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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [I]Raynor slowly gets up, and blasts a hole in the roof. He fly up through it, and watches the chaos forming above him.[/I] Raynor: "There's got to be someway I can stop this. If anyone's going to destroy the world it'll be me!" [I]Raynor slowly flew nearer to the vortex...[/I]
  2. *Looks at jcgoudy and Dragonballzman* You guys are crazy...
  3. [I]Raynor throws his black cape to the side, revealing a sword strapped on his back.[/I] Raynor: "You're going to wish you didn't challenge me!" [I]In an instant Raynor appears behind Armageddon Flash and punches him hard in his metal back. Armageddon Flash flys foward, and plows through several walls. Raynor flys after him, only to cop a missle exploding in front of him. Raynor stands unscatched. [/I] Raynor: "I love my shield..." [I]Armageddon Flash gets up, also unscatched[/I] Armageddon Flash: [B]"Impressive. You're tougher than I thought."[/B] Raynor: "All part of my job. Anyway, shall we stop playing around and get to the serious business?" Armageddon Flash: [B]"Of course!"[/B] [I]Before Raynor can react, Armageddon Flash kicks him out a window. Below, Trell and Valik watch as Raynor smashes into the resturant. Within seconds he blasts back out of the resturant, and dodges several missles, which end up hitting the resturant. Within a second he floats above the street, and opposite Armageddon Flash in the Globotech building. Raynor pulled out his sword, and smiled [/I] Raynor: "Now you're going to get a beating!" [I]Raynor attacks Armageddon Flash with his sword...[/I]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B] V2: ZF Dragonballzman (I was a Z Fighter) Exploding Dbzman Pile of blood and ripped clothes (Thats when I died and had to be revived with da Dragonballs! :D) [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yes, I remember when you were killed. I found it quite strange. Then again, I did revive you...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Whoa...I didn't even notice that...*looks back* :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] I did the vote summary at the end, and I also closed the topic, so I noticed it. Makes you wonder...
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Hmmm.....really unpredictable...last time I had no votes, now I'm trailing the leader... [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, me, you and Safer got a vote each near the end. And we all got the one vote at around the same time. Weird...
  7. [I]Warlock points the blade on his left hand at Sephiroth, and he fires it. As Sephiroth brushes away the blade with his sword, Warlock forms another ki blade attached to his wrist, and attacks Sephiroth as he brushes away the flying ki blade. Sephiroth has no choice but to be slashed once, and then starts to defend himself.[/I] Sephiroth: "Good trick." Warlock: "I do what I need to..." [I]After an hour of blocking each other's sword/blades, they pull back from each other.[/I] Warlock: "I wonder what's happening with Connor and Juggernaut." Sephiroth: "So do I..."
  8. Raynor: "Evilness is my specialty. Now, move out of the way. I have things to do, and people to kill." Armageddon Flash: [B]"I'm not letting you go anywhere..."[/B] Raynor: "You underestimate me to much. Now, move out of the way, or you will be hurt!" [I]Armageddon Flash continues to stand there, so Raynor starts walking forward. Raynor points his hand at Armageddon Flash, and to Flash's surprise, he is sent flying out a far window. Without wasting a second, Raynor smashes into the labs above. Many scientists run back in fear. As if knowing where to go, Raynor runs into a small lab room, where he finds a small tube. He grabs a syringe, and puts the needle into a point in the tube. Once the syringe is full, he injects the contents of the tube into his bloodstream, just as Armageddon Flash smashes into the room.[/I] Raynor: "Well, that helped. My powers have increased." Armageddon Flash: [B]"What was that you injected into yourself?"[/B] Raynor: "The very latest nano-probes. Already I can feel the new powers it has given me. I can scan your body for weaknesses, and I also have many more defences. Now, I am truly powerful!" Armageddon Flash: [B]"We shall see about that!"[/B] [I]Armageddon Flash and Raynor prepare for battle...[/I]
  9. I've been Warlock since version 1, need I say more...
  10. This is Stardust's newspaper, she can do whatever she wants with it. Everyone just stop bugging her!
  11. Well, I've been suplied with things to keep me occupied for a loooong time.
  12. [I]Raynor looks out a small windowin the stairway, and watches the missles hit all around the city.[/I] Raynor: "This should be interesting." [I]Raynor continues walking up, now on the 104th floor. All of a sudden, Raynor can hear an explosion a few levels down, as if someone is smashing into the building.[/I] Raynor: "Flash..." [I]Raynor starts flying up the stairs, determined to get to his goal before Armageddon Flash...[/I]
  13. LOL!!! I have got to find out where you get these...
  14. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    OOC: Fine, I'll do a post... ------------------------------ Flashlock: "Great, Xadia wants us..." [I]Flashlock gave the masked man a punch in the stomach, then grabbed him, and threw him into the ground. Without a word, Flashlock sped towards the others...[/I]
  15. LOL!!! :laugh: That'll keep me laughing for quite a while....
  16. [I]Raynor continues to walk up the stairs, and he glances at a sign.[/I] Raynor: "58th floor, eh? I wonder what floor the top is." [I]Raynor blasts a hole in the wall, and he walks through into an office room. A man sits at the desk, looking at Raynor with horror.[/I] Raynor: "What's the number of the top floor?" Man: "145th!" Raynor: "Thanks..." [I]Raynor turns around, and walks back into the stairway. Back in the office, the man gives a sigh of relief, and is instantly thrown into the air, and thrown into a wall. Raynor gives an evil smile, and continues to walk up the stairway...[/I]
  17. [I]The battered and bruised body of Warlock lies at the bottom of the crater caused by lil hell's blast. Lil hell spots him, and fires more blasts at him, and Warlock gets more injured.[/I] Lil hell: You cannot win. Warlock: That's where you're wrong... [I]Warlock glows, and many ki forms appear around him. Those ki forms create more ki forms, and so on. Lil hell looks around, to see an army of ki forms...[/I]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]YAY!!!! YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!! WHOPEEE!!!!!!!!! *jumps around* Ahem, I mean, er...welcome.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Um...okay. And let me just remind you, this isn't the Raynor we all remember... --------------------------------------------- [I]Globotech, one of the world leaders in nano-technology. One of the main skyscrapers in Meteo City holds almost all of the mass company. It's the peak hour, were many of the employees are at work. They think this is going to be a normal day. They're wrong. Raynor walks into the lobby, and walks through past secuirty check-point. One of the security stops him.[/I] Security: "You're going to have to show your I.D." Raynor: "I.D? I'll show you my I.D." [I]Raynor grabs the man's head, and twists it around. A cracking is heard, and the man falls to the floor, lifeless. Seconds after, an alarm goes off, alerting the entire buliding.[/I] Raynor: "Could someone turn that off. I don't want to get a headache!" [I]Raynor looks around at the people cowering.[/I] Raynor: "Fine, I'll do it myself!" [I]Raynor points his hand at one of the alarms, and fires a ball of fire at it. It's destroyed instantly. [/I] Raynor: "Good, now this floor's quiet!" [I]Raynor walks forward, and a group of people float over to him.[/I] Raynor: "Congratulations, you're the first people to add to my power!" [I]Raynor grabs a man who's floating by him, and in a flash of light the man is gone. Raynor absorbs the other people around him, and looks around at everyone else.[/I] Raynor: "I'll be with you later." [I]Raynor points his hand at the roof, and a massive hole opens. Raynor floats up through the hole, and grabs a man who's moving away.[/I] Raynor: "Where's the main nano-technology lab?" Man: "A...a...At the top floor." Raynor: "Thanks." [I]In a flash of light, the man is gone, and Raynor tunrs around and walks to the stairs, where he is greeted by a heavy security team.[/I] Security leader: "Put your hands in the air, NOW!!!" Raynor: "You're the boss." [I]Raynor puts his hands, up, and then charges at the team. Within seconds, Raynor has kicked them all down onto the floor. He puts his hands back down, and makes his way up the stairs...[/I]
  19. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=red]So defuse and get your two little @sses to the waterfall! Geez! I left simple enough instructions, and who cares if it's Flash's turn....? Go anyways![/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] But we're fighting evil men miss! *Rahia looks at him even more angrily* Um...I'll do it soon miss! *Runs away...* ---------------------- OCC: Did you guys get that? Cause I didn't...
  20. [I]Slowly, Warlock's stomach reforms. He gets up, and teleports far away. He powers up, and appears behind lil hell.[/I] Warlock: This is for blasting a hole in my stomach! [I]Starts punching lil hell, and lil hell just can't stop him...[/I]
  21. OOC: Well, this isn't really a thing you join. Just get in line to fight me, or open another topic to fight me. ------------------------------------- [I]The Warlock with one hand disappears, and the other Warlock, now re-joined with the previous Warlock, flys back from lil hell. A ki blade appears on each of Warlock's wrists, and Warlock appears behind lil hell, and cuts his sword in half with the ki blades.[/I] Warlock: "I guess your sword isn't strong enough for my ki blades." [I]Warlock begins to slash lil hell...[/I]
  22. [I]Deep beneath the city, in the rubble of the gigantic cloning room, Raynor's medal begins to glow. It starts to float in the air, and black energy flows out of it, surrounding it. After a minute, the enitre area glows black, and when the blackness disappears, Raynor stands, the medal around his neck. However, this is a different Raynor, and in many ways. He wears black trousers, black boots, a black T-shirt, and a black cape. He also wears black stylish sunglasses, which cover his evil black eyes. He looks around at the wreckage, and smiles. [/I] Raynor: "The time has come!" [I]In a flash of blackness, Raynor disappears...[/I]
  23. [I]Lil hell watches Warlock hurtle towards the ground, and doesn't notice the other Warlock behind him, who in turn punches lil hell towards the ground. Further below, the other Warlock lands gracefully, and points his arms at the falling lil hell. [/I] Warlock #1: "JUJISKU HA!!!" [I]An orange orb appears in Warlock's hands, and locks on to lil hell. It fires, and makes it's way to lil hell, who is somehow paralysed...[/I]
  24. No, [I]I'll[/I] be top fighter! Anyway, your turn...
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