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I have several favorite bands and songs: Billy Joel- Scenes from an Italian Resturant Neil Diamond- Solitary Man Neil Young- Heart of Gold Lynard Skinard- Freebird John Mellencamp- Rain on the Scarecrow Divine Comedy- Gin Soaked Boy The Rolling Stones- Gimmie Shelter Fleetwood Mac- Tusk The Police- Don't Stand So Close to Me Weird Al Yankovic- The Saga Begins U2- The Electric Co. The Cars- I like every song of thiers Bruce Springsteen- Tunnel of Love Dire Straights- Money for Nothing Warren Zevon- Lawers, Guns and Money Guns n Roses- Sweet Child O Mine Journey- Don't Stop Beleiving Van Halen- Jump The Kinks- Celluloid Heroes
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]I do not believe in magic nor psycics. I believe in plain life where everybody does not have special powers. I mean come on how stupid does it sound when someebody yells "THAT GUY MOVED A SPOON WITH HIS BRAIN!". I don't see how it is possible or could be. I just don't believe that could happen. Talking with the dead. The brain stops when the body dies, therefore I don't see how the brain could talk to the dead. Is it possible? I mean there is no way somebody talks to the dead like that it just doesn't appeal to me at all. I tdoesn't seem like it could happen. There is my opinion. [/B][/QUOTE] The brain stops when the body dies yes, but the soul goes on, this is what communicates with people, not the minds of the dead. Now, always remember this, why not. You say it can't be done but why not. There is so much we don't know and probably won't until we die. The posibileteis are endless on what can be done. I am considered a psychic by many and I'll say this. It is not the brain that moves spoons and stuff like that, it is the will of the body as well. By looking at a spoon you can't move it. You have to become the spoon and move that way. This is how the frequencies of the mind work. Plus psychic powers range from foreseeing events in dreams to the very difficult to control telekinesis. Also know this, if you don't believe, you can't do it, doubt is a wall that obstructs the task so if you don't believe you can't possilbe do something such as bend a spoon. If you truely belevie you can do anything.
I consider myself a real psychic because I have had several dreams where an event takes place and it actually does, such as excactly what I get on a test, I had a dream that foresaw a war in the Middle East and one time I did have a dream that New York City was on fire about four or five months before 9/11. I can't control this, all I know about this ability is that I have had it since I nearly died when I was four 1/2 from anaphalactic (don't know how to spell that) shock. But thoses so called "psychics" on TV like Ms. Cleo (before she disapeared) and that guy on crossing over are all fake. If anyone watches South Park you'll know how he really does it. I can attmpt to explain this to those here who do not blelive this. Scientists have been able to figure out that the mind emits a slight frequency despite the persentage of the brain we use. Someone could use 100% of thier brain and they may or may not be psychic. Percentages do not matter what so ever in this. Well back to these frequencies. Some people, most likely those who have had near death experiences, tend to have stronger brain frequencies than the average joe. This could be casued by anything from the soul temporarily leaving the body giving it more strength so if it rejoins with the body it is a enhanced giving one psychic powers. These stronger frequenceis are more sensitive and can pick up other frequencies emmited by other people giving them the power to read minds. But control over these frequencies is so difficult it is seemily impossible. Now, seeing the future is caused when these frequencies are basically wild in sleep. They can pick up anything from future to past events in this wild and completley uncontrollable state. It may also simply be a gift given to us at birth so that we can attempt to better the world. I only know this becasue I studied this in science class. You can beleive what you want but don't critisize those who belive in this or can do it, remember we are all different and each have unieque talents, no matter what they may be.
extremly bad teachers and subs!
DetectiveMick replied to stormy_weather's topic in General Discussion
Where I go to school, I have had a bad teacher who disaperes and is replaced with a good one every year! Freshman year I had the same teacher for english and writing lab, his name was Mr. Komperda. He made us do rediculouse assignments with no purpose. He had us write intervies for a job, a letter firing someone and a book of poems that I think he took as his own seeing how we only got a photocopy back with no grade mind you. He was also a sexist and hated the girls in my class, even though he did look up thier uniform skirts when he forced them to wash the floor and desks while the boys wathced the dullest movies ever made. After mid-terms he left and I think he was fired, explaining the letter and job interview things. Sophmore year I had a biology teacher, Ms. Caron (lighting strikes, thunder rolls as screams are heard) the overall WORST teacher I ever had. She hated everyone in my class and even wrote BAD CLASS in big red letters next to my class's time slot in her planner! One day a kid was tapping his pen and she blasted him and sent him to the office. After that we all went to guidence and sighned a complaint form. She was fired months before mid-terms. And now that junior year is coming closer I wonder if this will happen again to me or my freshman sister... Then in middle school there was Mr. Seed who couldn't teach math for anything and Mr. Levelle who never taught and was constantly drunk and a pervert. I did have one sub in 7th grade who didn't know what the assignment was so he made us watch a (get ready for this) an X Rated Jamacan film, and he wasn't even fired, he was just prohibited from using the VCR! -
Well I atend a private Catholic school so I have to wear uniformes but they're not as bad as you think, but the store we buy them from changed and they are now itchy and stiff as wood so I have to get mine at a place that sells similar ones and can replicate the school name.
I beleive that the moon landing actually happened but because the astornouguts have claimed to have seen UFOs, I think that the actual footage shows some UFO activity so it was remade in a Holywood studio to cover up what was seen, but this would really only cover the very first moon landing witch appers to be the most suspicouse one of them all and if you look very carefully you can see what appears to be a man wearing a baseball cap in the reflection of a helmet, the other landings after this are indeed real.
Gaming A Big Mistake in the Golden Sun storyline
DetectiveMick replied to DetectiveMick's topic in Noosphere
I've recently realized that Isaac never needed the hover jade at all. His party was headed to the west part of the lighthouse like Felix did when his party entered so Isaac had just entered the lighthouse and never needed the jade. He would have been able to reach the very top only because the path was paved by Felix. -
Gaming A Big Mistake in the Golden Sun storyline
DetectiveMick replied to DetectiveMick's topic in Noosphere
Thank goodness for a sequal, I love those games and having only 2 made would really bite wind! -
Clowns scare me, that excessive makup and those wierd laughes and the ones that have the freakishly long tounge and are always sticking it out....uh, it freaks me out! Then there's needles becasue I almost died from an alergy shot. But the number one thing is mass murder. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh I've always been scared of a demon or some other weird creature coming into my room in the middle of the night. After I saw the Mothman Prophecies, I thought I'd never sleep again. And the alien from Signs, the one who walked through the children's party, really freaked me out. Dang it, why did you make me start thinking about it? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know how ya feel with that one. I always had a fear that there was this bear like creature looking into my old bedroom when I was little, and I kept thinking that I saw a large brown arm moving the bushes away to look in. And then there was a fear of this strange red eyed monter looking in trough another window. It wasn't untill I was ten and got interested in ghosts and paranormal happenings that I really got scared about the possibility of what I thought I saw may have been real or something like that.
The first game I ever got hooked and was my first consol (not PC) game was Tourok Dinosaur Hunter on N64
When your party reaches one of the Chinese like cites (where Ivan learns reveal), the person who teaches him this says that Felix has a great burder on his shoulders. (I can't remember the names so maybe it was somewhere else, please correct me if I'm wrong). In the instrucion book (or the map) for the Lost Age, it says 'what is this burden Felix has?' or something like that. And I'm wondering that myself too, beacause the games never told what it was! It couldn't have been when (SPOLIER WARNING) Felix battles his parents and Isaac's father in the form of the Doom Dragon on Mars Lighthouse, because that burden would have to go for Jenna and Isaac (because he joins the party after Jupiter Lighthouse) as well, it was said that Felix would have the burden and no one else. So either there's a sequal comming out or it's a plot hole or I never go it. Please tell me!
I hate to say it but you cannot possible be happy with the responses about these passwords. Each one will be different depending on the level of each character (and those can vary greatly), items held, coins, djinn, plot covered (such as returning to Vault to hear of the thiefs escapes). Every password will be different and you won't be able to tell if it hold high levels and items or hardly anything at all. Sorry.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ruby [/i] [B]Wind Waker graphics...sorry but it just kinda sucks. They messed with the legend of Zelda...Link dosen't not have a sister! PS2 is better, because you get more things in one. I know I sound kinda cheap but I've gotten to play Wind Waker..I hate it. PS2 can house more kind of games because for the PS2 you can get like Enix, Soft Squre, some Billz, plus DBZ. I like Nintendo but the games for that don't have new plot lines and ever thing...Go PS2!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] The Link you're familiar with dosen't have a sister but this one does because it's a completely different Link 100 years in the future. If you took the time to read the backround on Nintendo websites or at least had some faith in the game, so you could watch the into you'd know. Plus how can PS2 be better, to me you can make out every pixel and the graphics look very very poor, just my opinon.
Anime Which Animes Are Dubbed Best/Worst?
DetectiveMick replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]Bebop and Trigun have already been mentioned about a dozen times already, so I'll just skip those... One of the better dubs I've seen is [b]Excel Saga[/b]. Jessica Calvello did a really great Excel. The character is completely [i]insane[/i], and she did a great job of keeping up. Unfortunately, half-way through the series, she did such a good job at Excel's voice that she strained her vocal chords and had to be replaced. My one gripe about the dub is the voice used for Hyatt. She's too quiet. I have to turn my TV up to hear her, but then every other character sounds way too loud. The [b]worst[/b] dub has to be [b]Cardcaptors[/b]. Sailormoon and DBZ might have left out a few episodes here and combined a few episodes there, but the Cardcaptors dub completely skipped over Sakura's origin as the cardcaptor. [i]No other dub has ever skipped the first episode entirely[/i]. Of course, I may just be talking about the episodes shown on TV by the WB. They probably dubbed more episodes, and the skipping of the first few could probably just be Warner Bros. Television's fault. I honestly don't know. [/B][/QUOTE] The first few episdoes of Cardcaptors never premired because mostly WB thought that kids wouldn't be interested in a story that explains everthing and that ratings would go down even more (this is why they got their own Toonami, to try to get more viewers who switeched to Cartoon Network)