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Everything posted by Warlock
[I]Warlock floats above the city.[/I] Warlock: "Well, you guys can continue training. I want to get some serious training with Connor." [I]Warlock concentrates, searching for Connor. He finds him within seconds, and disappears to the training room. Warlock appears next to Sepiroth and Connor. Sepiroth takes another atempt at punching Connor's face. Warlock buckles under the weight, but quickly stands back up at full strength.[/I] Warlock: "Um...hello." [I]Connor turned to Warlock, while still blocking Sepiroth's punches.[/I] Connor: "Wait, let me guess. You want to train with me. Trust me, you're not the first." Warlock: "Everyone would want to train with you. So, can I train with you?" Connor: "Sure." [I]Connor #4 split out of the original Connor, and walked over to Warlock.[/I] Connor #4: "So, want to train in your void?" Warlock: "Uh...sure..." [I]Warlock creates a portal, and Connor #4 walks through with him...[/I]
[I]Warlock floated near the fight, watching it intensly.[/I] Warlock: "I always like a good fight...Too bad I'm not in this one." [I]Warlock continued to watch the powerful fight of Sepiroth and Final Flash...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]*ahem* Okay, Pyro's currently not even in the same realm as you so I don't know what Warlock was posting about with me up there. I'll be in the melee when I get to it, I should be there soon. And with a thing like Juggernaut ion the rampage I doubt this will end before I get back :D [/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] If you're wondering, Flash told me to put you in the fight...
RPG War Legends (War Rpg- If you signed up come here)
Warlock replied to SSJ5 Vegeta's topic in Theater
[I]Warlock sat calmly under a large pine tree, breathing in the cool air and watching the buzz of life around him. With a sigh, he got up, and moved to an opening, where he sat down quietly. He started to meditate, relaxing his body completely. It was the perfect type of day to have a calm relaxing day in the forest. He started to drift asleep, but made sure he wouldn't fall asleep completely. He sent small pebles and stones from all around the forest into the air, and them made them fly around without hitting each other. The perfect way to relax, Warlock thought. After a few minutes, he put the stones back were they came from, and got back onto his feet. He started to walk towards the paddocks by the forest, to begin today's training... [/I] -
[I]Aldor flys down to Warlock and Kaloc.[/I] Aldor: "That was amazing! I thought for sure you would all die. *Turns to Warlock* You did well there brother. You really looked quite brave just before you were knocked down for the last time." Warlock: "Well, I wasn't going to run anyway." Kaloc: "Well, what should we do now?" Warlock: "Well, I want to try and get some training with Conner, unless of course some else has already done so." Aldor: "You're not in luck. Seems Rahia with him..." Warlock: "Well, might as well get in line." [I]While waiting, Warlock, Aldor and Kaloc begin to train above the city...[/I]
[I]Without a word, Raynor pointed his hand at Cyo. Cyo was sent flying backwards into a wall, hard. However, he simply gets out, with only a few bruises and cuts.[/I] Cyo: "Impressive..." [I]A firball erupts from Raynor's hands, and sends Cyo back into the wall.[/I] Raynor: "You've picked the wrong person to play with!" [I]Raynor walks towards Cyo...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]Why don't we just stop this stupid poll and give AJ the (losers)cup? [/B][/QUOTE] The poll will end tonight (Well, tonight in Aus and NZ), and AJ will be evicted then, unless of course someone else gets alot of votes in a short time...
And this is how the poll stands... AJ - 8 Dbzman - 4 SSChic - 3 Final Flash - 3 MysticBabe - 2 Rahia - 1 Sepiroth - 1 Warlock - 0 Ricotranzig - 0 Mystical Pan - 0
[I]Pyro, who has gone unnotieced, watches Rahia die.[/I] Pyro: "THAT'S IT!!!" [I]Pyro knocks into Juggernaut, and gets help from Warlock.One swipe of his claw and they're both knocked away. Juggernaut spots Joosh, Speicies 8.3 and Trinity. Three blasts shoot out of his hands, each of them hit the three, and each of the three blasts kill them.[/I] Warlock: *cough* "We're...done for." [I]Warlock watches Juggernaut turn on Pan, and without thinking, speeds off to her. Juggernaut fires a blast at her, and Warlock appears in front just in time. The dust settles, and Warlock has lost his arm completely.[/I] Pyro: "Take this!" [I]Pyro attacks Juggernaut from behind, and knocks him forward. Juggernaut turns around, and sends a blast Pyro's way. He smashes into the ground.[/I] Pan: "Is he dead?" Warlock: "No, only knocked out." Pan: "We're the only two who can fight that are left." Warlock: "...I know..." [I]Juggernaut turns to Warlock and Pan, and Warlock at even a higher power level, starts to attack Juggernaut...[/I]
As Sepiroth said, there has never been a female Super Saiya-jin..
[I]Rahia and Quirre zoom in front of Juggernaut to distract him. Instead, Juggernaut's fist is faster than they are, and they're both hit. Quirre doesn't move, but Rahia is slightly alive.[/I] AJ: "D*mn it!" [I]Warlock, AJ, Dbzman and Kaloc quickly attack from behind, and Juggernaut swoops around to attack them back. Trunks Jr and Mystical Pan attack from the sides, but it does no damage to Juggernaut. [/I] Warlock: "TAKE THIS!!!" [I]A massive beam erupts from Warlock hands, and hit Juggernaut in his eye. Juggernaut hardly moves, and swipes out at Warlock. Juggernaut claws hit Warlock's left arm, and Warlock loses the lower part of his arm.[/I] Warlock: "ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" [I]While Warlock gets out of the way, Kaloc speeds at Juggernaut at full strength. Juggernaut's hand speeds in front of his body, and it smashes it Kaloc. Juggernuat continues speeding along, and he smashes Kaloc into the force field with a sickening crunch. Juggernaut pulls away, and a very squashed Kaloc falls to the floor, dead. AJ and Dbzman fire powerful blows at Juggernuat. He swats the blasts to the side, were the hit Mystical Pan. He knocked into the force field, but didn't seriously injure her. Juggernaut grabed Dbzman and AJ, and ki erupted from his palms. AJ and Dbzman were no where to be seen...[/I] Warlock: "D*MN YOU!!!!" [I]Juggernaut turned to Warlock, who had powered up to his maximum, and some due to the Juggernaut's killings. A shining Warlock punches Juggernaut in the head, which sends Juggernaut slightly back. Juggernaut swings his fist around, and Warlock plows into the ground, and creates a hole 100s of metres deep. Juggernaut turns to the other fighters...[/I]
I guess you're still making the post. Trying to beat my record for longest post, eh?
OOC: Due to popular demand (Well, really Flash's), I'm doing the next part, even though I posted the last post... ------------------------------------------ [I]Warlock appeared right in front of Sephiroth, who was just sitting on the ground, staring ahead.[/I] Warlock: "Sephiroth, we have to go to the melee now!" [I]Still, Sephiroth did not move. He didn't even seem to see Warlock there.[/I] Warlock: "Come on Sephiroth! You're acting like a child!" [I]Warlock looked closely at Sephiroth.[/I] Warlock: "I know you're heart has gone stone cold, but if we need you to come." [I]Sephiroth met Warlock's gaze.[/I] Sephiroth: "There's no reason for me to come." Warlock: "Fine, don't come. I need to get back anyway. But if you change your mind, get over to the melee quick, otherwise you won't be able to get in." [I]In an instant, Warlock had re-appeared back at Arena #4, with no Sephiroth...[/I]
Oh, and Mystical Pan, you're not the last one to enter. Sepiroth and Juggernaut are yet to arrive... ------------------------------------- [I]Energy started to lightly spread out around Warlock, as he tried to find Sepiroth. As far as he knew, Sepiroth could be on the other side of the galaxy.[/I] Warlock: "Where is he..." [I]All of a sudden, Sephiroth's location flashed through Warlock's mind. Without a word, Warlock disappeared... [/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Hmmm...I don't really see how anyone would have anything against you...I wonder who... [/B][/QUOTE] Probably one of the low-lifes here...
[I]Everyone looks at Sabirsing.[/I] Sabirsing: "I have got to get out of here..." Samsung: "Well..." Sabirsing: "Um...I got to go." [I]Sabirsing flys over to the other side of the tower, where Warlock is meditating. [/I] Samsung: "HEY!!! Get back here!" Warlock: "I recommened you run. I'll slow them down." [I]Samsung speeds over, only to be stopped by Warlock.[/I] Warlock: "You're not going anywhere." [I]Samsung flips back.[/I] Samsung: "I'll take you on!" Warlock: "Finally..." [I]Warlock rolls his shoulders back, causing an overcoat he has been wearing for the last few minutes to drop down to this elbows. He takes out his left arm, and throws the coat behind him. It drops like a stone to the groung below the tower. Warlock now steps back into his fighting stance, his cloak moving in the wind.[/I] Warlock: "Finally, I get some action..."
[I]Raynor fires several shots at a group of masked men on a catwalk above, and disposes of a few. He tries to fire again, but it won't fire.[/I] Rayonr: "Great..." [I]Raynor is about to re-load, when more masked men start shooting. Raynor stops re-loading, and points a hand at the group of masked men above. They float into the air, and move away from the catwalk. Raynor points his other hand at them, and a fireball shoots out of it, right into the masked men.[/I] Valik: "Raynor, how did you do that?" Raynor: "Do what?" Valik: "Make them float around, and shoots fireballs at them." Raynor: "I don't really know, but this facility gave me the power to. But they also slowly put something in my head, which was slowly driving me insane. That's why I came here and got it fixed." [I]Raynor finished off re-loading his rifle, and got ready for the next wave...[/I]
Warlock: "Can...can you guys feel that?" Kaloc: "Feel what?" Warlock: "The power...of Juggernaut." [I]Warlock closes his eyes for a few seconds, and can hear the low beats of Juggernaut, walks towards the city.[/I] Warlock: "Where's Sepiroth!?!??!" [I]Warlock closes his eyes, and begins to search for Sepiroth...[/I]
[I]Warlock and Kaloc stand by the gate of Arena #4, amd watch as Zyluis and Aestus enter. Warlock and Kaloc both glide over.[/I] Warlock: "Hey. So, what do you think of Juggernaut." Aestus: "I don't think we have that much of a chance." Kaloc: "Either do I..." Aldor: (Ok, I'm waiting in the stands, in case you guys need help. But I doubt I'll make a difference...) [I]Warlock looks to his side, and sees Aldor, up in the stands, ready for anything.[/I] Zyluis: "The other fighters should be here shortly..."
Yeah, the kirby fusions good. I really got to find some more kirby/Dbz ones...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]heh, I like the kirby's, especially the dragonball style ones, that ssj kirby is cool, as is the kirby final flash.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I like the dragonball type one's the best. (>'_')>
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] man, I sound like that stupid monkey in powerpuff girls.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, you kind've do... Yeah, and Adam did this all. He also did The 'Obaku'. (Sorry, just re-reading Adam's 'encounter' with Masterfork. So, as you can see, he really is a great guy...
Warlock replied to Fall's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]just tell them straight.... "when have ya ever seen me smoking? when have I ever smelt of cigarettes?" and just plain tell them you don't smoke, but one of your friends does, and thats it.... [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with Sepiroth here. Just tell them you don't, but your friend does, and that's it... -
[I]The three fighters in the void stop, and listen to Zyluis' message.[/I] Warlock: "It's melee time..." Kaloc: "We better go." Warlock: "Aldor, you come too, you may not be part of the tournement, but we may need someone on the sidelines in case Juggernaut starts to kill us all. We're going to need all the help we can get." Aldor: "Right." [I]Warlock stretchs his hand out in front of him, and draws a circle in the air. The space within the circle turns into a blue portal, and they all step through. In the tournement city, another portal has opened, and the three step out.[/I] Warlock: "Okay, me and Kaloc will get ready." [I]Warlock and Kaloc fly over to the arena to wait, while Aldor does a few quick things...[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B][SIZE=6]WOOHOO!![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Is it just me, or are you happy...