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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]Hey! You forgot me! I got zero votes to!:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm afriad you're not a contestant...
  2. Congratulations!!! Let's see, this is probably my 1102 post, or something like that...
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian4444 [/i] [B]oh, crap! 2 people from Z Fighters!!! I hope they don't decapitate me... *Warlock and Sabirsing* DECAPITO!!!!! *SS4444* aw, crap...*gulp* [/B][/QUOTE] You're taking this all abit too far...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by White Digivise [/i] [B]Pineapple... Vengence... Are you feeling okay. :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I was thinking. I think he's finally turning crazy...
  5. Valik: "What is this place?" Raynor: "It's some kind of testing falicility. This seems to be were I was 'experimented' on." Valik: "You were experimented on?" Trell: "Yeah, he was. He told me all about." Raynor: "Have you seen those masked men?" Trell: "We've encountered a few." [I]Raynor saw something behind Trell, Valik, Charlie and Artoni.[/I] Raynor: "Guess what, here's come some more. Alot more..."
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zero [/i] [B]So can we start now? [/B][/QUOTE] We'll have to wait for Outlaw...
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Lol, Yeah, that's two screw up's in one day. :p.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] What can I say, this isn't my day. --------------------------- [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews turned a corner, and were greeted by five masked men.[/I] Raynor: "Don't you guys ever learn?" [I]Andrews shot 2 of them, while Raynor gave the other three a taste of martial arts.[/I] Raynor: "How many more can there be?" Commando Andrews: "Time well tell..." [I]Raynor spotted movement to his right, down another corridor. He heard voices, which all sounded familar...[/I]
  8. [I]Warlock stopped over the Pacific Ocean, and looked down.[/I] Warlock: "Great, it seems to be right down the bottom." [I]Warlock dived in the water, and made his way to Dragonball #2...[/I]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B]Um...Warlock...it's Meteo city, not Metro city...Metro is a form of transportation. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I seem to be getting very messed up today...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]Um...Single H was working on that one.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Whoops. I better change it then...
  11. [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews continued to walk down the corridor, which was now very dark.[/I] Raynor: "We're near. The sewers wouldn't be far away." Commando Andrews: "Sir, I think we're not the only ones here..." [I]A masked man dropped from the ceiling and landed in front of Raynor and Commando Andrews. He was about to attack them, but Raynor was too quick. He kicked the masked man in the stomach, flipped over him, and kicked him again. He then grabbed him, and threw him into a some lab equipment. [/I] Raynor: "There's more of them, but where?" [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews continued down the corridor...[/I]
  12. [I]Raynor went back into the corridor, and passed the robot. He peered out the hole in the side of the wall, to see Commando Andrews had finished everything off.[/I] Raynor: "I'm finished here." [I]Raynor jumped back down to what seemed like a control room. Commando Andrews was looking at a computer screen.[/I] Commando Andrews: "We've journeyed far. We're near the underground of Metro City." Raynor: "It all must be connected." [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews made their way down another corridor, leading them closer to the undergound of Metro City...[/I]
  13. Warlock: "I'll take two." [I]Warlock closed his eyes, and concentrated hard. After a few seconds, he blasted off into the distance...[/I]
  14. [I]Raynor aimed his gun at the corridor above, and fired a grenade at it, which latched onto the wall seperating the areas. It exploded, leaving a rather large hole. Raynor pushed another button on his gun, sending a cord into the corridor, which attached itself firmly to it's wall. He pushed the same button again, and it pulled him up into the corridor. He saw the man he was after turn a corridor, and went into pursuit.[/I] Raynor: "You can run, but I'll get you in the end!" Man: "That's where you're wrong." [I]Raynor turned the corner, to see a giant robot blocking his path.[/I] Robot: "Step back immeditley!" Raynor: "Why would I do that?" [I]Raynor did a flip over it, and kicked it in the back. He aimed the gun at point blank range at it head, and pulled the trigger. Raynor turned back to the man, who had now turned into a side room. Raynor followed the man into the room, and saw him backed into a corner, with a window behind him, which looked into the test chamber.[/I] Raynor: "What did you do to me?" Man: "Get away!" Raynor: "I said, what did you do to me?" [I]Raynor one of his pistols and pointed it at the man.[/I] Raynor: "I'll ask one more time, what did you do to me?" Man: "I...I did an experiment on you, which I hoped would turn you into a hybrid. Instead, it simply gave you powers, but remained human." Raynor: "And why is my mind messed up. I can't even think straight anymore." Man: "It...It was a hazard of the experiments." Raynor: "And why did you do this to me?" Man: "When I found you, you were almost dead. You would of died if I hadn't did anything." [I]Raynor put the gun up to his head.[/I] Raynor: "Fix my mind, NOW!!!" Man: "I'm...not sure." Raynor: "I won't warn you again!" Man: "Ok...let me just...get ready." [I]The man got a small machine out of a cupboard, and pushed a button, charging it up.[/I] Man: "You're...going to have to lie down on that table." [I]Raynor looked at the man, he had sweat dropping from his face at an incredible rate. Raynor lied down on the table, and the man put the instrument above his head.[/I] Man: "You have to close your eyes." [I]Raynor closed his eyes, and the man hit a red button, sending a beam onto Raynor. Within seconds it was over, and the man put the machine down, and went back to the window.[/I] Man: "...That's all I can do..." [I]The man glistened with sweat, turned around, and jumped out the window. Raynor ran up, and saw the man land at the hard floor, 10 metres below. The man looked up at Raynor.[/I] Man: "Now...I will never have to face his wrath." Raynor: "Whos wrath?" [I]But it was too late, the man slumped over, and died...[/I]
  15. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=royalblue]BTW, where's Pyro?[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] No idea...
  16. Raynor: "Get down!!!" [I]The door blasted open, and Raynor and the commandos rushed in, shooting the security guards. [/I] Raynor: "Okay, 3 and 4, you take that entrance, me and 2 will go this way. Report if you find the core." [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews made their way into a side corridor, now filled with secruity personal, trying to halt their advance.[/I] Raynor: "Time to try out a new skill." [I]Raynor pointed his hand at a group of secruity personal, and a ball of fire was sent zooming from it. It hit, destroying all resistance in the corridor.[/I] Raynor: "I think we're almost there." [I]Raynor and Commando Andrews made their way down the corridor, passing labortories with stange machines and experiments. Raynor shot a lone sucurity member, standing by a lokced door. Raynor tried to open it.[/I] Commando Andrews: "This is the entrance." Raynor: "Stand back." [I]Raynor concentrated, and the metal of the door started to twist and turn, and then rip. It shot into the room ahead. Raynor tried to catch his breath.[/I] Raynor: "This takes up alot of energy." [I]After a few seconds of rest, they ran into the room, to be greeted by a very heavy security force. Raynor took cover behind a console, and popped to the side shooting. He put in a new clip, and saw a man in a white coat, rushing through a corridor above, with a glass panel so it could be seen. Raynor recignised the man, it was the man who experimented on him, and the man he was after...[/I]
  17. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    Yes, I agree with Rahia, you are too strong. And also, you have to make up your character before you join. And third, we don't need any new members at the moment. So, I'm afraid those events never happened. However, if I want new members, then you can join, but not now... [I]-Warlock[/I]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] Huh? Vote for me on what? I'm not in the big brother game... So, why are you voting for me? [/B][/QUOTE] Don't ask me. She seems to be going crazy...
  19. [I]The team backed into a sode room, and Raynor put a new clip into his machine gun.[/I] Raynor: "This is all to easy." Commando #2: "It's like they new we were coming." Raynor: "I know." [I]Raynor peeked into the corridor.[/I] Raynor: "It's empty. Let's go!" [I]Raynor and the commandos made their way back into the corridor, which had a strange feeling around it. A creaking sound was heard, and the group looked around.[/I] Raynor: "I have a bad feeling about this." [I]All of a sudden, great metal walls were brought down from the roof, blocking all exits.[/I] Commando Andrews: "This isn't good." [I]There was another creak, followed by a hissing sound. Raynor looked up, and saw poisionous gas filling into the corridor.[/I] Raynor: "Great..." [I]One of the commandos got out a rocket launcher, and aimed it at a far wall. A giant rocket launched out of it, and the group took cover. The rocket exploded with great force, but the wall still stood.[/I] Commando Andrews: "It must be metres thick. And the material almost indestructible. We're doomed." [I]Raynor looked around, sweat dropping from his body. One of the commandos dropped to his knees, affected by the posion gas. Raynor looked at one of the wall, and concentrated. The sound of metal twisting came from the wall, and a great rip appeared in the middle. The wall ripped apart, and Raynor and Commado Andrews grabbed the fallen commando, and escaped the corridor. Minutes later, they were in a small room, catching their breath.[/I] Commando Andrews: "What happened?" Raynor: "I used my mind to break that down." Commando Andrews: "But, even a hybrid couldn't really do that." Raynor: "Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if one could." Commando Andrews: "But, how can you do that?" Raynor: "I can do that because of this falicility. They did experiments on me, and they've given alot of powers. Lucky me." Commando Andrews: "So that's why you were after this falicility." [I]Raynor looked around, and saw everyone ready.[/I] Raynor: "Okay, let's go. But we should expect resistance now, we're in their territory now..."
  20. [I]Warlock sat in the corner of the prision, thinking about how he'd tried to get into this place, not out. He let himself be captured, mainly so he could be taken to the main planet of this group, and destroy them from within. He looked around at the many people around him, all tied up. He caught sight of two people, roaring with laughter. He got up, and walked over to them...[/I]
  21. Name: Warlock Age: 18 Race: Part human, part saiyin and part zork. Height: 5'11" Description: Black hair, blue eyes, black baggy trousers and a black T-shirt, with a black cape to finish it off. Personality: A quite serious fighter, but occasionly lightens up. He also never gives up, fighting to the last second.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] that's really sick...yet i do the same thing. i actually like the taste of blood. :devil: i hope you feel better soon BabyGirl! i'm 13 so my wisdom teeth haven't come in yet...it's great to know that i have all this pain to look forward to... [/B][/QUOTE] As always, you've proved you're crazy...
  23. Well, this is an interesting concoction...
  24. [I]Kaloc and Aldor speed at Warlock, who jumps over them, and kicks them in the back. They go speeding towars the invisible floor, but stop in time to land gracefully on it. Warlock appears behind them, and punches Kaloc. However, Aldor is too quick, and grabs Warlock's hand, and throws him into the ground. Warlock gets up.[/I] Warlock: "You're alot powerful then you're letting on, aren't you?" Aldor: "You bet ya." [I]Warlock and Aldor launch at each other...[/I]
  25. Well, I can't wait until someone else posts, so I'll just post the next bit... ----------------------------------- [I]Within a minute, the three commandos and Raynor were fully equiped, and made their way to the secret entrance.[/I] Commando Andrews: "We found a elevator, which goes deep into the ground. It's one of the many entrances to the facility, but this one's not used anymore, so we shouldn't bump into anyone into we've got into the facility." Raynor: "Good. So, where is this secret entrance?" Commando Andrews: "Here..." [I]Commando Andrews opened a cupboard, and pushed a peice of wood at the back. Suddenly, the wall slid out of the way, and an elevator could be seen. Raynor and the three comandos walked into the elevator, and Raynor pushed a button on the wall of the elevator. The front door closed, and the elevator made it's decent into the facility.[/I] Raynor: "Where does this lead to?" Commando Andrews: "To an outer part of the facility. We'll have to make our way into the core." Raynor: "And how big is the facility?" Commando Andrews: "We're not sure, but it's quite big." [I]The elevator then lurched to a stop, they had arrived at the bottom.[/I] Raynor: "Everyone ready?" [I]The commandos each gave a nod, and Raynor opened the door.Beyond the door was an empty corridor. The group stepped in, and made their way into the falcility...[/I]
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