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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Raynor: "Trell, let me tell you something strange." Trell: "Fine with me..." Raynor: "Things started going strange for me when I first met up again with Flash. He fired a ball of flames at me, and there was no way I could escape. Then, moments before it hit me, everything froze. Before I even had a chance to think about what had just happened, I started to relieve memories. I was tied to some sore of table, in what seemed like a test chamber of some sort. A voice over a P.A. counted down to something and a beam shot down from the roof and hit me. Then I came back to the frozen world, and jumped far out of the flames' way. And later I met up with you, then some how disappeared, and in the end waking up here. Can you make any sense of it?" Trell: "No...not really. It all seems rather confusing to me. But I'll see if I can work out an explanation." Raynor: "Thanks..."
  2. I only know one person who use to come here. He doesn't anymore for some strange reason. Some of you people may remember Amioc, he wasn't really a friend of mine, I just knew him at school and got the Otaku Boards address off him...
  3. [I]Warlock watched as Outlaw sent the saiying king flying.[/I] Warlock: "He's good, no doubt about that." [I]Warlock continued to watch...[/I]
  4. [I]Warlock stops in the air, and looks back at Safer.[/I] Warlock: "I never believed you were that smart Safer. You also must remember, that I must be smart to..." [I]Warlock smiles at Safer, and flys around him in a split second. Warlock stops where he started.[/I] Warlock: "Let's see if your'e smart enough to remember this attack. I didn't do it on you, but you were there watching, I remember that." [I]Suddenly, a ki wall appears around Safer, and starts to make it's way into him. Safer looks around, and smiles. His body starts to surge with power, and the ki wall is destroyed.[/I] Safer: "Yes, I'm smart enough to remember that..." Warlock: "Now, to think there are two of us. We're both some of the powerfulest warriors in the galaxy, maybe even the universe. And we're both fighting for each other's pride. For one of us will most likely fall to the other. So, to think about it, it's probably a simple battle which with the person who wins here, will probably win our tournement battle. For I am sure we will verse each other. So, shall we re-begin?" Safer: "With pleasure..." [I]In a flash of light both warriors streaked towards each other. Safer and Warlock threw kicks and punches at each other, doing little effect to the other. Warlock drew back, and sent small blue ball of ki at Safer. Safer knocked it away, but not before it drained some of his energy.[/I] Safer: "I must admit, you have an impressive selection of tricks." Warlock: "I work hard to get them..." [I]Warlock and Safer both fly back into each other, the battle becoming more and more fierce as each warriors' power level increases because of the battle...[/I]
  5. [I]Raynor opens his eyes slowly. At first everything is blurred, but after a few minutes he sees clearly. He looks around, and realises that he is in the infirmary. He gets up, and sees Outlaw in a bed next to him, with his friend doing something to him. Trell then walks over to him.[/I] Trell: "So, healed yet?" Raynor: "Good as new." [I]Raynor started to walk outside.[/I] Raynor: "Just going somewhere to think." [I]Raynor walked outside for a few minutes, and stopped by a group of large rocks, and sat down on them. He closed his eyes, and tried to unearth more memories of what seemed like an 'experiment'...[/I]
  6. I've got in a few fights. And thanks to all my Martial Arts lessons I've won everone of the fights...
  7. It all depends on what or who I'm holding a grugde on and for what reason. And I haven't really held any grudges so I wouldn't really know...
  8. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    Just keeping it alive...
  9. My school's spirt is [I]very[/I] high. And when I mean high I mean high. All of our inter-school sports teams did really well, and at athletic competitions against different schools our school's cheering drown out everyone's elses combined...
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Warlock, you sound [I]way[/I] too experienced... :p [/B][/QUOTE] I do? Well, I guess I am...:D
  11. Congrats Flash. I just want to post this quick, so I can get off the number of the devil...
  12. Well, there goes one of my sub characters. But knowing HIM, you just [I]know[/I] he'll be back some way or another. And also, because Amioc doesn't come here anymore, do I win the fight against Joosh automaticly or what? ----------------------------------------- [I]Warlock finishes watching the match through a multi-form, and focuses back on Safer.[/I] Warlock: "Well, that...went smoothly." Safer: "What did?" Warlock: "The match between HIM and Juggernuat. Juggernaut...killed HIM brutly...and so easily. Anyway, let's fight..." [I]Warlock disappears so quickly that Safer doesn't even notice it at first. Safer scanns the battlefield for Warlock. He senses something and turns around in a flash, just blocking Warlock fist.[/I] Warlock: "You have got better..." [I]Safer quickly zooms to the side, just getting out of the way of another fist. This time a multi form of Warlock.[/I] Warlock: "Much better. But not good enough..." [I]This time Safer doesn't have time to move, and is hit in the back by a ki blast, fired by a third Warlock. Safer slams into the ground. The two clones are about to launch into an attack on Safer when two ki blasts peirce their hearts, and they go back into Warlock.[/I] Safer: "Watch it, you may have inherited heart problems." [I]Warlock pays no attention to Safer's comment, and closes his eyes. His body glows blue, and two ki Warlocks come out of his sides. Ki Warlock come out of those two, and in one minute, there are quite a few ki Warlocks.[/I] Warlock: "A present, enjoy..." [I]All the ki Warlocks zoom forward, and are each met by one of Safer's attacks. Within seconds they are all on the ground. Safer looks up at Warlock.[/I] Safer: "I atleast expected something challenging from you." Warlock: "You got something challengine. Look again..." [I]Safer looks down at the ground, no ki Warlocks. He looks back up at Warlock, who's smirking. He turns to his left, and just catches a glimpse of a flash of light as it streaks towards him. It hits him, and forms a blue cloud around Safer. Warlock smiles, and it enters Safer. Safer feels power surge through him.[/I] Safer: "It seems your attack has failed..." Warlock: "My attacks never fail." [I]Safer looks back at himself, and sees flashs of blue light on his skin. He looks back up at Warlock, and then back at himself. An explosion sounds from Safer's body, sending shockwaves far and wide. The dust clears, and a battered and bruised Safer lays on the ground.[/I] Warlock: "I think it's time you upgraded to your next form. And don't doubt me, I too can go a step further..."
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B] [SIZE=1]Ok, when I get things right about this board is a good sign I've been here waay too long, lol..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I completely agree...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Can I be Dark Digidestined? Because I'm so much better at being a Bad guy, and I REFUSE to be a good guy. Unless I absolutley [i]have[/i] to... [/B][/QUOTE] I [I]love[/I] being an evil guy, I just haven't got around to be one in any of the RPGs...
  16. Piro's statement is true, but I'd just like to say that if you ask to be a Mod, you most likely won't get it. Be a good member and you might just be picked. That is all... -[I]Warlock[/I]
  17. Congrats Safer. Look after your girl-friend over those 9 months...
  18. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Warlock floats above the ground in quiet meditation, letting all his energy flow through him. He sees past the endless chamber, to what lurks outside. He sees the five warriors, training. He senses Pyro and Xadia, Mr Popo and another life force outside. And he senses the billions and billions of life forces throughout the world. He opens his eyes, and floats silently over to Flash.[/I] Warlock: "Only a month of training left. Let's see who can continue training the longest." Flash: "You're on..." [I]Warlock and Flash begin to spar...[/I]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] I dunno... Getting kicked in the nuts hurts REAL bad! :eek: [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, it does. I'm not sure how much it hurts to give birth, and to tell the truth, I don't want to know...
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by firemac [/i] [B]This guy sounds like I_am_me [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I'm thinking... 1.) Justin 2.) H-Bomb
  21. [I]Raynor walks around a small pile of rubble, and sees a motercycle stop metres away. Raynor runs over.[/I] Outlaw: "Aren't you Raynor?" Raynor: "Yeah. I just woke up near here. Last I remember I was with you guys." [I]Raynor notices the person with Outlaw.[/I] Raynor: "Who's he?" Outlaw: "Trish, a friend of mine." Raynor: "Where are the others?" Outlaw: "Here..."
  22. Welcome back Bucket! I see you've enjoyed the camp...
  24. Warlock

    Warriors of Gaia

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]hey raiha, shouldnt you get a water tunic and hurricane sword since your mostly water? [/B][/QUOTE] She doesn't have to. And it pays to sometimes have something out of your alley...
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