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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [I]The forces above the city are already on alert, waiting for any possible attack. Several men stand by an advanced tank.[/I] Man #1: "Doesn't look like they'll come for a while." Man #2: "I just hope they don't. They'll destroy us easily." Man #3: "I wouldn't say that. We outnumber them greatly." Man #1: "I've been down there before. They outnumber us, by alot!" [I]The men begin to talk, and don't notice the slight rumbling in the earth. In an instant the ground parts, and opens like a large hanger door in the ground. All of a sudden tanks appear, and begin fireing at the forces around. Many fighters rise up also, and begin at assualt from above. Straight away, the ground forces start to lose easily. As the ground troops get into position, figures start jumping out of the 'hanger'. They land right in front of the troops, and withdraw their weapons. Several head go rolling, while other bodies are destroyed by a blast. But within 5 minutes, there's nothing left, but the enemy. Everyone and everything disappears back into the hanger, where Raynor is watching.[/I] Raynor: "Exellent. And to think, we did all that with only a 100th of our forces..."
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]Boo hoo hoo...Everybody hates me...:( :( :( [/B][/QUOTE] Everyone hates me too...
  3. [I]The bodies of Kaloc, Aldor and Warlock appeared above the city, in a large cube, made up of energy.[/I] Warlock: "Okay guys, ths should be fun. We're going for an all against all fight, and if someone touches the sides, they're automaticly out, and appear outside this large cube. Got it?" Kaloc & Aldor: "Yep." Warlock: "Then, let the games begin." [I]The warriors begin to fight...[/I]
  4. Yes, the [B]MOD[/B] powers!!!:devil: :devil: :devil: Anyway, time to look at the poll... *checks*...Okay, me and Dbzman are tied with 6 votes. This is probably the closet I've seen in an OBB poll. But only time will tell who leaves...
  5. [I]As morning nears, Andrews stands outside, by his car, and holds a speaker in his hand.[/I] Andrews: "So, are you sure that's the amount?" Speaker: "Sure as ever." Andrews: "Okay. And what the E.T.A for the transport?" Speaker: "It should arrive within an hour. It's just doing a job now?" Andrews: "Roger. Over and out." [I]Andrews put the speaker back in the car, and walked back to the apartment, where Miluska, Artoni, Valik and Trell were having breakfast, with Siren reading a book.[/I] Andrews: "I've sent for a transport to take us to the base. It's the best transport around. Air, land, sea and space, it does it all." [I]Andrews looks out the window, at the rising sun.[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Meanwhile...[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]Back down beneath the surface of the Earth, the unearthly figure of Raynor viewed the 'city', and gazed at it's magnificince. [/I] Raynor: "To think, in the end of my conquest this shall be the only city left standing." [B]20 minutes until first assualt team to break the surface. All personal for this assualt get to your designated areas immediately.[/B] Raynor: "Good. In 20 minutes, the conquest will begin..."
  6. Um, could you just shut up with all this mumbo jumbo. It's getting on my nerves! If you continue, I'll have to use my greatest weapon!
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]Is all this fuss over stupid souls? You can have mine it's not good for anything. But only if you give me a cheese sandwhich. [/B][/QUOTE] Really!?:devil: *A cheese sandwhich appears in Warlock's hands.* Here you go... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]I will gladly give my soul if it makes me stronger than Connor in Aestus' Tourney :) Otherwise, yard yeself :p[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm afriad I cannot make you powerfuler. For I, the devil, has a brother, who is more powerfuler than me. And guess what, he's Final Flash, Connor in Aestus' Tourney...
  8. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]As Warlock hangs on by a thread, Laurri faces the masked men.[/I] Golden Armour Man: "You really think you can defeat us? Masked Man: "You got to be kidding." Laurri: "I'm far from kidding!" [I]Laurri launches at one of the masked men, but somehow freezes in the air centimetres from her target.[/I] Laurri: "What!?" [I]Laurri goes flying into the water, straight into Warlock and Rahia. As Rahia and Laurri regain themselves, Warlock drifts further into the water. [/I] Masked Man #3: "You are pathitic! I have no idea how you defeated those bugs..." Pyro: "You know about the bugs!?" Maskek Man #3: "Of course. We were sent to finish off their job!"
  9. Yeah, when [I]is[/I] the second round going to start?
  10. I can hardly believe what I'm seeing! I'm tied for the lead! *Turns to jcgoudy* Oh, I'll get you jcgoudy, I'll get you! :flaming:
  11. [I]Warlock puts more and more energy into his Kamehameha, which Tec does the same. [/I] Warlock: "You know...it's usually the smarter fighter that wins...not the strongest!" [I]Just as Tec begins to overpower Warlock, Warlock teleports behind Tec, and begins to pound him...[/I]
  13. I'm Satan! Of course I'm going to mention that! I will do the best to embarrass you!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] AAAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!! YOU'RE GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] NEVER!!! I SHALL FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!!
  15. [I]Warlock walks back to Kaloc and Aldor, in a sort of trance.[/I] Aldor: "What's wrong?" Warlock: "Something very strange happened before. [I]Very[/I] strange..."
  16. [I]The legendary Warlock floats above the battlefield.[/I] Warlock: "I to would like to join this battle. But beware, I am undefeated, and feared through all the land..."
  17. [I]Both warriors stare each other down, and Warlock breaks the silence.[/I] Warlock: "This will be a long and tough fight, but I shall prevail in the end!" Tec-9: "In your wildest dreams!" Warlock: "Guess what, this just happens to be a wild dream!" [I]Both warrios clash...[/I]
  18. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    I'm here! --------------- [I]Warlock is about to say something, when a ball of ki speeds through his stomach, and then disappears. Warlock bends down onto his knees, and spits out blood.[/I] Xadia: "What was that!?" Warlock: "I...don't know." [I]Warlock concentrates, and a blue arua starts to spread around him. However, his wounds do not heal.[/I] Warlock: "I don't...get it! That's...supposed to...heal me." [I]Xadia trys to heal him, but for some strange reason can't.[/I] Warlock: "I can't...be...healed." [I]Mocking laughter fills the area, and the 4 black armour men, and the golden aromour man appear.[/I] Golden man: "There's nothing you can do! He will die!" [I]Warlock glances over at the men, and slowly starts to die...[/I]
  19. I agree we shouldn't post images in our posts, but I'd [i]really[/i] like to put a banner in my sig though...
  20. [I]Andrews speeds nearer and nearer to Trell's place, when suddenly Trell and Siren get out of their car, right in front of Trell's apartment, and right in front of Andrew's car. He turns the wheel, and after a few seconds which seem to last forever, the car stops milimetres in front of Trell and Siren. Andrew's jumps out.[/I] Andrews: "We've got trouble. Let's go inside, and I'll tell you everything." [I]Andrews, Trell and Siren go into the apartment, where Valik and Miluska great them.[/I] Andrews: "I think we should all sit down." [I]Everyone sits down, and looks at Andrews.[/I] Trell: "This sounds important." Andrews: "It is. Well, you all know how Raynor was here a few days back." [I]Everyone nods.[/I] Andrews: "Well, about an hour after he disappeared, he arrived at a top secret military compund out in the desert, which has a city of sorts underneath, where many tests are done. The guards let him through, and he procedded to the city. Cameras watched him enter the city, where he immediatly flew over it. And that's where we lost communication with the underground base." Vailk: "So, did he destroy it?" Andrews: "No. One of our top hackers hacked into their system for a few seconds, not very long ago. The city's still there." Trell: "So, what do you think he's doing?" Andrews: "They've got amazing experiments been done down there. Biogenitic soldiers have been made there, all with incredible strength and so on. Machines of mass destruction are also made there. In others words, he's going to try and get the world's most dangerous army out there. And he's probably going to improve on it too." Valik: "Can anyone get down there?" Andrews: "No. The place is protected by some invisible force field. Nothing can get in or out. And I mean nothing. We'll simply have to wait until they surface. We've already got half of the remaining army surrounding above, but I doubt that'll be enough." Trell: "So, we'll just have to wait to it comes?" Andrews: "Yep, and just hope you're ready for it..."
  21. Well, know that I've told everyone I'm Satan, who wants some wishes? *cough*[SIZE=1]inexchangeforyoursoul[/SIZE]*cough*
  22. Great, looks like jcgoudy has started the revolt against me...:flaming:
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]warlock got a vote... O.o! [/B][/QUOTE] Of course I did. It's because jcgoudy is out to get me!
  24. Majin Gohan, of course you're not him. FOR I AM!!! You should atleast know that by now! What's this, James' secret is out. I AM [I]NOT[/I] HAPPY!!! *Looks for James* And one last thing, Mickey Mouse and Castro have nothing to do with all this! All this terror was caused by me, Satan/Warlock! Not Mickey, not Castro, me! So remember, it was me, Satan/Warlock, not Mickey or Castro! ----------- Yikes, I'm starting to sound like that monkey from PowerPuff Girls...
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