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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. w33l, 533m5 n07 much p30pl3 l1k3 L33T. 7h3y d0n?7 kn0w wh47 7h3y?|23 m1551n9. w4|23l0ck 0wnz J00!
  2. [I]Back deep within the complex, the gigantic thing draws closer.[/I] Raynor: "Keep an eye out. We have no idea what it can do." Andrews: "I think I can see it over there. It's mainly a shadow though..." [I]As Andrews finished his sentence, a giant 'thing' stomped out of the shadows. It seemed to be as tall as the caves themselves. It's feet, or whatever it had, where all the way into the shadows below. It looked half mechanical, half biological, and had all types of weapons on it's 'body'.[/I] Raynor: "Oh s*it..."
  3. Trust me, it ain't easy. I'm still trying to work it out...
  4. I've got a friend who's birthday this month, and he was born on the most unluckiest day, Friday the 13th. He doesn't always have the best luck...
  5. Saiya-Jins, need I say more...
  6. Congratulations Flash. Let's see, my combined post count if you count all three versions would be...alot...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Heh, if it's from the Matrix, it has to rule. :D [/B][/QUOTE] I second, third, forth, and fifth that...:D
  8. Guys, we've already got a topic for this...
  9. Sorry I haven't posted for a while. Anyway, what's happening?
  10. That post must of taken me awhile, or you guys posted fast...
  11. Name: Warlock Age: Unknown Height: 5'11" Race: Part Human, part Saiyin, part Zork Attacks: Kamehameha, Final Flash Double Blades: Warlock's signiture attack, it's two ki blades which are formed on the wrists. Freeze Beam: A ki beam, which paralyzes the target for a few minutes. Ultima: Simalar to the destructo beam, but green. D-Day Beam: Warlock's main finishing attack, it's an ultra-light ki beam fired like a kamehameha. Extremly deadly. Bio: A mysterious warrior with an unknown age, Warlock has travelled around part of the galaxy for 3 years, and has some powerful new attacks as souvernirs(sp). He arrived back at Earth, ready to fight for it's protection. Description: Warlock looks around 17, and is quite good looking. His hair is black, while his eyes are blue. He wears black trousers, armour, which is simalar to Vegeta in the Cell Games, and a black cape.
  12. [I] Warlock and Connor watch Sepiroth power up.[/I] Warlock: "Well, he's turned into an angel. Interesting..." Connor: "So, going to test out your new 'blades'?" Warlock: "A step ahead of ya!" [I] One of the ki blades shoots out of Warlock's wrist, and goes flying towards Connor. He easily dodges it. [/I] Connor: "Very good." Warlock: "I've only gotten started!" [I] The other ki blade shoots out at Sepiroth, and almost hits him. In a flash, two more ki blades appear attached to Warlock's wrists. They immediatley go flying. Within seconds, Warlock has fired 10 blades, and still doing so. Above, Pyro barely dodges several ki blades, as he starts to leave. [/I] Pyro: "WATCH IT!!!" [I] Warlock looks up at Pyro. [/I] Warlock: "Long time no see." [I] As Warlock begins to talk with Pyro, he continues to fire more and more ki blades around, and has now started controlling their movements...[/I]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Nope, never even heard of it..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Either have I...
  14. You guys are going off topic. This is supposed to be a fight between Flash and Sepiroth, nothing more...
  15. [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews continued to walk along the catwalk, looking down and up at the thousands of cloning tubes.[/I] Raynor: "This is unbelieveable..." [I]Suddenly, Charlie ran from behind a cloning tube.[/I] Charlie (Clone): "Hey guys. Seen the others?" Raynor: "No. What happened?" Charlie (Clone): "Oh, we saw this place and came in to investigate." Raynor: "I see. And...what's that on your forehead?" Charlie: (Clone): "That? Oh, it's nothing!" Commando Andrews (Whispering): "Um, sir. I don't think that's the real Charlie." Raynor (Whispering): "Either do I. But let's go along with him...for now." Charlie (Clone): "So, want me to take you to the others?" Raynor: "Sure." [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews walked after him, while been watched by a million eyes, human and machine...[/I]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pikeon [/i] [B]IS THIS A TRICK QUESTION?¿? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't believe so...
  17. Very nice. But it looks alot like the ones from [URL=http://www.badassbuddy.com]www.badassbuddy.com[/URL]...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i] [B]Come to think of it, this kinda explains the whole deal in the DBZ universe with Trunks. He has saved their timeline and dimension but his own is still the same. [/B][/QUOTE] And about Trunks and his time-travelling, when he went back in time and gave Goku the heart medicine, and then went back into the future. However, if he went back into the future he would've arrived at the timeline of the time he just made (the main timeline). Unless of course the time machine was also a dimensional machine. It just shows how confusing time-travel is...
  19. Simple, Windows. But then again, I haven't really used the other systems...
  20. [I]Warlock continued to power it up, making the blade if ki grow in size, until it reaches about 80 centimetres in size.[/I] Connor: "Good. Not, focus more energy into the blade." [I]Warlock focused more energy into the ki blade, and the power of it grew.[/I] Connor: "Exellent. You can always make it bigger, but of course it requires more power. Now, do the same thing with your left wrist, and you'll have two nice wrist blades." [I]Warlock repeated the steps he did before, and created an identical ki blade, also attached to his wrist.[/I] Warlock: "I like this..." [I]Warlock swished the blades around.[/I] Warlock: "I like this alot." [I]Warlock put his two arms togethor, both pointing diagonly (sp). Thus, the two ki blades formed a cross.[/I] Connor: "Looks like you've just found a very nice and powerful weapon..."
  21. [I]Raynor signals one of his commandos to check a corridor to the right, while he signals another to one on the left.[/I] Raynor: "They must be cloning them in a large area, to get this much masked men so quickly." Charlie: "Yeah. And I wonderwhy they're masked..." Artoni: "It's probably something to do with the cloning process." [I]Suddenly, gunfire could be heard down the corridor on the left. The group ran into it, and around a corner, to find a commando, dead.[/I] Raynor: "D*mn it!" Commando Andrews: "We must be near. I'll call back the other commando." [I]Commando Andrews talked into his microphone.[/I] Commando Andrews: "I'm not getting anything." Charlie: "I don't like the sound of this." Raynor: "You guys stay here for a minute. Me and Andrews will go to the other corridor." [I]And with that, Raynor and Commando Andrews rushed back down the corridor, and into the next. After making their way through some of the corridor, they found the other commando, dead.[/I] Raynor: "I don't like this one bit." [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews ran back to the group, to find them gone.[/I] Commando Andrews: "This is not good..." [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews start making their way down the corridor, and turn around a bend, to see a magnificant site.[/I] Raynor: "That's...gigantic." Commando Andrews: "...Amazing..." [I]Ahead of Raynor and Commando Andrews, was a gigantic cavern, full of thousands of tubes. And in each of the tubes, were a body been cloned. Electricity bounced around the cavern, showing just how big it was. Raynor walked out of the corridor onto a platform, and looked down. The carvern extended for hundreds of metres, and the bottom was unseeable. And what looked like robots floated around, armed to the brim.[/I] Raynor: "Come on, let's see what's happening here..." [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews made their way onto a large series of catwalks and ramps...[/I]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Too many onlookers... -_- [/B][/QUOTE] But what do you expect, this is a fight between two superpowers, and they want a share in the fun...
  23. My post where I went off to train with Connor never happened, okay everyone. ------------------------------------- [I]Warlock stopped his light training above the city.[/I] Warlock: "I'm going over to do some training with Connor. You guys can continue training here." [I]Warlock concentrated, searching for Connor. Within seconds, he had verified his location, and teleported to it. Warlock appeared in the training room, metres away from Sepiroth and Connor. At first the weight buckled Warlock's knees, but he quickly got used to it.[/I] Sepiroth: "I'm never going to be able to hit your face." Warlock: "Um...hello." Connor: "Oh, hello Warlock. And let me guess, you wish to train." Warlock: "Yes. So, were should I begin?"
  24. [I]Warlock floated in the air, watching the darkened sky.[/I] Warlock: "I better find those other fighters. They probably know what's happening..." [I]Warlock blasted off, towards some of the fighters...[/I]
  25. Well, considering I can't get another Connor to train with me, Flash has given me the option of also training with the first Connor. So, I'll let him do a post for that...
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