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Everything posted by Warlock

  1. [I]As the three walk along quite a few hallways to get to the briefing room, they continue with conversation...[/I] [B]Abob:[/B] "What do you think the mission will be?" [B]Kyle:[/B] "Well, I doubt it'd be that big. Maybe escorting. Even with my Jedi senses I can't really tell..." [B]Marth:[/B] "I think it might be some commando run. With hardly anyone picked yet, it'd probably be a good choice." [B]Abob:[/B] "Yeah, I guess..." [I]The three arrive at the briefing room, and after a quick check by the guards they enter the empty room... Taking up seat at the front of the small room, they wait...[/I]
  2. [I]A few minutes later, the entire group was in the Armoury, each going around and picking up weapons, mostly involving fire... Warlock was in the one of the back rooms, a tech fiddling with his Hellspawn Buster...[/I] [B]Tech:[/B] "Well, with that new cell in here, you've got more room for weapons. Anything in particular you want installed?" [B]Warlock:[/B] "Hmmmmmm... Would you be able to install some form of energy grenage weapon?" [B]Tech:[/B] "I think so. But it'll take up a bit of room..." [B]Warlock:[/B] "Do it. And don't worry about asking me if I want anything else. This is enough. I don't want to waste too much power." [B]Tech:[/B] "Yes sir." [I]The tech connected Warlock's Buster with a computer built into the wall, and began to type rapdily into a console built in with the computer... A minute later he stopped typing, and instead worked with the Hellspawn buster itself... A few minutes later, Warlock had a new weapon installed into his buster...[/I] [B]Tech:[/B] "Now, the reason I had to do so much work is because this grenade upgrade usually takes up a whole buster, but this cell seems to have enhanced the power so I can add more. But still don't use it to much, otherwise it'll overheat the system. This grenade weapon is pretty complex." [B]Warlock:[/B] "Will do. And thank you." [I]Warlock nodded to the tech, and walked out of the backroom to join the others...[/I]
  3. Erm... I can't really remember. I think it was a quite a few years back when that Pokemon craze took off ::shudder:: and I actually got on for the ride. ::shudder:: I'll never forgive myself...
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B]Do you create your own character? What IS is MUD? Sorry, I'm stuck on my ROMs...^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] Erm, a MUD is an on-line roleplaying sort of thing. You'd like it.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]BMC **** off you stupid newbie. Delete your post. [/B][/QUOTE] Don't worry, he's been taken care of. I think I've taught him a lesson or two in how to maturely act...
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BMC [/i] [B] Why?! I found the post funny and had nothing more to say... :therock: [/B][/QUOTE] What you should do is atleast give some comment. I know it's easier just to laugh to show your point, but it's also good to actually give some comment, and in this topic's case, maybe even tell your own embarrasing story as well...
  7. [I]A few minutes later, Zero, Warlock, Marth, Omega, Demos, Chaos, Max, Proteus and Nova were all gathered in Comander Signas office... A holographic map was projected in the middle of the room, showing an oil refinery and the surround area, a group of small mountains and valleys...[/I] [B]Commander Signas:[/B] "The oil refinery you see is the latest Replimaster hot-spot. They have the entire working force of Reploids hostage there, and from what we've heard from an escaping Reploid is that they're pulling them apart and making nwe robots out of the parts. He says that there are only two Replimasters there, which will make our job easy. The APC is ready, and you're to go out at once. Any questions?" [B]Warlock:[/B] "Do we know who the Replimasters are, sir?" [B]Commander Signas:[/B] "From what we were told, the Replimasters are of some kind of ice elementals, so bring fire-based weapons if you can. Any other questions?" [B]Proteus:[/B] "Do we know what they're making the Reploids into?" [B]Commander Signas:[/B] "No, I'm afriad not. If there are no more questions, you're to head over to the Armoury and get geared up. Good luck." [I]The group exited the office, heading off to the Armoury...[/I]
  8. [B]Kyle:[/B] "Whatever you do, don't destroy the engine or the controls. I'd prefer not to have to fall onto other vechicles today." [I]Xanko acknowledged Kyle's statement with a mere nod of his head, and began to walk forward to the cockpit area, which took up about a 5th of the size of the medium-sized transport... Kyle followed, but quickly dropped to all fours and grabbed onto a piece of metal sticking out of the ship as the Dark Jedi piloting it began swerving it up and down and side to side, trying to loose both Kyle and Xanko... As the ship began to dive, Kyle let go, letting himself slide down past Xanko and into the open cockpit, right next to the Dark Jedi...[/I] [I]But before he could do anything, the Dark Jedi pointed an open palm at him, and without warning Kyle was flung out of the transport... Air rushed past Kyle as he fell, causing his robes to flutter at high speeds, before Kyle simply threw them off as he fell... And then, with a thud, he feel onto the top of a small speeder, using the Force to cushion his fall... He looked up, trying to see any signs of the Dark Jedi and Xanko... After seeing no sign, he sighed and shook his head...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "I hate falling onto vechicles." [I]Noting a docking bay coming up, Kyle readied to jump in, get a ship, and chase back after the Dark Jedi and Xanko...[/I]
  9. Well, a REAL good internet connection, a computer that makes Sushi look like a monochrome gameboy, more games for my Gamecube and put the rest in the bank... Or just get lots of cheese.
  10. [SIZE=1] [B]Name:-[/B] "Warlock" [B]Age:-[/B] 20 [B]Height:-[/B] 6'2" [B]Power Level:-[/B] 7000 [B]Bio:-[/B] A well-known yet hardly seen warrior, Warlock prefers to stay to himself, only showing his face in combat when he needs to. He's a serious fighter, and a serious person, and hardly shows emotion. The only people he acts friendly towards are a select group of his fellow fighters... [B]Description:-[/B] *See attachment* [B]Most common Techniuqes:-[/B][list] [*] Jitsuroku-ken:- Large red beam. Nothing that flashy. [*] Noba Furea\Nova-Flare:- Similar to the Solar Flare technique, Warlock puts one finger to his forehead, and concentrating on his ki, releases a large flash of ki, which blinds and slightly paralyses opponents. [*]Yuukai Bakuha\Fusion Blast:- Needing a fair charge-up, Warlock forms a small black ki ball, which upon impact with another physical force creates a small yet deadly blast, pretty much creating a nuclear fusion like blast in a 10-metre radius wide, and about 10 metres above. [*] Golden Seeker:- A rapid fire ki blast, one of these alone is merely a nuisance. However, when fired in a large group, it'll track down an opponent and surround him or her, then rush in at all angles. [*]Seishou Ken\Energy Blades:- Blades of ki which are attached to Warlock's wrists. Pretty much wrist swords. [/list] [B]Owner/Benefactor:-[/B] Australia/New Zealand Marine Corp (ANZMC) [/SIZE]
  11. [I]Kyle jumped into the room of Aba Oosed, finding it strangely empty... The mysterious bounty hunter, Xanko, jumped in after him, scanning the room... [/I] [B]Kyle:[/B] ::pointing to open door on the other side of the room:: "They must've went that way. We better hurry." [I]Lightsabre still at the ready, Kyle jumped over an overturned chair, then ran to the open door, Xanko on his heels... He ran through the door, finding himself in a long corrdior, the steel door at the end missing a large circular chunk in the middle...[/I] [B]Xanko:[/B] "...That was caused by a lightsabre." [B]Kyle:[/B] "You're right... We've got some serious company." [I]Both Kyle and Xanko arrived at the door a few seconds later, Kyle noting Xanko was able to keep up with him when he used the Force to enhance his speed... Not bothering to try and open the door, Kyle ducked and dived through the hole, switching off his lightsabre as he dived through the hole... He rolled after landing, then jumped onto his feet... Just in time to see a cloaked figure jump into a vechicle which was floating by the bay entrance... Not even turning back to see what Xanko was doing, Kyle began to run for the vechicle as it began to pull away, securing his lightsabre to his belt as he ran... And without a second thought, he leaped out of the bay, just barely reaching the car, and grabbing onto it's back as it sped away...[/I]
  12. [I]Meanwhile, Kyle was chasing after the remaining dupe... He was the only one left out of the original four, and the[/I] Redemption [I] and the[/I] Korolev [I] were still wide open to attack... Luckily though, the Imperial Frigate[/I] Warspite [I]had already hyped away... As Kyle and his X-Wing sped for the dupe, it was able to launch two missiles at the Corellian Corvette... Lasers veered up at the dupe and the missiles as they came, but none connected... With a fiery explosion, the missiles hit... And to Kyle's suprise, the Corvette remained... Kyle didn't know how, but the shields had holded... Focusing back on the dupe, he noticed it was turning around for another pass... "I'm not going to get lucky again..." Locking his S-Foils into the attack position, he streaked past the[/I] Korelev [I], and began to fly head first at the dupe... Shifting all his shield energy to the bow of the X-Wing, he opened fire... The first few red lasers hit the dupe's wings, collapsing one and scratching the other... It went into a spin, then veered slightly to the side... A missile launched from one of the missile tubes, passing Kyle before he knew what to do...[/I] [I]Grimacing, Kyle turned the control yoke to the left hard, the X-Wing performing a tight 180 degree turn which ripped at the hull's density... He heard a simulated sound of some kind of crash behind him, and felt the craft begin to spin itself... Knowing he was about to be terminated, he let loose his lasers on the missile which was bearing down on the Corvette... There was an explosion next to the Corvette, but before he knew what had happened, his screen turned black, and the sim disengaged...[/I] [I]A few minutes later, Kyle arrived at the bar, quickly tracking down Abob and Marth in their corner booth... He sat down next to the to Marth, a grin on his face...[/I] [B]Marth:[/B] "Won, didja?" [B]Kyle:[/B] "Heh, I wouldn't call it a win. I'd call it dumb luck. And lots of it." [B]Abob:[/B] "...I thought Jedi didn't believe in luck." [B]Kyle:[/B] "True, but I never truly became a Jedi." [B]Marth:[/B] "Anyway, what happened?" [B]Kyle:[/B] "Well, there was a lone dupe left, who had shredded the [I]Korolev's[/I] shield... I did a head-to-head confrontation with it when it came around, destroyed it, but let a missile get by. I took a steep turn which must've crushed my engines, or something similar, and then fired upon the missile. I hit it a few metres before it hit the [i]Korolev[/I]. Almost destroyed the ship , but it still remained intact... Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get a very large drink..."
  13. [B]Master Luke Skywalker:[/B] "-hotel complex. We believe some bounty hunters are after him. But whatever you do, you must protect him. The Twi'leks are already in turmoil. Having their senator assinated will only make the situation worse." [B]Kyle:[/B] "Yes Master Skywalker. I will leave at once." [B]Luke:[/B] "Good. May the Force be with you." [I]Bowing to the consel, Kyle turned around and walked out of the room, leaving the high ranking Jedi behind him... He had just been assigned to protect Sulara Gen, the Twi'lek senator in the Galatic Senate, who was attacked by a mysterious figure the day before... Riding an elevator down from the consel level, Kyle pondered the reason why someone would want to go after the Twi'lek senator... Sighing, Kyle waited until the elevator stopped, then stepped out, into a large docking bay of sorts... Spread around the bay were starfighters and air cars, all powered by repulser lifts... He walked over to a nearby car, one of the public ones for all the Jedi, and jumped over to the driver's seat, starting the car up with a flick of a button... It lifted into the air, and Kyle manuvered it out of the bay with ease, dodging everything in the way... The car leaped out of the bay, quickly pulling up higher into the air, towards the nearest traffic line above... He quickly found a gap in the line, and after accelerating popped into place, quickly slowing down to match the speed of the traffic... [/I] [I]Sitting back, Kyle calmly steered the car as it glided along with the traffic, only changing his direction when he quickly cut out of the line, decending upon a large hotel block to where the Twi'lek Sulara Gen lived, among another senators and aids of the Galatic Senate... Quickly finding a small bay for air cars only, Kyle brought the car in, landing on a small platform... He turned off the engine, and jumped out of the car, onto a series of catwalks connecting all the platforms with each other... Making sure his lightsabre was still secure under his robe, he set off into the hotel...[/I] [I]As the elevator Kyle was in came to a stop, he immediately felt a strange presence on the same level... Putting his hand into his robes and pulling out his lightsabre, he stepped out as the door slid open... He began to jog along the hallway, passing many steel doors, when the lights all around went off... Now in total darkness, Kyle quickly flicked his lightsabre on, a grey hue now radiation from the lightsabre... He closed his eyes, seeking out what could be disturbing the problem... It was then he felt a flicker of distress on the other side of the level... He broke into an all out run, hearing the distant sound of a blaster going off... He just hoped he could get to the other side of the level to help...[/I]
  14. Erm, Gryphon0235, I don't recall you signing up, let alone been accepted for this RPG. Please, if you want to join in, sign up in the sign up topic and see if you're going to be accepted... -------------------------- [I] Kyle turned the control yoke slightly to the left so he was directly behind Marth and his squint, and tightened his finger on the yoke's front button... Red lasers lanced out of the tips of the X-Wing's S-Foils, quickly catching up with the squint... At the last second, it swung to the left, hard, only a few spare bolts grazing it... Turning the X-Wing hard to the left as well, Kyle followed Marth's path, pulling up as he began to, and then ducking back down... "Well, I've got to admit, he's got talent, and lots of it" Kyle though as he pressed on the trigger again, more red lasers lancing out at Marth's squint... Executing a roll, followed by a sharp dive, Marth dodged most of the lasers, and continued to evade Kyle... As he followed Marth's course, Kyle quickly realised what was happening... "He's keeping me occupied, letting the dupes destroy the[/I] Korolev [I]and the [/I]Redemption[I]... Letting out a light growl, he pulled the X-Wing up, scanning his targeting computer for the next wave of dupes...[/I] [B]Kyle:[/B] "Damnit, a wave of dupes are closing in fast, and it looks like the other two X-Wings are busy. Bluey, give me an intercept point if I went at maximum speed." [I]The white and blue R6 unit behind him beeped and whirled a few times, calculating the question and scrolling text across the X-Wing's computer... Grimacing as he read what his R6 unit had told him, he flipped a switch on the console in front of him, the S-Foils folding up behind him... With a new jet of speed, the X-Wing sped off, heading for a point just a few klicks from the[/I] Redemption [I] and it's fellow Corvette...[/I] [I]As the X-Wing drew closer, Kyle took a quick moment to glance over his readings, checking his shield levels, hull density, among other things... Focusing back on the battle, Kyle gripped his yoke tighter, waiting... The moment the dupes, now quite close, appeared at the edge of his cockpit viewport, Klye flipped the S-Foils switch again, commanding the S-Foils to fall into it's attack position... Keeping the dupes around the centre of his vision, Kyle leveled out with his targets, and clamped down on the trigger...[/I]
  15. [I]Everyone in the group except Flash look around the interior or the [/I]Excalibur[I] in amazement and fascination as it flys over the landmass of Balamb... Warlock walks over to one of the few visible windows, and looks outside, past the tinted glass... Only a few kilometres away is the town of Balamb, the sea beside it glinting in the limited amount of the sun's rays... Bending down slightly so he can look higher up at the sky, Warlock notices quite a few clouds, most of them looking as if they'd just been dripped dry... Taking one last look, Warlock stepped away from the window, walking over to where the rest had gathered... Sitting down on one of the seats spread around in the small area, Warlock pulled out his gunblade, and proceeded to wave it around...[/I] [B]Flash:[/B] "Okay guys, once we get there, you're going to have to watch out for the wind. It'll lift you away if you don't grab onto something. And the rain's going to make it very hard to see. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised to see flashfloods... So, keep your eyes out. It's not going to be easy..." [B]Warlock:[/B] "Heh, and if it wasn't easy, we'd make sure it got hard by attracting lots of monsters or something." [B]Neil:[/B] "Heh heh. Indeed." [I]The group sat back and relaxed, getting ready for the coming "situation"...[/I]
  16. [I]Kyle was having problems of his own... He was one of the pilots who had went after the Tie Bombers, or in pilot slang, "dupes"... He and his wingman had stopped the first 6 dupes that had been released from the[/I] Warsprite[I], an Imperial Frigate... Several TIE fighters, also know as "eyeballs", had got past him, but they seemed to have been taken care of by the two X-Wings guarding the ship... But now yet another wave of eyeballs and dupes were incoming, each of them pulling off some fancy flying... "Well, those must be piloted by some cadets who think they're something pretty special... Better show them a thing or two"... Switching his lasers to linked fire, he sprayed red laser at the incoming wave... And just as he expected, all the TIEs broke hard, letting the bolts fly past them...[/I] [B]Kyle:[/B] "Green Two, engage the dupes. I've got the eyeballs." [B]Green Two:[/B] "Yes sir." [I]The other X-Wing, Green Two, broke to the left, chasing after the dupes which were taking a long way around the X-Wings... Bringing his X-Wing around, Kyle took off after the eyeballs...[/I]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark Anime Guy [/i] [B]Jamvis Junior Member Registered: Aug 2001 Uggghhh it's august? [/B][/QUOTE] No, that's just his sign-up date for the v3 version of the boards, after the v2 tragedy when we upgraded to vB boards. So, he obviously was around in v2. Anyway, congrats Jamvis. My Otaku Anniversary was around the start of April... *sigh* The years go by so fast...
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]1) I'll lock in "c" thanks eddie. 2) I'll lock in "c" again thanks eddie. . [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, this ain't "Who Wants To Be A Millioniare" cloricus... -------------------------------- [B]1)[/B] Away from the crowd. [B]2)[/B] Pocliceman:- Simply because I like been an authority figure. [B]3)[/B] 7 [B]4)[/B] ...Ack! I've just forgotten the entire movie!!! -_-;;;
  19. Warlock

    Otaku town!

    ...This sounds alot like it'll become a discussion topic. The moment it does, it shall be closed. But until then, I guess I might as well join in on the fun. Anyway, I guess I'll be a one-man National Guard, or something like that. :D Just a spot of trouble, and I get out my closing gun... :P
  20. [I]As Marth walked towards the Simulator Rooms from his quarters, so did another pilot, coming from the ship's galley... A one Kyle Stryker, Lieutenant in the New Republic military, and much to his surprise and joy, the new leader of Rogue Squadron... Rounding one of the many corners, Kyle noticed another pilot, someone he had seen when he was briefed by General Wedge Antillies when he got his position, and been shown the profiles of those already in... Jogging to catch up, Kyle tapped the person on the back, and he turned around... [/I] [B]Abob:[/B] "Who are you?" [B]Kyle:[/B] "Lieutenant Kyle Stryker. Or, as you'll be calling me quite often soon, Rogue Leader." [B]Abob:[/B] "So, you're in Rogue Squadron too..." [B]Kyle:[/B] "That I am... So, where are you going?" [B]Abob:[/B] "Simulators." [B]Kyle:[/B] "Well, so am I. We might as well get started..." [I]Kyle began to walk off, towards the simulation rooms, and Abob followed him at a distance... [/I]
  21. *sigh* For the last time Neil, there is NO desert near the H.Q... Oh, and Neil, I don't want to annoy you or anything, but you really don't need to have so many ".........", or dots, periods, full stops, whatever you want to call them to show a character waiting or something. 3 shows hesitation, or whatever, more just looks messy... And if there is a really long pause, just write a description such as; [i]Silence continued for a few minutes, before Neil slowly opened his mouth to talk...[/I] See? [SIZE=1]Come on bro, Neil's been having a pretty hard time lately... Cut the guy some slack. -Flash Flash, I know, but I just wanted to point out something that could be done better. I'm not saying he's doing anything wrong or anything... All I'm doing is trying to help him improve. -Warlock [/SIZE] --------------------------------- [I]Warlock stood on top of the H.Q, watching as the sun went down... Around him were various defense mechanisms, including giant turrets ad guns... His voice-chips creating a virtual sigh, Warlock began to walk away from the edge, kicking aside a small grey stone as he walked... He came to a hatch, lifted it up and ducked under, coming to a stairway... As the hatch thudded close behind him, he began to walk down the stairs at a leisurely pace, his eyes half closed in thought... After a while, he had walked to the main lobby, and stood at the centre as Reploids of all kinds bustled around him... And coming up from behind him was a small blue reploid, calling out Warlock's name as he run... Turning around, Warlock looked at the curiously...[/I] [B]Warlock:[/B] "What is it?" [B]Reploid:[/B] "Commander Signas has ordered your entire unit to come to his office!" [B]Warlock:[/B] "Because...?" [B]Reploid:[/B] "...Sir, we've detected more Replimasters!"
  22. I don't believe it... A SMALL post by Flash. The end is near!!! ----------------------- [B]Warlock:[/B] "No... I am... Just the power growing." [I] Warlock began gazing around, as if everything looked new to him, yet he was able to continue to look calm... Flash's eyes darkened, and he glanced back down at the timer, watching the time tick over... Meanwhile, Warlock began to walk to one of the windows looking out over Earth, amazed at the destruction... Inside Warlock, someone had awoken...[/I] [I] From the other side of the room, Flash looked up from the holographic clock, letting Warlock enter his sights... Anyone could tell something serious was happening with him... Sighing, Flash walked over to Warlock, standing next to him... Warlock glanced to the side at Flash for a second, before gazing back down at the Earth...[/I] [B]Flash:[/B] "...Warlock. Tell me what's happening now." [I] Warlock glanced over at Flash again, before pivoting on his left foot so he was facing him... He opened his mouth to say something, but closed, not able to find the right words... Shaking his head, he marched out of the small 'office', walking down a flight of stairs until he reached the bottom... He growled lightly, before punching a wall beside him, shattering the plaster and leaving a large hole... Sighing, he sat down against the wall...[/I] Warlock: "Well...I guess I'm back." ------------------------------- Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I love been mysterious...
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ugamon [/i] [B]hey majora how many years before/after the battle at endor? cuz i know a lot about 5 years after endor but i want a time area to check in my cd it hastory a pretty complete history but only goes 25 years after endor. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, it's about 5 years before the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, so it's about 16 years after the Battle of Endor.
  24. [I]Kyle sat back in the seat of the Air Taxi as it floated over to the Jedi Temple, keeping his eyes closed and his right hand on his forehead... Just seconds ago he had felt various presences in the Force just cease to exist... Somewhere on the planet of Coruscant, something had happened... Slowly opening his eyes, he glanced out the window as the Air Taxi began to land on one of the docking pads on the lower levels... He threw the driver a few credits, then stepped out of the Taxi... And as the Taxi lifted off, Kyle caught a quick view of a speeder bike speeding through the lower levels of Coruscant, the occupant wearing some kind of armour... And as the speeder bike disappeared, Kyle turned around, walking along a pathway to the Jedi Temple...[/I] [I]Even though there was still a few hours until dawn, many Jedi padawans and their trainers occupied the lower levels of the Temple, each going through some level of meditation, letting their acceptance in the Force grow... Kyle gazed down on the Meditation Chamber from a set of catwalks above, letting him watch the progress of the padawans... Thinking back to his padawans days, Kyle began to walk along the catwalk, his boots making a slight 'clink' as he walked... He reached the door at the end of the catwalk, stepping into a grey elevator... He pushed a button on the console, and the elevator began to lift up into the air... First stop, the Jedi Counsel...[/I]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]Atkwa...I like it. Atkwa. It could be my new battle cry. ATKWA!!! :laugh: Yours is actually pretty good.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] ...Use it as a battle cry and die. It's MY battle cry! ATKWA!!! ::chops off Houberei's head:: [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Kylju Thphe? My dear god... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] That's just sad... I'd like to see you pronounce it though! ;)
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