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Everything posted by Warlock
Ok, Dbzman, SuperSaiyin, and NoodleZ, you're all in. But first, let me explain the situation, and what you have to fill out. Well, basically there is a group of five elite warriors now on earth, their mission: Destroy the Z Warriors and take over the planet. All the warriors are decked out in amour and masks, and the leader even has gold ones. One was just destroyed, by your truly, but I had to reach SSJ2 to even stand a chance. At the moment, the rest have gone, but they will all return very soon... [B]Signup Sheet:[/B] Name: Age: Description: Bio: Race(s): And this isn't a power hungry RPG. It's taken me a very, very long time just to reach SSJ2. So I don't want to any of you new guys as SSJ2s, or even Acended Saiyins for the time being. But I'll allow you as Super Saiyins. And I expect all of you to post often, I don't want this RPG to fall for the second time...
Keep the interest on her character to [I]other[/I] RPGs Piro... --------------------------------------------- Warlock: Well, I'm going to meet up with Piro for a moment. Things are getting quite boring here... Rahia: See ya soon. Maharis: Goodbye. [I]In a quick flash of red, Warlock dissapeared, reappearing right in front of Piro seconds later. Piro knocked head first into Warlock, but wasn't ready for the collision, and fell back down to the earth, slowly down seconds from the ground.[/I] Piro: Finally, someone to talk to...
Warlock: Well, I think I'm going to get the first bit of sleep I've had in a long time... [I]Warlock went back to the rock he had sat down next to before, and did that again. Taking one quick glance around, he closed his eyes. However, his peaceful slumber didn't last much longer. A few minutes later, his leg was pulled up, followed by the rest of his body.[/I] Warlock: .... Xadia: :laugh: Warlock: ...This isn't funny... [I]Seconds later, Warlock fell to the ground, hard. After rubbing his sore head, he moved away from the pool, hoping they'd be a less chance of been pulled up...[/I]
For once, I'm going to be evil! :devil: [b]Name:[/b] Cell [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Bio:[/b] Tall, mean, and mostly green! He's pretty much Perfect Cell, just a hel* of alot powerfuler than before. [b]Description:[/b] What do you think? :p And I don't think villians have to fill in stats. We are more powerful after all...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]:drool: :drool: :drool: Oh my... :drool: :drool: [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] I'd have to agree...but get off my Rahia! :demon: (Well, my DB:BF Rahia) And yes Rahia, you struck gold completely! :D ------------------------ Warlock: ...memory recovery hammer...it's all starting to sound abit crazy now... Maharis: You want to bop me on the head with it? Are you sure I'll gain memory instead of losing it? Rahia: ...Pretty much. But there's always the small chance you may loose your memory completely...:whoops: Maharis: .... Warlock: I think what he's trying to say is that he'll think about it. Maharis: Are you sure she's sane Warlock. Rahia: :demon: WHAT!?!?:demon: Warlock: ...Pretty much...
*Kicks Pyro out of the RPG* I guess I'm fair game too:D...but I guess I better let him back in...*kicks Pyro back into the RPG* ------------------------------- [I]Warlock sat down against a nice cool rock, and closed his eyes, puttin himself into a deeply relaxing rest. The only sound in his mind was the rhythmic thumping of his heart, and the slow breathing in and out of his lungs and nose. [/I] Warlock: ...Xadia... [I]Rahia, hearing him call for her, kicked to the side of the pool near him, and resting against the side.[/I] Xadia: Yes? Warlock: I wonder where Flash is. He dissapeared around the time I did. Xadia: I'm sure he's around somewhere...doing what arrogant saiyins do... Warlock: Aren't all full saiyins arrogant? Xadia: ...I guess so... ----------------------------- And I'm just wondering what people are think of my RPG writing skills now. I've been practising abit, and I think I'm finally starting to master it...
Y'know, Warlock's going to be alot more attracted to you now...:D --------------------------- [I]The Masked Warrior spun around, meeting the threat head on. He too began to attack Warlock, both of them having their attacks meet in the middle, neither getting past.[/I] MW: *Grunt* You're...going to die...*grunt*...y'know. Warlock: Everyone...*grunt*...dies sometime... [I]Warlock quickly pulled back, and unleashed a small squad of ki blasts, which all met some invisible force-field in front of the MW.[/I] MW: Your ki blasts will never get past me. Warlock: I wouldn't be too sure... [I]The MW instantly felt a stabbing pain in his back, and glanced up at Warlock, who was smirking.[/I] Warlock: Gotta watch your back. Ki blasts can sneak up behind you and all... [I]The MW lunged forward, now slightly down on energy, leaving Warlock on top just. The MW threw a punch, which was caught by Warlock, who lifted his leg above it, and hit the back of his head with roundhouse after roundhouse. The MW quickly spun around, twisting Warlock's ankle, and pulling away. [/I] Warlock: You shouldn't of done that. [I]Warlock phased out again, this time appearing behind the MW. He brought both hands together, lifted them above the MW, and then came down, double hammer-fisting the MW, and sending him rocketing to the ground. Warlock point one hand, plam down, at the MW, and realised a quick, and sharp red ki beam, which instantly cut through his back, and out his stomach, continuing to go underground.[/I] Warlock: Who's edging towards the other deminsion now? [I]Warlock touched down next to the MW, kicking him over, to he was facing up.[/I] Warlock: One down, four to go... [I]The Masked Warrior's eyes went wide, as Warlock held a large ki ball above his head. [/I] Masked Warrior: *Coughs up blood* N...no...pl...please... Warlock: Not after what you've done... [I]Warlock brought the ki ball down, before dashing backwards. The ki ball plowed into the Masked Warrior and blew. The explosion was could be described with one word. Apocalyptic. Everything, all of the forest, all of the rocky mountains around it, just dissapeared. Simple as that. The area around that had everything blown away, leaving it barren, all for 100 miles around. Warlock appeared high, high above, his hands on Pyro's and Xadia's back.[/I] Warlock: *Now tired* That...was good...
Y'know, I never thought this would get back on it's feet. But I guess it still has a chance...I think I better start getting more members for it... -------------------------------- [I]The masked warrior crashed into Warlock, sending him flying back into a cliff face, and also causing the cliff face to collapse onto Warlock.[/I] Masked Warrior: One down... [I]Both Pyro and Xadia attacked the Masked Warrior at his sides, both unleashing a volley of kicks, punches, and ki blasts. Though slightly beaten, the MW managed to grab Pyro's hand, and throw him onto Xadia. Both went flying back into a group of trees, which snapped under the pressure of their fast moving bodies. The MW pointed both hands forward, as if to do a Final Flash, and began muttering under his breath. A blue ball of ki began to form in front of his hands, and then began to speed towards the injured bodies of Pyro and Xadia.[/I] MW: Have fun in the other deminsion with your friend!!! Ha ha ha ha... [I]But his voice instantly dropped when the ki ball went crazy, flip-flopping and zig-zagging, before zooming into the distance, and crashing into a mountain, destroying it. The MW glanced to his right, and his voice stopped completely when he saw the large pile of rubble which should of been lieing on top of Warlock's dead body, begin to rumble. Yellow energy began to show through the cracks, before exploding outwards and showering the entire area with debris. Lifting up into the air, was a now SSJ2 Warlock.[/I] SSJ2Warlock: I'm in the other deminsion, eh? MW: ...You're alive. SSJ2Warlock: Aren't you an observent one. MW: Never mind. You shall die still die. [I]Warlock's face turned slightly to amusement, before turning serious.[/I] Warlock: Round two... [I]Warlock phased out, leaving the MW to glance around nervously for a few seconds, before been assualted by a combo of punches and kicks from behind, courtesty of Warlock...[/I]
Great work James! But I guess that doesn't really matter that much to me, considering I can get larger avatars anyway...
Why, there's nothing wrong with that. It's a perfectly normal, messy ro- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *Falls off chair in fright* [I]50 seconds later, Warlock gets back up, and is just in time to see the freaky woman ghost again.[/I] *Falls back down again in fright* Someone better close that window. I'm getting a heart attack...
[I]Warlock and Maharis, both very confused, watch the three in front of them.[/I] Maharis: Do you have any idea what they're talking about? Warlock: None whatsoever. Maharis: Well, ain't you going to ask? Warlock: If you insist... [I]Warlock walked over to Rahia, tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention.[/I] Warlock: Um...what are you talking about?
:haha: :rotflmao: Yep, that person had [I]way[/I] too much time of their hands...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SephirothNIN [/i] [B]Yeah most of the movies don't tie in with the series and are just a separate story-line by themselves. The first Kooler movie does fit w/ the series tho, the first one anyway. You see goku's pod escaping from the soon-to-be-dust planet Vegeta and Kooler says to just let it be or whatever, I think one or 2 more movies fit in too.....maybe deadzone. Anyway don't try to analyze and argue the movies w/ the storyline from the series, for the most part they're unrelated. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, that's true. Almost all the movies don't fit at all in with the series. A bit of a shame, really. And the Deadzone is the only one of the movies which fits in completely with the series, I believe...
Warlock: I think you've toutured our little 'friend' here enough. Rahia: Fine, I'll stop... Dbzman: Thank you Warlock! [I]Dbzman begins to walk away, before he feels Warlock's hand on his shoulder.[/I] Warlock: I wouldn't be going that fast. Dbzman: Why not? Warlock: Because it's my turn to touture you! :devil: Dbzman: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B] I can't... it's down *Sniff...hic..* Well at least we still have otaku [/B][/QUOTE] Not again...it's been down atleast 4 times already...it's [I]really[/I] getting on my nerves...
Something catches on fire...probably next door...and then it's a blank...
Um...how shall I say it...interesting...:rolleyes:
Well, seems Dark Man X (Tec-9) has been banned. Thank god for that...I might've had to forfeit! *Shudders*
Well, I've finished my short break from the boards. Time to get back to action... ------------------------------------------------ Maharis: H...h...how... Warlock: Rahia has the ability to bring people back to life. Maharis: But...that's...extremely difficult... Warlock: Well, you've been knocked out cold for a very long time. You'd be very surprised at how powerful we are now. Maharis: Yoy guys must've been training quite hard... Warlock: Yeah...[i] I wonder if I can do magic...I do have it in my bloodstream after all...maybe I just can't seem to find it because of my saiyin blood...[/i] [I]Warlock turns to Pyro, and begins asking what's been happening...[/I]
It looks much, much better. Easily more non-cluttered! Great work Adam...
[announcer]And I'd like to say congratulations to Pyro, for been our 1000th replyer!!! *Claps from the audience* Here's your complementary shampoo packet, and a voucher for The Avatar StoreĀ®! And now back to the show...[/announcer]
Ok, ok, time to get back on topic. Even though I enjoy your crazy conversations, I still have a job to do...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=blue] Um........just add a zero to every part of my stats. :D Since magic or spirit isn't a category, I'll make do with what you have.[/COLOR] :whoops: [/B][/QUOTE] I'll do that now...(Boy do I love my job:D)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexander [/i] [B]Sorry, but I'm at a loss for a post. I don't know enough about the topic yet to write what you do for you. If you could please elaborate on how you knew my new name, for example, that'd help, Raiha. [/B][/QUOTE] She's pyschic. Or in other words, she can read minds...