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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B]Yeah, and I quote: "Final Flash vs. Warlock Parts 1, 2, and 3" [/B][/QUOTE] Oh yes, that. We battled for months and months, yet none of us won. I wouldn't be surprised if part 4 appears sometime soon...
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I don't see how people could care about little pictures... That's all that Neopets is, just a bunch of little pictures that ya click on... Whoop-dee-do, how exciting... [/B][/QUOTE] You'd be surprised how many people love those little pictures...
  3. Flash: "Don't attack, I'm on your side now..." Trell: "How do we-" Raynor: "No, he's telling the truth." [I]Flash walks abit closer, and Raynor shoots a masken man trying to get Flash from behind.[/I] Flash: "Good shot." Valik: "So, how are you good now?"
  4. LOL!!!! Wait a moment, isn't that one of the signs...
  5. Warlock: "Okay, I'll come again, right now!" *Throws bricks at the unconscious jcgoudy...*
  6. [I]Warlock slowly makes the very long and dangerous climb down the tree...[/I]
  7. So, when do we get this show on the road?
  8. Android #18 is my favorite Android...
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Neopets... My lil' sister stays on it 24/7... I'm suprised she doesn't die of some Neopets related disease... [/B][/QUOTE] Heh. Thinking about it, I'm surpirsed too...
  10. Welcome back. And were is Barbados?
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]Well, Jamvis, for further reference, never go into a French chat and say "Espèce de chameau!" No good, no good at all...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I have a feeling I know what that means...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Does this mean I have to wait before I fight Species 8.3?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Pretty much...
  13. [I]Raynor caught sight of more masked men coming from behind. He got a grenade from off his belt, pulled out the clip, and threw it at the masked men. Most of them didn't get away.[/I] Raynor: "That's...payback!" [I]Raynor crawled to his side to get his rifle, and kept guard at the rear...[/I]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]...Is anyone home....?? *echo echo echo* ....I guess not. *sigh* Just me and my wolverine spirit friend to keep me company...[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I'm here, but just not in one peice... -------------------------------- [I]Warlock sped towards Kami's Tower, clutching the number #2 dragonball. Within seconds he had reached Kami's Tower, and he set down next to the others.[/I] Warlock: "Got two..."
  15. Raynor: "Great, they're getting guns." [I]Behind him, Valik wakes up.* [/I] Valik: "What's happening?" Trell: "Just alot more of those masked men. They've got us stuck here, but Raynor and his commandos are taking care of them." [I]Raynor continues shooting, and sees more masked men coming, now with guns.[/I] Raynor: "Get down!" [I]Everyone gets down in time except for Trell, who has Valik in his arms. Raynor jumps over to them, and knocks them down just as the masked men open fire. Raynor is shot several times in the back. Trell drags Raynor back behind the other commandos as they start opening fire on the masked men.[/I] Trell: "D*mn it! He's dieing..."
  16. *Looks down at White Digivise.* Well, she doesn't look better. *Turns to jcgoudy and starts throwing bricks at him...*
  17. [I]Raynor and 'Dave' Andrews walk along at the back of the group, covering the rear.[/I] Raynor: "Have you got any word from 3 & 4?" Andrews: "No sir." Raynor: "I'm sure they'll drop in soon." [I]Just as Raynor finishes his sentence, the roof above creaks, and the two other commandos fall through.[/I] Raynor: "What did I say." [I]Raynor and Andrews, who are now very far back from the group, run over to the commandos, to see how they are.[/I] Andrews: "You guys alright?" Commando #3: "Ugh...Yeah..." Commando #4: "We were attacked by heaps of masked warriors, got them though." [I]Raynor notices the group has disappeared.[/I] Raynor: "Let's catch up with the rest." [I]Raynor and Andrews help the other commandos up, and make their way to the group...[/I]
  18. [I]Warlock watches on as Sabirsing torments Blank...[/I]
  19. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Flashlock brought his leg back and did a roundhouse into the masked warrior's jaw, sending him flying to the side, where Flashlock had just teleported to. A swift side kick later the masked warrior was send back where he came, were he smashed face first into a group of trees.[/I] Flashlock: "Now what do you think?" Masked Warrior: "...You're still going down..." [I]In a flash the masked warrior had appeared next to Flashlock, and they began throwing punches and kicks at each other...[/I]
  20. He's Warlock's bio: [B][SIZE=3][COLOR=red]Warlock[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/B] [B]Height:[/B] 5'11" [B]Weight:[/B] Ever-changing [B]Race:[/B] Part Saiyin, part Human and part Zork. [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Weapons:[/B] None [B]Attacks/Abilities:[/B] Instant Transmission, Kamehameha, Final Flash, Destructo Disk, Multi-Form, Genkidama. [B]Triple Kamehameha:[/B] Started as a normal Kamehamha, but splits into three just as powerful beams. [B]Ultima:[/B] A blue beam which homes in on the target. It is fired with both hands in strethed out, in front of the face. [B]Energy Wall:[/B] An energy wall which surrounds the target, and then closes in. It also blocks all means of Instant Transmission. It is made by flying around the target in a certain way, then activating it. [B]D-Day Beam:[/B] A powerful attack, mainly used to finish off an opponent. The attack is bright red, and is fired like a Kamehameha. [B]Freeze Beam:[/B] This attack is pretty much what the title says it is, it freezes the target, making them unable to move for a period of time. [B]Ki Shower:[/B] Acitvated by putting your hands above your head and sending ki into the sky, this attack produces a shower of ki blasts. The size of the blast and how long the attack lasts for depends on the person's power and how much ki they put into the attack. [B]Power Drain:[/B] Drains an opponent's power, and gives it to the user of the attack. Done by grabbing the opponent, and concentrating. [B]Power Level:[/B] Unknown [B]Bio:[/B] Warlock has almost no memory of his past since he was eleven. But when he was already eleven his power was high, and he trained to his full potential. He took up challenges with other fighters, and beat them easily. He made his way to high mountain land, where he increased his power even more, and found more fighters, slightly powerful than the ones before. He then focused on ki attacks, and his arsenal of ki attacks rose. Currently training on an abandoned island, Warlock is no easy foe.
  21. [I]Warlock sped through the water, getting closer and closer to DragonBall #2. He passed the wreckage of a ship, and saw the dragonball on the ocean floor. He put on extra speed, and grabbed the dragonball as he passed. He rocketed back towards the surface... [/I]
  22. [I]The 4 bodies of Warlock fight each other, each sending powerful shockwaves in every direction. The real Warlock spots Aldor floating towards them, and within an instant they have all yet again became one.[/I] Warlock: "Ready Aldor?" Aldor: "Yes..."
  23. Veggeto, becaues he's at a higher level of power than Gohan can reach...
  24. I'm male, if none of you had relised that yet...
  25. Flying and teleportation...
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