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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Medra i read your post and it was the one that said that Shadow was almost dead, i emphasize almost. and he repaired himself. Please can we just correct these errors and get on with the RPing? [/B][/QUOTE] Okay, let's double check this. Shadow has repaired himself, from major damage, in the period of twenty minutes, maybe thirty or slightly more, but that's pushing it. Now, [i]that's[/i] impossible. Well, not completely impossible, but you shouldn't even be walking around at that stage... And now, something short to get this going again. __________________________ [I] Lying on the seat next to Iota, or more approapiately sitting, Warlock was a complete and utter mess. [/I] [I] His helmet had lost practically it's entire top, and tufts of hair were poking out. His face had scraps everywhere, mechfluid flowing out. His torso armor was all but gone, as was the armor on his arms and legs. There were bits remaining, but they were hanging on by a thread. [/I] [I]The 'jumpsuit' of sorts Warlock wore under his armor was strangely intact for the most part, but looked like it wouldn't take much more before it just shredded. And the parts of synth skin that were showing had mechfluid either still poring out or sticking. [/I] [I] Overall, he was a mess. He'd be out of fights for a while. And if he wasn't looked at and repaired within the next few hours, there was a chance his reactor just might fully collapse from the strain, and finish him off. [/I] [I] Time was of the essence. [/I] [I] And as he continued to lie there, he mumbled occasionaly, something fairly rare in reploids in this state of injury. It was fairly unclear to what he was saying, but some words could be picked up. Mainly names... [/I] [I]Blues. Roll. Kalinka.[/I] 'That'[I] Alexis Cossack. Thomas, sometime with dad afterwards. Rock. Wily. Zero (said with hate, by the way). Bass, once. Auto and Fliptop, also once. All the people who had affected his life. But that wasn't all. Iota, said with some kind of embarrasment and slight affection. [/I] [I] And Flash. [/I]
  2. Just moving it to the proper forum. This is for Recruitment, not the actual Adventure Arena. ;)
  3. Hmmmmm... Appears you slightly misread my post. Unless I'm mistaken, I believed I said Massacre was running away from the support vehicle, not after it. He was actually supposed to escape to fight another day, or something like that... Guess I should've remembered to include that, eh? ^_^;;;; Anyway, I'll most likely edit this with a post soon...
  4. [I] Not even sparing a glance to see how the other?s progress to Alpha was going, Warlock merely stared at Massacre, his face now more calm then usual. He didn?t bother to draw his weapons yet? No, he was waiting for Massacre to make the first move. [/I] [I] Now, Massacre was finally looking a bit roughed up. Broken armor, one of those many pipes cut in half, a few others fractured or punctured. Yet, despite the injuries, he didn?t look as if it was damaging at all. He just looked eerily invincible. [/I] [B] Massacre: [/B] ?Welcome, to your end.? [B] Warlock: [/B] ?Big talk for someone who?s yet to injure me.? [B] Massacre: [/B] ?Oh, we?ll see about [I] that [/I].? [I] And so they both begin to walk evenly towards each other, their battle not yet over. Massacre still had that look of sick delight on his face, and Warlock looked grim, yet calm, almost as if he already knew the outcome of this battle? [/I] [I] The battle continued from where it had left off. [/I] [I] Warlock was the first on the attack, dashing forth but stopping a metre from the cyborg. Thanks to the momentum he had gathered, he continued forward, flipping forward and up, his buster already formed. But as came eye to eye with Massacre, no blast of energy came out. [/I] [I] No, it was his old Cossack Sabre that appeared out of the barrel with a flash of light and pure energy. And the emergency jets, built into his feet, gave off a quick boost of flame, lifting Warlock up that tiny bit farther, so he was actually [/I] above [I] the titan, and he pulled his arm back, ready to impale the sabre into Massacre?s head. [/I] [I] SNATCH! With lightning speed that didn?t seem in character for Massacre, he had grabbed Warlock?s arm, twisting it around so the sabre no longer pointed at him. But thanks to some quick, exhaustive pushing, Warlock was able to slash out at Massacre?s hand, been let go as the cyborg growled. [/I] [I] Landing swiftly on the ground, Warlock began to dash back, a large fist narrowly avoiding his figure. Coming to a halt, he dashed forward, duck and weaving, trying to dodge Massacre?s relentless punches and swipes. [/I] [I] But something was wrong. Warlock just didn?t have that energy he seemed to always have in him, it was if he had lost his skill and experience. [/I] [I] And while he hadn?t lost those two qualities, it was quickly apparent what was wrong. It was the slowly leaking mechfluid and random electricity screaming across his form that gave it away. [/I] [I] Massacre?s fist coming in contact with Warlock?s torso, as quickly as the battle had begun, the ex-Hunter was sent flying back into a pile of rubble, getting the wind knocked out of him. [/I] [I] He got up, though slowly. The pain in his chest was getting unbearable? He couldn?t win. More mechfluid was leaking now, and electricity was quickly engulfing his body. [/I] [I] You see, when escaping the silo, Massacre had got off a lucky shot. He had whacked Warlock with a large piece of rubble, sending him into a wall, crushing Warlock?s body together for a second and inadvertently cracking open his generator, and damaging many other internal pieces, that were slowly bringing down Warlock?s performance level. [/I] [I] The one thing the Light bot ever resented about settling down in the Badlands was the lack of repairs and maintenance. You see, there aren?t many quality mechanics in places like the Badlands, and they?re either Maverick or charge a godly amount. And so, unable to go to either, Warlock had to settle for his drones doing minor repairs when needed. [/I] [I] He?d gotten into various skirmishes over the year of exile. And while not that badly damaged in the several fights, he still received injuries. Internal components were fractured, and his drones could only repair things to a certain extent. Heck, Warlock didn?t exactly have that much money on his hands? He was unable to regularly buy replacement pieces. [/I] [I] And so, without the quality mechanics of the Hunters, Warlock had gone into today?s battle as a breakdown waiting to happen. [/I] [I] And a breakdown it was. [/I] [I] Without warning, Warlock?s sabre died. His dash systems went offline and his generator began to lose power at a faster rate. Not to mention Massacre had just arrived at Warlock?s location, picked him up, and thrown him hard into the ground. [/I] [B] Massacre: [/B] ?Playtime is over!? [I] With a crunch, Massacre?s fist came in contact with Warlock?s torso, not injuring the armor that much but still causing internal damage. The cyborg didn?t seem at all bothered with the electricity spilling all over the black and crimson reploid. [/I] [I] He bent down, pummelling Warlock?s body with elbows, fists and even a knee or two. Unable to defend himself, Warlock could only lie there as his eyes began to fade. Going, going, going? [/I] [I] Gone. [/I] [I] Warlock?s body shut itself down, reporting damage in all sections. But the constant pummelling of the incredibly angry Massacre just didn?t stop. [/I] [I] Getting to his feet, the cyborg began to kick Warlock?s body, hard. Kick after kick after kick. It was clear now. If Massacre didn?t stop now, the inner part of Warlock?s generator, one of the most heavily armoured parts of his body, would completely collapse, imploding in style and probably killing off Warlock. Alas, the one down point of a built in generator of immense power. [/I] [I] Seconds before Massacre could finish off Warlock once and for all, or at least for a long time, a wave of lasers kicked up behind Massacre, quickly zeroing in on the cyborg and crackling into his back. [/I] [I] Screaming in rage, he turned to look to look at what was attacking him? One of the support vehicles, it?s weapons going crazy, attacking the massive cyborg by itself, the Alpha strangely not accompanying it. Obviously those inside had yet to witness Warlock?s pummelling, but the crew of the support vehicle had. [/I] [I] And so, with one more scream of rage, Massacre quickly began to run off, away from the support ship, leaving the reploid with electricity surrounding him laying on the ground, deathly still? [/I] EDIT: Oh, and I just noticed your post Etarah, but why would Massacre have Xion's sword? Unless I actually missed something, which is quite possible...
  5. Well, if it wasn't for OB, I wouldn't of met people like Flash, wouldn't of found out about BnG from Flash and thus wouldn't of met a whole lot of other friends, wouldn't of RPed at Message Boards most likely, the list goes on and on. I've been here for over a year and a half, and this place has greatly shaped my life. And no, I don't see Moderating as a job. It's just an extra thing for me to do to help this little community, to make other people's time here as relaxing as possible.
  6. [I] Even though parts of the roof were slowly collapsing, the floor itself was becoming more unstable with every passing moment, and fire was slowly snaking it?s way closer, the two titans, Warlock and Massacre, continued to battle. [/I] [I] No side was winning in this conflict, and none would most likely win. No, the winner would probably be the silo itself once it finally collapsed and crushed those battling within. But despite that, they fought on. [/I] [I] Warlock weaved in and out of the flurry of Massacre?s punches, many of them missing him by inches and blowing hot air onto him. He never had time to think though, as for the moment after one punch, he had to duck under an uncoordinated hook, the fist flying above him. And so, in retaliation, he himself attacked. [/I] [I] The blast of energy from his buster snaked it?s way towards Massacre?s chest, smashing into the giant?s collection of flesh and metal. Alas, all it seemed to do was push Massacre back slightly, and make his grin grow ever larger. [/I] [B] Massacre: [/B] ?Why do you even try anymore. We both know you can?t win.? [I] Punch. Duck. Counter buster attack. Kick. Sidestep. [/I] [B] Massacre: [/B] ?You won?t be able to keep this up forever!? [B] Warlock: [/B] ?Yes, but either will you.? [I] Springing backwards, Warlock fired off a few stray shots of sizzling plasma at Massacre, before taking a quick look around him. [/I] [I] The damage from just the fight against Massacre was large. Missile fragments lay in many more pieces, some imbedded into the wall and floor. Chunks of the wall were missing, and there were large dents and small holes in the floor and ceiling. But most of the damage wasn?t caused by their fight. No, it was caused by the deteriorating tower itself and the missile that had left it minutes before. [/I] [I] The walls were constantly in a state of shuddering slightly, as if the weight they were carrying was just too much, and were struggling to keep it up. The floor above was loosing pieces of it?s floor, pelleting both Warlock and Massacre with small fragments constantly. Not to mention the floor was a hazard, and any wrong move could send you plummeting to the floor below. [/I] [I] Grinning manically, Massacre began to thunder after Warlock, the floor shuddering with each step. Warlock, playing on the defensive, just kept walking back, letting Massacre come. He had a plan, but he wasn?t sure it?d work?[/I] [B] Massacre: [/B] ?Get back here you little r-AGGHHH!!? [I] With his last step Massacre had finally done what should?ve happened earlier. He, with his massive feet and large weight, had collapsed a portion of the floor, sending both him and Warlock spiralling down. [/I] [I] Both smashed into the unstable ground of the sixth floor, and both quickly got to their feet? [/I]
  7. OOC: Y'know, I don't exactly think you can be self-repaired [i]that[/i] quickly. I mean, a person's own self repair system can only do so much in such a time. Heck, it'd probably be quicker to be repaired by a medic then to have your own system do it. And just ask yourself, how can you own system do [i]complete repairs[/i]? When you're deactivated, is it just going to unattach itself from your own body and find new armor to fill in the bits that have fallen off, or are so badly damaged that they need new peices? A reploid's self repair system can only go so far... Oh, and I could be wrong, but I believed there was only [i]one[/i] missile. Not two, three, four, five or more. And how do you expect cutting open warheads will stop them from exploding? Heck, your very act there of cutting them opened could've caused them to explode and kill us all. Anyway, I can't post part of the RPing bit now, got to quickly get off, but I thought I'd include this. Please EM, think before you do things.
  8. [I]Sighing, Warlock watched the others enter the Silo, focusing more on Iota's back more then anyone's else's... Okay, he stared at her back the entire time. Happy?[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Don't get yourselves killed." [I]Scratching the back of his head, he walked over to the outer wall of the Silo, before look[/i] up [i]at the whole above, assessing how high up it was. Then turning back to the wall itself, he gave it a slight tab with the knuckles of his left hand. And as he thought of how to get up there quickly, it struck him like rubble falling from the hole above and hitting him in the head.[/I] [I]Taking one quick last look around him, Warlock looked down at his arms, which seemed quite irrelevant since his eyes were closed. Smiling, his eyes opened the moment the sound of sharp metal sliding out of his arms was heard. [/I] [I]Anyone who?s seen Star Wars Episode Two should know this trick. Just think of Jango Fett. For taking up a whole width of both arms, from under his wrist to where the elbow poked out was a sturdy piece of metal, various outcroppings and incroppings in it, all done in a whole little pattern that would help him climb up the side of the wall.[/I] [I]The ex-Hunter took a quick moment to ready himself both physically and mentally, for what he was about to do was still quite dangerous, the chances of something unlodging both pieces of metal in a battle zone like this quite high. Quickly shaking both pieces of metal with a hand to make sure they were in properly, he took a number of steps back?[/I] [I]?And sprinted forward. A metre from the wall he went into a leap, flying right up at the wall, arms forward and vertical. It wasn?t even a second before he reached the silo?s edge. With a small number of sparks the pattern of metal punctured through slightly, not too much but enough to hold him in.[/I] [I]Shaking loose his left arm he lifted it above his head and planted it into the wall. And then he shook loose his right arm, and lifted himself up with his left, quickly placing the right arm into the wall as high up as possible. And then, shaking loose his left arm, he repeated the process again, making his was up as efficiently as quickly as he could.[/I] [I]Once a few feet below the large, jagged hole, Warlock quickly began to shuffle to the left, shifting his arms to the side, before moving up, shaking out his left arm, placing it above, shaking out his right, placing it above. And then, once diagonally above the hole, he began crossing to the side again, wanting to get into place right above the hole. After all, if anyone was focusing on the hole, they?d expect people to come from the bottom, not the top.[/I] [I]Warlock didn?t hear the sound of steam been released just inside the hole. He didn?t hear the slight metallic shuffling as Massacre grabbed yet another piece of a dismantled missile, holding it back, ready to swing it forth. The cyborg had heard the ex-Hunter coming, and was ready to teach him a lesson.[/I] [I]And so, up above, Warlock had lowered himself down, keeping his legs up so as not to appear in front of the hole. Blinking several times, he got himself ready, and with a great athletic manoeuvre, he was flung right through the hole.[/I] [B]Massacre:[/B] ?That?s an exit, not an entrance my friend.? [I]Warlock had no time to reply. For the moment his feet touched the floor of the seventh level, he found a large construct of metal, once part of a missile, flying right towards him. Eyes wide beneath his visor, Warlock heard the crunch of metal upon metal as he was thrown back out the hole, the missile remaining inside Massacre?s hand and not coming out to join him.[/I] [I]And so here Warlock was, flying up through the air, Massacre?s grinning face watching him move farther and farther away from the hole. Of course, for Warlock, this was all appearing to go in slow motion. He didn?t have time to think of what to do, when to do it, how to do it. He just had to do something.[/I] [I]And so he did.[/I] [I]The metal in both arms folding back in, something new filled in their place. Well, at least in the right arm. For folding out in the blink of an eye was a small, cylinder device, which he pointed at Massacre. With a small whiz a thick, ropey material snaked out, heading right at Massacre, flying around his arm, and going taunt. And just as quickly, it pulled itself in.[/I] [I]And strangely, by this point, Warlock had only just began to fall, meaning he was still above the hole. So, when been pulled in, he found himself swinging through the hole, before coming into contact with the floor, his legs still stretched out forward. And he continued to slide forward, heading right for Massacre?s legs his own. The mammoth cyborg himself still hadn?t been able to react in time?[/I] [I]And grinning, Warlock just watched as his feet came in contact with Massacre?s left leg, which would surely partly topple the cyborg and give Warlock a bit of an advantage. This grin quickly turned into a frown as he just stopped immediately upon hitting the leg, Massacre not moving an inch.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] ??Crap.? [B]Massacre:[/B] ?Indeed, small one.? [I]Cursing once again under his breath, Warlock disengaged his connection to the rope just as the missile came flying down at him once again. This time however, the elite reploid was ready.[/I] [I]Rolling to the side, Warlock Light just watched as the missile hit the floor, making a fairly large dent. He began to scramble to his feet as the missile was slowly lifted up, intent on getting some distance on the cyborg.[/I] [I]And so, he turned around, beginning to run backwards, when he saw Massacre throw the large missile right at him. Hurtling at a great speed, Warlock only had seconds until his head was dismembered from his body.[/I] [I]And so, he just fell backwards, watching as the front of the missile flew over the top of him. But no, he wasn?t going to let it get away[/I] that[I] easily. So he just pointed up his newly formed buster, gave it a very quick charge, and fired up at the missile.[/I] [I]As you?d expect, the ball of plasma easily crumpled the bottom of the missile?s frame, sending it up instead of to the side. Massacre merely watched with anger as it flew back down, smashing into the ground.[/I] [I]Warlock, meanwhile, had gotten up, taking a quick breather, before looking up and staring at Massacre straight in the face. And then, despite the obvious size difference, he just felt compelled to say one line?[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] ?Time to deal with someone your [I]own[/I] size.? *cue really cool battle music, and let the battle of titanic proportions begin!*
  9. Strange, the pop ups haven't disappeared for me. Quite strange indeed...
  10. [I]Just sat back and kept an eye on Alpha and it's two companion support transports up ahead, before sighing.[/I] [B]Iota:[/B] "What's wrong 'Lock?" [B]Warlock:[/B] "Oh, nothing... I've just been doing this [i]way[/i] too long." [I]Straigthening up suddenly he look all around him, before reaching up with both hands to his helmet and pushing up. After quickly releasing the magnetic clamps via his HUD, the ex-Hunter easily took off the helmet, placing it between his legs.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "We should be getting close. And if we get into any trouble, let me go in first, 'kay?" [I]Iota didn't say anything, but didn't exactly look that happy with those arragements.[/I] [I]Warlock meanwhile had closed his eyes, mentally preping himself for the task ahead. Fuel levels and armor reports circled through his HUD, telling him just how ready he was for combat...:[/I] [U] --: 92% Fuel levels: 68% Estimated time until personal reactor recharges: ... ...One hour Scanning Systems: Operational Buster Systems: ... ... ...Operational. Emergency Weapons: ... ...Inactive. ... Self repair systems repairing, ETA, twenty minutes. Dash Systems: Par--[/U] [I]As more and more reports scrolled over the screen, Warlock opened his red eyes, quickly brushing his left hand through his untamed hair, having no effect whatsoever.[/I] [I]And as he got ready to place his helmet back upon his head his stretched his right hand forward, just smiling as it twisted and turned, before pulling back into his arm. Moments later a different mechanical mass returned, quickly shaping into his buster.[/I] [I]He was ready to show any of the newer elites in the transport, which he hoped there were, just what a[/i] true [I]elite could do.[/I]
  11. Well, it doesn't appear I myself have lost any posts... Anyway, I myself would really like to see posts removed entirely, but it would still be nice to have something fill in the space. What? Well, obviously none of us can really think of something...
  12. Well, I've noted myself that whenever a Moderator has edited a post the little notification at the bottom of the post shows up. At least it has everytime I myself have edited someone else's message. Though as James has noted, us staff members [i]have[/i] to add in a note of our own, in a different and distinguishing font, name included. And from what I've seen the other moderators have also been doing that... Though it can be hard to tell when you're just browsing a thread and not looking through it carefully. So maybe even if Moderators have forgotten to include a little note you yourself have missed the little notification down the bottom. Though I suppose it is always possible that OB's software could perhaps make a mistake and not include it's own note for some reason...
  13. [I]After a quick EFS powerup, keeping one or two for a later date, both Warlock and Iota found themselves down at ground level, about to enter the female reploid's hovercar and track down Alpha and it's companions.[/I] [I]The ex-Elite was doing one last double check of his systems, this most likely been his last chance to make sure he was ready for anything that might be thrown at him. The moment he began to tag along after the Hunters anything could happen...[/I] [I]His self evaluation systems giving him the green light, Warlock tapped the side of his helmet, his visor lowering back down and covering his eyes. With a quick nod to himself he walked over to Iota, who was standing next to the driver's seat of her hovercar.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Okay, let's go." [B]Iota:[/B] "Keep the visor up 'Locky, looks better." [I]Warlock just grinned, shaking his head.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Sorry, this is just my style..." [I]And with that he took a step forward, about to jump into the driver's seat of the roofless hovercar. Well, that was until Iota stepped forward.[/I] [B]Iota:[/B] "Not to fast hot shot. My car, I drive." [B]Warlock:[/B] "Listen Iota, I think I have just a [i]little[/i] more experience dr-" [B]Iota:[/B] "Nope, sorry. Turn around and get in the other seat." [I]Warlock just stared at Iota, before sighing and backing off, quickly jogging around to the other seat and jumping in.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Just let me drive if we get into a hot zone, okay?" [B]Iota:[/B] "[I]Maybe.[/I]" [I]And with that she got in and quickly started up the car...[/I]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Foredaddy [/i] [B]*did I mention its opposite day*:) [/B][/QUOTE] By saying it's opposite day don't you actually imply it's [i]not[/i] opposite day. :P Anyway, I think OB is pretty good, considering I have been going here for over a year and a half, since around the start of version 2.0 I believe. Eh, I can never rememeber anyways... And I guess what keeps me here are some of the other old posters, and of course my little baby, the Adventure Arena (previously Games and RPGs (previously Games and Stories)).
  15. [I]Warlock rolled his eyes and shaked his head. Iota had only known him for a minute and she was already calling him 'Locky. "Doesn't anyone ever call me anything else anymore?" thought the reploid, before he focused on the task at hand.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "I know a fairly good way. Though I'm afraid this might cause a [i]tiny[/i] bit of damage." [I]And with the speed of a professional he pulled back his right hand, smiling as it retracted back into his arm, revealing his buster. Pointing it at the wall, a bit to the left of his leg, he gritted his teeth as it began to power up with a 'whine'.[/I] [B]Iota:[/B] "Hey, now just wait one mi--!!" [I]Too late.[/I] [I]With a low 'belch' a ball of energy leapt from the confines of Warlock's buster, coming in contact with the wall almost immediately. Burning through the hard wall with ghastly speed it degrenerated almost instantly, imploding and sending a small shock through the room.[/I] [B]Iota:[/B] "..." [I]Upon looking at the destruction just the small blast had caused Warlock was glad this wasn't his own wall. Practically that entire side of the wall had cracks in it, and right in the middle was a large, blown out whole, broken edges poking out through the wall surrounding it.[/I] [I]Smiling, the oldest robot in existance pulled in his slightly burnt leg, quickly looking it over before turning to Iota.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Real sorry 'bout that, but it had to be done." [I]Not giving Iota a chance to speak he began to head for the door, quickly waving to the female reploid as he went.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Just send a message to either Havoc of the Maverick Hunters, he'll give you some money. And tell him 'Lock will pay him back soon." [I]And with one finally grin Warlock leapt out the door.[/I] [I]Iota just stared at the door he had just left through, a look of anger on her face. As part of the wall behind her collapsed she quickly ran out the door after the ex-Hunter.[/I] [B]Iota:[/B] "Don't think you're getting away [i]that[/i] easily!"
  16. Good god people. Actually read the poll posts before answering the poll. It's common sense... Anyway, the person I voted for will remain untold.
  17. [I]Pressing himself against the edge of the wall Warlock slowly edged through the sludge of the sewers, trying not to make a sound at all.[/I] [I]He'd already bumped into several Hunters patrols, and not wanting to damage them, had to continuously run and evade, many of them getting a shot or two in. Thanks to that his trenchcoat was now in ruins and floating around somewhere, and his body itself was covered with burn marks and damaged armor.[/I] [I]One thing was for certain. He needed to get out right of the sewers right away and get his armor repaired. If he didn't, he'd most likely get into an inescapeable situation sooner or later and be left having to fight his way out, probably damaging himself much further while doing so.[/I] [I]Biting his lip slightly he slowly edged his head around a corner, instantly spotting a barricade of steel and weapons guarding a ladder leading upwards. It was pretty much guarded quite heavily for just a simple exit... And it couldn't of been built quickly enough to be meant to stop him.[/I] [I]So it obviously one very important exit/entrance. Very important indeed. But really, at the moment Warlock didn't care... He needed to get out, and this was his best bet.[/I] [I]Smiling, he quickly spoke into his comm unit.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "X7... Commence distraction." ___________________________________________ [I]Firestorm Phoenix sighed, currently leaning against the wall in his little outpost surrounding the only way up into the underground Hunter vehicles bays.[/I] [I]It was a key position to hold. But he hated it... No action ever happened down here. Nothing at al--[/I] [B]Hunter Gumbie #1:[/B] "Movement to the east!!" [B]Hunters Gumbie #2:[/B] "Man the guns!" [I]Firestorm Phoenix leapt to his feet, quickly running one of the windows of the very low and small outpost, looking out to the east. And what he saw was enough to make his mouth gape open.[/I] [I]Coming down the narrow sewer tunnel was probably the fear of every Hunter. Sigma himself, a big grin on his face, and Vile, in the Goliath. Around them were assorted big baddies, such as Agile, Violen and many others that X and Zero themselves had fought.[/I] [B]Hunter Gumbie #3:[/B] "But... Ain't some of those guys dead?" [B]Hunter Gumbie #2:[/B] "Do they look dead to you? Now, OPEN FIRE!!!" [I]Waves of energy, fire and other elements swept at the Mavericks... Only to go through them.[/I] [B]Firestorm Phoenix:[/B] "What the...?" [I]He was about to fire again when he heard a scrambling noise behind. He quickly turned around, only to see nothing out of place...[/I] [I]The ladder in the middle was secure, the power generator was running smoothly like usual, and the door on the side was rocking back and forth slightly.[/I] [B]Firestorm Phoenix:[/B] "...I thought I closed that." [I]Shaking his shoulders he went over and shut it tight, before joining the others in looking to see who caused what was obviously a hologram.[/I] ____________________________________ [I]Warlock sighed, leaning against some metal canisters, trying to avoid been seen by Hunter mechanics and such working on a hoverbike only metres away...[/I] [I]Closing his eyes, he decided to do this the hard way.[/I] [I]Getting to his feet he walked right past the mechanics, who quickly pulled out their energy pistols and pointed them at the black and crimson reploid.[/I] [B]Mechanic:[/B] "Who are you?!" [B]Warlock:[/B] "Hologram Mouse. Like my impression of that ex-Hunter guy?" [I]The mechanic just stared at Warlock, before nodding and waving him past.[/I] [I]Thank god Hologram Mouse, a real Hunter, was well known for walking around as prime figures of the past and present of the Hunters.[/I] [I]That, and the real Warlock here was too lazy to think up a better way to get out. Everyone give him a hard kick.[/I]
  18. [B]Name:[/B] Raynor Blakesly [B]Codename:[/B] 'Warlock' [B]Age:[/B] 28 [B]Height:[/B] 5'11" [B]Weight:[/B] 165 LBS [B]Appearance:[/B] Short, black, spikey hair. Blue eyes and pale skin. Attire of course is everchaging, especially because of the constant Spec Ops. [B]Weapon:[/B] Machine Gun [B]Gadget:[/B] Nightvision [B]Personality:[/B] Calm under pressure, actually prefers the 'Shoot first, ask questions later' approach, though will still do missions the stealth way. I'd do much more, but I guess I'm just not in the mood..
  19. Well, since James is doing it, I might as well do it too. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=296884[/IMG] Kudos to Flash for drawing it. And yes, while I've already shown off the Warlock pic in the main thread, I thought I might as well put it here as a way of recording.
  20. [I] Warlock couldn?t just help but chuckle. Despite all the technologic advancements in other fields, people [/I] still [I] hadn?t got around to upgrading the average city?s sewer system. Rats still inhabited them, sludge still flowed throughout? [/I] [I] Though the hundred and fifty three-year-old reploid had to admit that this wasn?t your average sewer system. Far from it, in fact. [/I] [I] While still not that more advanced than sewer systems of more than a hundred years before, they still possessed the feel of technology. Most likely because of the hidden security cameras throughout, as well as countless surveillance drones and outposts built into the sides, heavy energy guns mounted around them. Not to mention the occasional patrol of heavily armed Hunters. Obviously, the Maverick Hunters weren?t taking any chances with this underground network. [/I] [I] And so, this was what Warlock had to avoid as he splashed through the black water, making his way to one of the metal catwalks on the side made to make patrol by Hunters easier, giving them a great view of the happenings of down below while still being able to move around freely. [/I] [I] And trying not to make a sound, Warlock grabbed the edge of a catwalk above, hoisting himself up before looking around. [/I] [I] His plans for this mission were stealth, something he wasn?t accustomed to doing that much. Usually he?d be going in after the stealth boys, causing complete chaos and destruction. After all, it was his job. [/I] [I] With that Warlock began to creep forward, trying to find a way out of this mess. But by this point people inside the HQ would start to be notified of this. It was always a possibility Warlock was a lead scout for a massive Maverick attack, and the Hunters couldn?t take any chances. [/I] [I] But with all luck he?d be able to get out of this without a problem? [/I]
  21. [I] Warlock could only watch as the APC once again entered the Hunter base, leaving Warlock once again clueless. [/I] [I] He'd hardly gained any information from his little expedition, and absolutely none of that information was of any real value? Well, expect for one little bit of information, one piece that kept on tugging on the edge of his mind, wanting to be let into the spotlight. [/I] [I] Reverb. [/I] [I] It just seemed too impossible, an almost Flash clone, possessing many of the same distinctive features but seeming to lack all of Flash?s memory. He didn?t remember his oldest friend, Warlock; he probably didn?t remember his hate for Zero? Heck, he probably didn?t even remember that the girl he once fell for was a robot and actually Warlock?s sister. [/I] [B] Warlock: [/B] ?I guess you just won't be left to stay dead in peace, will ya Flash?? [I] Shaking his head, he took a step forward from the top of his crumbled building perch, just taking a moment to gaze at the beauty of the HQ. Quite a few stories high, greatly designed and built, and not to mention also guarded by artillery, hover tanks, anti air guns, heavy machine gun outposts, spotlights, countless patrols of both Hunters and drones, cameras hidden all throughout the rubble? Well, you get the idea. [/I] [I] Sighing as he gazed at what he?d been left out on he began to turn around? Only to come face to face with the cold steel of an energy rifle, nozzle directly in his face. And holding the energy rifle was a standard Hunter security personal, a look of triumph plastered all over his face. [/I] [B] Hunter: [/B] ?Okay [I] bud [/I], if that [I] is [/I] your real name, put your hands about your head and don?t even [I] think [/I] of attacking me. Well, you still could, and could probably get away, but you?d have to hurry since you?re probably going to be surrounded in about ten seconds.? [B] Warlock: [/B] ??? [I] The ex Hunter just chuckled. This guy had way too many short circuits in his neural net. In fact, he probably hadn?t even called for bac-- [/I] [B] Hunter #2: [/B] ?You?re surrounded!! Freeze!!? [I] ?--kup. Okay, perhaps Warlock was wrong in his evaluation. Actually, who knows, that could?ve been the first Hunter?s idea all along, to make Warlock think he had no idea of what he was doing. [/I] [I] But whatever he?d done, it had worked. For as Warlock looked around, he found himself surrounded by quite a few Hunters, most of them avian ones, all with weapons of some kind pointed around him. And by the look of it, it seemed a hover transport was incoming, most likely to drop off some more ground based troops around him. [/I] [B] Warlock: [/B] ??Just perfect.? [I] But grinning, the reploid in a trench coat just tilted his head slightly to the side and blink--? blink away--? [/I] [B] Warlock: [/B] *thinking* (Great, just [I] great [/I]. I had to use up all the energy in my teleportation and blink reactor, didn?t I!?) [B] Hunter #3: [/B] ?Okay, just stay where you are.? [B] Hunter #2: [/B] ?Yeah, and you won?t be fired upon and turned into scrap metal.? [B] Hunter #1: [/B] ?Heh, yeah, take that Maverick scum!!? [I] Sighing, Warlock did the only thing he could do. He took one more step closer to the ledge and jumped, his trench coat quickly filling with air and billowing up. [/I] [B] Hunter #3: [/B] ?FIRE AT WILL!!!? [I] The escaping ?ploid instantly felt attacks consisting of blades, bullets, ice, fire, energy and much much more fill the air around him, the occasional attack hitting the easiest part to hit. His head. [/I] [I] Landing smoothly on the ground, not caring to look up, Warlock instantly got into a run, intent on finding somewhere to hole up until this was all over. He didn?t want to hurt any innocent Hunters who were just doing their job? [/I] [I] Quickly sprinting around a corner he noticed something, and smiling, quickly got into action? [/I] [I] Seconds later the Hunters burst into the alley he had just run into, only to find no Warlock in sight. As most quickly continued to the end of the alley and spread out, continuing to look, some of the smarter and smaller Hunters noticed the sewer entrance, covered up by a steel door, dug into the ground. [/I] [I] For the casual person passing it just looked like a panel of metal just left lying there to have the dirt and mud grow around it. But to those more experienced Hunters who hadn?t blindly rushed past, they knew what had happened. [/I] [I] Warlock was in the sewers, so that would be were they would go too. [/I] [I] Sure, it?s a bit cliché, but it works. [/I] [B] Hunter #4: [/B] ?This is Ricochet. We?ve got a suspect in the underground sewers, all patrols down there, watch out. And Hunter command, I recommend sending more troops down here. This guy just doesn?t seem right. Heck, he seems a little familiar??
  22. Heh, well, I'd take up the role of a girl since all the guy spots have been taken, but I just [i]really[/i] suck at trying to roleplay girls... Though if in the end you really need someone to take the spot, I guess I can think about it.
  23. Rats, just too late... Shouldn't of taken a short break from modding the Recruitment subforum. Well, I might as well add if you have any problems with spammers and such, just PM me. That's what I'm here for.
  24. Here, my friends, is a very nice picture of 'Present Day' Warlock, drawn by Flash, of course. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=296884[/IMG] But anyway, on with the show... __________________________________ [I] His trenchcoat flapping around slightly in the wind, Warlock watched from the same large apartment building from were he encountered Reverb before. And as he gazed down at the destruction below, his body began to phase out, before disappearing all together. [/I] [I]Appearing on top of a building a bit further to the north, the ex Commander walked over to the edge, peering over and down. [/I] [I] He was searching for the Flash lookalike, someone who he felt he might as well follow as the Hunters continued to scout the scene. Atleast this way he might find something and once again help the Hunters from the outside. [/I] [I] Spotting Reverb walking continuing to move north, Warlock quickly blinked once again to the next rooftop, instantly feeling a bit drained. [/I] [B] Warlock: [/B] "Gotta... Stop doing that... So much." [I] Blinking behind his visor, he walked over to the edge, intent on keeping an eye on the reploid who looked so much like his dead friend... [/I]
  25. Indeed it would. But technically it wouldn't be part reploid, just part mechanical... But yeah, Flashy brings up a good point. And cyborg bodies, no matter how much work has been put into them, still contain limitations. So if you follow the cyborg idea, which is a good one, remember that...
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