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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Ok, Flash has told me to finish the vote-off, and Mystical Pan is now leaving. The poll stands as: Mystical Pan - 10 votes RicoTranzig - 4 votes Dragonballzman - 3 votes Rahia - 3 votes Sephiroth - 2 votes ssjchic - 2 votes Final Flash - 1 vote Mystic Babe - 1 vote Warlock - 0 votes Well, that's it. Mystical Pan is leaving, and the new poll should be up soon...
  2. Me and bribes, that doesn't sound like me. Wait...yes it does.:D Well, this is the last day, so the poll should end soon...
  3. OCC: I'll post up Warlock's attacks later... ------------------- [I]Warlock gazed into the darkness, of the room, and oddly felt unable to move.[/I] ???: "Warlock, I have waited so long to see you in person, but I'm afriad our meeting cannot last long..." Warlock: "Who are you!?" ???: "You will find out eventually. But not until I start to strike terror into the universe with your help." Warlock: "My help!?" ???: "Yes, your help. But, I'm afriad I must leave. I hope you enjoy the tournament..." [I]In a flash of light, the presence disappeared, and Warlock gazed around, quite confused...[/I]
  4. [I]Raynor walked into the door which led to the underground base. He walked down sloped steps, and was stopped at the bottom by guards.[/I] Guard #1: "Sorry sir, but you have to report to the Captain in one of the buildings on the surface before you can go in." [I]In the dimly lit, rocky corridor, the blacking of Raynor's eyes was almost impossible to see.[/I] Raynor: "You will let me pass." [I]Like a zombie, the guard replies.[/I] Guard: "I will let you pass." Raynor: "Good." [I]Raynor walks past the checkpoint, and continues down the corridor, were he's stopped at another checkpoint.[/I] Raynor: "You will let me pass." Guard: "I will let you pass." [I]Eventually, Raynor reaches a airlock, and steps inside. The air hisses, and the door in front of him opens, to reveal a gigantic cave, filled with a kind of city. Raynor walks forward onto a balcony, and gazes around at the 'city'.[/I] Raynor: "All too soon, this shall all be mine..."
  5. Name: Raynor Dune Age: 17 Personality: Serious, and quite aware Weapon of choice: Double Magnums
  6. LOL! That's a side I've never seen in you James, and it's a good one. Too bad you're not like this often...
  7. [I]Meanwhile, far, far away from Meteo City, rain thunders down on a secret military base way out in the desert. The few guards at the gate of the base keep looking up at the sky, noticing the rain in the desert.[/I] Guard #1: "I've never seen this happen in this desert." Guard #2: "I've been here for years, we've never even had a drop." [I]All of a sudden, lighting stikes nearby, and the guards jump back in fright.[/I] Guard #3: "This isn't right. Not right at all." [I]As the guards looked the way of the impact area of the lighting bolt, a figure lands behind them. The guards turn around instantly, and point their guns at the figure.[/I] Guard #2: "Give me your identification now!" [I]The figure steped forward into the light, and the guards immediately knew who he was.[/I] Guard #3: "Sir! We didn't know you were coming here. We thought you were still in Meteo City." Figure: "There have been unforseeable...problems. Now, let me in." Guard #1: "Right away, sir!" [I]The guard ran into a little control room, and the gate opened. The figure walked in, and gazed around at the mass of buildings spread around. He spotted the entrance to the underground base, and walked towards it. The figure was Raynor, in full military clothing. With a smile, he walked towards the underground military base...[/I]
  8. [I]The ki blade disappeared, and Warlock started to walk forward again.[/I] Warlock: "I'll see you later. Just checking on something." [I]Warlock walked down the corridors, moving further and further into the city. He stopped by a door, and opened it slowly. He peeked in, to see a totally black room.[/I] Warlock: "It's here..." [I]Warlock walked in, and the door closed behind him...[/I]
  9. This is a great idea Stardust. I look forward to reading it all the time...
  10. [I]Warlock walks over to Kaloc and Aldor, who are talking.[/I] Warlock: "Hey guys." Aldor: "Hey Warlock. We were just talking about you and your chances of winning." Kaloc: "You could do well against the all the fighters, except for Juggernaut." Aldor: "I doubt anyone in the tournament could beat him." [I]Warlock glanced up at the gigantic tournament chart.[/I] Warlock: "Well, I'm versing Joosh in the first match. Hardly see any of him anymore..." Aldor: "Well, go-" Warlock: "Wait, something isn't right..." [I]Warlock looked around, and walked down a corridor, obviously trying to find something...[/I]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B]The G & S board should be called the Games & Storie & Spamming Threads board I think. That padded room thingy was huge! so were the i say a word thingys [/B][/QUOTE] Very true. I have my work cut out for me as being the G&S Mod. The thing is, it use to have hardly any spam...
  12. Happy B-Day Final Flash!
  13. OOC: Um, I think Flash left in his post.... --------------------------- [I]Raynor flys back, and looks at his attackers.[/I] Raynor: "You're defeating me, and I don't know how. But ttust me, I shall return more powerful than you can ever comprehend!" [I]Raynor gives a smirk, and dissapears in a flash of blackness...[/I]
  14. [I]Warlock is about to slash at Sephiroth, when they both hear the telepathic message.[/I] Sephiroth: "Guess we better go there soon..." Warlock: "Yeah. I'm in the first match." Sephiroth: "Let's just keep going for the next hour, then we'll go." [I]Warlock and Sephiroth train for an hour, then leave for the tournement ground...[/I]
  15. To think, I was just about to close the topic, so I entered it and it had just been closed! Well, atleast one of us closed it...:rolleyes:
  16. [I]Raynor floated, and continued to watch the place where the vortex previously was.[/I] Raynor: "Well, I guess that was quicker than I expected." [I]Raynor turned to look at the city as Valik shot right past him.[/I] Raynor: "Well, I wonder how I should start to attack this city..." [I]Raynor spots Charlie and Artoni, and smiles.[/I] Raynor: "I think I'll start little." [I]Raynor pointed his hand at Charlie and Artoni on the motercycle, and fired a red beam, which hit the very front of the motercycle, and sending Charlie and Artoni flying. With a quick evil smile, he sped off towards them...[/I]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]I wonder what turn of events will take place tomorrow, if any at all...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I doubt much will happen. The votes don't really change after the weekend...
  18. Warlock

    Mega Man!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B]the green one looks the nicest to me, whats its name? [/B][/QUOTE] Green one? I don't think I know of a green one...
  19. Well, I haven't seen any of the those animes!:p So I can't answer it...
  20. [I]As the others argue about the rats, Warlock notices a crack under the door, big enough for him to squeeze through. Without a word, he crawls under...[/I]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B]maybe it was a accident? :p cuz i know there was like... a few thousand replies lol [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, there was near to 4000 replies. There's going to be a large drop of post counts in some people's cases...
  22. Happy B-day hamoody3000 and Wildfire!
  23. Well, unless some serious voting is done Mystical Pan is outta here. I wonder who'll be voted out in 'vote out #4'.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B] The Very popular dating game extreme has an amaxing 3900 posts and counting, no one really knows why it is soo popular but i guess people just like attention,lol. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, now you'll have to change it to 0 posts....
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ZF SSA Goten [/i] [B]i know who did it. batman [/B][/QUOTE] Um, sure it was batman.:rolleyes: Well, I'm sure we'll find out who 'murdered' the topic soon.
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