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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Warlock

    Project Gamer

    Zero was now on the road. Well, a city road. Just outside Light's Lab. Passing a group of freaked, little reploids, Zero instantly spotted what had scared them. A group of Mavericks, causing a little chaos. Once again, it looked to Zero as if this was going to be like every other day. Reaching for his sabre, then igniting it in a brilliant green flash, Zero began to dash at the Mavericks, before saying the first thing you guys have ever heard him say here. "Everyone, get out of here!" Looking directly at the Mavericks, who were actually beginning to get out of here themselves, he shouted out once again, this time in a more threatening voice. "No, not [i]you[/i] guys aren't going anywhere." Most of these reasonably weak looking Mavericks stopped in their tracks, turning to look at Zero, perhaps liking the idea of a fight. They obviously didn't know who they were looking at. A small, round one, did know who Zero was, and began to run. "Quickly, run! He'll kill us all!" shouted this terrified little blue Maverick. What looked like the lead Maverick didn't seem to believe him. This large, bulky, bear looking one replied. "Hey, get back here, he's a small fry! If you don't stop and come back right now, you'll be dead!" "No, you don't get it, he's Z-" was all this Maverick could say. The next second, a large bolt of plasma smashed into it's side, blowing it into oblivion. But it wasn't one of the Mavericks who destroyed the small, frightened one. No, it was Zero. But then again, who else? "You were right. He [I]would[/I] die." And then, in true hero fashion, Zero continued. "And trust me, [i]you[/i] guys are next." The lead Maverick merely laughed at this, so hard that he closed his eyes, and held his chest, bending over. "You! Defeat me? Let alone [i]all[/i] of us? Get outta 'ere!" But sadly for this large bear Maverick, with his eyes closed, he didn't watch the chaos unfold as Zero quickly and cleanly cut all the others Mavericks in half. Most of them didn't even have time to let out a sound. Three seconds later, Zero's sabre was right above the bear Maverick's head. "Goodbye." And with an extremely fast movement, and a sickening crack, Zero had once again, won. __________________________________ [B][SIZE=3]SUPER SMASH BROTHERS!![/SIZE][/B] Final Destination. Sure, not actually a SSB loaction, actually a SSBM location, but who's to judge? Anyway, a large, circlish arena, with a black void surrounding it. Fall of the edge, and it's going to be a [i]looooooooooooooong[/i] drop. And underneath are large steel pole like things, that start on the edges and meet in the center. You need to really see it to truly get it. And the battle is just about to begin between two sword wielding videogame characters. In the right corner, the Red Hunter, the boy with long blonde hair, and the wielder of a large, green sword, Zero! And in the left, the villian from Final Fantasy Seven, the guy who killed Aries, or the other one, my FF7 knowledge is pretty bad, and the wielder of that large sword, Sephiroth! And now, it's time for these two titans to battle. [B]3[/B] [B]2[/B] [B]1[/B] [B]GO!![/B] Both character run at each other from both sides of the arena. The first to strike is Zero. Passing the middle first, then reaching Sephiroth, Zero jumps into the air, over Sephiroth, slashing down as he does. Sephiroth gets hit, but not too badly. As Zero lands behind his foe, Sephiroth lunges backwards with his sword, intent on impaling Zero with it. It skims Zero torso, doing some damage, but once again, not want as much as the attacker wanted. Now running backwards, Zero brings up his buster, and quickly begins charging it. Sephiroth charges at Zero, while the buster begins to shake violently with the built up energy. Just as Sephiroth gets within striking distance, the buster goes off, the Final Fantasy character receiving it in the chest, and sent flying back. Zero's expression is pretty smug now, and bringing down his buster, he begins to run at the flying Sephiroth, intent of finishing him off nice and easily. That of course, is too big of a wish. For Sephiroth has just landed right near a barrel, and picking it up, thrown it at the running Zero. It impacts, smashing into a thousand peices, before those peices just disappear. Zero is now the one who is sent flying up, then down, into the ground. He jumps to his feet as quickly as he can, and both characters clash with swords, sparks flying, and the fight continuing...
  2. Warlock

    Project Gamer

    Zero now stood in the midst of a fierce battle between both Hunter and Maverick forces, right inside Hunter H.Q. Or more appropriately, inside the Holographic Room of Light's Lab. Currently in the middile of a 360 degree twist, the Red Hunter had his sabre out in front, glowing steadily with a green hue, and slicing through several Mav gumbies. Y'know, just those cannon fodder Maverick, the one you can take out in a few quick shots. Or in Zero's case, slices. His blonde hair whipping around behind him, he finished off his Twist of Slicing, coming to a quick stop, before scanning the room he was in. It was a medlab, medical tables spread throughout this very large room. Equipment was perched on these tables, and on little trolleys next to them. Scattered among this were the countless bodies of both Maverick and Hunters. Zero hated seeing so many losses on his side, and it actually took a bit of mind control to make him remember this was just a simulation. Nothing more, nothing less... There was a creaking noise to Zero's left, and spinning around, he pointed his buster in the general direction. He was looking at yet another buster gumbie. Growling in disgust, he fired off a small, solitary ball of plasma at the Maverick before it could react. It exploded in a bright ball of flames. And then, suddenly, a loud beep echoed through the medical room. The simulation was over. To further back this up, the room around Zero, and it's occupants, just faded away, revealing the black room with green stripes once again. Switching off his sabre, and reverting his buster back into a hand, covered in armor, he wandered out, towards a computer terminal not too far away... [B]Zero challenges one competitor to do battle in the Super Smash Brothers arena.[/B]
  3. Warlock

    Project Gamer

    Zero, the red bishy, the last son of Dr. Wily, the guy with feet-length blonde hair, was currently sitting with his legs up upon a console equipped with millions of buttons and flashing lights. Where was he? Why, at his good buddy X's creator's lab. Slowly getting up from his lazy position, Zero glanced around at the lab surrounding him, stretching his mechanic arms, before heading over to the holographic training room, his previously mentioned, long blonde hair swaying along behind him. Passing through various rooms filled with experiments and androids like Auto, Zero arrived at a large steel door, marked with a simple bold word on the front. [B]Holo[/B] Typing into a small console built into the door, Zero commanded the door to open. And of course, that's what it did, nice and cleanly. What could now be seen was a large room, completely black, except for green lines running across the entire lengths of the roof, floor and walls. After walking in, the door closed behind Zero, and he reached behind his back, pulling off his sabre. He may of thought of leaving soon, but he wasn't going until he got a good fight. The room flashed, and Zero dashed forward into the appearing reploid cannon fodder up ahead... [IMG]http://lordwarlock.netfirms.com/Zero_Dash.gif[/IMG] ______________________ Sorry for it's small size, but I'm just in the middle of a busy day...
  4. Hmmm... Well, one thing's for certain, I don't use so many dots IRL. And I don't 'hmmmm...' so much. I pretty much open my mouth and talk without thinking at...
  5. Warlock

    Last Word

    [B]Name:[/B] 'Warlock' [B]Age:[/B] 32 [B]Home Planet:[/B] Misamyia [B]Description:[/B] Standing at a full height of 6'3", 'Warlock' is usually decked out in a black cloak, which covers all the way down to his feet. The cloak also covers his face well, but his somewhat cruel, blue eyes with a redish glint sometimes stand out. Almost always gripped in one of his hands is his staff, which actually stands at a height just a bit taller than his own. Imbedded into the top is a red crystal, which probably helps him focus his energy. Or perhaps it's just there to make him look cooler. [B]Personality:[/B] Cold and distant, and only trusting himself. Extremely serious, and quite wise. Also, don't expect him to show emotions, except for perhaps anger and annoyance. [B]Short Bio:[/B] A wanderer, 'Warlock', as he was known, would travel around the world of Misamyia, honing his skills with magic, and earning him the title of one of the most dangerous, due to his constant practice with the Dark Arts. He wasn't found by any of the senators of Lauraxia. No, he found them... [B]Weapons:[/B] Staff [B]Spells:[/B] Warlock is well versed in almost all fields of magic, though he excells with Dark Magic, and all that is involved.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]Can't say that I've ever really had a dream to do with anything involving OB or it's members [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that's makes you fairly boring. ...Wait, that'd make me really boring too. Rats, foiled by myself again!! But anyway, Shyguy, you must be well loved to be in so many dreams... Or maybe those were merely nightmares, and he's just widely feared.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nuchlear [/i] [B]what exactly is Blue Hell? is it a certain glitch? [/B][/QUOTE] Y'know the opening sequence, where the main character and what's-her-name are robbing a bank. Well, outside the city, is that little block of buildings, which you can find using a Dodo. However, if you touch the ground, you're fall through it, and into this 'Blue Hell', where you're pretty much stuck...
  8. Well, those are certainly some, um, interesting dreams. Weird, yes, but interesting... Well, I myself haven't had any dreams about OB. Well, at least I think I haven't.
  9. Um... Perhaps you should add a plot, so we actually know what's going on. As of now, it's all just confusing...
  10. Um... I roleplayed at several MUSHes, posted more at the BnG Boards, constantly checked to see if OB was back up, played several games, several times, and lots of other things. And in the real world, a.k.a [i]off[/i] my computer, I played more Tennis, went on more bike rides, and just did more stuff, period. [color=indigo]You also IMed me saying "I must succeed!" over and over and over again... - Desbreko[/color]
  11. Well, sorry to hear that Aries. And since this thread no longer has meaning, consider it closed. If you want to talk to Aries, I'm sure you can use the PM system... [i]-Warlock, Adventure Arena Moderator[/i]
  12. ::does the SelectSmart thing:: ...I'd prefer not to talk about who's #1 on my list. >_< ::patpats Transtic:: It's alright... I'm sure you can torture Shyguy into putting your site on. But anyway, a very nice collection of sites there...
  13. Hmmmmmm... Well, it isn't happening to me, so it could just be your connection, or just something on your end. I recommand just to wait a tiny bit, then try again. If it still doesn't work, contact one of the technical staff. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  14. [B]Character name:[/B] Zero [IMG]http://megaman.retrofaction.com/images/characters/zero.jpg[/IMG] [B]Reason for choosing character:[/B] Hey, it's [I]Zero[/I]. That, and I'm quite a hardcore Megaman fan, and Zero just seems the right choice instead of Megaman X for the simple reason that Zero has a more similar attitude to my IRL one. [B]My Knowledge of this character:[/B] Hey, I'm Warlock, a guy who's not only played quite a few of the X games, but also Megaman Zero. The guy who's been to almost every Megaman info site, and looked up lots about the games, characters and such. I know quite a lot about Zero, and well, I think I'd be a good person to play him. [B]Starting location of character:[/B] Dr. Light's Lab
  15. Flash swerved his Esperanto around a speeding Inferno, having to go drive the car up onto the middle of the bridge, the Russians soon following. In the back, both Neil and Warlock were continuing to unload their clips at the Russians, but were quickly running out... Warlock: "Hey Flash, do you have any other weapons here?" Flash: "Open the boot!" Putting his guns back in their hosters, Warlock opened the left hand side door, cold wind instantly assualting his face. Gripping the side of the door frame, he crawled onto the top of the car, before sliding down onto the bonnet, grabbing onto a protusion in the metal. Several bullets whizzed past his face, crashing around him, but Warlock didn't pay attention to them. Back at the front, Flash was continuing to gun the car, now about half-way across the bridge. As he drove, he noticed a very large Gas Tanker starting to come onto the bridge, but didn't have time to focus on it. Leaning forward, the ATF agent pulled a small leaver-like thing, opening the boot. Warlock suddenly had the boot coming up, and quickly scrambled back onto the roof so it could come up fully. And then, doing something increadibly risky, he leapt forward, onto the road, twisting around in mid-air as he did so. Grabbing onto the ridge of the bonnet, he hauled himself onto the edge, and smirked upon seeing the small stockpile of weapons. Grabbing two Rocket Launcher, he leaned forward into the bonnet, opening a little hatch at the back, making an entrance into the back seats. Sliding a Rocket Launcher forward to Neil, Warlock turned around and quickly loaded the Rocket Launcher. Taking aim, he fired off a rocket with a large puff of smoke, and within seconds one of the Russian cars simply exploded. As he began to reload, he heard the sound of another Rocket Launcher been fired, but the Rocket from this one went slightly haywire, hitting one of the bridge's supports at the side, cracking it. Warlock: "Neil, whatever you do, don't hit the bridge again. I don't like the chance of this bridge surviving a barrage of missiles." Aiming again, Warlock pushed the trigger of the rocket launcher /just/ as a Russian car hit the Esperanto at it's side, swerving the car around, and sending the rocket /right/ at the passing Gas Tanker. The response was explosive. The Tanker simply exploded, a great ball of flame going up, engulfing a large part of the bridge. It then crashed into the side of the bridge, exploding a second time, /right/ by the ruined support. That along wouldn't of been enough to blow the bridge, but the following Russians and other that plowed into the Tanker was. The bridge began to buckle, and Warlock was thrown forward, off the car as Flash gunned it again, pushing the car to it's limits to get off the bridge. It was then Warlock noticed a wad of explosives that had fallen out of Flash's car about 30 metres in front of him. Warlock: "...Don't explod-" The explosives exploded, and suddenly the bridge began to fall apart, Warlock right near the center... ___________________________ Yeah, I know, it ain't that good, but I /have/ taken a break from all this for a while...
  16. [B]10:17 PM Outside Portland Docks Entrance[/B] [I] The man's eyes sharpen under his sunglasses, and he reaches into his pocket... Flash quickly whips out his Magnum, but relaxes when the man takes out a small box of cigarettes, swiftly taking one out...[/I] [B]Man:[/B] "Before I tell you, could I have a lighter?" [I]Eyeing the man slightly, Flash pulls out his lighter, extending it to where Warlock has his cigarette help between his thumb and pointer... Just as Flash's lighter lights up the cigarette, the man acted... The cigarette fell from his hand, and his right hand grabbed Flash's wrist, quickly twisting it and him around, leaving the man holding him from behind... He slammed Flash stomach first onto his Sentinel's bonnet while reaching for his gun with his left... He smirked as the pistol rested against Flash's head... [/I] [B]Man:[/B] "Well, Mr 'Flash', I gue-" [B]Voice:[/B] "Drop teh gun and put your hands where I kan see them or I grokhnut! [I] The man quickly let go of the gun, letting it slam into the ground... He backed away from Flash, and turned around, his hand in front of him... Flash slowly followed, and glared at the Russian, standing with his AK-47 pointing at them both... He shot a single bullet from the AK, which hit the man in black in the chest... As he fell his hands came to his wound, and lay there as he hit the ground, seeming to be unconscious, or even dead...[/I] [B]Russian:[/B] "He Mafia skum! You, kome with me!" [I] Flash began to walk forward to the Russian, his hands still in front of his body... And as a truck in the docks began to start up, Flash noticed a gun skid to a point just in front of him... Noticing that the Russian hadn't heard or seen the gun, Flash suddenly tripped, his hand grabbing the gun as he fell... In a flash (no pun intended), Flash had quickly pointed the gun at the Russian, and shot him while he was still confused... Slowly, Flash looked behind him, to see the man now kneeling in the darkness, looking completely healthy...[/I] [B]Flash:[/B] "...Kevlar?" [B]Man:[/B] "No. But a similar armour." [I] A silence passed in which only Warlock stood up, and Flash slowly rubbing the man's pistol...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "I'm Warlock. Ask no questions about me, 'cause you're not going to get any answers. Now, what the hell are you doing out here and why shouldn't I just shoot you right now?" [B]Flash:[/B] "You forget, I'm the one with the gun." [I] Warlock smirked, and quickly picked up two Uzis he had laid on the ground, pointing them at Flash... [/I] [I] And yet again, there was silence...[/I]
  17. [B]9:58 PM Leone Family Mansion Giovanni:[/B] "Please, take a seat. I've got a job for you." [I] A man dressed completely in black sat down on the plush chair opposite of Giovanni, the Leone Family Mafia's new leader... He took off his black sunglasses, placing them in a pocket within his black trenchcoat... The man's cold blue eyes were now focused on the Mafia leader, waiting to hear the mission...[/I] [B]Giovanni:[/B] "All this trouble has the Mafia on the edge. We're edging closer to a full out war with the Soviets, yet we have no idea how much weapons or men they have, or even if they've spread to Callahan Point. I want you to do some recon in the Soviet's turf, find out as much about them as you can." [I] The man in black simply nodded his head, already taking back out his sunglasses out and placing them firmly on his head...[/I] [B]Giovanni:[/B] "I expect a lot of information when you get back, Warlock." [I] This man, known only by the alias of 'Warlock', merely smirked as he got up off the plush chair and began walking out of the room to the porch outside...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "When I get back, not only will you know a truckload about the Soviets, you'll have a slightly smaller opposition." [I] And with that Warlcok stepped out in the cold air, a mafia bodyguard in a black suit closing the sliding door behind him, his gun drawn and eyeing Warlock closely... Warlock's boots echoed against the stone steps as he decended from the elevated mansion, drawing out his car's keys as he walked... [/I] [I] A few seconds later he was in a Mafia Sentinel, a little gift he had "received" from a Mafia driver near the Saint Marks/Dock border... He started up the engine, and roared out of the Mafia Mansion land, out onto the street... [/I]
  18. Arg... I make one, it doesn't post... I make another sign up, the computer resets before I can post it... ::crosses fingers:: ---------------------------------------- [B]Name:-[/B] 'Warlock' [B]Age:-[/B] 25 [B]Height:-[/B] 6'5" [B]Initial Weapons:-[/B] [I]Is an M-16 light? :P[/I] Twin 9mm Black Panthers, fast-action Uzi. [B]Initial Vehicle:-[/B] Mafia Sentinel [B]Gang Affiliation:-[/B] 'Warlock' is a freelancer, though he is currently working for the Leone Family Mafia. [B]Description:-[/B] 'Warlock' has short, black, spikey hair and cold blue eyes. He has a medium build and a hard to see scar on his left cheek. He wears black shirt with a strange symbol on the front, coloured red, black baggy pants and a black trenchcoat over the top of all that. He also wears black, stylish sunglasses and black fingerless gloves, also with the red symbol on them. [B]Personality:-[/B] Despite his cold appearances, Warlock isn't one to get into a direct fight... He'd just as glady sniper from afar or drive-by with a Uzi. His loyalty to his current employer is of the highest quality... Right up until he's offered a large amount of cash. Overall, he's calm, collected, and lets nothing stand in his way of gaining power and money. [B]Bio/History:-[/B] 'Warlock' is a man with a plan. His goal:- To eliminate all his competition, and to become the baddest dude around, hopefully having every gang at his feet... And he's going to do anything to get there. He's only been in Liberty City for about four months, but already he's on the LCPD's wanted list, in the "Armed and Dangerous" section, though he's hardly even been seen by the police, and on the sole occasion he has, the certain police end up taking a long walk off a short pier. He's currently on very good terms with the Leone Family Mafia, and on bad with the Diablos. Rumors he's trying to collect a major stockpile of weapons and explosions is unconfirmed...
  19. ::makes a cross with hands:: EVIL!!! Okay, now, I'm going to have to close this... Why, you might ask? Well... 1) Okay, I kinda get the plot, but really, it doesn't really make sense. You have to blow up the world simply because you blew up a country? ::rubs head:: 2) Sign-ups go in the sign up sub-forum. But you are a newbie, so I'm not that annoyed. But still, look around before you do anything. 3) Now, with people having to pick "bodies", you really need to give more info. It really doesn't help when you just say; Strength: 10, Speed: 6... How much is ten? Can you lift cars? Can you outrun a speed bullet? We need more info! I'd go on, but I'm getting bored here... Please, look at other sign up threads, see what you have to do, get ideas, and if you want, try again. Hopefully then you'll know what to do. -Warlock
  20. Neil is right. Perhaps you should read the forum descriptions, don't you think? If you did, you'd know that this forum has a different purpose. There isn't really a proper place to move this, so I'm closing it. Next time, post in one of the Gaming Forums please... [i]-Warlock[/i]
  21. I'm afriad this is games, such as some kind of quiz thread, and for RPGs, which in this forum means an interactive story, where various people contribute parts of their imagination to the RPG. Kind've like several authors writing a book. I suggest check out some of the RPGs to find out how it works. Hmmmmmmmm... Now, since there is no real forum which this can be put in to, I'm afriad I'm going to have to close it... But if you want to discuss RPGs, go to the various gaming forums. [i]-Warlock[/i]
  22. Nah, I don't really yell at games... I get angry occasionaly, but I keep telling myself there's no point to get angry at a game. After all, they [i]are[/i] just games...
  23. [SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] Raynor Dune (he returns) [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Birthmark:[/B] On his left cheek Raynor bears a reddish mark in the shape of a small flame:- Fire [B]Bio:[/B] Raynor has forever lived in his city, only venturing out to the forest that surrounds it occasionaly, and never any further. From an early age he practiced physical fighting, with fists and swords, and even though he saw glimpses of his powerful fire magic, he preferred to stick to his hobby. However, one day when he was about 18, his house and the surrounding part of the city was set alight. Instinctively, he was somehow able to control the fire, and contain it so others were able to extinguish. From then on, he continued to train in physical forms of defense and offense, but also delved further into ability with magic. He has recently been selected and found by the oracles. [B]Appearance:[/B] Raynor is about 6'2", with short, spiked up black hair, slightly shaded pale red. He has a medium build and his red are bluish/redish, though they turn completely red when he is either using magic or in deep anger. He usually wears a dark cloak, with a black t-shirt and pants underneath. He also wears fingerless gloves and black leather boots. [/SIZE] --------------------------------- Oh, and this isn't anything against you Safer Cloud, but in an IC sense, yes, someone's history may be unknown, but in an OCC sense, it should still be known. And this of course, is OCC. Even if you don't want to give away too much, it's still sometimes good to give a glimpse of what the character's history is like, so us others have an idea of how the character may act and ect.
  24. ::falls over laughing upon reading the new ones:: Oh mercy... And Flash, I think you're onto something...
  25. Dear god, we're all insane... And that's a pretty nice one there Desbreko. Everyone, listen to his message!!!
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