he lowered his hand, hot from fireing ki blasts after ki blast. The plain was filled with craters, blood and dead plant life. But the warrior noticed none of this as he slowly turned away, and started to fly off.[/I] Warrior: Strange...I would've thought there would've been more... [I]The warrior, Warlock, shook his head, and dissapeared into the distance...[/I]
  7. Well, I'm been my usual self, and signing up after the RPG's already been going for a few days...:D --------------------------------------------- Name: Warlock Age: ?? Race: ½ Zork, ½ Unknown Height: 6'3" Weight: 135lb Bio: A mysterious warrior, Warlock crash landed on Planet Vegetto many years ago, and stayed in the shadows of the planet, training gradually as he learnt of the planet and it's people. When the threat of the Rojin arrised, Warlock ceased his mission to learn of the people of the planet, and instead focused fully on training... Description: Medium mucles, wears a black shirt, black trousers, black boots, and black fingerless gloves. Black hair, but warm red pupils. Personality: Prefers not to mix with the Sayia-jins, but can if he needs to. He will however save anyone in need, wether it be Sayia-jin or otherwise. Overall, a caring person, but prefers not to mix. [B]Stats:[/B] Grrr...I hate stats... Strength: 2000 Speed: 3000 Defense: 2000 Ki: 3000
  8. YAY!!! Finally! --------------------------- [I]In an instant, Kaloc phased out, as did Zylius. For a few seconds nothing happened, until both Kaloc and Zylius appeared in the centre of the ring, trading blows. After a few minutes, they both jumped back for a quick breather.[/I] Zylius: So...shall we get more serious? Kaloc: Of course. [I]In a quick flash, Zylius turned Super-Sayia-jin, as a blue arua erupted around Kaloc as he powered up. [/I] Zyluis: Let's go. [I]Both Kaloc and Zyluis launched at each other, fists back and ready...[/I]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] But, yes, I actually DO have a heart...:p [/B][/QUOTE] You...do...? :therock: Wait, wait. I just have to tell the media this...
  10. [I]As the Gundams prepare the descent to Earth, Warlock turned on some high-adrenaline music, and turned the volume down, so he could only just hear the music.[/I] Warlock: "Time to kick as* and chew bubblegum. And we're all out of gum..." Flash: [I]"Amen."[/I] [I]Hyperion began to crash through the atomsphere, the heat only slightly scratching it. Slowly, the Gundams cleared the the top layer of atomsphere, and began to descent through the clouds.[/I] Warlock: "Almost party time..."
  11. *Looks at #3* Um...no...I don't think I'll ask you about that...o_O;;;;
  12. *Rubs forehead* Okay, after all this banter and argueing, I've completely confused my mind...if you hear a large explosion off in the distance, that's probably just my brain exploding...
  13. [U][B][SIZE=4]FLASH!!![/SIZE] [/B] [/U] [U][B][SIZE=4]POST!!![/SIZE] [/B] [/U] *Coughs* ------------------------------------- [I]As the announcer began to introduce Zyluis, Kaloc's eyes wandered upwards, and froze and widened as he spotted Warlock looking right at him, grinning.[/I] Warlock: [I]Soon Kaloc...soon..[/I] Kaloc: *Shudders* (What on earth has changed him? He's so evil now...) Warlock: [I]I promise...you'll know soon enough...[/I] Kaloc: ....
  14. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    Ooooh...the *name deleted due to Neil may not want people to know what his form is yet*. Impressive. I've been waiting for this... ------------------------------------- [I]Warlock screamed out in pain as heat surged through his body, slightly frying his nerve ends, among other things. It took all his willpower to fire a shockwave from his hands, sending Neil flying back a mountain. Warlock floated there, panting, sweat dripping off his body.[/I] Warlock: I need... some kind... of... protection against that... [I]Suddenly, Neil was thundering back at Warlock. With a pop, Warlock dissapeared...[/I]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I knew you couldn't resist signing up, Warlock.. My RPGs are the own.. ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] For once Flash, you're right. I mean...the chocalate taste...that delicious taste...beautiful looking...*drool*...Um, sorry. What were we talking about again? I just started thinking about a chocalate cake I like...*drools*...
  16. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Warlock started charging up a black ball of ki in his hand as he sensed what was happening elsewhere around the battlefield. He smirked as he saw Pyro's almost lifeless body lying in the dirt, and then frowned slightly when he saw that Xadia was fareing well against her opponent. Warlock turned his attention back to Neil, and pointed the ball of ki at him.[/I] Warlock: Bon voyage... [I]The black ki ball sped at Neil...[/I]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]Yes it is very cool, i lernt about it at school today. And... me living in New Zealand will get it before all of you, just like i got the year 2000 before all of you. It's only another 4 hours to wait here. I'm so exited, i think i might take a photo of the clock, hehe. [/B][/QUOTE] Y'know, you're acting just like Flash, teasing me because he lives in NZ and I live in Aus, and all these things happens to him first. *Mutters a few choice words under his breath* Anyway, this sounds really interesting. I'll be sure to be looking at the clocks. Thanks for telling me Blanko!
  18. Carren Heart, it has been brought to my attention from Neil (SuperSaiyin), that you have been posting here, when you have neither signed up or even asked for permission. So, please cease posting here, or atleast ask the creator nicely if you can post. I'll be keeping watch... [I]-Warlock[/I]
  19. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]As Pyro fell, Warlock got up. Without a second thought, he sped towards the closest battle: Dbzman and his MW. The MW was overpowering Dbzman, who was at that moment been punched back. As Dbzman spotted Warlock, his face turned to relief.[/I] Dbzman: (Finally...some help...) [I]Warlock continued to speed forward, right at Warlock, fist out in front. Seconds before plowing into Dbzman, he stoped, and the fear that Dbzman had in his face for a few seconds dissapeared.[/I] Dbzman: Good to see you here...Now you can help me wi- [I]Warlock's fist connected with Dbzman's jaw, and Dbzman began to fall to the ground...[/I]
  20. Flash...it's your turn to post, remember? *Taps foot impatiently * ------------------------------ [I]High above the arena, Warlock watched as the match was about to begin. His mouth formed into an evil grin of sorts, as he flash slightly with black energy.[/I] Warlock: ...This is just what I need...perfect indeed...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Red XIII [/i] [B][COLOR=TEAL]This is going to be the best of my RPGs in otakuboards history...... [I]Thinks[/I]...hang on a second that's not going to be a hard thing to do [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No, it would be [I]quite[/I] a hard thing to do. I doubt this RPG would even live up to a quater of DBBF. And also, this sounds abit like Dragon Riders...
  22. [I]Hyperion drifted harmlessly through space, looking completely dead and lifeless. Any on-looker would have thought it was simply abandoned, left to float in space. But they would have dismissed that thought when it's boosters flared to life, and it started to speed through space. Inside, a man simply known as Warlock controlled the gundam, while watching a high priority message he had just recieved.[/I] Colonel: [I]-please, come quickly.[/I] [I]Warlock pondered over the message, before putting his boosters on full power. Hyperion turned to face the direction of the HQ, and blasted off.[/I] Warlock: (...What could possibly cause such a threat that would cause Colonel to call all the Gundam pilots...hmmmm...)
  23. I know it's a tiny bit late, but I know Flash will accept me signing up... Name: Simply known as [B]Warlock[/B] Age: 21 Height: 5'11" Weight: Ever-changing Bio/History: Warlock's history is clouded and mysterious, and even hardly knows anything about it. His first memories where of him waking up in a large underground hanger, rubble all around him. After getting over the rubble, he saw a massive gundam. Long story short, he found out how to use the gundam, found a way out, and has been living as a mercenary ever since... Description: Average width, spiky black hair, simple black shirt and pants, black boots, black jacket, and one scar over his left eye. Homeland: Unknown Gundam Name: Hyperion Model Number (optional): HW001 Description: 20m tall, completely black, built slightly like Flash's Cossack Gundam (I've got serious WB thinking on how my gundam should look like...) Armament (standard weapons): Missile Launchers x4, High Powered Rail Guns x2, Concentrated Particle Beam x1, Energy Sword x1 System: Um...err...No idea... Attack: 200 Defence: 200 Close-Range: 200 Long-Range: 200 Speed: 200
  24. Warlock: ...Well, I guess it's good to meet the new additions to the club I seem to have been in for thousands of years... Ken: ...Wait. You're thousands of years old? You hardly look thirty. Warlock: I'm 25...I was just suspended in time for a while... [I]Warlock gave the newcomers one last glance, not seeming at all surprised at their hybrid features, and walked over to Cloud, who was a few metres away from the others.[/I] Warlock: So...who're we saving the world from this time?
  25. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Both Warlock and the G. Warrior faced each other, both in SSJ2, and both looking almost identical.[/I] G. Warrior: You are afriad. A warrior like you should not be. Warlock: I'm...*cough*...not afriad. G. Warrior: Well, you better not be. Warlock: And why not? G. Warrior: Because one of my warriors cannot be afriad. Warlock: .... G. Warrior: Yes...that's right Warlock. You're one of my men...you still are infact. Warlock: .... G. Warrior: You might have noticed that strange tatto on your left arm...it's the symbol of my warriors...and also... [I]The G. Warrior waved his hand, and Warlock instantly fainted.[/I] G. Warrior: ...I can control you. [I]The G. Warrior chuckled as Warlock slowly got back up, and got on one knee.[/I] Warlock: How can I serve you? G. Warrior: Excellent...excellent...:devil:
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