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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. I won't even be in school for another 23 or so days! And when I do return, it's High School for me...I haven't been to school for so long (I was sick all of December), I can hardly remember what school's like...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]And Warlock, AIM broken? :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, yes. :p ;)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]what was this about? [/B][/QUOTE] If you don't know now, you never will...
  4. So Neil, when are we going to get this party on the road?
  5. I didn't even crack a smile! Atleast it's nice to know I'm legally sane...
  6. [I]Warlock turned, and began to slowly fly away, but only for a second. He turned back to Maharis on the ground, who was looking slightly confused.[/I] Warlock: "Can't remember how to fly, eh?" Maharis: "Not...really." [I]Warlock slowly hovered down to the ground, and began to re-teach Maharis.[/I] Warlock: "Okay, hopefully after I've taught you just abit, you'll remember. Okay, first, do you know how to use your energy." Maharis: "...Not really." Warlock: "Okay, first, completely relax your muscles ..."
  7. [I]Warlock walked into the sergent's office, his police hat in his hand. The sergent, named simply Tom, was sitting in his chair, typing rapidly on his keyboard.[/I] Warlock: "You wanted to see me, sir?" Tom: "Yes, yes. Take a seat." [I]Warlock sat down in the chair infront of Tom's desk, and he glanced up from his computer.[/I] Tom: "I'll make this quick. Intel has rumors that there might be some sort of underground lab, or something like that, stealing hybrids, and re-altering their DNA. I want you to get undercover, try and find this 'lab', and bring back as much info' as you can." Warlock: "I'll do that, sir." Tom: "Good. Go next door, they have everything ready for you..."
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST LOST A REALLY GOOD POST, PROBABLY THE BEST ONE I'VE EVER DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok basically what happens is Ragnorak kills Dbzman. [SIZE=1]Stupid boards...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Then you should learn to stop messing up your posts...or atleast copying them. And I'll wait until Alexander posts...
  9. Yes, that's a great movie. I've been watching it over and over again for the last few days. (If anyone knows where to find movies just as good or better, PM me.) [b]Name:[/b] Warlock (What a surprise) [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Bio:[/b] Warlock is a mixed hybrid, his father been human and his mother been half saiyin and half zork. Left on Earth, Warlock trained hard when he was young, and moved off planet for a few years around his teens. He even encountered the group heading for Earth, and barely made it out alive. He's out for revenge... [b]Description:[/b] 5'11", black spikey hair, black uniform and jet black cloak. [b]Race:[/b] 1/2 human, 1/4 saiyin and 1/4 zork. [b][i]Stats:[/i][/b] [b]Strength:[/b] 15,000 [b]Speed:[/b] 20,000 [b]Defense:[/b] 20,000 [b]Ki:[/b] 25,000
  10. That's a really good drawing. And I'd have to agree with Crazy White Boy about blending the colours. :)
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [size=1][color=darkblue]Heeyy now... I may have had a handba...er, GameCube avatar, but that doesn't mean that I'm female! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to take these curlers out of my hair...[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] ROTFLMAO!!!:laugh: I better treasure this as one of James' occasional comedy posts...atleast when he does it, he does it good. I'm surprised I did as well as I did in this, I've slowly been drifting further and further from the boards. Guess I better get back to those all-night posting sprees...
  12. You need sleep Duo...trust me, you need lots of sleep...
  13. The only thing I don't like about this is you can't say you eat chocalate more than ten times a week. 'Cause I sure do...
  14. Strange...it thinks I'm 13, when I'm only 12...guess I must've messed it up slightly...
  15. [I]Warlock floated above the tournament city, mediatating after his hard training session in the void.[/I] Warlock: [I]Hmm... I feel something...something I haven't felt in a long, long time...[/I] [I]Warlock deepened his mediatation, hoping to find what he had felt. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open, and he saw.[/I] Warlock: "...Oh my god..." [I]Warlock instantly teleported to the barren desert plains, searching for someone. He picked up an extremely low power level by his standards, a few kilometres to his right. In a few seconds, Warlock was already at the power level source, and he looked down, to see a figure, just outside the desert, standing on a cliff edge. [/I] Warlock: "That is him!" [I]The figure looked up, and spotted Warlock...[/I]
  16. [I]Warlock coughs up blood, and then his body simply goes limp. Flash however, continued to squeeze Warlock neck, hoping to squash it completely.[/I] Warlock: [I]You shouldn't of done that![/I] [I]Flash suddenly lost all feeling in his arm, and he looked over to it. It was now severed, thanks to a large energy sword, attached to Warlock's wrist, which had managed to get behind Warlock's back. Warlock dropped to the ground, and faced Flash [/I] Warlock: Time you feel real pain! [I]Warlock tensed his muscels, and began to shout out in fury. Rocks around him lefted into the air, and he reached SSJ2.[/I] Warlock: You're not the only one with strange blood! [I]A ki sword erupted from Warlock's other wrist, and he lept at Flash, cutting off his other arm. Bringing his right arm back, Warlock yet again punched through Flash's chest, but this time with a ki sword. [/i] Warlock: Feel the pain... [I]Just as Warlock finished his sentence, Flash's leg came back, hitting him under the jaw. The ki sword came sliding out, and Warlock went flying back...[/I]
  17. [I]Warlock just tried to relax as the blast carried him further away from Flash. He used the time to quickly focus his energy, and start something he hadn't done for a little while. Miles away, Flash watched as the Kamehameha drifted further and further away, until it suddenly broke apart, and Flash saw the distinct yellow aurora for a breif second. [/I] Flash: ...Super Saiyia-jin... [I]A quick flash of yellow, and Flash suddenly felt a stab of been in his chest. He looked down, and saw a fist. Warlock had punched him through the stomach...[/I]
  18. [I]Warlock glances around at the coming ki, and smirks. Just as the blasts touch and tinge his sides, he dissapears, using his own form of Instant Transmission. The ki blasts hit each other, creating a magnificiant explosion, but Flash can't tell if Warlock is alive or not. However, his questions are answered when a knee pushes into his gut, and he bends over as it digs in further, causing his to spit out blood. The knee removes itself, and Flash glances up at an enraged Warlock.[/I] Warlock: Never...*Grabs onto Flash's collar*...call me 'Locky! [I]Warlock used his other hand to smash into Flash's neck, causing his neck to move forward, and for him to splutter more blood. In a fluid motion, Warlock releases his grip on Flash, and hammers him with both fists on the head. Flash does smashing into the ground, and Warlock flys after him...[/I]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Erm, sorry, got a bit caught up in things. *cough*Flash's Rage*cough* [/B][/QUOTE] Then you're completely excused... --------------------------- [I]Searing hot pain shocked itself through Warlock's body, while many parts of Warlock's body began to bleed. Slowly, Warlock's eyes began to droop, but he quickly tensed up his muscles, and anger started to boil through him.[/I] Warlock: "...That's...enough!" [I]Suddenly, all the newer ki blasts exploded a metre away from Warlock, and revealed a red energy wall in front of him. He floated forward, but the ki blasts continued to hit one metre in front of him. Flash noticed this, and stopped. The dust cleared, and Warlock smirked from behind his red energy bubble.[/I] Warlock: "My turn!" [I]The bubble dissapeared, and a super-sonic sound invaded Flash's eardrums. Moments later he was knocked flying, smashing into another cliff, and falling to the ground, momentarily dazed.[/I] Warlock: "I better heal..." [I]As Warlock closed his eyes, and red light surrounded him, and he began to heal...[/I]
  21. [I]Matt and Kai set down again, now just inside GS territory. Kai enters some toilets near a river, and Matt stands outside, looking around at the scenery. After 20 minutes, Matt called to Kai. [/I] Matt: "Hurry up!" Kai: "A bit longer!" [I]Matt mumbled to himself, sat down, and closed his eyes. He heard footsteps, and thought Kai was coming, but simply been quiet.[/I] Matt: "About time!" ???????: "Yes, about time to meet your end..." Matt: "What the..." [I]Matt opened his eyes, to see Warlock standing in front of him. Matt's eyes went wide.[/I] Warlock: "Isn't smart to stay to long in one place here in the GS forums. Certain people have been known to dissapear by staying to long..." Matt: "You're...you're..." Warlock: "Yes...I'm Warlock. Thought I really had left the boards? That was simply a cover, so people would fell safer..." [I]Warlock raised his hand at Matt, and just as red glow began to show, Warlock was pounded to the side by an extremely large body.[/I] Matt: "What took you so long Kai?" Kai: "...You don't want to know..." [I]Several metres away, Warlock was getting back onto his feet.[/I] Matt: "Time we leave Kai!" [I]Matt jumped onto Kai's back, and Warlock watched as they slowly got further away.[/I] Warlock: "Ready or not...here I come..." [I]Warlock sped after Matt...[/I]
  22. Name: Warlock Weapon: He [I]is[/I] the weapon. Status: What do you think? *Points to title* Bio: Warlock is the mysterious Mod of GS. Not much is known of him, except he despises members... Pet: No pet for me... -------------------------------------------------------- [I]Two members nervously made their way across the river, into GS territory. They had their guns out, and were glancing in every direction. They rested under a tree, and relaxed.[/I] Member1: "I thought Warlock would've attacked us by now." Member2: "Eh, maybe he really isn't around here. Probably some other part of GS." Member1: "Yeah, I guess..." [I]They continued to chat, unaware of the presence watching them from the top of the tree. He had short, spikey black hair, was wearing complete black, including a black cape. He...was Warlock.[/I] Member2: "Do you feel something?" Member1: "Of course not..." Member2: "Maybe...Warlock is around here." Member1: "Don't be silly. You said yourself he would've attacked us by now!" Member2: "But...but maybe he's simply watching us, waiting to attack." Warlock: "Right you are!" [I]The members looked up with horrifed looks on their faces, as Warlock flew down the tree. Warlock brought his right foot back, and kicked the member2 under the jaw. Member1 quickly brought out two high-tech style machine guns, and laid down fire. Warlock simply walked forward, not affected. With one swift movement, Warlock punched the member so hard his rib-cage collapsed.[/I] Warlock: "Say hello to the next life for me, won't you?" [I]Warlock lifted up, and began to fly away. About a minute later, the area of the members had exploded...[/I]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]HAHAHAHAHA..... :laugh: :laugh: ........erm, sorry 'bout that..... Hey man, I don't go back until the 1st of Feb! As you can see with Warlock, we go back late, we get about 5 or 6 weeks off. :D Man I love Australia..... Anyway, why do American schools go back early? Or do you live somewhere other than America? [/B][/QUOTE] It's because it's not a new school year for them. However SS, here our school year's start after these holidays. I guess that's pretty much it...
  24. Heh heh. I don't have to go back until the 28th. *Dances around in joy*
  25. [I]Warlock walked through the park, in a complete police uniform. Messages relayed through his head-mike and speakers.[/I] [I]Warlock:[/I] [I]Boy is this a busy night...[/I] [I]Warlock noticed two teenagers, obviously drunk. They turned to two younger children, and immediatly started hitting them. Quickly withdrawing his gun, Warlock raced to the scene.[/I] Warlock: "Stop it!" [I]The dunks noticed Warlock, and withdrew guns of their own.[/I] Warlock: "Put the guns down!" Drunk1: "And what're you...going ta do abowt it?" Warlock: "Put them down now!" [I]Suddenly, the second drunk pointed his gun at the two younger children, and was starting to pull the trigger.[/I] Warlock: "Noooo!" [I]The gun sped out of the drunkard's hand, as if pulled to some magnitic force. It landed swiftly in Warlock's hands.[/I] Drunk2: "What twe fu**?" [I]The other gun spun out of it's owner's hand, and landed at Warlock's feet.[/I] Warlock: "This is Warlock. Two drunkard's near the Dune statue. Arrest needed." [I]Warlock watched as two officers appeared half a minute later, and dragged the drunkards off with them. After calming down the children, Warlock walked up to the Raynor Dune statue, and took in it's sheer size.[/I] Warlock: "It looks so...familiar. And his last name is Dune...same as mine. And it does say he could do amazing things...just like I did just before...maybe we are related some way..." [I]Warlock turned on the statue, and continued his patrol...[/I]
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