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Everything posted by SaiyanPrincessX

  1. I just love the title. *laughs* As for the drawing. Its a bit out of proportion, the torso is too wide and I'm not too fond about the hands but I think you did pretty well on the shading.
  2. I've had some strange ones, I can't remember them at the moment however. Though there was this one time, on my 15th birthday I belive. My brother got a fortune saying 'Happy Birthday' with some other ramblings. He gave it too me; or I took it. Heh. ^^;
  3. That blue one is my favorite by far. I love the colors you used and the various designs. Very abstract.
  4. Heh, it definetly looks like something DD had a hand in. It looks like an explosion of some sort. I really don't like the black swirls though. >.< Overall I'd give it a 7/10.
  5. I like it. The shape seems a bit wierd though. I love the eye, and the scar isn't that bad.^^ I also really like the background, the trees are so..sketchy. I'd give it a 7.5/10. Nice job D_A.
  6. I have two cats. The oldest is a female; Samantha. Shes quite old, I was 9 or 10 when we got her. Our other cat is a male; Benny. Hes about 2 years old. Samantha: [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Samantha.jpg[/IMG] Benny: [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Ban-in-bathroom-sink.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Meh, all three really arn't that great. Bad quality. Anyway, here is something I made in dedication to OBs revival, or something.
  8. [SIZE=1]I really like it. Its clean, crisp, and simple. A great combination. ^_^ I do agree with Sara on the yin-yang in the banner though; its not very noticable however. I'd like to see more of your work aswell.[/SIZE]
  9. Thats amazing, I noticed what it was right away. I really like how the outline of the person is shown and the blue water; that realy tops it off. Still an awesome photogropher.
  10. I really enjoy thier music. I'd never really been into music untill I saw a DBZ music video with 'In The End' playing. I don't own their first cd but I have heard most of the songs. Actually I ordered it off amazon.com and should be getting it any day now. I do own Meteora, and I enjoy it. I'm not sure which song I like best though.
  11. I haven't had Mono but I have had Pneumonia; 7th grade. I absolutely hated it. I was so misrable. When I had the covers over me I was hot, yet I was cold at the same time. If I took them off, I would be freezing. It didn't help that it was snowing outside either. Every time I looked at it I got cold.:nervous: I had it for about a week before I went to the doctor. I missed about 2 or 3 weeks of school. Tons of homework when I went back. ¬_¬ Actually last winter alot of people in my school wre getting Mono. I mean people were getting sick everywhere. It was kind of strange too, considering it was the coldest winter we've had in along time. Cold weather kills most germs.
  12. I tend to go overboard alot. :cross: I think I'll try to downsize the amount of cut banners I make for awhile. Anyway, thanks Chris. Heres a few more. I enjoyed the movie so I had to make something.^^ [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Akirabanner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Akirabanner2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Tetsuo.jpg[/IMG] ^This one isn't the best quality.
  13. [B]What were your favourite toys (if you had any)?[/B] When I was younger my brother and I [I]loved[/I] Toy cars(Hot wheels, Matchbox), Legos, and stuffed animals. Yes I also had dolls too. We were never really into action figures untill we started watching DragonBall Z; I was about 11. [B]What did you think of the toys then?[/B] I loved them. I had so much fun with them. If my brother or friends didn't want to play I occupied myself with them. Heh, my brother and I named every lego person and all of our cars. Our stuffed animals aswell. Everything had a name and purpose. It was great fun! I wouldn't trade my childhood for anything. It all went by so fast. [B]What do you think of the toys now?[/B] There not the same as they used to be... For example, the legos. We played legos for the longest time, untill they came out with the Star Wars series. Now almost all of them are from some movie or something. I liked the Pirate,& Johnny Thunder sets, stuff like that. [B]What do you think of the stereotypes that some toys seem to encourage?[/B] As mentioned, the boy/girl stereotypes. I hated when McDonalds had the happy meals for girls & boys. I mean either the barbie toys or the cars. I usually told my mom to ask for two boy happy meals. I also hate the fact that toys are usually labled as childish. :rolleyes: You can play with toys if you want; no matter how old you are. I played with legos untill I was 13 or so. :D
  14. This is very appealing. I love the bright colors and how it fades as you goto the right. The font fits well too. You should post more of your work. *slaps Dark with an over sized salmon* :D
  15. Thats amazing for a 10 year old. The head, stomach, and tail need a bit of work though. Overall its very good.
  16. Thanks Chris. Not many people like the dotted line. Oh well, I like it. ^^; Here are some more: [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Vashaveh.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Vashavy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Vash-banner1.jpg[/IMG] This was an experiment, I like how it turned out. [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Explosion-divide.jpg[/IMG] These are suppose to depict the reality between the Matrix and the real world; if that even make sense. -_-; [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Smith-Neo-banner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Smith-Neo-banner1.jpg[/IMG]
  17. I really like this one. Its a strange combination; the techyness and swirls, but it seems to fit nicely. The green definetly tops it off too. Nice job Dark.
  18. I came up with the name [B]SaiyanPrincessX[/B] from a DB series I created in Dec. 2001. It took place in Mirai Trunks timeline where he was married and had two kids. The eldest was a girl. Since King Vegeta & Vegeta were no longer alive Trunks would therefore be considered king of the Saiyans, making his daughter princess. The [B]X[/B] is part of the series title. I've thought about changing it but I think it would just get confusing to those who know me as SPX. ..I really should copy this, I've said this so many times. >.< My real name is Rebecca but noone calls me that. Becky is the name I go by. My mom got my name from the Bible. I can't remember what it means but I know Becky is Bekki in Japanese; that I got from a cup I have with my name in diffrent languages. :p
  19. Thanks everyone; could I get some ratings? Here are a few more. [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Smithbanner.jpg[/IMG] Someone requested this. I think its a little plain. :/ [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Link-banner1.jpg[/IMG] Heh, I had fun with this one. Its a pretty simple banner, but I like.^^ Also the one in my sig. Those who have been here for awhile probebly know what I mean by the August 2001 revival, those who don't, well OB was hacked and closed then came back. Thats the simplest way to put it. Anyway, please rate.
  20. Don't post two of the same topic. There is an edit button. Also three word posts are spam. As the the image; its pretty cool. I dislike the picture of the guns however. Its smuddged and pixely. How did you make it?
  21. Here are some more. Please rate. [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Spx-naruto.jpg[/IMG] I was just experimenting with this one but I like how it turned out. [IMG]http://inkript.250free.com/Agents.jpg[/IMG] A vereh fast agent. Thats all that needs to be said.^^
  22. I really like your style. I really like the pixel look that you give your avatars and the darkness works for you. I'd have to say that my favorite banner is the long one. Nice job DD.
  23. You should turn this into a little art contest type thing. Where people draw a picture of them self Anime style. ^^ I really like it. I think the eyes fit the way they are. Wheather thats how you're eyes really are or not. The only thing I desike is the left hand. It looks kind of strange how the fingers go down so far. This may just be me though.
  24. Good luck; you'll be fine. ^^ Just think happy thoughs.:p
  25. I'd have to agree with Spikey. Also he stands out too much.;) 8/10
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