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Everything posted by Warlock
[I]As Neil shrieked in pain, Warlock wandered away from the group, still Super Saiyia-jin.[/I] Warlock: So...they're Saiyia-jins...and one of them muttered something about knowing who I was...but, how could he know? [I]Warlock sat down on a rock, and looked up at the star filled sky.[/I] Warlock: ...I've lived here my whole life, the only alien's I've met are either dead or friends...and none of them are in contact with other groups... [I]Warlock crossed his legs, about to mediatate.[/I] Warlock: ...But I don't have any memory of any of my life before I was 9... [I]Erasing the thought from the spotlight of his mind, Warlock closed his eyes, and began to hover over the ground, meditating...[/I]
[I]Meanwhile, on top of the truck, Warlock was lying down, his P-90 out, and gripping on for dead life. The truck sped around a corner, sending Warlock to close to the edge for comfort.[/I] Warlock: WATCH IT DOWN THERE ANDREW!!! [I]Andrew, who was driving the truck, didn't seem to hear Warlock as he turned around another corner.[/I] Warlock: :flaming: [I]Warlock turned his attention to the road behind the truck, and instantly saw a couple of police crusiers chasing after the group of SUVs, just behind the truck. He fired a short burst from his P-90, killing the driver of one of the police crusiers, it slowly down, started to glide across the road, and then caused the other crusiers to crash into it.[/I] Warlock: ...I love my job...
I've got a plot completely formed in my head. But it won't come to life until the next mission...which will hopefully be soon...
[B]Member Name:[/B] Warlock [B]Original Member name:[/B] Warlock [B]Member Since:[/B] April 1st, 2001 [B]Current Status:[/B] Evil Overlord (Moderator of GnS) [B]Favorite Forums:[/B] Games and Stories, [B]Favorite RPG:[/B] Dragon Ball: Battle Field [B]Favorite Threads:[/B] No idea. [B]Favorite Smiley:[/B] :therock: :demon: :flaming: [B]Most Memorable Moment:[/B] Becoming a Mod for GS the same day as v2 was destroyed, and becoming the...erm...6 Otaku...or around that. [B]Quotable Quote:[/B] "The Truth Is Stranger Than Fact"-Me "Light travels faster than sound. That's why people seem bright until you hear them speak"-Bottom of Kuja's sig at one point [B]Words of Wisdom:[/B] When a sign says to not feed the animals, trust me and do [I]not[/I] feed the animals. [B]Wish to be remembered for:[/B] Being a helpful and caring *cough* member, and for my loyalty to Games And Stories, and all it's RPGs. [B]Desired Epitaph:[/B] ...I'll be back... [B]I Will...[/B] My MASSIVE DVD collection to Final_Flash My mod posistion to Piromunkie My RPing skills to James (Even though you don't really need them) My Member Name to the OtakuBoards itself, so it may always live on.
[I]As Warlock and the MW began to fight, Warlock did something the MW was hoping he wouldn't do. He fired a ki blast point-blank range at the MW's face, shattering his mask. The fighting between the two stopped, and Warlock looked at the MW's face in surprise.[/I] Warlock: You're...you're...a saiyia-jin... [I]With the mask gone, the MW floated in front of Warlock, his face filled with rage. His hair was black and unruly, like all Saiyia-jins. But something was different about him. He was as powerful as a Super Saiyin Stage 2, yet he wasn't powered up...or was he...[/I] Saiyia-jin: Damn you... Warlock: ...I don't think so... [I]Warlock brough his knee up into the Saiyia-jin's stomach, winding him. The Saiyia-jin quickly got up, and both Warlock and him began fighting. Drawing back, Warlock fired a quick ki blast, which hit the Saiyia-jin on the wrist, just were some of his armour used to be. A watch of some kind exploded when the ki blast hit it, and the saiyia-jin instantly became tired, and his ki level dropped.[/I] Warlock: Wait...that's it...back in the cave when I was captured...they stole my energy...they steal energy, and put it in that watch...and it gives them ki...sounds really crazy to me...*turns to the saiyia-jin*...who wants chicken? [I]Warlock smirked, before flying up to the saiyia-jin, kneeing him in the head, and blowing him apart with a ki blast...[/I]
[I]Warlock sat around the fire, talking with Flash and Ken.[/I] Ken: I don't know which was worse. The bus ride or the plane ride... Flash: The plane ride. Atleast [I]I[/I] didn't drive right into a forest. Warlock: Well [I]you[/I] didn't have a whole squadron of planes breathing down your neck! Flash: Well you sh- Ken: Calm down gentlemen. We're getting no were. Warlock: Oh and Ken, if you drive the sub, don't get us into a mess. I'm already staying away from buses and planes... Ken: Heh. Don't worry, I won't mess up. And anyway, I won't be the only one driving the sub. You two will be helping too. Warlock+Flash: -_-;;;
[I]As Warlock stepped out of his office, he saw both Flash and Mako dissapear into a room only a few doors down from his. He was confused for a breif second, before he realised.[/I] Warlock: That must be Bowak...or Mako...or whatever he is! ...And his design is awfully similar to mine... [I]Warlock walked down the corridor, and knocked on the door to Flash's lab. The door slid open, and Warlock walked in.[/I] Flash: Hey there Warlock. What can I do for ya? Warlock: Nothing...I just wanted to look at Bowak. Mako: Mako! Warlock: Whatever! [I]Warlock walked up to Mako, and circled around him, taking in his design.[/I] Warlock: Hmmm...very similar to my design...except there's a slight recolouring...and his weapons are different to mine... Flash: Yeah, he's quite similar to you. But he's got his own features and all. Warlock: He better. I don't want any 'Warlock' imposters around. Well, you can go back to whatever you're doing. I might as well watch...unless of course you want me to leave?
[I]Walock humed to himself lightly as everyone else slept, except him of course. He picked up a some cup of tea, which he had made a few minutes ago, and sipped it quickly. He put it down, but it quickly spilled all over the floor as the place was rocked by an explosion outside the plane.[/I] Warlock: That doesn't sound good. [I]The plane rocked again as another explosion went off near it. A few seconds later bullet-fire filled up the cabin, and a squadron of planes flew by.[/I] Warlock: Holy... Sh*t... [I]Warlock quickly checked to see if the plane had any guns, and flipped a switch on the panel in front of him when he found they did.[/I] Warlock: *Turns behind* Is everyone up!?! *Notices everyone's still asleep* O_o;;; Those guys can sleep though anything... [I]The plane rocked again, and Warlock got ready to get of the mess they had got into, hoepfully taking down a few enemy planes while doing so...[/I]
[I]After a hard training session, Warlock walked into small office, and sat down on his chair, facing a small computer. He pushed a button on it's left side, and it buzzed to life.[/I] Computer: Please enter password and voice verifacation. [I]Warlock typed in a few letters on a small keyboard, and then stepped closer to the computer.[/I] Warlock: Warlock, Reploid Hunter WX, Advance Model, Number 001. Voice password, 628496. Computer: Clearance accepted. [I]The computer's screen buzzed to life, and Warlock got to work, re-instating Mako into Unit #17, and other various things...[/I]
[I]The white beam hit Warlock right in the stomach, and even though he had a pain-killer spell activated on himself, he still felt the pain...but not as much as it needed to. He closed his eyes, and dissapeared, the blast hitting the arena wall, blowng a large hole in it. Warlock unfortunately appeared near the blast, and was forced right into the hard ground by the shockwave. A minute later, when all the dust and light had cleared, Warlock stood on the floor, injured, but still under the pain-killers affect. [/I] Warlock: Y'know, I'm really beginning to think one of us should just surrender... Chaos: You're thinking of surrending, eh? Warlock: No...my definition of one of us is you... [I]And very quickly, Warlock put both of his hands in front of his eyes, palms pointing inwards, and shouted three words which blinded the entire arena.[/I] Warlock: NOVA SOLAR FLARE!!! [I]As Chaos covered his eyes, Warlock screamed out in fury, a massive shockwave eminating from him, pushing Chaos into the arena wall. [/I] Warlock: :demon: [I]Warlock pointed both hands forward, and began firing compacted tracker ki blasts...[/I]
Great to see you back Outlaw! I always did like your character. And anyway, how long until Dbzman arrives!? I'm getting [I]EXTREMELY[/I] impatient...
[I]Cloud glided forward, his giant wings the perfect gliding instrument. He floated over Alcatraz Island, which seemed eerily silent. He'd have to check it out later. After a few minutes, Cloud finally landed onto Manhatton, which was filled with sirens, screams and unearthly roars. [/I] Cloud: The evil is here...time for me to play exorcist. [I]Cloud's wings retracted into his back, and he held up his giant 1 ½ metre sword in front of him. Glancing around, he saw that the alley he was just entering was bare. Walking down it, he glanced at the many charred and bloody bodies.[/I] Cloud: They will pay... [I]Cloud leapt forward onto the street in front of him, and was instantly surrounded by several demons.[/I] Cloud: :flaming: [I]In a quick flash of silver, Cloud had swun his sword. Slowly, two on the demons collapsed, blue blood flowing out of them. Two others demons were just lifted up into the air by Cloud's mind, and then thrown hard into a building. The last two looked at each other, before running away in different directions.[/I] Cloud: No you don't. [I]Cloud pointed one hand at the left demon, and muttered an incantation under his breath. It instantly froze. He ran forward, and just as the demon began to start moving, he slashed his sword across it's neck. His body fell down onto the ground, his head following. Cloud looked around for the other demon, but it was gone.[/I] Cloud: There are more around...I can smell them... [I]Cloud wandered forward, back into another alley...[/I]
[I]Warlock gripped the throttle hard, still flying the plane, and now over water. The plane shuddered breifly, before running smoothly again.[/I] Warlock: Ken! [I]Ken ran up to Warlock, and leaned against Warlock's chair. [/I] Warlock: Japan's coming up. Where do you think we should land? Ken: Hmmmm...There should be a naval base coming up...just keep a look-out for that, and land just out of view. Warlock: Righto. [I]Warlock turned the plane slightly to the left, and continued flying..[/I]
[I]Warlock noticed the collapsing resturant around him, and started to bring the MW outside. Flying back, Warlock fired a quick ki blast at the MW, who reflected it back into the depths of the resturant. It exploded.[/I] SSJ2 Warlock: I hope they all got out. MW1: Don't hesitate! [I]The MW uppercutted Warlock right in the stomach, sending him flying up into the sky. The MW then flew past him, and hammer-fisted him back down to the ground. Seconds before hitting the ground, Warlock twisted in the air, and bounced back into the air when he touched the ground, using his feet to provide the jump. Both warriors met in mid-air, and began to duke it out, both equally matched.[/I]
STAY ON TOPIC!!! :flaming:
Warlock: Simple then, I won't be hit by one. [I]Inches before one of the green skulls hit Warlock, he phased out, appearing 10 metres above Chaos. More green skulls came at him, and he yet again phased out. He appeared right behind Chaos, and tried to roundhouse Chaos' neck, but was stopped just in time.[/I] Chaos: You're fast...but not fast enough. [I]Chaos gripped onto Warlock's foot, and was about to throw him around, when he yet again phased out. This time, he appeared on the oter side of the arena. His hands were by his side, as if he was starting a Kamehameha, and were starting to glow red with the energy forming within.[/I] Warlock: Time for one of my old favourites! Shame this is hardly used anymore... [I]Already electric ki was dancing around Warlock's hands, and the energy was been greatly compacted.[/I] Warlock: KA...ME... Chaos: Oh...this should be good. [I]Already the area around Warlock's hands were vibrating extremely hard. [/I] Warlock: HA...ME... [I]Chaos pointed his hand forward at Warlock, knowing fully well that if they competed with ki blasts, he would win. But then, Warlock dissapeared. Suddenly, he felt great energy forming right behind him.[/I] Warlock: ...HA!!!!! [I]Chaos whipped around just in time to see Warlock, inches away from his back, pointing both hands forward, release an extremely compacted Kamehameha. The attack hit Chaos dead on, and the arena was filled with a gigantic explosion...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]My IQ is too high to be measured in your human numbers... [/B][/QUOTE] It is? *Gets down onto knees* Hail the almighty god Flash! *Hails Flash* And if anyone asks if I got payed to do this, I'm gonna say yes...
Better be soon...I'm getting [I]really[/I] impatient...
[I]Warlock jumped out of bus after Ken, seeming to be the injured the least out of everyone.[/I] Warlock: Ken...pick quickly. We got company... Ken: Where's the com-...HOLY SH*T!!! [I]Coming along one of the runways, were quite a few trucks, most of them filled with soldiers. And accompaing them, 4 tanks.[/I] Warlock: EVERYONE OFF THE BUS!!! [I]Everyone else scrambled off the bus, just as a large shell was fired by one of the tanks. The bus exploded in a ball of flames.[/I] Warlock: And school's out for summer! Flash: S*it! They're firing again! [I]The ground beside the group exploded, sending grass, asphalt and dirt flying everywhere.[/I] Warlock: That's it. I'm choosing. [I]Warlock began to run to the group of planes...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]What's a lurk?[/COLOR] [[/B][/QUOTE] I have absolutely no idea...I just heard the phrases 'lazy lurk' somewhere, and it stuck...
[I]Both Warlock and Flash entered an elevator, and Warlock pushed a button labelled '9', the training level. As they waited, Warlock began to chat with Flash.[/I] Warlock: So, I hear Bowak is back in a new body. Flash: Yep. He's got a better design now...kinda like yours... Warlock: ...I hate it when people base designs on mine. Flash: Heh. I know how you fell. [I]The elevator bell 'dinged', and both Warlock and Flash walked out.[/I] Warlock: Well, I'm going to get some training done. If you need some help getting the best of the unit togethor, just call me... Flash: I will. [I]Warlock gave a quick wave, before walked down the corridor to his left, and into his personal training area. Flash however walked down the middle corner, heading to the main training room, where he would hopefully find some of the best of Unit #17...[/I]
[I]Warlock landed a punch right in the mask of one of the warriors, temporarily blinding him, and giving Warlock the chance to power up one more step.[/I] Warlock: I hope they're evacuating the city... [I]Warlock clenched his hands, looked slightly at the ground, before erupting with power. His hair became more spiker, and one strand of hair fell across his eye.[/I] Warlock: I hope your tucked in... [I]And with that, Warlock launched himself at the masked warrior, both of them equal in power.[/I] Warlock: (This one's stronger than the one I faced before...he must of being the weak one in the group...) [I]Warlock landed a punch in the MW's stomach, and the restuarant began to collapse...[/I]
Well, I live in Aus, so it's obvious I don't have snow days...
I have no idea what my I.Q is...but I believe it's over 100, that's all I know...
Don't worry Flash, I'm going to give Adam a CAT scan. I'm sure his brain has lots of mould and dust in it from even thinking about putting [I]that[/I] section in...