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Everything posted by Warlock
Yes, I agree with you Transtic. We really are just having topics about the same thing been made over and over. And about that quote by Nostradamus, it is quite strange, but I won't believe unless it does become true, which I doubt...
Warlock quickly gets in between the two. [B]Warlock:[/B][I]"I think we should all-" [/I] Warlock stops in midsentence. [B]Dbzman:[/B][I]"Warlock!"[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B][I]"..."[/I] [B]Dbzman:[/B][I]"WHAT IS IT?!"[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B][I]"Shhhh."[/I] Warlock closed his eyes, and concentrates quite hard. After a few seconds he opens them again. [B]Warlock:[/B][I]"Something's happened to Safer. He's...different. I'm going over."[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B][I]"I'm coming too."[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B][I]"Nobody else should come now. I'm not sure if this is a false alarm or not."[/I] Warlock and Aldor jump off into the air and begin speeding towards Safer. [B]Warlock:[/B][I]"Did you sense it?"[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B][I]"Yes, I did. And it isn't a flase alarm."[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B][I]"I know..."[/I] Warlock and Aldor stop, and look down. Someone who looks almost like Sepiroth stands there. Warlock and Aldor both start to fly down. They land, and both get into fighting posistions. [B]Warlock:[/B][I]"Sepiroth, what's happened to you?"[/I] [B]Nadiroth:[/B][I]"I am Nadiroth, not Sepiroth!"[/I] Warlock and Aldor exchange telepathic messages... [B]Aldor:[/B][I](Nadiroth's power has increased dramaticly.)[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B][I](I know.)[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B][I](What should we do?)[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B][I](We should fuse. Agreed?)[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B][I](Agreed.)[/I] Warlock and Aldor both put each others hands on the other's shoulder. Warlock and Aldor both chant something and they both mold into one. [B]Nadiroth:[/B][I]"You still look like Warlock."[/I] [B]Wardor:[/B][I]"Because we both looked like Warlock to begin with. But now, we're Wardor!"[/I] [B]Nadiroth:[/B][I]"Wardor?! What a pathitic name."[/I] [B]Wardor:[/B][I]Name's, mean nothing!"[/I] Wardor charges at Nadiroth...
Raynor starts to walk outside. [B]Outlaw:[/B] [I]"Where are you going?"[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"Somewhere to think..."[/I] Warlock exited the infirmary, and walked back to the large pile of rockes he kept to always wander back too. He sat down on one of them, and began to think...
Well, I'm trying a new writing style. Tell me if you like it better than my old writing style. ----------------------------------- Warlock and the masked warrior both touch down in the middle of nowhere. Warlock turns to the masked warrior. [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"So, tell me all."[/I] [B]Masked Warrior:[/B] [I]"I will, but first..."[/I] The masked man puts his hand to his mask, and takes it off. The mask disappears in his hand, and so does he rest of his armour. Warlock sees him clearly for the first time. He has a face, very simalar to Warlock's, and wears black trousers, a black T-Shirt, and a black cape... [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"So, are you really my brother?"[/I] [B]Warrior:[/B] [I]"Yes, I am..."[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"Tell me, what's your name."[/I] [B]Warrior:[/B] [I]"My name, is Aldor."[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"So, what is the race you were talking of?"[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B] [I]"You are part 'Zork'. A race which doesn't have much fighting ability, but lives for an incredible amount of time. Our grandmother was one, and she had a child with a sayin, our father. He had children with a human, and so we were created.[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"What happened to our parents?"[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B] [I]"I don't know. All I know is something happened, and I was taken to another planet, while you remained here."[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"So, what happened next?"[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B] [I]I grew up on a harsh planet, and became a mercanary. I was hired to eradicate you, but failed. After I escaped, I wandered from planet to planet, training, and trying to find my past. That's when I stumbled upon the planet of the Zork, were I met our grandmother, and I found out most of our past. [/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]I see. Well, atleast you found our past. I've been searching for years, but haven't found anything."[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B] [I]"I've came to warn you of a power unimaginable. Of a fierce fighter. He's already arrived at this planet, and is fighting in a tournement that is been held here. He's name is..."[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"Juggernaut."[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B] [I]"How do you know?"[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"He's already showed how sickening he is. He killed three competitor's who were also in the tournement. And he also killed someone gruceimly(sp) in the tournement itself. Do you know any more about him?"[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B] [I]"No, I have not."[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B] "And one more thing Aldor, are we twins?" [B]Aldor:[/B] [I]"We look exactly alike, we sound alike and we're even wearing the same things. Take your guess."[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"Heh, good point. Let's get back to the others."[/I] [B]Aldor:[/B] [I]"After you."[/I] Warlock and Aldor both took off, back towards Dbzman and Rahia. Within a minute they had landed back next to them. Dbzman and Rahia looked at them, confused. [B]Dbzman:[/B] [I]"Are you using multi-form Warlock?"[/I] [B]Warlock and Aldor:[/B] [I]"Nope."[/I] Dbzman rubbed his eyes, and looked at them again. [B]Dbzman:[/B] [I]"Them I must be seeing two Warlocks." [/I] [B]Rahia:[/B] [I]"Well, I know. One of you is Warlock, and the other is that warrior.[/I] [B]Warlock and Aldor:[/B] [I]"Correct."[/I] [B]Dbzman:[/B] [I]"So, who is who?"[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] [I]"I'm Warlock, he's Aldor."[/I] [B]Dbzman:[/B] [I]"Forget it, I'll forget who's who within seconds..."[/I]
I'll be making many RPGs soon. I'm just trying to think of a good story for each of them... ------------------------------- Name: Raynor, a.k.a. Warlock Age:22 Weapons: Two laser pistols, laser machine gun and a sniper rifle. Personality: Raynor is quite serious about his job, and pretty much everything in general. He won't let anything stand in the way of his mission, and doesn't even crack up on a joke( only in the very rare times does he). Rank: Commander ------------------------------ How's that?
[I]Warlock walked around, looking at the walls.[/I] Warlock: "Yep, this brings back memories. Wait..." [I]Warlock put his hand to a wall, and it dissolved into nothing, showing a control room.[/I] Warlock: "I remember this." [I]Warlock walked forward, when suddenly the ship rocked. Dbzman and Rahia ran into the room.[/I] Dbzman: "What's happening?" Warlock: "The ship is taking off. Grab onto me, I'll teleport out of this place." [I]Dbzman and Rahia grab onto Warlock, and Warlock tries to teleport.[/I] Warlock: "I can't..." Dbzman: "I'll try." [I]Dbzman tries, but also fails.[/I] Warlock: "I'll try and break down the wall." [I]Warlock aims his hand at the wall, and fires a powerful ki blast at it. The wall blasts away, and what looks like a shield of some kind is temporily destroyed.[/I] Warlock: "Let's go." [I]They fly out, just as the ship blasts off, and breaks a hole in the middle of the crater. Warlock, Rahia and Dbzman fly out the hole.[/I] Rahia: "I wonder what caused all this?" Voice: "I did..." [I]The group turned, and Warlock saw the man in golden armour.[/I] Warrior: "It's been awhile. Ever since I was defeated by you I have been training!" Warlock: "You must be quite old by now." Warrior: "You've got it so wrong. Part of my DNA is of a race, which lives very long. And guess what, you have the same DNA!" Warlock: "So what you said is true, you are my-" Warrior: "I am. But I come to you in peace. You alone must come with me." Warlock: "Ok." [I]Warlock and the masked warrior speed off at a speed to fast to see with the normal human eye.[/I] Dbzman: "What on earth was that all about..."
Warlock: "You guys go to sleep, I'll stay awake and keep watch, because if anyone attacks, I'm the only one who can defend themselves." Dbzman: "You don't sleep, do you?" Warlock: "Not really. Living on a planet for a few years which is ruled by a person like the king and his army makes you not need sleep." Dbzman: "I see. Anyway, goodnight all..."
[I]Warlock speeds down the tunnels, and lands gracefully at the bottom.[/I] Dbzman: "Did that bird just laugh at me?" Rahia: "No, he said you're a bas*ard." [I]Warlock walked around a corner, and saw Dbzman and Rahia.[/I] Warlock: "What is this place?" Rahia: "It's the bug's ship." Warlock: "Wait a sec. Both sets of bugs, both the same..." Dbzman: "What're you talking about?" Warlock: "A long time ago, around the time of your mother Rahia, a race of bugs came here, and were defeated. The bugs I recently fought were the same..." Dbzman: "And how do you know that?" Warlock: "Because I was there when it happened..." Dbzman: "But, how could you of being. If you were you would be much older than you are." Warlock: "It's a very long story. But somehow I've been 're-born' as you could say it. I'll be able to explain more about it later..." Dbzman: "And why later?" Rahia: "Because something is here..."
[I]Warlock and Flash both throw kicks and punches at each other as they fly around the battlefield. Warlock appears behind Flash, grabs him, and sends out ki to surround him. The ki instantly forms into a bubble, which surrounds Flash.[/I] Warlock: "Pinball time..." [I]Warlock kicks it, sending it flying towards the ground. It hits, then bounces back, but still doing damage to Flash. Flash reaches out with his mind, and gains control of the bubble. He sends it to a small pool of water, and it splashes into it. Flash gets up, now out of the bubble.[/I] Flash: "Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was in my way." Warlock: "On the contary, I found it quite entertaining." [I]Warlock and Flash speed at each other once again...[/I]
i just found out that my aunt died in the first second wtc building
Warlock replied to ssj babe's topic in General Discussion
My deepest sympathies to you and your family, and to anyone affected by this terrible tragedy. I hope whoever is behind this is brought to justice... -
[I]Warlock continues to fly around, looking for No Hime and Gochan. He then hears voices, which sound familar.[/I] Gochan: "HEY WARLOCK!" No Hime: "OVER HERE!" [I]Warlock looks down, and sees Gochan and No Hime. He slowly drifts down towards them.[/I] Warlock: "Come on, we better go and find the others." [I]Warlock lifts back into the air, and looks back down at Gochan and No Hime.[/I] Warlock: "Aren't you going to come?" Gochan: "Um...we can't fly." Warlock: "That's strange, I can." [I]Warlock flys back down to Gochan and No Hime.[/I] Warlock: "Grab onto me. I'll try and teleport to one of the others." [I]The others grab onto Warlock, and they teleport away. They appear next to Dbzman.[/I] Dbzman: "How did you get here?" Warlock: "I teleported here." Dbzman: "How can you use your powers? We can't." Warlock: "You can't?" Dbzman: "Nope." Warlock: "This is all very weird..."
I'm so sorry Justin. I really hope the people who are responsible are brought to justice...
My boyfriend died in the NYC accident...
Warlock replied to ~*Anime Girl*~'s topic in General Discussion
That [I]is[/I] very freaky. I wonder if it is a coincidence. And deepest regreats Anime Girl... -
I woke up this morning, turn on the T.V and the first thing I see is this terriost attack! It's absoulty terrrible, and I send my regrets to all who have relitives and friends who were in the attack. And also, the Prime Minister of my country was in D.C. when the bombings took place! The main newspaper for my city has about the first 15 pages just for all this. Well, I hope that whoever is left of this terrirost group is found and brougt to justice...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Renee [/i] [B]Hmm... why do I have a feeling I shouldn't be allowed to go to the Staff Form. Maybe it's because I'm crazy... or that I'm the youngest mod here. (I think. I'm only 12.*shurgs*If I'm wrong tell me.) I've been a mod here awhile anyways. It fells good to know I have more rights here.:smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] I'm 12 too. I wonder who's the younger of us...
[I]Warwick emerges from the forest of grass blades, and sees the entrance to the gym only a metre away.[/I] Warwick: "[SIZE=1]I feel like I'm in a "Honey, I shrunk the kids" movie.[/SIZE] " [I]He runs towards the gym and enters. Straight away a man almost steps on him.[/I] Warwick: "[SIZE=1]Hey, watch were you're going![/SIZE] " [I]He turns, and sees someone else who is little.[/I] Warwick: "[SIZE=1]Well, looks like I'm not the only one.[/SIZE] " [I]Warwick runs towards the other little person...[/I]
I just ca't stop joining RPGs. So of course I'm going to join this one. ----------------------- Name: Warlock (Was there any doubt?) Age: 17 Gender: Male Description: Warlock is 5'9", has black hair and blue eyes. He wears red trousers, red shirt (sometimes wears saiyin type armour), black boots and a jet black cape. Bio/Race: Warlock is part saiyin, part human and part unknown. Never has no memory of his past, but also searches for clues. Special Abilitys: Has an incredible senseing ability. He could find a certain ant in a city simply by using his mind. He can also sense a persons true power level, unless they are hiding in incredibly well...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B] And again! Geez, come on peoples! [/B][/QUOTE] Flash [I]still[/I] hasn't posted. I guess it's because of all the work he's doing on the FF Web... -------------------------- [I]Warlock and Flash both touch down in a desert, the Sahara Desert.[/I] Warlock: "Ok Flash, concentrate on how much you hate Pyro, and release all your anger. That should increase your power greatly." [I]Warlock flys into the air, and touches down about a kilometre from Flash.[/I] Warlock: "Now my turn." [I]Warlock concentrates on something, and begins to power up dramaticly...[/I]
Warlock: "Well Ketrah, you're not the only pyschic here." Ketrah: "I know..." Warlock: "Well, of course you would know, you too are pyschic." Hajime: "So, what are we going to do now?"
[I]Warlock smashes into a river. He swims to the surface and flys to the bank.[/I] Warlock: "I wonder where Gochan and No Hime are." [I]Warlock lifts into the air, and looks for Gochan and No Hime...[/I]
Raynor: "So that's what that was all about." Charlie: "Yeah, pretty much." [I]Suddenly a scream can be heard from the masion.[/I] Raynor: "Come on, I think they need help." [I]Raynor, Charlie and Siren rush towards the mansion...[/I]
Let's see, there's... Warlock (Obvious) Wazza Warman Warwork Waz Terminator Well, there's the ones I can remember. There are others, I just can't think of them at the moment...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Well, what a Crazy day. Looks like AJ beat Enforcer after all! But now we have Mystical Pan and Raiha's matches... It seems the Juggernaut is a very strong enemy... Will the Battlefield Warriors be able to defeat him, even if they team up in the Melee? What of DBZMan? Will Safer complete his Training in time? All will be revealed... And even.. A new Character!? Only time will tell, here on.. [B]DRAGONBALL - BATTLEFIELD!![/B] -------- [/B][/QUOTE] Mabye you should get a job as a narrator Flash, you're getting good at it... ------------------------------------- [I]Warlock floats above the glowing light, watching it.[/I] Warlock: "Wait up Dbzman, you got company." [I]Warlock jumps into the glowing light...[/I]
To tell the truth, I have no idea why I like anime. I guess I simply just do...