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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Warlock looks behind the fight, and sees the four other warriors. Unlike 4 of them, the one at the side of the group doesn't have black armour and mask. He has golden ones. The leader spots him, and looks at him in a puzzled sort of way. He then smiles evily.[/I] Warrior Leader: "Power up. This [I]girl[/I] seems more powerful then she looks." [I]The leader looks back at Warlock, then disappears. Warlock snaps around, and sees the Warrior Leader floating there.[/I] Warrior Leader: "Amazing, how I know who you are but you don't know who I am. Well, I'll see you later." [I]The Warrior Leader teleports back to his group.[/I] Warlock: "I don't like this at all..."
  2. Warlock

    Warriors of Gaia

    [I]Warlock walks along a path. He takes a look around, then speaks...[/I] Warlock: "The Thunder Temple should be somewhere in this area. Well, better get going." [I]Warlock continues on walking, when he suddenly sees the Thunder Temple. Without a word, he runs to it...[/I]
  3. I think the next fight is HIM vs. Juggernaut. There's also all those other fights with the aliens. Well, I guess Flash will have to sort everything out... ----------------------------------- [I]Warlock walks over to Kaloc, who is walking back into the ready room.[/I] Warlock: "Great job out there Kaloc. Want to get some training done?" Kaloc: "Soon, I just want to see the updated tournement chart." [I]Warlokc walked left down a corridor as Kaloc walked to the tournement chart...[/I]
  4. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    Warlock: "But how are we going to lure them here?" Pyro: "Uh, um...No idea!" Xadia: " I know. One of us will have to power up causing them to gain our attention. And then they'll come to us. It's worth a shot anyway." Warlock: "Okay, who wants to unleash their power?" Flash: "I do..." Pyro: "Me too..." Warlock: "Me also!" Flash: "No, I'm doing it." Pyro: "You're-" Xadia: "Just all do at the same time!" Warlock: "Ok. On the count of three. One, two, three!" [I]They begin to power up...[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Meanwhile at a ruined city...[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warrior #3: "Sir, I've picked up a surge of power levels. That way..." [I]The warrior pointed north-east.[/I] Warrior: "That could be our targets. Let's go!" [I]The warriors sped off...[/I]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pastbyer [/i] [B] Now where is that "report this post to a Moderator" button... [/B][/QUOTE] No need, I have arrived. Finally, abit of police work...:D :devil: :flaming:
  6. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]Warlock and Flash begin to see Alsaka in the distance. Suddenly Warlock stops in there air, with Flash stopping only a metre in front of him.[/I] Flash: "What is it?" Warlock: "We've got trouble..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Meanwhile in space...[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [I]The ships speed on, passing the moon in a split second. Another message appears on the screens...[/I] [B]Arriving at planet. Prepare for landing...[/B] [I]The ships's crash through Earth's atmosphere, and crash into a series of mountains, causing avalanches far and wide. Each of the ship's open, and out step the mysterious warriors. They all gather by one of the warrior's ship.[/I] Warrior #2: "We are ready. What shall we do first leader?" Warrior Leader: "We'll attack some cities first, gain their attention." [I]He looks around at the other four masked warriors.[/I] Warrior Leader: "Come on, move it!!!" [I]The warriors blast off towards the nearest city...[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Back at Alska with Warlock and Flash...[/B] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warlock: "Evil has arrived. Come on, we got to get to Xadia and Pyro." [I]Warlock and Flash teleport to Xadia and Pyro...[/I]
  7. Warlock

    Warriors of Gaia

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Whoever is spamming.... Pedroo I guess.... whatever, it's making me more stupid everytime i read "hey waz up?" so I opted not to look for more... but.... please stop.... One more time and I will report you to Adam who will take appropiate action..... Arigatou Gozaimasu bakamono :) [/B][/QUOTE] Errrr! Beaten again. Anyway, back to the story, which I still haven't been intorduced too...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=rainbow] Ooooooo I know....I can do it....9 more posts....I....Cannn....do it!!![/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Almost there!!!
  9. I'll get this on the road soon...
  10. Congrats on this first mile stone...
  11. Warlock

    Megaman RPG..

    [I]Warlock stands by Z...[/I] Warlock: "What's happening?" Z: "I don't know. All the sensors are picking up an army of robots heading this way, but there's hundreds. Warlock: "I'll go get Zero..."
  12. I can only last a few days. I've never been away from a computer for any longer than that, so I don't know if I can last any longer...
  13. [I]Raynor grabs Tali's hand and shakes it.[/I] Raynor: "My name's Raynor. What th-" [I]Raynor is suddenly picked up by a devil with wings, who fly on, carrying Raynor with him. Raynor puts his hand in his jacket, and pulls out a magnum. With one bang, the devil falls down with Raynor. With a loud thump, Raynor hits the ground, and is almost bowled over by a motercycle...[/I]
  14. [I]Warlock pulls back from the SSJ3.[/I] Warlock: "And now, to time to FINSIH YOU OFF!!!" [I]A blinding light of ki appears in Warlock's hands, and Warlock aims it at the SSJ3. It launches and hits the SSJ3 in a earth-shattering explosion. The dust clears, and the SSJ3 is gone.[/I] Warlock: "Now, time to find the others..."
  15. Warlock

    Warriors of Gaia

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]numbsckull? :( :confused: :p :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] It means something like an idiot I believe, but not as harsh...
  16. Warlock

    Z Warriors!!!

    [I]A message rolled across the screen of each of the mysterious warrior's ship's computer...[/I] [B]1/5 of the journey completed.[/B] Warrior #1: "Excellent." [I]The spaceships blazed on towards Earth...[/I]
  17. Warlock


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]This is insane... What's it all about? [/B][/QUOTE] That's what I'm trying to figure out. I must've missed something...
  18. I [I]hate[/I] chainletters. I've got heaps of the curse ones, and I delted them without a second glance. But it's amazing how some people have believed in this curse nonsense...
  19. Warlock

    Warriors of Gaia

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillin6913 [/i] [B]here i will introduce you..... hi my name is krillin, everybody, meet worlock. there youve been introduced [/B][/QUOTE] No, I mean in the RPG you numbskull!!!
  20. Ouch, that's got to hurt. Anyway, nice drawing...
  21. Warlock


    Oooookay. What are you talking about?
  22. Warlock

    Warriors of Gaia

    Just wondering, is anyone going to introduce me yet?
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ruff Writa [/i] [B]i hope ya'll get slaughtered on your next birthdays!!! hahaha!!! just so you'd know how i felt!!!!! do ya'll believe in ressurections??? [/B][/QUOTE] This smells of spam, and someone who needs to see a pyschatrist(sp)...
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