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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [I]Raynor walks by a group of rocks, and decides to climb to the top. After a few seconds of fast climbing, Raynor reaches the top, and sees Charlie walking. Taking into mind how odd he has been acting like lately, Warlock gets down and watches Charlie through the rocks... [/I]
  2. Of course you can start an RPG. Nobody needs permission from me to start an RPG, you all got that?
  3. [I]Warlock looked around at the mob of villagers surrounding Warlock, Predator, Hajime and Suzuku.[/I] Warlock: "Get on your dragon Hajime and get out of here!" Hajime: "What about you?" Warlock: "I'll try and get him awake, now go!" [I]Hajime got on Suzuku and they flew out. Warlock turned to Predator.[/I] Warlock: "Come on! Wake up! PREDATOR!" [I]Warlock drew his sword, and hit Predator on the head with the flat side. Warlock kept on hitting Predator, and then looked over his shoulder, to see the mob almost ready to charge.[/I] Warlock: "I'm sorry Predator, but it's the only way..." [I]Warlock is about to slash Predator on the side, when he suddenlu wakes up. Warlock leaped onto his back.[/I] Warlock: "Let's get out of here!" [I]Predator rose off the ground, and flew towards the dot which was Suzuku and Hajime in the distance...[/I]
  4. See ya Shinji. And yes, alot of people here are young, but what can you expect. Many young people use the internet and this has forums like 'DragonBallZ' and 'Digimon', which are quite popular with young people. And let me just add I'm 12, so I guess I must be immature...
  5. Um, people. I believe that the story wasn't supposed to have been started yet. If you look at the topic name it says 'Dragon Riders 2!!! (Sign up). And that sign up means that this is topic is only to sign up on. So, I don't know what to do now that we've started it. Well, I'm going to wait until Dbzman comes online (which should be about 6 hours) and see what he thinks...
  6. Happy birthday Katy411! And happy birthday to Mike, Gogeta, SSJ4 Gotenks and Meilin13!!!
  7. Congrats Safer! Good luck in the relatsionshhip!
  8. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Warlock walks over to Mr Popo.[/I] Warlock: "Could you look after Nine'a for us?" Mr Popo: "Sure." Warlock: "Thanks." [I]Warlock walks over to Flash.[/I] Warlock: "I know the perfect spot to train. Follow me." [I]Warlock speeds away, Flash not far behind...[/I]
  9. I saw someone from school using a computer to post here, so I secretly got the address and came here after school. I've been here ever since...
  10. Looks like you finally gave in to my continuous nagging... Name: Warlock Dragons Name: Predator Personality: Warlock is a fearless warrior who never gives up. Predator is just like his master, fearless and will never give up. I'll just type a few more things also. Description: A tall 21 year old (was 18 in the original), with black leather boots, black cape, black T-Shirt and black trousers. Dragon Description: A large black dragon, with spikes running down his table. A dragon to be feared. I'll also just type a quick intro. [I]Warlock got up out of his bed, having a sleepless night. He looked out the window, and saw Predator sleeping gracefully in the large paddock by his house. Warlock got up, and gazed out the other window. He saw a town, and Rex's house only a kilometre away. Warlock remembered how he bought a house here, mainly because Rex kept on bugging him too. Warlock saw a drink on a table a few metres away. He instantly flew right towards him, and he caught it. He gazed over at the table again, and saw his amulet, which no longer needed to give him his power, he had been able to use it naturly ever since the spirt world. Warlock sighed, and got back into his bed, hoping to get back to sleep...[/I] So, now I'll just wait for the new members, and we'll get this show on the road...
  11. Warlock: "I know, I'll hit you!" [I]Warlock punches Dbzman, sending him flying towards the edge of the crater. Warlock watches for a couple of minutes as Dbzman gets closer to the edge of the crater. A minute later he hits the side and gets back up.[/I] Dbzman: "So you want to fight, eh? You're on!" [I]Dbzman looks around, and can't see Warlock.[/I] Dbzman: "Where is he." [I]As Dbzman says this Warlock silently appears behind him...[/I]
  12. [I]Warlock gets out of bed.[/I] Warlock: "Let's go somewhere else." [I]Warlock grabs Dbzman, and Warlock teleports to the crater caused by the explosion.[/I] Warlock: "Well, here's what happened. I was fighting with Seph, when I sensed a power surge up in space. Then me and Safer..." [B]5 minutes later...[/B] Warlock: "And that's when the killer dolls came at me..." [B]10 minutes after that...[/B] Warlock: "Then the king of the Venus proclaimed..." [B]A long, long time later...[/B] Warlock: "Then I defeated the evil prince, and ended up here." Dbzman: "Why do I doubt every sentence in that story?" Warlock: "Um...I have no idea what came over me. Anyway, I'll tell you the real story..." [B]About 10 minutes later...[/B] Warlock: "And then you came." Dbzman: "So that's what happened." Warlock: "So, what do you want to do now?"
  13. I really got to ask Flash how he made these symbols...
  14. [I]Dbzman puts Warlock down on a speical care bed.[/I] Dbzman: "Get a docter!" [I]Within seconds a docter rushes in.[/I] Dbzman: "He's dieing! Help him!" [I]The docter starts attaching things to Warlock, while Warlock wakes up.[/I] Warlock: "Dbzman..." Dbzman: "Yeah?" Warlock: "Go...get a senzu bean." Dbzman: "Of course, how silly of me. I'll be right back." [I]Dbzman disappears...[/I]
  15. Warlock: "So, who are you?" Hajime: "I'm Hajime, and he's...um..." Suzuku: "Suzuku." Hajime: "Yeah, that's it." [I]Warlock walks up to Predator.[/I] Warlock: "He's still off in dreamland. But I better get him off this road, I'm not sure if everyone here likes dragons..." [I]Hajime looks around, and sees many of the people now carring pitch forks and other weapons.[/I] Hajime: "Uh oh..."
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]It's ok, I switch RPG names alot of the time, at first I was always Dbzman, then Max, then Hajime, then Ryu, And now I think I'm starting to like Hajime a bit more now ;) It's what happens when you spend most of your time on the boards in RPGs! [/B][/QUOTE] I'm just wondering Dbzman, do you know what Hajime means in Japanese?
  17. Dbzman: "I wonder what's happened..." Warlock: "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this place..."
  18. [I]At the bottom of the crater Warlock lies hardly alive. Bleeding heavily and broken most of his bones, Warlock awakens, but cannot do anything. [/I] Warlock: "Da**it...I...got to...get help..." [I]Warlock, with his last bit of energy, calls out with his mind, and hopes someone will find him before it's too late... [/I]
  19. [I]Warwick, after taking quite a long jog, sits down by a tree near the gym. After a few minutes rest, he opens his eyes, and sees a forest of grass.[/I] Warwick: "What the?" [I]Warwick makes his way slowly through the grass...[/I]
  20. Name: Warwick Age: 18 Height: 5'7" Shrunk Height: 5cm, 7mm. This could get interesting...
  21. The closest person from these boards to myself would probably be James. We've never met in real life, but he lives only about 15 minutes away from me...
  22. Warlock

    Warrior Breeder

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]Please Join, people [/B][/QUOTE] I'll consider it...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]if you have such good eyes, who is member 666???? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't want to know. And I still remember when I had 666 posts. I posted a short post just to get off...
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