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Everything posted by Warlock
Heh. Well, obviously you didn't want to re-write the last paragraph again Safer. Lazy lurk... --------------------------------- [I]Warlock lay on the ground, breathing slightly. All his limbs were still intact, but his body was covered by wounds and lots of blood.[/I] Warlock: (I've been worse.) [I]Warlock slowly got onto his feet, pain spreading through his ribs as he moved.[/I] Warlock: Impressive...but I still survived it...you forget that I'm much more powerful than my clone was... [I]Warlock put his hands out in front of him, and with some of his battered ki, formed a temporary shield around himself. He took a deep breath, and placed his left hand on his chest. Warlock rib's cracked back into place, and so did the rest of his bones. All of his lesser injuries remained, but Warlock could not feel them. Using one of the few spells he knew, he had activated a sort of pain-killer, which now would push him further and harder, seeing as he felt no more pain for the time being. The shield fell down, and Warlock floated into the air, until he was level with Chaos.[/I] Warlock: I wish I could spar with you more often...it's quite a challenge. Chaos: That it is...but I am still more powerful than you...I will win eventually. Warlock: ...Never be too sure of yourself Chaos...things can always change. [I]More determined than ever, Warlock continued to spar with Chaos...[/I] --------------------------------- I recommand everyone else goes on a loooooong holiday. When you get back, we may actually be close to finishing...
[I]Warlock sat at the other end of the bar, listening slightly to Ken and Siren's conversation.[/I] Warlock: (Well, he's giving a go at talking her up I think...) [I]Warlock took a sip of his Vodka Martini (Shaken, not stirred of course:D), and put in back down on the bar. A minute later, he was approached by one of the girls.[/I] Girl: Well, don't you look handsome tonight... Warlock: I'm sorry, but I'm not going for a one night stand. I'm more of a relationship guy. [I]Warlock took one more sip of his martini, before walking back to his equipment which lay on a table. He began to shine and load them...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sia [/i] [B] Special: Holy/Demon [/B][/QUOTE] What an interesting combination...sounds abit conflicting to me.
Well, it's time I started this RPG...But first, time for a 'small' stats sheet.:D Thanks Flash... [IMG]http://finalflash.netfirms.com/WX.gif[/IMG] ------------------------------------- [I]Warlock brought his saber down through the head of the small dog-like maverick, revealing it's small mechanical brain before it burst into flames. He had hardly any time to jump back as a buster blast came soaring by his head, missing it by inches. He quickly threw his energy sabre to his left hand, and concentrated on his right hand. It formed into a buster, and with a quick thought, he fired a buster blast at the direction of the maverick. Seconds later, he saw the remains of a robot fly around. [/I] Warlock: That should be all of them... [I]Warlock's sabre powered down, and he attached it to his waist. He kept his buster out, just incase of any other mavericks. He walked around the dark forest, stepping around peices of metal which were once robots. The rest of the unit had already beamed back to the Maverick Hunter H.Q, and he was cleaning the forest of any leftover mavericks. Satisfied that the forest was clear, he focused on teleporting to base. Everything turned to red, and after a few seconds of redness, he appeared inside H.Q. Spotting a familar robot and friend, he walked through the hall he had just teleported into, and upto Flash.[/I] Flash: How'd go? Warlock: Good as usual. Well, I better report to the commander. Tell the others in the unit that they can rest or train...we won't be needing them for a few hours. Flash: Righto. [I]Warlock turned from Flash, and walked up to a high-tech elevator...[/I]
Snazzy indeed. Name: Cloud Silverthorn (Not Warlock for once:D) Age: 21 Race: Human/Angel Job: Paladin, Mage Speical: Teleknesis, Holy Weapons: Very large, thick sword, which glows when evil is near. Appearance: 5'11". Short black hair with white streaks. White trousers, white shirt, and white boots. Also, white wings, span of 7 feet, sprout from his back when they are needed. Personality: Calm, serious, and always helpful. Bio: Born in the highest peaks of the Mt Everest and around, Cloud was a born by a angel mother, his father already dead by the time of birth. When he was ten, he was temporaly allowed in an angel temple, unaccessible to all but angels. He was shown the holy arts of the angels in that short time. When he returned, he trained himself as a paladin, a holy knight, and has been waiting for the eventual attack of the forces...
Warlock: Good luck Neil! [I]Warlock waved at him, before bursting into laughter.[/I] Flash: What's so funny...? Warlock: Just something I remember...Don't worry about it... Flash: Done and done! Warlock: Anyway, even though it's very unlike me, I'm going to get some tea... [I]Warlock walked down the corridor Fong, Sabir and Siren took...[/I]
[I]Warlock was lying on the ground, not moving. Most of his body was extremely bloody, and his left arm wasn't even there. Even if Warlock was alive, the chances of him winning were slim to none. He was even in back to his normal form, but he looked slightly different...[/I] Announcer: Well...it looks like Warlock may be dead...Could someone check... [I]Chaos pointed his hand at Warlock's body, and fired one single ki blast. It hit Warlock in the stomach, and totally disentergrated his body.[/I] Chaos: He is dead... Announcer: *Gulp* I now declare Chaos the winner! [I]After a few seconds of silence, the crowd errupted in cheers and shouts. Chaos smiled, but that was wiped off his face as a fist came into contact with him. The crowd silenced immediatly, and the announcer dropped his microphone. He hastily picked it up, and brought it to his mouth.[/I] Announcer: How... [I]Warlock floated in front of Chaos, his face very sinister and mean.[/I] Chaos: But you're dead! Warlock: No, I am not. But you did kill my clone, the one I made a week ago, and the one I put so much power into making! Chaos: You're saying he's been fighting me the whole time!? Warlock: No, he has not. He urged me to swap places with him the moment you started your attack. I teleported out as he teleported in. Chaos: But, that has to be against the rules! Warlock: The rules state only the two warriors can fight. He's part of me... Chaos: You've still lost. The announcer's already declared me the winner. Warlock: One, he only judged me to have lost because I was thought to be dead. I'm sure I can change his mind and make him change it. But even if he can't, this fight ain't over. [I]Warlock, who had his right arm behind him the entire time, quickly whipped it out and fired a orb of ki from it at Chaos. Chaos phased out of it's way, but as he appeared at the other side of the arena, Warlock appeared behind him, grabbed him around the neck with his left arm, and began to use him as a punching bag with the other arm. Everytime Warlock hit Chaos, he coughed up blood...[/I]
Well, when are we getting this show on the road?
[I]Warlock watched on at the antics of the other table with a small grin on his face, and turned to the waiter and he arrived.[/I] Waiter: What would you like sir? Warlock: Um...About 40 orders of everything. Waiter: :eek: Warlock: Are there any problems? Waiter: Erm...er...no sir. I'll go get the food. It'll be a while. Warlock: Righto'. [I]Warlock got up from his seat, and walked over to Flash.[/I] Warlock: Okay, time you leave the two along. They need they're rest. Flash: But...but...but. Warlock: No buts. C'mon. [I]Warlock dragged Flash back to their table, and pushed him onto a chair.[/I] Warlock: Let me just say quickly, this is only to knock some sense into you. [I]Warlock a quick, fluid motion, Warlock punched Flash right on the forehead, knocking him off his chair and flying into the wall. He slid down it, revealing a large dint in the wall.[/I] Warlock: Okay...that was abit too hard... [I]Warlock walked over to Flash, offered him a hand, and pulled him up.[/I] Warlock: Better? Flash: Yes, much. [I]And with that, Flash punched Warlock right in the stomach, sending him back into the other wall.[/I] Flash: And that's for hitting too hard. [I]Already, the entire resturant, except Pyro and Xadia, were looking at Flash and Warlock completly terrified. Warlock slowly got up, and looked at Flash, a smirk on his lips.[/I] Warlock: Yep, you're better. [I]Warlock started to walk back to his table, when something came smashing in from the roof. The three other normal masked men...[/I]
I'm sorry, but the RPG won't be going up for about a day. I'm just really busy, and I don't have the tme. But it will be up soon...
[I]Both Warlock and Flash touch down beside the resturant, and walk in.[/I] Waiter: *Looks at Warlock and Flash's training gi's* Um...nice outfits...Anyway, do you have a reservation? Warlock: No, we don't. Waiter: Smoking or no- [I]Screams erupted from the other side of the resturant, in the area of the kitchen. Both Warlock and Flash looked around the corner as they saw Xadia enter the kitchen.[/I] Warlock: Oh no...Pyro must've raided the kitchen... [I]A few seconds later Xadia and Pyro came back out, and sat down on a table. The waiter turned his attention back to Warlock and Flash.[/I] Waiter: Erm...smoking or non-smoking? Warlock: Non-smoking. Waiter: Right this way. [I]Warlock and Flash were lead to a table not that far from Xadia and Pyro, and Flash instantly looked at them suspciously.[/I] Flash: I have to break them up...time I put on the classic Flash charm... [I]Flash began to walk up to Xadia and Pyro, swaying his hips and grinning widely.[/I] Warlock: -_-
Flash, you're post is long overdue...
Sorry I haven't posted lately. I've just had a bit of work to do getting ready for High School, and I also have a bad case of Writer's Block (Shudder)... -------------------------------- [I]As Warlock was been hurled into the air, he began a little mind trick of his own.[/I] Warlock: You're not the only one who can play with their mind Chaos... [I]As soon as Warlock had spoke these words, he stopped in mid-air. Down below, Chaos was immediatly holding his head, shouting out in pain.[/I] Warlock: Mind you, your head will be throbing for a very long time... [I]Warlock began to get ready for the next round of fighting as Chaos clutched his head in pain...[/I]
*Looks at Krillen's sprite* [B]Kill...Krillen...For...Taking...My*...Designs...[/B] *Then looks at Flash's sprite 'spec' sheet* I have [I]really[/I] got to get better at using programs to make things look like that... Anyway, time to get this show on the road. I'll make a topic soon... [SIZE=1]*The designs for my sprite aren't truly mine...Flash made it for me...^_^;;[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Erm...Well, seeing as you don't have your dragon with you, I guess it's ok. :) Warlock's a human right? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, Warlock is a human. And thanks alot Dbzman...
[B]21XX[/B] [I]The events of MegaManX6 (Don't worry if you don't know what happened) transpired 6 weeks ago, and much has changed. The threat of the Mavericks is greater than anytime before, for they're numbers have more than tripled. Already X has fought the Mavericks, but they're sheer force and size overwhelmed him, and he was destroyed...Hopes were placed on Zero, but he has not been seen for a while, and some have said that he will not be coming back. Sigma was thought to of been the mastermind of the operation, but parts of a new body of his were found, mostly destroyed. He warned of a greater threat than himself, but died before he could tell whom. Now, the world is being destroyed at a rapid pace, and only a small group of reploids have a chance to stop the maddness...[/I] Just post the following. Name: Age: Height: Weight: Weapons; Choose any 2, one must be a Buster. (A Gun-arm type thing) Special attacks; Choose one for each weapon. Bio/Info: Appearance: ----------------------------------- Name: Warlock Age: Mentally 20, but his robotic body is brand new. Height: 5'9" Weight: Varies Weapons: Hyper Buster, Ultima Sabre Special attacks: Hyper-Blast, UltimaSlash Bio/Info: Warlock is a revolutionary new type of robot, with an incredible personality, and a heart of pure gold. He is a member of the Maverick Hunters, and he has even risen to be the leader of Unit #17, the main unit of the Maverick Hunters. He is eager to fight the Mavericks, and stop the threat... Appearance - See Below If there are any questions, fire away...
[I]Outside, Warlock was already perched in a perfect sniper postion, one which gave him range from inside to the entire block. He pulled the trigger, and one russian head exploded. He pulled the trigger again, and another head exploded. By now, the russian's outside who weren't assulting the mercs inside were taking cover. The trigger was pulled again, and another russian fell down.[/I] Warlock: Guess I might as well start the party with a bang. [I]Warlock pulled a grenade off his belt, and pulled out the pin.[/I] Warlock: 1...2...3... [I]Warlock threw the grenade hard, and it landed by one the humvies. It blew sky high, taking a few soldiers with it...[/I]
Warlock: Of course...I can do better... [I]Warlock phased out, appearing at the top of the arena.[/I] Warlock: Let's give it a go... Chaos: Huh? [I]Warlock didn't reply to Chaos, and instead began to concentrate.[/I] Warlock: ...JITSUROKU-KEN...TIMES 1000!!! [I]A red and black arua appeared around Warlock, and before Chaos could react, flew straight into his gut, knocking the wind out of him. Warlock stopped in mid-air, leaving Chaos to slam into the ground, and began to kick Chaos' lying body. While aiming one for Chaos' head, he was caught by a hand, and flung a few metres away. Getting onto his feet, Chaos looked at Warlock happily.[/I] Chaos: You are proving to be more powerful than I thought. Warlock: Right back at ya...
[I]A pair of hard boots landed on the roof of the building where the party was taking place. The boots belonged to Warlock, who was running late for the party, and decided to camp out on the roof. Warlock loaded his sniper rifle, and walked to the edge. He saw a few humvys coming at the building from behind...packed with Russian soldiers.[/I] Warlock: Holy... Sh*t... [I]Warlock got out his mobile phone, and pushed the auto-dail button. Inside, Ken's phone began ringing...[/I]
[I]Flash notices Pyro and Xaida starting to fly away, and grabs Warlock's attention.[/I] Flash: They're getting away and who knows what they could do? I have to...um...watch them for their parents. *Begins to fly after them* Warlock: Um...er...That boy is weird... [I]Warlock flew after Flash...[/I]
Name: Warlock Age: 26 Bio: Not long after DR2, Warlock decided to explore the uncharted territory of the earth with his dragon, Predator. He gave his goodbyes to his friends, without knowing it would be the last time he saw them, or any normal human for that matter. After a few months in the uncharted territory, Warlock arrived at a large mountain range, with mysterious temples and statues. He journeyed into one of the temples with Predator, when he found a large diamond. As he reached out to touch it, he instantly felt strange, and the moment he touched the diamond, everything became a blur. His dragon watched as he was sucked into the diamond, and dissapeared. Eons later, a powerful mage travelled through the same area, and came upon the temple. He unearthed the diamond from under some rubble, and felt the dark magic eminating from it. Realising the diamond was dangerous, he instantly used some of his own magic to destroy it. Warlock was somehow thrown from the diamond mili-seconds before it exploded, and then again saw black. When he woke up, and the temple around him was almost in complete ruins. The mage was gone, and so was the diamond. Warlock then set out to look for civalization, and to figure out what had happened... (Now Dbzman, I realise this bio has much to do with DR1 and DR2. If you don't want me to use it, I understand completely. It's just that everytime there's a sequel for something I was once in, I just have a large urge to be the same character. And the Warlock in DR1 was my second character ever. So, I'll await your decision...) Description: Black hair, 5'11", black leather trousers, black leather boots, a shirt under black armour. Also has a scar across left eye, the only thing he has left of the fight with (Insert-the-name of the evil guy in DR1. I completely forgot his name). Weapon: Two large silver swords. Location: Below the ancient mountains, heading in direction of the 'unholy ground'.
Warlock: Well anyway, I think we should get back to training. Flash: Yeah, yeah! I wanna train! Warlock: Y'know Xadia, I think you should of gave him abit more cheesecake...or maybe you gave him too much... Flash: *Jumping up and down* C'mon Warlock, let's train now! Warlock: ...Fine... [I]Warlock floated into the air, Flash eagerly following him...[/I]
Could someone tell me what's going on? I've lost track of the story completely...
:devil: Sorry for the delay. I've just been getting ready for High School...I'm starting tommorow. *Gulp* ------------------------------------------- [I]Warlock quickly phased out, leaving Neil on the defensive. Seconds later, Warlock appeared behind Neil, and swung his fist at him. Neil phased out himself, appearing to the side of Warlock, and tried to roundhouse him. Warlock phased out just before been hit, and appeared above Neil, trying to punch him from above. This continued for a minute, before both warriors came at each other at the same time, and locked hands, both pushing forward, trying to push the other away. [/I] Neil: I'm...afriad I'm stronger. Warlock: Not for long... [I]In a flash of yellow, Warlock turned Super Saiyin, and threw Neil at the ground, following up with quite a few ki blasts...[/I]
[I]Warlock quickly unleashed some of his energy, pushing Chaos' hand out of him, and even slightly destroying it. Warlock then used the time he had to form another spell. One that heals. The wound covered over itself, and Warlock's insides slowly replaced themselves. Warlock turned to Chaos, who was now healing his own hand, the few claws lost regrowing.[/I] Chaos: Impressive...but it won't help you in the long run. Warlock: You have to stop doubting me... Chaos: We'll see about that. [I]And with that, both warriors attacked each other again, every connection of their fists or kicks shaking the arena. Some of the audience was even running for their lives, not wanting to be hit by anything. Warlock drew back, and phased out. Quickly appearing behind Chaos, he put his hand on Chaos' back, and unleashed ki into his body. It was Chaos' turn to feel pain, and he started to black out...[/I]