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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Plume [/i] [B]This ain't spam. There could've been a lot worse **** goin on here. Well, just Spamming. If you want me to go I'll go, sheesh. I was going to go without force anyways. Just getting some objectives in from someone who thought it'd be funny. [/B][/QUOTE] Good. Stop completely and when the Gods arrive, they may not ban you...
  2. Plume, stop spamming! NOW!!!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]But seriously, Plume, stop spamming or I _will_ set masterfork on you. [/B][/QUOTE] Flash, that's harsh! Even for him!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][size=1]Happy New Year! :) It's 1am here in Melbourne...I just got back home. The fireworks were awesome. ;)[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, they were. Loud, but awesome...
  5. Good. I can't wait to get this show on the road. And Neil, Rico won't be the only one making sure you stay on line...*punches right hand into the left hand*
  6. [I]Warlock flew back away from the ball of energy, charging up his own. At the last second, he threw the red ball of energy like a discus, and it went colliding with the first ball of energy. The blast lit up the entire sky, and both Warlock and Flash were sent flying off the cliff edge. Warlock regained his composure mid-way through the air, and floated there, trying to sense Flash.[/I] Warlock: "He isn't there...nor there...he's there!" [I]Warlock quickly releaseed a small ball of energy, which flew to his right, before exploding about 20 metres out. Warlock smirked, before quickly turning around, and barely stopping a kick to his kidneys.[/I] Warlock: "Close, but not close enough." [I]Warlock and Flash circled each other, before clashing...[/I]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Allow me to do the honours, 'Locky... :D [/B][/QUOTE] All of a sudden, I have the urge to kill someone... And Neil, if you make yourself greatly powerfuler than anyone, or immortal, ect, I will [I]not[/I] be happy...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]hang on...I feel a hysterical laughing fit overtaking me......*overtaken by hysterical laughing fit*[/COLOR] :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] All you need to do now is call me 'Locky, and this day'll be complete...:rolleyes:
  9. Y'know Neil, I may not be angry with Kuja, but I sure am with you! It's quite unfair been IMMORTAL in EVERY RPG you are in. And you're making it as if you are more powerful than all of us Mods...you're not...so, turn everything down a he** of alota times...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]It's okay to be a human...........really, you and Warlock can be er..........uh....."homies."[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] ...
  11. [I]As Warlock and his clone sparred for hours, a strange cloaked figure watched them, also inside the void. If Warlock were to have seen him, he would've been much more than surpirsed. How could a person get into his void without the person having gained a special type of permission from him. The figure seemed almost bodyless, his cloak drooping quite abit. It was as if the figure was a skeleton in a cloak. The figure also spoke every so often, in a bare whisper, but was extremely cold and evil.[/I] Figure: [B]"All so soon...All so soon..."[/B] [I]Just as Warlock and his clone finished sparring, the figure dissapeared. Neither Warlock or his clone knew that the figure had been in it, nor did they know that Warlock had 'met' this figure before, at the tournament grounds... [/I]
  12. Consider yourself lucky guys...We haven't even started the Sayiaman Saga here, but I believe we do start it within the next 2 months. But me, been the lucky person I am, already has the first 15 episodes on DVD...:D
  14. Nice...Keep it up Alexander!
  15. Welcome James! We don't see to much people of you're 'authority' in these here parts. And this is the best RPG here (apart from DB:BF), so you should enjoy it.
  16. Actually Alexander, if you wish to join, there's nothing stopping you. I'm sure Flash can post the sign-up sheet. ------------------------------------------ [I]Warlock punched through the air at an unbelieveable rate. Sweet poured down his face, and he breathed heavily. Taking one last punch, Warlock begins to rise up above the void floor. The gravity of his void was so heavy that Warlock, even in his newest and most powerfullest form, had trouble moving.[/I] Warlock: "Okay...time we spar..." [I]Out of nowhere came Warlock's clone, finding it incredibly hard to stay in the air.[/I] Warlock (Clone): "I'm ready..." Warlock: "Good." [I]They both faced each other, and began to spar...[/I]
  17. Name: 'Warlock' Dune (Doesn't use his first name Kinda like Outlaw) Age: 22 Hybrid/Human: Human Animal: N/A Abilities: Telekinesis: Warlock has the ability to move things with his mind. Flight: Even if only slightly, Warlock has the ability to fly. Heal: Warlock's wounds heal faster than ordinary people's wounds, making him endure longer in fights. Description: 'Warlock' leads a quiet life as one of the Meteo City Police Department. He's known as 'Warlock', due to the fact he doesn't like his first name, and nor does anyone else. Growing up in the quiet suburbs of Meteo City, Warlock enlisted in the Meteo City Police Department at the earliest possible time. He didn't know why, but he had some strange interest in it. Lately though, he's been able to do strange things. He knows he doesn't have any hybrid in him. But after passing the Raynor Dune memorial, he's slowly starting to peice things together...
  18. [I]Several miles away from Flash, over a giant pine forest, the wind begins to move more fiercly. The pines beneath slightly rock, and then, all of a sudden, stop. A quick flash of colours, and everything is back to normal...[/I] Warlock: [I]There he is...[/I] [I]Warlock continues to rocket forward, and covers the next mile in a mere second. It seems his speed has improved greatly.[/I] Warlock: [I]Get ready Flash. Cause ready or not, here I come![/I] [I]Warlock instantly stops, a few metres in front of Flash. His cloak flutters violently in the wind, and he slowly begins his descent onto the cliff-face.[/I] Warlock: It's great to be about to fight you again Flash... Flash: It's been awhile. Must be what, 10 years? Warlock: ...Two months... Flash: Well the time sure flew, didn't it? Warlock: You've been having to much coffee, haven't you? Flash: What'd make you think that? Warlock: Let's just get fighting Flash... [I]Warlock appears a few feet back from Flash, and quickly gets into his fighting stance.[/I] Flash: I'm game.
  19. This RPG looks like it needs more action...so I guess I better join! :D If I can join, could someone tell me what the sign-up sheet is?
  20. Great to see you again Alexander! I was wondering if I ever would see you again. I like the plot for this fanfic, I'll keep an eye out for the next part.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Most definetly.........a little twisted, but...yeah, still funny. :D[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] A...little twisted...I think that's an understatement...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B] Lol, there was a padded room party? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, there was one. Trust me, it was one spam filled topic. But it's gone now, and hopefully will never come back... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] Flash, Rico, Warlock.....I do [i]not[/i]envy you guys. x.x Best of luck to you. [/QUOTE] Thanks [I]alot[/I] for your vote of confidence there...
  23. Very funny! Very funny indeed...:laugh: :laugh:
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