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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. Below is something which will [i]completely[/i] prove I'm insane... [B][SIZE=3]What They Don't Want You to Know[/SIZE] In order to understand free icecream you need to realize that everything is controlled by a Otaku Boards Fan Club made up of Treize's "Fun" Group with help from those people, over there. The conspiracy first started during Otaku v.2 Disaster in the Otaku Boards. They have been responsible for many events throughout history, including the invention of Wily Beer. Today, members of the conspiracy are everywhere. They can be identified by picking your nose. They want to spam up Warlock's Foundation of Crazy People and imprison resisters in Treize's Bathroom using Treize's undies. In order to prepare for this, we all must take off our clothes and dance around like crazy men. Since the media is controlled by Flash's MUST Love Roll(MLR) Group we should get our information from Warlock.[/B] Above is the first of many "Conspriacies" I've made. [URL=http://www.cjnetworks.com/~cubsfan/conspiracy.html]Want to know how to do this? CLICKIE![/URL] Trust me, you're going to like this... Go on, give it a go. And thanks to Desbreko for telling me about this... You've just increased my insanity, 10-fold! ;)
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Schratn9 [/i] [B]This sounds very interesting? [/B][/QUOTE] ...Dear god. Let's see what wrong with this. 1) First, you're saying "This sounds very interesting[b]?[/B]". This could be a mistake, but it sounds like you're doubting what you're saying. 2) Please, only post in a sign-up topic if you're signing-up, or have already and wish to ask some questions, or simply want to ask some questions. Don't just say you like the sound of it or something. I'd say more, but I'm too lazy at the moment... Anyway, onto the story itself! [URL=http://lordwarlock.netfirms.com/Warlock_Master.gif]Y'know, I should /really/ update this...[/URL] Question though... What's the actual story? Blah blah blah, yak, yak, yak. You know the speech.
  3. [I]Sweat trickling down his forehead, Warlock reverted back into his normal form, before letting the powerful gravity pull him down to the ground... He hit the white, gleaming ground with a soft thud, his breathing frequent and deep... After lieing there for a few seconds, he got up onto his feet, and put both of his arms in front of him...[/I] [I] The area in front of Warlock began to crackle, space itself bending ever so slightly... And with a loud whoosh, a black portal popped into existance in front of Warlock, the air around it being sucked in at a terrifying speed... With a last look around his training void, he jumped into the portal...[/I] [I] Back in the main hall of the ship, the others that were there turned their heads as the portal crackled to life, ragged air rushing out of it... After a few seconds of watching, the others looked on as Warlock appeared from the centre of the black portal headfirst... As he reached the ground, he curled up slightly, rolling back onto his feet the moment he touched the ground...[/I] [B]Connor:[/B] "Back already?" [B]Warlock:[/B] "Yeah... I've done all I can." [I] Connor nodded slightly, and turned back around, glancing out of the giant viewport placed on the centre of the north wall... Or atleast was north when they were back on earth... Sighing, Warlock looked around...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Where's Rahia?" [B]Dread:[/B] "She left a while back." [B]Warlock:[/B] "When is she coming back?" [I] Warlock question was answered almost immediately, as Rahia appeared, a small smile on her face... Walking over to Rahia, Warlock planted a small kiss on her lips, before turning to the large viewport... Almost instantly, Warlock noticed something...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "...It's black. It's... it's completely empty." [B]Rahia:[/B] "I think it's almost time." [I] Warlock quickly turned his head to look at Connor, obviously demanding an answer, but got nothing... He turned back to the viewport, knowing, but trying to deny, the feeling of the end...[/I] [I]How right he was...[/I] ---------------------- Now, to wait for Flash...
  4. ...I don't like the sound of this. But I'm going to watch it, see what happens. If it seems the topic is going to be a true RPG, not just a silly attempt to gain posts, I'll let it continue. And so far, this is close to been closed. I'm watching closely. [i]Very[/i] closely. [quote] be a part of the first ever thread to reach 1000 posts. [/quote] You obviously don't know your Otakuboards. If you go the the Games/RPG forum now, you'll about 2 or 3 RPGs with more than a thousand posts. Including [B]Dragon Ball Battlefield: Patches In The Sky[/B], OB's longest RPG to keep on going and going and going... It's probably the largest sensible thread in OB's history...
  5. ...Never heard of 'em. Anyway, could someone please enlighten me to what these books are actually about please?
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I'm back! Or rather, I'm not back... I'm here! In the states, that is...[/B][/QUOTE] ...Stop messing up my mind Flash. You can't be [i]here[/i]... Aren't you [i]there[/i]? :P ::holds head in confusion:: Anyway, I hope getting there was good. Nice to see you weren't hijacked... But even if you were, you could mesmerise the hijackers with your giant hent- Well, that secret 'collection' of yours...
  7. [B][SIZE=3]TO DO LIST[/SIZE][/B] [list] [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Do Maths Homework [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Dentist Appointment [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Insult Neil, [i]seven[/i] times. [*] Sign-up in Fianl Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Stand around doing nothing for 2 hours [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Play Snot Hockey with self [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Stare blankly into space for a while [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Sleep [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Insult Neil another seven times [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [*] Blackmail Neil [*] Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos [/list] Hmmmm... What next? [list] [*] [COLOR=red][SIZE=4][B][SIZE=3]Sign-up in Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/list] Final Fantasy: Prelude To Chaos? Why didn't [i]anyone[/i] remind me? ::runs to door, opens it, only to be engulfed by thousands of peices of letter, all writen by Flash:: "Post in PTC NOW!!!" Sheesh, no need to remind me... I have a perfectly fine memory... ...Erm... Now what? ------------------------- [SIZE=1] [B]Name:[/B] 'Warlock' [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Height:[/B] 6'2" [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Class:[/B] Paladin [B]Weapons:[/B] [list] [*] [B]Silver Broadsword:-[/B] A large broadsword with a silver handle, with intricate carvings covering it. The sword is rumored to be thousands of years old, made by an ancient, and brimming with power. A hit from this sword will cause more damage then you think it will. [/list] [B]Armour/Clothes:[/B] Lightweight chain-mall type armour, completely black. When not wearing the armour, he wears black trousers and shirt, covered by a large black cloak. He also carries a rectangular shield on his back, about 80 centimetres by 50. [B]Description:[/B] Deep blue eyes, and short, unruly black hair (not spiked up for once! ::gasp::) and a scar along his right cheek. He's medium in build, arrogant, merciless and quite unfriendly. [B]Bio/History:[/B] His childhood forgotten, his memories lost, Warlock's first memory is of waking up in the Mystic forest at the age of 19, a deep bleeding gash on his right cheek. After wandering around lost and confused for a few days, he was discovered by a passing mercanary, a paladin, who took Warlock in. After been healed, Warlock journeyed with the paladin, having no place to go. He began to learn, becoming fit and learning the art of sword fighting, including some low-level black magic. The two were ambushed by a group of thiefs, and were greatly outnumbered. The thiefs were driven off, but Warlock's father figure had been mortally wounded, and died hours later. Taking the paladin's armour, Warlock hunted down the theifs, and slaughtered them all. He discovered in their possesion a silver broadsword, and replaced it with his current sword. From then on he journeyed the lands, exterminating villiage's 'problems' in exchange for rewards, though keeping away from as much human contact as possible... [/SIZE] ---------------- There, done. Everyone happy?
  8. Well, good luck Flash, don't do anything I wouldn't do... Wait, that's probably bad advice thinkin' about it. Anyway, he won't be in the air for a while yet. It's only about 6 or 7 PM, Tuesday where he is...
  9. ::kicks modem and ISP EXTREMELY hard:: Sorry 'bout not posting here lately... Well, anywhere lately. But my internet's been bugging up and not working... Anyway, I think I got the problem fixed now... ----------------- [I]Sighing deeply, Warlock turned to look out one of the many viewports, back out in the endless, disappearing universe... His hand left hand gripped Rahia's right tightly... Silently, they both looked out at the endless void of space... After a few minutes, Warlock turned his head to look at Connor, and opened his mouth to speak...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "...Listen, I'm sick of waiting. I propose we go right to Xero [i]right[/i] now. We're not going to achieve anything waiting. We'll probably die trying to end this madness, but the same thing's going to happen if we wait." [I]Connor blinked long and hard for a second, taking a deep breath, and he turned Warlock...[/I] [B]Connor:[/B] "Even if we [i]do[/i] go after Xero, it won't be now. Pyro is off training, and if we're even going to try going after him, we all need to do the same..." [I]Warlock looked at the metal floor behind him, and nodded to himself lightly... He let go of Rahia's hand, and raced off down a corridor, towards the armour room... His boots echoed through the mainly empty corridors as he neared his destination... He skidded to a stop by a large door, and tapped a few buttons on a small console next to it... With a beep the door slid open, and Warlock ran in... [/I] [I]The room was filled with armours, mostly replications and modifications of saiyia-jin armour... There was a small stand loaded with the type of armour Warlock wore, a modification and improvement in the old saiyia-jin armour... His last copy of the armour having been turned into a drone along with part of him, Warlock picked it up and glanced at it, giving it a check... After double-checking it over, he slipped it over his head where it stretched to a larger size to fit his torso... [/I] [I]Turning around and running out of the armour room, Warlock headed back to the rest, getting himself ready for his probably most intense training session...[/I]
  10. Yeah, I do Martial Arts... My style's pretty much a blend of quite a few types of Martial Arts... Such as Karate, Judo, ect. Erm... Yeah.
  11. Warlock

    Family Guy

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]I love family guy.. Never missed an Episode! ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] Ditto. [B]You two, fight to the death![/B]
  12. I agree with BabyGirl. Knowing Lucas, he's going to be finishing un-completed scenes and ect. So expect to wait a while...
  13. [I]Both Tamatea and Warlock touch done in the city center, about 20 metres away from a small steel building guarded by several heavily armed men... They began to walk across to the building, walking around small foodcarts and homeless people... As they walk, Warlock glances around at the starved families, his face masking all emotion... Though deep down, he did slightly feel for the the families... [/I] [B]Tamatea:[/B] "They know who I am. Anyway, I can pull rank on them if they don't let you in. That's the advantage of been a super-powerful warrior." [B]Warlock:[/B] "Heh heh. I know what you mean..." [I]The two arrive in front of the several men, who instantly raise their right hands in a salute... The two guards at the door nod at Tamatea, and open the door...[/I]
  14. [I]After running a few simulations, Warlock swivelled around on his chair, turning to Marth, who looked slightly troubled...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Hey, Marth, what's the problem?" [I]Marth's eyes snapped open, and he looked at Warlock, surprised... Marth was about to explain the vision of Blues, but his eyes quickly found Warlock's sunglasses, which was made from Blues' original visor... "I can't make him think his older brother, the first person he ever knew, could possibly be evil..." he thought as he began to open his mouth...[/I] [B]Marth:[/B] Oh... It's nothing, really." [I]Warlock's sunglasses shifted a tiny bit, signifying Warlock was slightly raising one eye...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Are you sure? You don't seem okay." [B]Marth:[/B] "No, it was nothing. I was just thinking about the coming battle." [B]Warlock:[/B] "If you say so..." [I]Marth closed his eyes again, trying to find some fact behind his vision, while Warlock kept his eyes planted on him...[/I]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Come now, Raiha... Flash isn't [I]that[/I] bad.. -.- [/B][/QUOTE] I object! We all now Flash is [i]much[/i] worse than that... ---------------------- [B]Warlock:[/B] "What's Flash doing back there? Flirting as always, eh?" [B]Neil:[/B] "Really, do you think there's even a point to ask?" [B]Warlock:[/B] "Heh heh. Good point. Though I would like him to give it a break once in a while... He's catching all the fish in the sea." [I]Smiling as he shook his head, Locky focused back in front of him... [/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Guys... Expect alot of turbulence in a second." [I]And with a large rumble, the[/I] Excalibur [I]entered the edge of the storm... They were almost over[/I] Dollet...
  16. [I] As he walked into the large Garage, the door sliding shut behind him, Warlock surveyed the large hanger bay, before walking past the large group of APCs... Making his way over to the hover-bike area, Warlock selected his black and red bike, grabbing it and holding it above his head... He walked back to ALPHA, ducking through the open door so his hover-bike wouldn't hit the top of the door, then placed it on a rack next to the door... He sat down on the co-pilot seat next to Zero, but totally ignored him, turning to Nova...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "So, are you ready?" [B]Nova:[/B] "Yep. Got everything I'll need against those ice Replimasters." [B]Warlock:[/B] "Perfect." [I]Swinging his chair around, he began to run some simulations on the computer...[/I]
  17. [B]Warlock:[/B] "Of course not." [I]Floating closer to Tamatea, Warlock began to brush off the demon blood that had been sprayed all over his armour... [/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "The one thing I hate about those guys... Always messing up my armour." [B]Tamatea:[/B] "Don't you want them messing up your pride and joy, eh?" [B]Warlock:[/B] "Not one bit." [I]The two began to fly away from the battle field, discussing the previous battle, among other things... Soon, the discussion turned to talk of the tournament...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "I haven't heard much, but it seems the competion is going to be pretty fierce... Just the way I like it." [B]Tamatea:[/B] "Heh, I wonder if they have tag-team..." [B]Warlock:[/B] "Heh heh heh..."
  18. [I]Meanwhile, in another part of the world entirely, a warrior with a black cape fluttering behind him looked down at a massive demon battle occuring... Demon grunts clashed, bodies thrown from side to side, only to be mutilated by other grunts... Grunts slashed at others, killing them, then been killed back... Total, utter chaos... [/I] [I]The warrior watching the battle from the air watched emotionless, not showing disgust, happyness, sadness, or smugness... Nothing... [/I] [I]Minutes past, and soon only one side was standing... They soon began to tear at each other, and this mysterious warrior took this opportunity to attack...[/I] [I]Diving from the sky, the warrior formed two red ki blades on his wrists... Meters away from the demon grunt horde, he phased out, appearing right in the fray... Slashing his ki blades outward, he sent several heads rolling, before impaling both of his ki blades into two grunts' torsos... He pulled them out as quickly as he had jabbed them in, and with a last grunt, the two demons fell to the ground...[/I] [I]With a flash his ki blades disappeared, and he jumped out of the crowd of grunts... Flying up above the grunts, the warrior pointed one arm down, palm open, and released a storm of small gold ki balls... Grunt flesh burned and crackled, and a few minutes later, only the warrior remained... Not giving the battle field a second glance, the warrior, Warlock, flew away...[/I]
  19. Heh heh. I like how you changed their posts Flash. They sound so much more calm and forgiving than usual. Before I noticed you had edited their mesages, I though the impossible had happened, and they had actual finally forgiven each other... Anyway, let's stop spamming up this topic, and focus on the actual RPG...
  20. Strange... I assumed the Dark Side couldn't be sensed that easily Craig... ------------------------------- [I]Kyle only thought about his partner's exit for a few seconds, before flipping back as the Dark Jedi slashes at Kyle's open head... Racing forward a bit too boldy, Klye slashed upward at the Dark Jedi, trying to slash him right up the middle... Using Kyle's eagerness to his advantage, the Dark Jedi took a quick step back, the silver lightsabre slash slicing through air... All his weight at the front of his body, Kyle began to fall forward, the other Jedi using this opportunity to finish off the fight... He pulled his lightsabre back, and slashed horizontally at Kyle's falling head...[/I] [I]With his lightsabre too far down to block the slash, Kyle's mind raced in a milisecond... And without any thought, he increased the weight of his fall, rolling right into the Dark Jedi's feet... He instantly realised his mistake when the Dark Jedi feel forward fast, his lightsabre slashing Kyle's back... A second later, the Dark Jedi was back on his feet, Kyle soon after...[/I] [I]"He's better than I thought..." thought Kyle as smirked at the Dark Jedi, lifting his lightsabre up and pointing it at the Dark Jedi's eye in a sort of taunt... The Dark Jedi himself looked smug, noticing the pain in Kyle's face despite his smirk...[/I] [B]Kyle:[/B] "Absoulute pleasure meeting you." [I]And with a quick flip of his wrist, the silver lightdsabre's throttle assembly shifted, and the lightsabre turned green... And without warning, the lightsabre doubled in length, cutting right into the Dark Jedi's eye and into his brain... And with a large howl of pain, the Dark Jedi slid to the ground, dead...[/I]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Owner/ Benefactor:[/b] Australia/New Zealand Marine Corp (ANZMC) ----- New Zealand will OWN you. [/B][/QUOTE] National pride... Kicking... In... One, you seem to have forgotten AUSSIE is also part of this Marine Corp. So it's New Zealand AND Australia will own you. Next, come on, honour our heros. Make it Australia/New Zealand Army Corp (ANZAC). Sounds more fitting to heros past. And y'know, I like the sound of this side... ::edges towards the 'edit' button for his post. And thus ends this crazy post...
  22. [I] Warlock joins up with Marth around the front of the Armoury, where Marth is just giving his Maul 3.0... [/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "Nice dual-bladed sabre you got there. And that reminds me..." [I]Getting out his Cossack Sabre, Warlock pushed a small bottom on the side, next to the 'on' switch... With a near silent 'whir', the handle's length began to grow, until it was a third longer... Marth, now watching interested, widened his eyes when the bottom opened up, a sabre end appearing... Smirking, Warlock tapped the 'on' switch, and both end of the sabre lit up... Resting his left hand on the handle, settling it next to his right hand, and began to twirl it around...[/I] [B]Marth:[/B] "Impressive sabre you've got there." [B]Warlock:[/B] "Indeed. It's one of a kind too. Part of that sabre is based on it's designs..." [I]Switching the sabre off, Warlock glanced around the Armoury, seeing what the others were doing...[/I]
  23. [I]The now revived, yet still drained Warlock glanced out at the endness of space, and what was now the voidness of space... Giant gaps were now just missing in space, alot more damage seemed to have been dealt since the group first noticed the patches in the sky... Sighing, Warlock pivoted on one foot, turning around, and walked over to Connor...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "What now?" [B]Connor:[/B] ::sigh:: "I don't really know what we [i]can[/i] do. There's too many drones out there to fight, and even trying to go after Xero would lead us right into the nest..." [B]Warlock:[/B] "So... It's hopeless?" [B]Connor:[/B] "Unless we can think of something fast, I'm afriad you're right..."
  24. I'll post the link to the sign-up thread in my sig, and talk to people like Flashy, James and Neil, try and get them interested... ---------------------------- [I]The three walked out of the Breifing Room, all chatting about their coming mission... As they came to a fork in the hallways, Kyle broke off from the other...[/I] [B]Kyle:[/B] "I'm just going to get a bit of relaxation. I'll join up with you in the VR rooms soon." [B]Marth:[/B] "Okay. See you later Kyle." [B]Abob:[/B] "Yeah, bye." [I]Kyle casually saluted the two, before continuing down the hallway, heading to his quaters... A walk and turbolift ride later, Kyle finally reached his quarters, walked over to the console by the door and typing in the code, following by swiping his I.D card in a slot on top of the console... The door opened silently, and he entered his room with a sigh... He got onto the bed, closing his eyes, falling into a light meditation...[/I]
  25. [I] Now in a small ship he loaned from the bay, Kyle flew inbetween two traffic lines, following the strange yet distant presence of the Dark Jedi... Pulling the control yoke closer to his chest, Kyle flew the ship up through a gap in the above traffic line, barely avoiding several cars... Hearing muttered curses following him, Kyle looked back, seeing the traffic line now muddled up as air taxis and ships went in every direcion...[/I] [B]Kyle:[/B] "The others [i]ain't[/i] going to be happy after they see the destruction I've caused today..." [I] Focusing back on the Dark Jedi's presence, he noticed that it had stopped, along with the faint presence of Xanko... Readying himself, Kyle increased the speed, swearving around buildings and barely avoiding other traffic... [/I] [I]Meanwhile, the Dark Jedi now stood on the roof with Xanko, a red lightsabre out, both exchanging blows against the other's lightsabre... To Xanko's surprise, he found the Dark Jedi to be quite deadly with the lightsabre, and quickly found himself edged up against the edge of the building... With a flick of the hand, the Dark Jedi sent Xanko flying back off the building...[/I] [I]As this was going on, Kyle was currently zig-zaging through traffic, getting closer and closer... Diving down and through a traffic line, he sped at a building, putting more power in the bow replusorlifts... Closing his eyes, he drew closer and closer to the skyscraper, until he was only metres away... With with a flick of the wrist, the replusorlifts at the front of the small craft powered up to full, making the front lift up so Kyle was now running parallel up the building... And just as he reached the top, he spotted Xanko been pushed off the edge... Reaching out a hand, Kyle grabbed Xanko by his left arm, breaking the small fall and bringing Xanko up with him... Kyle spun the ship down, letting go off Xanko, letting him fall nimbly onto the building below...[/I] [I]Landing the craft, Kyle jumped out, igniting his silver lightsabre as he did so... Xanko joined him at his side, and both faced down the Dark Jedi...[/I]
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