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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [I]Warlock rides on his dragon, Predator over a group of large mountains.[/I] Warlock: "Sure you can't put on any more speed." Predator: "I'll try." [I]Predator puts on speed, and within minutes they have left the mountains. Warlock starts to notice Predator starting to fall asleep.[/I] Warlock: "Wake up! Predator!" [I]Warlock looked ahead, and saw the main street of a town straight ahead. [/I] Warlock: "EVERYONE GET OFF THE ROAD!!!" [I]The ground came closer and closer. 20 metres, 10, 5. Predator hit the ground and slid forward. He skidded to a stop, right in from of a boy near a dragon. [/I] Hajime: "...That was too close..."
  2. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    Just keeping this alive...
  3. I've never heard of it until now...
  4. Welcome back to the boards...
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiden [/i] [B]How do u become a Mod? [/B][/QUOTE] If you ask to be a Mod, you will not become one. The only way to become a Mod is too be a good member, not spam, and hope they pick you...
  6. Vader. Like others have said he has better mind powers, and take down Maul pretty easily...
  7. Well, I slaved over the computer for half an hour or more, but I've done the [B]BIG[/B] post. So now I'm just going to crawl up in a hole and die...
  8. [I]Warlock and Safer clash, sending shockwaves across the battle field with every move they make. Warlock teleports to behind Safer and hits him from behind, sending him a few metres. He comes back, and just misses been hit by a ki sword. It disappears back into Warlock, and they continue to fight...[/I] ----------------------------------------------- [I]Meanwhile...[/I] ----------------------------------------------- [I]HIM stands on the bridge of the alien ship. He grabs one of the aliens, and talks.[/I] HIM: "We're destroying this planet, you hear! I've been knocked out of the tournement so there's nothing left for me here. I'll head up to the cannon..." [I]HIM teleports up to a large cannon, which is pointed at Earth. Energy crackles around it as it powers up. [/I] HIM: "I'm going to input more energy!" [I]HIM flys up onto the top of the cannon, and puts his hands in two sockets. He closes his eyes, and waits for the cannon to be ready.[/I] ---------------------------------------------- [I]Back at the Warlock/Safer fight...[/I] ---------------------------------------------- [I]Safer and Warlock fight fiercely. After a missed punch, Safer grabs Warlock's arm and throws him high into the air. Warlock is about to speed back at Safer, when he stops.[/I] Warlock: "STOP! Something's wrong, up above us." [I]Warlock and Safer look up, and see a red light starting to appear.[/I] Warlock: "I'm going up to look..." ---------------------------------------------- [I]At Aestus' city...[/I] ---------------------------------------------- Aestus: "You're fight will begin soon Mystic Pan, so I suggest you-" Mystic Pan: "What is it?" Aestus: "I don't know, but something feels very wrong..." ---------------------------------------------- [I]Back with Warlock...[/I] ---------------------------------------------- [I]A red energy field appears above Warlock as he speed through the upper atomshere. He gets out of Earth's pull, and looks around.[/I] Warlock: "Nothing here, but I swear I-" [I]A fuzzing appears a kilometre in front of Warlock, and a massive ship appears. What looks like a cannon appears through the top of it, crackling with energy. Warlock watches on as a figure on top erupts with power, making the cannon light up with amazing power. Warlock gets a better view of the figure on top, and sees who it is.[/I] Warlock: "HIM..." [I]Warlock speeds off at HIM, and is hit by barrages of ki from a gigantic group of aliens. One at the front of the group speaks.[/I] Alien: "Youz shell mot atak HIM!" [I]Warlock backs up a bit, hands in front of himself.[/I] Warlock: "D-DAY BEAM TIMES 100!!!" [I]A beam with unheard of power erupts from Warlock's hands, straight at the aliens. They all get hit head on, and they become no more.[/I] Warlock: "Don't you things ever learn." Voice: "Yas!" [I]Warlock is hit from behind. He opens his eyes, and sees the aliens re-forming in front of him. Warlock catches a glimpse of the cannon, which is now erupting with energy. He searches for Kaloc on Earth, and sends him a message.[/I] Warlock: (Kaloc, come to the massive energy surge above Earth. Your bug friends are here, and I know that you know how to destroy them, so come!) ---------------------------------------- [I]Back on Earth...[/I] ---------------------------------------- [I]Kaloc enters the room where Aestus is...[/I] Kaloc: "What happening?" Aestus: "I don't know, but it seems your friend Warlock has went to look." Kaloc: "I wo-" [I]Kaloc is cut mid-sentence by Warlock's message. [/I] Kaloc: "Warlock need my help. I got to go..." [I]Kaloc teleports out...[/I] ----------------------------------------- [I]Back above Earth...[/I] ----------------------------------------- [I]Warlock fires ki blast after ki blast at the army of aliens. [/I] Warlock: "Where are you Kaloc!?" [I]At this Kaloc appears next to him.[/I] Kaloc: "On my god!" Warlock: "Can you defeat them?" Kaloc: Hel* no! But I can distract them..." Warlock: "Then do that..." [I]Warlock powers up, and shoots through the aliens. He stops by the ship, and sees the figure on the cannon.[/I] Warlock: "HIM..." [I]Warlock aims his hand at the ship, and fires. HIM senses this, and makes the energy in the cannon come back into him. He floats back as the ship blows.[/I] HIM: "THIS IS YOUR END! YOUR LIFE END HERE!!!" [I]HIM launches at Warlock, and Warlock does the same. They clash, and begin throwing punches and kicks of massive power. Warlock grabs HIM from behind, takes one hand off him, and creates a sword of ki, and stabs HIM. HIM gets free, and his wound heals over. HIM erupts in power, sending Warlock flying back.[/I] HIM: "Now, my true power..." [I]HIM appears next to Warlock, and begins giving Warlock the thrashing of a life time. Every hit to Warlock drains his life force, and within seconds Warlock is almost dead. HIM pulls his fist back, ready to make the last punch.[/I] HIM: "You're end it now!" [I]He throws the punch at Warlock, which Warlock catches.[/I] Warlock: "Now...my...true power..." [I]HIM's arm is ripped out, and Warlock erupts in power. One punch, and HIM has a hole through his stomach.[/I] Warlock: "Goodbye HIM..." HIM: "I...will leave a...parting gift..." [I]HIM puts his hand out, and points it at the Earth. All of HIM's energy shoots out of his hand, and at the Earth. Within seconds all the bugs are killed, as well as Kaloc. It enters Earth's atomsphere. Warlock appears in front of it, the only thing stoping it. He put his hands in front of him, and was hit full on by the blast. Warlock screamed in fury, as the blast started to rip into him.[/I] Warlock: "THIS...IS FOR KALOC!!!" [I]Warlock puts most of his energy into a blast, which he fires at the beam. Slowly, it gets pushed back. Warlock starts to close his eyes as the blasts reach an ernormus power, and explode. The explosion engulfs Warlock, and blows the ground away for over fifty miles. The almost lifeless body of Warlock hit the bottom of the crater with a thud, and lies there...[/I]
  9. You have to admit peoples, they are nice avatars...
  10. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Just waiting for Raiha.. and she thinks [i]we[/i] take long, lol[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh. And maybe Flash should post for once. I'll ask him over AIM...
  11. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    Just keeping this alive...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]ack! not HIM!! [I]again...[/I] :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] I know, he's starting to get on my nerves too. And Safer, if you're there, POST!
  13. [I]Warlock got up onto his knees and sat down cross-legged. He closed his eyes and started to meditate. After only a few minutes a blue light crept over his body, and his wounds were healed. He got up, and walked over to Dbzman.[/I] Warlock: "So, where are we going?" Dbzman: "A planet named Toomcha." Warlock: "Doesn't ring a bell." Dbzman: "Doesn't ring anyones." Warlock: "And what happened after I was knocked uncoiuncess(sp)?" Dbzman: "A saiyin threw a ball of ki into the planet, destroying it. We got out just in time." Warlock: "Do you know who the saiyin was?" Dbzman: "No, but he drifted over to you and called you his brother." [I]Warlock walked away, got into a chair, and relaxed...[/I]
  14. Come on, isn't anyone going to nominate me...:D
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] That's like, almost my line... :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] I believe you stole your line off me in our IM conversation. Anyway, let's get off this and back to the topic...
  16. [I]Meanwhile...[/I] ------------- [I]Inside a cloaked ship above Earth, a ball of ki is forming in a secure area. Scientists of the bug race which are at war with Kaloc's race monitited it closely, making sure it was forming without delay. A group of the bugs make high-pitched clicking sounds to each other, having a conversation of some kind. A red light went off, and the group raced to a window overlooking the large secure room. A body mass had just appeared, and was flexing it's mussels. He looked around, and he face could be seen. HIM... [/I]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Why thank you, that was unexpected! :D [/B][/QUOTE] Sure it was, sure. Anyway, I nominate Flash and DBZMAN...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] I'm just showin' ya the insane post count! :cross: [/B][/QUOTE] And insane it is. Looks like the main poster hsa being posting since March 2000. No wonder he has so much...
  19. The amount of posts those people have, it's a...posters dream. Incredible, sensational. There's one thing I'm sure about, there must be an incredible amount of spam there...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]...You [I]know[/I] it's Flash vs Warlock, not Vice versa... Grrr... I'll let ya get away with it, [i]this time!![/i] Now where was I? [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I know it's Flash vs. Warlock. But this time I think the powerfulest person should go first...
  21. [I]Warlock gains enough energy to telelport out of the firing range of the ki blasts, and floats several metres, silently powering a blast of ki.[/I] Flash: "Heh, by now you should've lost more than your touch..." [I]Flash fires more ki blasts, while Warlock starts to have trouble masking his forming ki blast.[/I] Flash: "And one more to finish this off..." [I]He fires a more powerful blast, which causes a hole to form in the earth, which spreads for miles and miles.[/I] Flash: "Heh, only human..." [I]Flash quickly turns around, finally senseing the formsing blast of ki, which is growing to a tremendous size in front of Warlock. [/I] Warlock: "Bon appeite..." [I]The blast launches at Flash, smashing into him at a tremendous speed. The blast slowly rips through him, and soon the blast disappears beyond the horizon, Flash instead spread around the battlefield in molocules...[/I]
  22. Okay Flash, we'll just continue on from where we were. I'll let you go first...
  23. So, when are we going to start this?
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