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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]After a few minutes of flying, the group arrived a few thousand feet above the caves.[/I] Warlock: Okay guys...and girl, get ready to storm. But first I think I'll flush them out. [I]Warlock pointed his hands at the ground behind the cave entrances, and formed ki in his hand. A beam shot out, smashing into the ground. The warriors waited, and then saw their target leave the caves.[/I] Warlock: *Cracks knuckles* :demon: Time to kick *** and chew bubblegum...and we're all out of gum...
  2. Heh heh... ---------------------------- Warlock: ...Uhhhhhhhhh. Rahia: Are you just going to keep standing there? Warlock: Um...of course not...*gulp* [I]Warlock grabbed onto the zipper, careful not to rip it off. Just as the robes began to fall, Warlock closed his eyes. [/I] Rahia: *Laughs* Warlock, Warlock...you may be a saiyin, but boy are you shy... Warlock: *Turns away, and opens eyes* Yeah, well... Rahia: Heh...No need, I can read your mind, remember. Warlock: ...Um, I'd prefer if you didn't...:blush:
  3. [I]The warrior's clashed, one punch going into Neil's face, and one foot going into Warlock's stomach. Both warrior's began throwing physical attacks at each other, both blocking the other's attemps. [/I] Rahia: GO LOCKY!!! Liam: GO NEIL!!! [I]Warlock quickly flew back, and released a few ki balls at Neil. He phased out as they neared him, appearing behind Warlock, who in turn spun around, blocking a punch from Neil. [/I] Warlock: ...Very nice... Neil: Thank you. [I]Both warriors continued sparring...[/I]
  4. [I]Meanwhile, in the hospital wing, Warlock held a mobile in his hand, ringing Ken. After a few seconds, Ken picked up.[/I] Ken: *Over mobile* Yeah? Warlock: It's Warlock. Ken: *Over mobile* How're ya going? Warlock: Getting better...now about that mission. I'm probably not going to be in shape by the time it starts...I haven't even got out of the hospital yet. So put me down for no...but if I can make it, I will somehow. Ken: *Over mobile* Alright...You get yourself healed, okay? Warlock: Will do...
  5. [I]Warlock, already shirtless, also gets into his fighting posistion. Both fighters stare at each other for several minutes, both completely still. And then in one instant, both fighters jumped forward. Flash tried to round-house Warlock right in the side of the face, but he ducked, and landed a punch in Flash's stomach. He retaliated by punching Warlock in the jaw, sending him hard onto the ground. Flash brought his foot down at Warlock, but he rolled out of the way, and onto his feet. Both fighters stared at each again.[/I] Warlock: You're good Flash. Flash: As are you... [I]Both fighters continued to stare each other down...[/I]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]*sigh* So selfless....so noble..........so......Locky........:love2:[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] :D Well, thank you Rahia...:D ------------------------------------- Warlock: You...were a queen!?!?!?!?!? Rahia: As a matter a fact, yes. Warlock: ...*Falls over*...Ow... Rahia: Very nice fight you put on...but I bet no-one expected you to surrender... Warlock: Well I wouldn- Rahia: It was very noble...you should be proud...especially doing that with your saiyin arrogance. Warlock: Thanks...but it was nothing. Rahia: *Gives Warlock a hand, and pulls him up* No...it was something. [I]Rahia bent forward, kissing Warlock on the lips...[/I]
  7. [I]The car immediately shot off, Flash behind the wheel. [/I] Warlock: I need medical assitance...and very quick...I think I'm bleeding internaly quite abit... Flash: I think we should be worried about getting out of here... [I]The Stinger began to speed towards the ramp, when bullets came at it from all directions. The car spun slightly, but kept on course. Several guards jumped to the side as the Stinger got onto the ramp, and began descending down through the carpark part of the building. Several cars chased behind them.[/I] Warlock: ...crap...crap...crap... Flash: Shut up!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I'm back. What did I miss? [/B][/QUOTE] Not much at all...*Eyes Flash* Say...wanna fight? :devil:
  9. [I]The fight around the dark room was getting intense, both sides already suffering loses. Flash was hit in the leg and arm, and was taking the occasional shot at the guards. Warlock was wounded in the hip, but still fighting full on, using clip after clip very fast. Warlock chucked out a emtpy clip out of his P-90, and checked his belt. One clip left...[/I] Warlock: D*mn! [I]Warlock quickly loaded his P-90 as the back of his pillar slowly began to crumble from relentless gunfire. Warlock put the gun at his feet, and grabbed one of his two grenades. He pulled the pin, counted to two, and threw. It landed at the guards feet, and blew them all to kingdom-kong. Warlock rushed over to Flash, and helped him onto his feet, where he leaned on Warlock. They began to hobble off, when the sound of someone loading a gun filled the corridor. Warlock didn't have enough time to turn around...The loud 'blam' of the gun echoed through the corridor, and Flash looked around confused at neither he or Warlock seemed to be injured. But slowly, Warlock fell forward. Flash jumped back, as Warlock lay there, only slightly awake. He threw his 'Night Eagle' (Custom made handgun at Flash).[/I] Warlock: ...Go...get out of here... Flash: *Starts turning around a corridor* Good luck... [I]As Flash dissapeared around the corner, Warlock spun over, still on his back, but his P-90 ready. He stared at one of Donqua's elites. He checked his handgun, and Warlock saw that he had one bullet left. Warlock quickly checked his. One bullet...Warlock erased the pain of the bullet striking right below the neck, pointed his gun at the man, as he did the same. A single gun went off...[/I]
  10. [I]Suddenly, a window just outside the dark room shattered, and both Warlock and Flash burst through. They spotted Ken, Sabir, Marth and Neil, and ran over.[/I] Ken: How the hell did you get in there? Warlock: Long story. Flash: But it involved a crane, lots of ammo, and some killer jumps and climbs while escaping from some of Donqua's men. Warlock: We'll tell you about it some time... Ken: :therock:...right. Warlock: *Loads another clip into P-90* Anyway, we've got a small army coming. Me and Flash will stay here, try and hold them off as you get out of here. Ken: Bu- Warlock: GO! [I]Warlock pushed everyone out of the darkroom, and joined Flash by the broken window.[/I] Warlock: They gone? Flash: *Looks back* Yes... [I]An alarm began to sound, and Warlock and Flash both got behind two pilliars.[/I] Warlock: Let's have a party and try staying alive at the same time, okay? Flash: Amen. [I]Some of Donqua's men began to arrive at the end of the corridor, and the fight began...[/I]
  11. I bet you guys thought you'd never ever see the day. But I'm just getting tired of this fight...get out your diary or something, and write this down. 'Cause this is probably one of the only times you're going to see this... --------------------------------- [I]Warlock began getting punched silly, barely able to defend himself. Chaos elbowed Warlock in the side of the head, sending him flying off into the arena wall. Chaos grinned, and began to float after Warlock, when Warlock held out his hand. Chaos stopped for a second, thinking Warlock had surrended, when he infact flew up from his little hole in the wall, and strongely punched Chaos square in the jaw, sending him flying off. Before Chaos could fight back, Warlock turned to the announcer.[/I] Warlock: I'm tired of this!!! I give up!!! DBBF Warriors: :wow: Announcer: Are you absoulutely sure? Warlock: *mods...errr...nods* Announcer: ...I THEN DECLARE CHAOS THE WINNER!!! [I]And in a flash, Warlock teleported into his section of the changing rooms, and locked it off...[/I]
  12. [I]Warlock practically leapt forward to Cloud, giving him a very quick friending hug.[/I] Cloud: But...how... Warlock: Where is everyone Cloud? How long have I been away? Cloud: ...W-w-Warlock...All your friends died eons ago... Warlock: ...:eek:... [I]And with that, Warlock fell over backwards, fainted...[/I]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cruizr [/i] [B]*grabs his c player and listens to marilyn mansons "Fight Song", then looks over at the eager Warlock and gives him the finger* You wont last 5 minutes in here [/B][/QUOTE] ...I'll be wanting to fight you soon too...and I'll defiantly last longer than you....
  14. Heh heh heh. It wasn't really funny, but that's probably because I'm in quite a serious mood at the moment. And don't worry, I won't delete this. You've put alot of work into it, and you're right, it ain't spam...
  15. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Warlock exploded in a yellow arua, and lifted off the ground.[/I] Warlock: Okay guys, whatever you do, try not to fight the gold one. Go after the others, and try and find their power source. Xadia+Flash+Pyro+Neil: Right. Warlock: Lets go and finish this people. [I]And with that, Warlock began to speed into the distance, the rest following close behind...[/I]
  16. Oh yes, Fight Club. Even though I didn't fight there much, I still remember it very well. *Cracks knuckles* I think I'm ready. Hmmm...Neil? :devil:
  17. [I]Warlock kept looking up at the sky, when he saw the bright light again, this time heading for the mountains he had come from days before, which was now in the distance.[/I] Warlock: There it goes again...but what could it be? [I]Warlock sat down on the grassy ground, and sighed as he glanced up at the clouds.[/I] Warlock: Well, the cloud's defiantly look alot darker than they used to...but then again, cloud's are always like that... [I]And that's when one part of Warlock's brain snapped, information spreading through it.[/I] Warlock: Oh my god...that was Cloud... [I]Warlock began sprinting towards the mountain, hoping Cloud would come his way when he left...[/I]
  18. I believe Flash is judging this fight...If none of us surrender soon, he'll probably give his verdict... ------------------------------------- [I]Just as Warlock was about to black out completely, he muttered a very quick incantation.[/I] Warlock: Ghosts of Morre came forward and repel this darkness!!! *Mutters something in even quicker in another language* [I]Above Warlock, but just below the shield, opened a white portal, unearthly screams echoing from it. Shadowing white ghosts, all in the shape of a strange looking skull, burst forth from it, zooming out in all directions. One group headed straight for Warlock, encircling him and shielding him as he slowly regained health. The second launched itself at Chaos, encircling him and sending dark red bolts at him, sending extremely powerful shocks through him and frying his nerves.. And the third group, the largest by far, headed straight for the beam, entered it, and followed it down to it's source. The strange skulls, the beam and the circle of darkness exploded, leaving the other two groups to re-enter the portal and dissapear. Warlock not floated, healed, and even more angry. Warlock launched himself at Chaos and began putting everything he had into him, while he still slowly started to heal his nerves and regain more control of his body... [/I]
  19. *Veins pop on forehead* FLASH!!!!!!!! POST!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!
  20. [I]Warlock continued walking around the centre of the city, watching out for anything out of the ordinary. A few police cars rushed passed them, in the direction of the marketplace. That's when Warlock saw the group of black suits. They seemed to be on alert, most of them with one hand in their suit. Warlock nudged Flash, and nodded towards the group.[/I] Warlock: Bingo. Flash: Look, they're going into that building. [I]Warlock looked at the large building, which had about 20 floors. As Warlock and Flash crossed over the road to the building, Warlock got out his walkie-talkie, and pressed the talk button.[/I] Warlock: *Into W-T* Listen guys, I think we've got the building. From the look of it, it's extremely well guarded. I need as everyone here if we're going to stand a chance...I just hope this ain't a decoy building... Andrew: *Over W-T* Zzzz...Alright, we got your posisiton, we're on our way... Ken: *Over W-T* We'll b*-zzzz-ere soon. [I]The rest of the group began to call in, as Warlock and Flash stood next to the building next door to their target...[/I]
  21. I having a feeling you've just heard a false rumor Yori. There's no sign on the site that they're shutting down. And it ain't official unless they post it there...
  22. YAY!!! *Dances around* --------------------------------------- [I]Warlock continued the tough track down the low mountain side, sweat pouring off his face and hands. One of his swords was on his belt, while he held the other sword in his right hand, incase of any attackers.[/I] Warlock: I really wish I could have Predator here...And I wonder where he is... [I]Warlock tripped on a rock, and was sent tumbling down a rocky track. He slowly stopped as he finally got to the bottom of the mountain, now rolling along a grassy plain. He got up, and got a small bottle with a tiny bit of blue liquid in it a sack attached to his waist.[/I] Warlock: Hope this stuff still works. [I]He twisted off the lid, and gulped down the last bit of liquid in it. Slowly, the wounds he had gained began to heal over, and soon he was back in top shape. He looked up at the blistering hot sky, and brushed his hand across his forehead. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of light zooming across the sky. But it was gone as soon as it had come.[/I] Warlock: ...that was awfully familiar... [I]Warlock began to trek in the direction the bright light had zoomed past to...[/I]
  23. [I]Warlock slipped his P-90 into a side pocket of his trenchcoat, and slipped his sniper-rifle on the other side.[/I] Flash: Sure you'll be able to carry all that without the trenchcoat sagging and giving us away? Warlock: This ain't the first time I've done this...I know what I'm doing. [I]Both Warlock and Flash started walking through the streets, glancing around at every building and alley.[/I] Warlock: We're near the last known area Flash... Flash: They're near...I can just feel it... [I]Out of the corner of his eye, Warlock spotted both Siren and Ken walking along on the other side of the street. They were heading for the last know area too. Warlock glanced up at a few tall buildings around him. They were in the centre of the city. And they were getting closer...[/I]
  24. Oh, that's just hilarious. I can really picture Rahia as a queen... ----------------------------------------------- [I]As the ki balls quickly sped at Warlock, he put both hands in front of himself, and within a spilt second, a large beam of ki shot out from it, knocking all the fireballs into the now very beaten arena wall. The ki beam itself headed straight at Chaos, who knocked it away to the side. In the split-second Chaos was occupied, Warlock teleported behind him, and muttered a quick incantation under his breath. Chaos was kicked forward by an invisible force, slamming headfirst into the wall. [/I] Warlock: ...This is never going to end... [I]Chaos then came thundering at Walock, and both warriors began throwing kicks and punches at each other, yet again shaking the arena, and sending some more of the crowd running...[/I]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]*Rolls up a newspaper and hits DragonballZman* Bad boy! Internet DBZ episodes are illegal! Bad! Bad! [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, Dbzman is a BAD boy! *Gets out Double-Edged Trident, and begins to poke Dbzman with it* Don't do it again you bad, bad boy!!!
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