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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Alrighty Flash... --------------------------------- [I]The arena, now completely repaired from the juggernaut of a fight before, was surrounded by thousands and thousands of people and aliens eager to watch the next round. [/I] Announcer: Alrighty fans! Time for the next round to begin! [I]As the announcer began to say a few things in general before introducing the fighters, Kaloc waited by the steps which led up to the arena. He was completely still, and simply looking ahead.[/I] Announcer: -and now, time to call out our contestants! First off, is Kaloc, a warrior who barely surrvived his last round match when his opponent Pyro exploded. But he's completely healed now and ready for this match, which already promises to be a spectacular one. So, let's welcome KALOC!!! [I]The crowd erupted in cheers, and Kaloc floated up the steps, and into the arena, where he landed on the ground. He walked forward about 5 metres into the arena, and waited...[/I]
  2. Keeping this alive... --------------------------------- [I]Kaloc waited just outside the waiting room, hoping his match would start soon. Getting an odd feeling in his gut, you looked up into the sky, and saw a black figure floating above.[/I] Kaloc: (Warlock...) [I]He was about to call out to Warlock, when Warlock shot him a glance, sending shivers down Kaloc's spine. Slowly, Warlock glided out of Kaloc's view.[/I] Kaloc: (...Something's wrong with him...Very wrong...)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I just have one thought- who would actually make a website like that...?[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Someone who likes to scare the pants of someone. Not literally mind you...;) It isn't that scray, it's mainly just the suddeness of it. I wasn't expecting something like that, and I almost spilled Milo all over myself...
  4. Dbzman, due to my extremely great memory, I remember that SuperCrabfrog and Cheezewhizing are slang meanings of making yourself all powerful, imortal, stuff like that. And I still remember the first fight in DBBF Dbzman. You, verses me. No real surprise that I won, eh? :D
  5. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Back in the center of the battle field. the massive explosion slowly died down, until it dissapeared altogther, showing the now completely ruined battlefield. The G. Warrior floated above ground zero, scanning to see if Warlock had survived.[/I] G. Warrior: Either he's dead...or he's hiding his energy somehow... Voice: The...latter... G. Warrior: What the? [I]The G. Warrior slowly turned around, and saw Warlock, floating level with him, several metres away, and a large ball of ki in his hands.[/I] Warlock: My...turn for...*cough*...fun... [I]Slowly, the ki ball floated away from Warlock, and then picked up speed, spinning around the G. Warrior. [/I] G. Warrior: Damnit! [I]The ki ball began to squezze in on the G. Warrior, until without warning, the G. Warrior exploded with energy, easily zapping the ball of it's power, and sending another bright flash through the battle field.[/I] Warlock: This...ain't good...
  6. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    Even though I'd like to thumb wrestle, I don't think this is the time... ----------------------------------------- [I]Like a brick wall, the G. Warrior slamed into Warlock, sending him thundering before the ground. Metres before hitting the ground, the G. Warrior appeared below Warlock, and hit him back up into the air. As Warlock coughed up blood, he noticed a bright red light coming from his left. He turned just in time to see a beam of ki slam right into him, sending him flying sideways now.[/I] Warlock: (Damnit...) [I]Suddenly, the beam which was carrying Warlock along exploded, blinding the entire area...[/I]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]HEY PPL CHECK THIS OUT THE OLD DBZ BATTLEFIELD!!! [url]http://web.archive.org/web/20010417122338/www.theotaku.com/ubb/Forum14/HTML/000067.html[/url] [/B][/QUOTE] Ahhh...the memories...To think, my first post there was my very first post on the OtakuBoards... And I'll post later...
  8. [I]Warlock continued walking along the hall, when Dbzman came flying after him, and stopped in front of him, in SSJ4.[/I] Dbzman: What is up with you!? [I]Warlock continued to look straight ahead at Dbzman, before punching him right in the gut, sending Dbzman flying down the hall, and crashing through several walls further down.[/I] Warlock: :devil: [I]With a swish of his cloak, Warlock turned down a side corridor, before flying to a spot overlooking the city...[/I]
  9. [I]Warlock glared at Rahia for a few seconds, before turning away, and starting to walk towards the exit.[/I] Rahia: (Something's not right about him...not right at all...) [I]Rahia began to catch up with Warlock, and with her pyschic abilities, tried to look into his mind. All she got were flashes of darkness, and only for a few seconds.[/I] Rahia: (Why can't I look inside of him?) [I]She went to look at Warlock, but he had already dissapeared.[/I] [B]Meanwhile...[/B] [I]Both Aldor and Kaloc walked out of a training chamber, both covered with sweat from a hard session of training. They both walked down to the ready room, where Kaloc could get ready for the coming match. [/I] Aldor: Strange...Warlock should've met us by now... Kaloc: I'm sure he's just training...He'll probably just watch the battle from afar... Aldor: ...I guess... [I]They both reached the door to the ready room, and Kaloc walked in. Aldor on the other hand immediatley went straight for the Warrior's Lounge...[/I]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]By the way, don't go into my basement, I knocked out the WB and stuffed it down there :D [/B][/QUOTE] Um...riiiiiiiight... ------------------------------ [I]A few mere seconds after Pyro arrived, there was a large bang from above the arena. Many people looked up, to see Warlock, floating there, his eyes scanning the city.[/I] Warlock: "Good..." [I]As he slowly decened downwards, towards the Warrior's Lounge, he spotted Pyro standing in the middle of the ruined arena, and smirked.[/I] Warlock: "Very good indeed..." [I]Only a few seconds later, Warlock entered the Warrior's Lounge, and he acted as he normally did. The only difference was a flash of red which would sometimes show up in his pupils...[/I]
  11. Well, I guess I might as well continue on with the part of the story me and Flash are in. Hopefully it'll give atleast me an idea on how to get into the main storyline... ----------------------- [I]Warlock pointed his gun directly at Flash's head, who with no tricks under his sleeves, slowly raised his hands into the air.[/I] Warlock: Put your hands on your head, and come over here. [I]Placing his hands on his head, Flash slowly walked over to Warlock, and out of the room, Warlock right behind him.[/I] Warlock: And don't try any tricky stuff. I'm much tougher than I look... [I]The two slowly decended the steps down into the main foyer, Flash trying to think of any possible plans to escape...[/I]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kurtis [/i] [B]Can I post here. This is a test.:D [/B][/QUOTE] No, you may not. Go to the Introduction Forum instead...
  13. Warlock: Righto. [I]Flickering for a second, Warlock turned invisible. As the others were about to attack, Warlock appeared from behind Reichou, and released a large beam of ki, which sent Reichou forward, where he was immediatley attacked by the others. As the others fought, Warlock stayed in the shadows, getting ready to do something...[/I]
  14. Warlock


    I completely love the new look. It looks way more polished, and the colours are smooth on my eyes anyway. *Hails James and Adam*
  15. Y'know Almighty, you and your car are sounding quite powerful at the moment...a bit to powerful in fact...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by liamc2 [/i] [B]that reminds me, do you remember the closing ceremony of the olympics with the esky(Roy+HG idea) and the *snort* :rotflmao: 'lawnmower'? [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yes, that was quite good. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by velvet paws[/i] [B] wot u all on about? [/B] [/QUOTE] Roy And HG are pretty much an Aussie thing. They hosted an Olympic Show during the Sydney Olympics, and now they're hosting one for the Winter Olympics right now. But if you're not Aussie, you wouldn't know of 'em...
  17. [I]Warlock floated in the air, throwing kicks and punched all around him at a rythimic pace. He ducked suddenly as a burst of ki appeared behind him, and shot straight at his head. Spinning around, Warlock saw nothing, and continued to scan the void, just as a second ki blast appeared behind him. This time he wasn't fast enough, and it hit him in the side of the head, draining some of his energy and sending him rocketing to the ground. With blury eyes, Warlock watched up above as a cloaked figure hovered above him, only his red eyes showing.[/I] Warlock: "What the...?" Cloaked Figure: [B]So we meet again at last...[/B] Warlock: You...sound familar...just like... [I]Realisation dawned on Warlock just as he passed out...[/I]
  18. Well, considering I have this disease which makes me change wallpaper every few hours, guess I found a new one for the time being...And boy is it a nice one. Great job James!
  19. Hmmmmm...no idea what my longest post is...it's long, I know that...but I have no idea how long... ---------------------------------- [I]Warlock stood ontop the highest tower of the tournament city, taking slow breaths as the high wind whiped across his face, his cape and gi fluttering. Soon the next match of the tourament would begin, and the end would get closer. And when the tournament ended, and Juggernaut won, there would be almost no hope in stopping him from getting the Azure Jewel. [/I] Warlock: There's got to be someway to stop all this madness... [I]Taking one last look, Warlock was envoloped by a light, and dissapeared, ready to train...[/I]
  20. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] Lock, need to chat wit ya...... Unblock me on AIM! :flaming: :D [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, let me just get on AIM... I've got WB at the moment for some strange reason...so stay back!
  21. [I]Meanwhile, Warlock was on a mission of his own. He had spotted a extremely large hanger, and if he was right, it was to be filled with quite alot of tanks. He reached the hanger, and crept into the shadows as a few tanks came rolling by, heading in various directions. Quietly, he egded to a door, and opened it, P-90 out in front. The whole hanger was full of activity, tanks been loaded and readied, while several guards kept look from a large system of catwalks above.[/I] Warlock: (So they do store them here...) [I]Luckily for Warlock, quite a few crate's where in front of the door, so he was mostly hidden from the soldiers all through-out the hanger. He watched as most of the tanks were readied.[/I] Warlock: Time I make sure none of them ever get out...
  22. Nope, I'm not going to college. I [I]am[/I] 12 after all...
  23. Well, I really want to re-join this RPG after my sudden departure [I]way[/I] back in the pages, so if I am allowed, just tell me what's going on, and I'll try my best to fit in...
  24. Flash, could you please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please post here and continue on with our part! I really want to get into the main storyline, and I need your help to do it!!!
  25. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Both Warlock and the Golden Warrior lunged at each other, Warlock unleashing a barrage of kicks and punches, which were all blocked by the G. Warrior. Quickly, the G. Warrior palm-heeled Warlock right in the forehead, sending him flying up into the air. The G. Warrior quickly fired a red ki beam at Warlock, but he had already dissapeared. Quickly, the G. Warrior spun around, catching Warlock's fist centimetres from the back of his head, and then started to crush Warlock's fist.[/I] G. Warrior: I expected much more from you...much more... Warlock: You're...about to...get more! [I]In a motion to quick to see with a normal eye, Warlock brought his other hand around, and punched the G. Warrior right in the armpit. Releasing his grip on Warlock's hand, he flew back, just as Warlock appeared behind him, his fist hitting the G. Warrior's mask, which shattered with surprising ease. With a smirk, Warlock got into a mid-air fighting stance as the G. Warrior turned around, his golden armour already falling off him. The G. Warrior turned around fully, so Warlock could see him.[/I] Warlock: :eek: What...the h*ll? G. Warrior: Surprised? Warlock: But...but...you look just like me! G. Warrior: Aren't you smart. [I]The G. Warrior floated in front of Warlock, wearing an almost identical gi. The only difference was that the G. Warrior was not wearing Warlock's trademark cape, and his boots were red, not black.[/I] G. Warrior: Well, now we've got accainted, I think I should go Super and liven things up. Warlock: You...weren't even Super...and you were a challenge for me... G. Warrior: As you should've worked out by now...you're in deep trouble. [I]In a flash of gold, the G. Warrior turned Super Sayia-Jin...[/I]
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