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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B]heheheheh.... it is time..... heheheheheh...... [/B][/QUOTE] Not [I]this[/I] again...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Wow, it seems everyone hates me today... :( [/B][/QUOTE] I don't hate you, I just hate your social life.:p
  3. [I]Warlock is sent flying forward, but stops after several metres, and does a mid-air flip. Facing Tec-9, he gets into his fighting stance.[/I] Warlock: "Congratulations, you just won the main prize. A lose by my hands!" Tec-9: "You're not getting away that easily..." [I]Tec-9 splits into three Tec-9s, who all appear around Warlock, and pound him into a lake. They join back into one, and watch the lake. However, on the edge of a cliff behind him, Warlock moves his hands around very fast, and a green ball of ki comes at Tec-9 from behind.[/I] Warlock: "HEY TEC-9!!!: [I]Tec-9 turns around, and jumps further into the air just in time. He looks back to where Warlock was, but he isn't there. He hears the shout of someone above, and is just in time to see Warlock speeding down, a blade of ki on his left and right wrist. He brings his right hand back, and then swishes it forward at an amazing speed. Tec-9's vision starts to part sideways, because he's been cut in half. The two halves of him drift away from each other, and Warlock starts slashing the air, cutting him into smaller peices. The ki blades then disappear, and he points his left hand at Tec-9's body peices, and fires a blast at them. He brings his hand down, and looks around the empty battlefield...[/I]
  4. Warlock: "Looks like he's...dead." [I]Warlock flys higher up into the air, and looks around.[/I] Warlock: "Looks like he re-. [I]Warlock sences a power level rising in the distance. He speeds towards it...[/I]
  5. [I]The blast explodes centimetres away from Warlock's face, and when the dust settles, Warlock is only slightly injured.[/I] Tec-9: "But that hit you straight on!" Warlock: "Shield mean anything to you?" [I]In an instant, Warlock flys around Tec-9, and stops where he started.[/I] Warlock: "I hope you're not claustrophobic..." [I]Suddenly, a ki wall appears around Tec-9, and starts to close in.[/I] Warlock: "If you touch the ki wall, you get injured. And you can't teleport out of this either. Let's see if you can get out..." [I]Tec-9 thinks of a way to get out as the wall closes in...[/I]
  6. Forte, could you stop posting here?
  7. [I]Andrews' car races down the highway, heading for the others.[/I] Andrews: "Car, how much further?" Car: "5 miles." [I]Andrews looks at the car clock, and speeds on...[/I]
  8. Heh, looks like you qouted your post...:p
  9. [I]Tec-9 views the large hole in which Warlock created when pushed down. He becomes to focused on the hole to notice Warlock floating behind him, charging up a ball of energy.[/I] Tec-9: "Looks like I got him. Too bad it couldn't of lasted longer..." [I]Tec-9 watches the hole for a few more seconds, then suddenly sences Warlock. He turns around, only to see Warlock throw the ball of ki at him. Tec-9 cops it in the stomach, and it goes right through.[/I] Warlock: "Yes, too bad..."
  10. Oh yes, I forgot. You're Tec-9 here. I CHALLENGE TEC-9!!!
  11. I challenge you Tecnik. The rules of the fight are simple, there are no rules. So, you up to the challenge?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cera [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I don't know what you're talking about...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Either do I. I don't have Cera's soul...yet...:devil:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]:devil: :devil: :devil: [SIZE=4]MY SECRETS ARE RUINED[/SIZE] :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] Well, if you could give me your soul again, I could make this not happen. But I'm afriad I already have it, so your secret will remain open to all...:devil:
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Forte [/i] [B] I always knew something was strange about you... [/B][/QUOTE] Well, didn't we all? So, who wants a once in a life time chance to speak with the devil? All those who don't want to, shall lose their souls!:devil:
  15. Yes, it's true, I am the devil! I gave Adam and James popular sites, and got their souls, and a posistion as a Mod! And I do claim to be a human being, and a Warlock. Well, being the devil and all, I can do whatever I want. So for short periods I turn into a human being or a Warlock. Well, I've got some forbiddon souls to torture, but I'll be right back...:devil:
  16. [I]Meanwhile, Warlock lies against a wall in the first room, with his eyes closed, and trying to regain his energy.[/I] Warlock: "Something doesn't feel right. But then again, nothing ever feels right..." [I]Warlock slowly opens his eyes, only to see a fist knock him out. Something drags him away, and the others don't even notice...[/I]
  17. And AJ, isn't it true that it says you're from Hell, under your avatar?
  18. To think, I live within 20 kilometres of one of these 'demons'. But I tell you, I am not one! Sure, I may look like one, I speak with the devil himself every few days, and I can control the army of the underworld, but trust me, I am no demon!!!
  19. Normally I'd sue you Flash, but I'm happy today, so I won't. But you better stay on my good side, or else...:devil:
  20. Congratualtions on becoming the 13th Otaku! I just hope you didn't spam to get this far...
  21. That's true DeathKnight, and that might as well be the case. And by the way, who was the author of the dating game?
  22. [I]Raynor stood on a tower, overlooking the cave 'city'. He gazed up at the cave roof, which had an strange glow to it. A man rushed up to him, and bowed at his feet.[/I] Man: "Phase one is complete!" Raynor: "Good. Start phase two. I'll go talk to the commanders." [I]Raynor jumped off the tower, and flew down to the 'city'...[/I]
  23. I guess we'll never find out who deleted the Dating Game. But everyone who could've deleted it, including me, has denied doing so. I guess the person who did isn't man enough to admit they did it...
  24. [I]Raynor walked into another section of the city, where many scientists were working. He walked over to the head scientist, who immediatly turned to him and bowed.[/I] Raynor: "Have you started?" Head Scientist: "Yes, sir! Soon your power will be even greater!" Raynor: "Good. Report to me when phase one is completed." Head Scientist: "Yes..." [I]Raynor turned round, his cape swishing behind him, and went to anther area of the city...[/I]
  25. [I] In a flash of blackness, Raynor was now wearing his normal clothes. He lifted into the air, and started to fly over to the centre of the 'city'. Many of the scientists and military below gazed up and pointed hands, confused and amazed. Raynor pointed his hands down at the city, and his eyes turned black. Black energy shot out in every direction, and everything turned black. As light regained itself, Raynor looked down upon the city, now filled with his slaves. [/I] Raynor: "I [i]really[/i] like my job..."
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