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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Well I'll just be using :D :cool: :) and :rolleyes: a lot more. What the?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Oh no!! THEY'RE NOT ANIMATED!!! DAMN YOU SHINJI!!! DDAAAAMMMMNNNNN YOOOUU!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] You've cursed Shinji quite alot. Can I join in? DAMN YOU SHINJI. DDAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNNN YOOUU!!! I feel much better now...
  2. Quite good. Are you going to post up the next part, if there is one of course...
  3. Me, Warlock all the time. Well, most of the time. For a brief period I was ZF Warlock...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tec-9 [/i] [B] LMAO!!! but, no one cares... -_-... ne way, i like my avatar and that's how ppl identify me... even if there's no X in my name...:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] That's very true...
  5. Let me think, I [I]think[/I] it was about 785, but it could've been more or less. I'm not completely sure...
  6. Now, where was I and what was happening...
  7. Unforunatly, me and the internet are not always 'friends'...
  8. Warlock

    Fight Club

    So, what's been happening? I don't have enough time to read the topic so I just want a low down on what's been happening...
  9. Well, go to Profile, then to edit options, and you'll be able to get and achange avaters from there.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]:) Thanks must not have been paying attention when i reregisterd [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, you must've not..
  11. Yes people, Z Warriors will return in about 6 hours. Unfortuntaly I have to got to school in not long, but it will return...
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tec-9 [/i] [B]good point, but some ppl are too lazy, mine's XPlayaBlix [/B][/QUOTE] Good point, mine's SSJ2Warlock.
  13. [I]Warlock screams in pain and jumps back from Flash.[/I] Flash: "Am I to much for ya?" [I]Flash spikes Warlock again, and again.[/I] Flash: "Well, it looks like you're finished!" Warlock: "Think...again Flash!" [I]Flash is punched in the back by another Warlock.[/I] Warlock #1: "You should be more careful Flash." [I]While Flash is getting back up, the new Warlock heads over to the injured Warlock and heals him. Warlock gets back up, and the two forms go back into one.[/I] Flash: "I'm getting very sick of that!" Warlock: "Too bad!" [I]Suddenly, spikes of ki shoot out in every direction. One pierces Flash thourgh the arm, but the rest miss. Warlock is instantly behind Flash, and grabs his arm, twists it, and then fires a ki blast at it, it disappears. Flash starts to regrow it, when he is hit in the back.[/I] Warlock: " If I can't defeat you easily, I'll just annoy you!!! [B]FREEZE BEAM!!![/B] [I]A giant white beams hit Flash, and he is left there, frozen....[/I]
  14. Uh, you can just check people's profiles, and their AOL will be in there...
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Matt.D [/i] [B][color=red][b] This is the most active i've ever seen Otaku be.[/color][/b] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, it's a good as new...
  16. Milliardo, what was your name on the old board. Was it Milliardo too? Just wondering...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bubble Boy [/i] [B] You can say that again 0_o... [/B][/QUOTE] This is turning out to be quite a strange topic... I'm not saying that again. If I did, it could be considered spamming...
  18. Warlock


    Yes, that is the problem about missing things...
  19. This is turning out to be quite a strange topic...
  20. Warlock: "Well, let's try and slow down this process!" [I] Warlock fires ki attacks at all the liquid. The liquid flys everywhere, but then starts to come back together. Warlock fires a ki orb at one piece of the liquid, and traps it within the orb. Flash re-forms, but without one arm and an eyeball. Warlock sends the orb away. [/I] Flash: "Now, you're going down!" Warlock: "Not without the rest of your body!"
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bubble Boy [/i] [B] Hehe, use the force... 0_0, I don't know where that came from, but oh well... [/B][/QUOTE] Either do I, either do I...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bubble Boy [/i] [B]Yeah, you're right.. A few words can save a life.. A few words can end one.. [/B][/QUOTE] How, mystic B Boy...
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