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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=red]:demon: I wish I was killing you. :demon:[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] :demon: May I join you? :demon:
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] [color=crimson][b][size=1]when i first came here i thought you were the coolest dude around....[/color][/b][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I still am, right?:cool: *Crickets chirp* Well? *Circkets chirp again*
  3. [I]White Raynor speeds up, and stops beside Trell almost instantly.[/I] White Raynor: "Where is he?" Trell: "Down there." [I]Trell points down towards the ground, where an eirie(sp) glow is forming.[/I] White Raynor: "This is not good..." Trell: "Why not?" White Raynor: "He's finally gained back his form." Trell: "Form?" White Raynor: "Yeah..." [I]The White Raynor flew down towards the ground, but stopped a few metres from it, and looked down at the Black Raynor, who was standing, looking pleased.[/I] Black Raynor: "You can have this medal of your's back now..." [I]The Black Raynor threw Raynor's medal back to the White Raynor.[/I] Black Raynor: "Now, time for you to witness perfection!" [I]Slowly, the Black Raynor's body began to morph...[/I]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Wow, 2 votes already, and they're both for Warlock! rofl [/B][/QUOTE] By any chance, where [I]you[/I] one of the people who voted for me?!:flaming: Anyway, why are people voting for me alot now?
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]:therock: ummm....this might take a while... [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. *Sips lemonade* I guess I better remind Flash...
  6. Warlock: "I'm going to get out of here. You guys are freaking me out." [I]In an instant, Warlock was gone.[/I] [COLOR=red]AJ: "Um...I'd like to come..."[/COLOR]
  7. [I]In the underneath access ports, Siren continues to heal Raynor. Miluska gazes around uncertain, as if something was there.[/I] Miluska: "Hurry up Siren!" [I]The ground underneath Miluska's feet began to crumble, and she moved to the side just as a robot of some kind erupted out of the ground. It was a sleek model, with it's left 'hand' ending in a long energy sword. On the right, was a deadly claw.[/I] Robot: "Lifeform found. Destroy! Destroy!" [I]In a split second, the robot grabbed Miluska by her throat, and lifted her up.[/I] Miluska: "Help! Quickly!!!" [I]The robot began to tighten it's grip, and Miluska closed her eyes due to the pain. However, the claw gripping her goes limp, and she slowly opens her eyes. The White Raynor stands, hand outstreched, and sword in hand, pointing at the ground. Behind him the rest of the robot is in peices, scattered around.[/I] White Raynor: "These things are replacing those Bio-Troopers around the city. Trust me, they're a handful. You won't dispatch of them easily." [I]The White Raynor started to fly out, and then added.[/I] White Raynor: "And watch out for that sword. It's fires energy." [I]The White Raynor burst out of the access port and towards Trell and Valik, sword in hand...[/I]
  8. [I]Warlock and Hizoku wander around, looking for a good entrance to the underground compound. [/I] Hizoku: "Maybe we should just find a good place, and break through the ground into the complex." Warlock: "We may just have to..." [I]As they start to search, the ground underneath them begins to rumble. It starts to break in half, with the two halfs moving to the side. Warlock and Hizoku jump off the moving earth, and watch as a ship of some kind bursts through the hole in the earth. Warlock moves to the edges of the hole.[/I] Warlock: "I think we found a way in. Let's just hope we can think of a plan when we get in there..." [I]Hizoku and Warlock turn invisible, and jump into the depths of the hole...[/I]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Aww...oh well...maybe saturday or late friday... [/B][/QUOTE] Or maybe Sunday...
  10. [I]Warlock focuses on Dbzman, but stops at soon as he began.[/I] Warlock: "That's strange. I felt a brief flicker of power, which then dissapeared. And near here too. Maybe Pyro knows what it was." [I]Warlock teleported to AJ and Trunks, and looked around for Pyro.[/I] Warlock: "Have you guys seen Pyro?" AJ: "He was here just a minute." Warlock: "Well, he's not here now. Maybe it has something to do with that brief flicker of power..."
  11. [I]As the battle rages down below, a different kind of battle is taking place high above Meteo City. The two figures of Raynor, continuing fighting, now both armed with swords. In between blows, the fighters exchange comments.[/I] Black Raynor: "I still don't know why you're still fighting. You should've known since the start you wouldn't walk out of this alive!" White Raynor: "Don't be so sure..." [I]The Black Raynor kicks the other Raynor, and then plunges his sword into the White Raynor's stomach.[/I] Black Raynor: "Oh, I'll be sure." [I]The White Raynor drops out of the air, falling down to his certain death...[/I]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink][i]Especially[/i] kuja...he's [i]quite[/i] unfond of spam...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, [I]especially[/I] kuja. Anything that's even close to spam doesn't last long when he's around...
  13. Goodbye Justin, you shall always be remembered here as a great warrior. I hope you have a great life. [I]-Warlock[/I]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [SIZE=1] Oh yeah, Warlock? I forgot to mention that the gaurds are STRONGER than us.. just keep that in mind... sorry bout that one. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Me knocking out that guard like that was luck, and took away alot of my energy too. I just happened to be having a good day, and that guard just happened to be weak...:p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Warlock slowly walked down the corridor, which was only dimly lit. The familar sound of footsteps started to echo from around a corner, and Warlock jumped into a side room. Even though the room was pitch black, Warlock was able to see, thanks to his red alien eyes. The footsteps drew closer, and Warlock backed away from the door. His foot slowly knocked into a pile of metal, and it fell onto the floor, making a large noise. The footsteps outside suddenly went into a run, and the door to the small room was opened by a guard. He turned on the lights, and gazed around. As he left, he carelessly forgot to check if the vent up on the roof was open...[/I]
  15. [I]Both Raynor's exchange punch after punch, but so far the battle is going nowhere. Finally, the Black Raynor succedes in hitting the White Raynor, and the White Raynor is sent flying.[/I] Black Raynor: "Just give up. Evil shall triumph over good this time I'm afriad." [I]The White Raynor bowls over some bio-troops, and gets up.[/I] White Raynor: "You may have my body, but I still have the mind!" [I]The White Raynor pulls a sword from his back, and launches at the Black Raynor...[/I]
  16. [I]A man sits in a cell, glancing around, a plan forming in his mind. He looks around 19, black hair, and fairly Saiyin, though with a touch of something else, shown in his red eyes. He wears all black, including a black cape. Footsteps start to sound outside the cell, and the man closes his eyes and concentrates. Seconds before the footsteps arrive, the man dissapears on the spot. A guard stops outside the cell door, and gazes in.[/I] Guard: "This cell was occupied not very long ago..." [I]The guard checks a small computers on the cell door.[/I] Guard: "Wait a moment, there's still a lifeforce in there!" [I]The guard opens the door, and runs in. He looks around, and then falls down. The man reappears, his hand coming back from striking the man on the neck. He drags the gaurd into a corner, where he is shaded from the light. Then, the man puts on the guard uniform over his own, and steps out of the cell. He closes the door, and looks around.[/I] Warlock: "Warlock one, guards zero..."
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B] Your a mod... del the thread... lol :drunk: :toothy: [/B][/QUOTE] He can't. He's not a Mod of this forum...
  18. I don't have the time to read all three and a bit pages, so could somebody tell me exactly what's going on so I can bring my character in.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B]Aldor: :excited: I don't know how much more of this I can take... Trunks: Seriously, man,...it just, like, [i]fixed[/i] itself when I opened the box.. AJ: Cool....anyway,...about those boxers... Aldor: :drunk: Good god.. [/B][/QUOTE] Um, Aldor has dissapered. I doubt very much he's with you...
  20. [I]As the group flys at the soldiers, a familar shape buzzes in front of them.[/I] Raynor: "Going somewhere?" Trell: "Yes!" [I]Trell tries to punch Raynor, but Raynor simply stops it in his hand, and grabs Trell by the throat.[/I] Raynor: "Enjoy your last moments of life Trell. Gaze upon the city, it might be a nice thing to see as you die. Meteo City, up in flames..." [I]Raynor starts to crush Raynor's throat, so the others try to stop him. However, they hit a blue forcefield surrounding him.[/I] Raynor: "I wouldn't let you hit me that easily. Now, say goodbye to Trell..." [I]Trell's neck start's to crack under pressure, until Raynor suddenly stops. The group looks back, and sees the man floating behind them, now fully visable.[/I] Valik: "Oh my god..." Cloud: "It can't be!" [I]Raynor lets go of Trell, and speaks...[/I] [B]Waiting, so to build up suspense. Though I guess you have already peeked down below.[/B] Raynor: "Time I kill you Raynor!" [I]The other Raynor, yes, other Raynor, floats foward. The only difference between him and the other Raynor is that he's dressed all in white, while the other is in black.[/I] Valik: "But, how can you both be Raynor?" White Raynor: "I'll tell you later. Now, destroy that army!" [I]The others, still with disbelief on their faces, rush down towards the army, while both Raynor stare at each other, and begin to fight...[/I]
  21. [I]Raynor speeds forward, right towards Siren. Centimetres away from hitting, Raynor dissapears, and Siren keeps flying forward. Raynor appears above Meteo City, and watches as the hundreds of fighters circle the city, ready to strike. Raynor raises his hand, and the fighters begin bombarding the city. [/I] Raynor: "Nothing can stop me now..." ???: "I wouldn't say that!" [I]Raynor turns, and looks at a man covered by the passing shadows of the fighters above.[/I] Raynor: "You!" ???: "You knew I'd come. And I believe this is the perfect time..." Raynor: "Yes, the perfect time for your death!" ???: "You underestimate me way to much. I shall defeat you..." Raynor: "Even if you somehow defeated me, my army is unstoppable! What is marching to this city is only the begginging!" ???: "Yes, the beginging of the end..." [I]??? dissapears, and Raynor blasts back towards the Hybrid Vigor team out in the desert outskirts...[/I]
  22. [I]As Rahia powers down, Warlock appears, and catches Rahia's attention immediatly.[/I] Rahia: "You were there!?" Warlock: "I was keeping an eye on things..." [I]As Warlock finishes his sentence, Sephiroth also appears.[/I] Rahia: "You were both watching me and him!?" Sephiroth: "We were only going to interfer when we had to." Rahia: "That's not the problem. I couldn't sense or see any of you. If you guys wanted to, you'd be able to watch me in the shower, and I'd never know!" Warlock: "Thanks for the idea Rahia." [I]SLAP!!![/I] Rahia: "You were saying!?" Warlock: "Nothing..." Sephiroth: "Heh heh..."
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