Crisis Analogy
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Everything posted by Crisis Analogy
Paranoia is my biggest if not only fear. Don't judge the answer of my selection! Who are you?!
Gaming Unofficial 2D remakes of OOT, MM and WW! (Quite a few pics)
Crisis Analogy replied to Turkey's topic in Noosphere
The demo looks really good. I find backwards gaming really accomplishing and challenging. I hope it's finished sometime soon. -
Being alone......releases me into my own state of mind; MY environment.
Just keep in mind that Goku Jr. is 1/18 Saiyan, and Vegeta Jr. is 1/16 Saiyan. So, obviously Vegeta Jr. retained more Saiyan blood, which indicates that Goten MORE than likely hooked up with Bra, preserving some Saiyan blood lineage.
Kind of odd though, we never did see any of Cooler's other forms, besides his last two. I wonder if he examplified any similarities with Frieza's forms. Because, Frieza's last form, was rather "small", compared with the previous two he had taken on. So, I'm guessing that Cooler's forms are "slightly" larger than forms Frieza would assume. So Cooler might not have an actual "midget" appearance in his "midget" form. Hah, I wish it was almost Icejin. Changeling has absolutely no creativity. Whats to expect, all of the Saiyans names are from the vegetable food group. All we need now is for King Cold to come back as a metallic horror. Or maybe Akira Toriyama took a hint with his other two metallic Changeling failures? Yeah, I've seen an iguana, but I noticed, Frieza actually utilizes his "feet" quite often to "hoist" his opponent or rather for other tasks, of which reptiles don't accommidate. Only to really grip a surface out of instinct of slippage or falling. But they still can't really retract and actually "grip" something with their "claws". Or atleast, not to the extent that Frieza can. While apes exempt a more profound usage of foot athletic and extra and abnormal "gripping" capabilities. It just seemed more likely.
Yeah. Wind Waker was too short. Overrall, a decent game though. The plot was twisting, and that I did like. But not enough "bosses" to compete and battle with. And the ones you did fight, they weren't difficult or intimidating.
Codes? (Wonders why people enjoy using cheats for strategic adventure/RPG games in the first place...) There's one where you enter your name as, "Zelda" should work, if I'm not mistaken. Since the GBA Zelda is just a port. *Shrugs* Couldv'e took it out of that version for the GBA.
Gaming The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Crisis Analogy replied to ThePikasElbow's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hiachi [/i] [B]What they are trying to say is that, MM must've come very shortly after OOT, because his journey to find Navi would have been pretty soon after she left at the end of OOT.... [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. Why would Link wait 100 years to finally decide and search for Navi? Or how could Link be "sent" 100 years or more into the future, and it not be written into the plot of Majora's Mask? Eh, Nintendo may have plot holes in it's Zelda series, but they don't cut out entire storylines. -
My favorite format was that of Ocarina of Time. So if they went back to that format, I'd be most...grateful. The cartoon look is kewl and all, but the bosses were way too easy to defeat, and weren't really impressive...until the last bout with Ganondorf.
Gaming The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Crisis Analogy replied to ThePikasElbow's topic in Noosphere
One thing that knocks the theory off, is that it IS in fact only a short time after Ocarina of Time. "Link goes in search of a friend of whom he parted with at his journey's end". Which was none other than; Navi from Ocarina of Time, thus the Majora's Mask quest begins. So it connects SHORTLY after Ocarina of Time. If not for the whole Navi scenario, I'd say good theory. -
I'm more midieval aswell. Swords are my specialty. But with guns? Probably a basic shotgun, or a 9mm.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OtakuSennen [/i] [B]I know this is just a knockoff of the aliens thread.. But there's all those other supernatural quandaries out there.. ^_^ So why not make a thread about ghosts? This one can't be disclosed as easily with science as aliens though. (But heck, the truth about aliens still is far from being solved..) I think the only way you can say you believe in ghosts is if you've had a hands-on experience with them or know someone who has.. (Or if you're a Shaman like Yoh Asukara, but I won't get into that) I think that ghosts exist.. I've always felt strange in old places... And I'm always seeing things out of the corner of my eye in those places.. Of course, that may be the schitzophrenia (spelling?) talking... So, I think: *whispers* I see dead people. [/B][/QUOTE] *Sighs* Thats what the Ghost Busters are for. But truthfully, I think there are supernatural presences that our world can't comprehend. Possibly beings that have passed on, or maybe an alternate reality, where they're trying to break through the barrier. Just a guess. I don't however believe in cloaked transparent things that go "bump" in the night. Thats just ridiculous.
"The new mysterious guy". Ugh...the "New Guy" was a movie, right? And what a stupid movie it was...*sighs* Ignorance....really isn't bliss.
If you could change one thing in your life...
Crisis Analogy replied to a topic in General Discussion
Honestly? I wouldn't change anything. My life isn't perfect, but events take place for a reason, and I rather not alter my life anymore than it has to be. You take the good with the bad, and some things you regret, some things you don't. It's LIFE. Even if you could change one thing, in a few years, it'd be another thing you'd want to change, and then another. And you get the general idea. People sadly, are never satisfied. -
Just mainly personality. Looks are just a plus to the package.
Umm... In Ocarina of Time, in each dungeon, childhood and adult ones, name which weapon is the primary weapon, and HOW many times you had to strike each dungeon boss before defeat. Ganondorf and Ganon ARE included.
Vegeta's the most arrogant Z Fighter in DBZ, aside from Piccolo. So of course Cell would attain such a strong trait within the natural instincts of Saiyan blood. Kinda realize how ironic Frieza's insults were on the Saiyans? Always calling them "monkeys"? Heh, Frieza's anatomy wasn't that far off from a primates structure. His feet, and his tail were significant enough to categorize him as a "monkey". too. Plus, Cell's death was kind of ironic. He was so "perfect", yet he was killed by an 11 year old kid. Haha, kinda funny actually.
Pan and Bra never go Super Saiyan, and why? Because they were never meant to. The plot was to focus on Goku yet again. If you had Pan and Bra running around with Super Saiyan strength, more attention would obviously be put on them. Not only are they kinda young, they're girls. No girl Super Saiyan has ever been recorded, let alone seen. It could be subsided as genetics for being a reason why they never attain the level of a Super Saiyan, or simply, they were never intended to be in the spotlight characters, especially Bra. And during the fight with Frieza, Goku's power level was around 530,000 if I remember correctly. And are you sure Goku died when Frieza practically pulverized him? I thought so too...but it was never proven, or officially documented as an official death for Goku. Only two remain on his death record, which stands official. -Actually, Goku DIDN'T in fact die. Remember, the EARTH balls were used to bring back Vegeta and the Namekians. But Goku had died previously right before the Saiyan saga, thus making it impossible for him to be revived by the Earth balls once again. The NAMEK balls were used to transport the others to Earth. Thats why Krillin didn't come back to life with the Earth balls wish.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Well, technically, Ganondorf isn't the only male Gerudo in OOT. Link becomes a member of the tribe after he frees the four carpenters. :toothy: But anyway, are you talking about that little note in the post office, that's up on the wall? If so.... [b]Answer:[/b] The Postman did. He wrote it to himself, heh. [b]Question:[/b] Which five Zoras in the Zelda series wear clothes?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Err...by mentioning a Gerudo male, I was meaning an [i]actual[/i] Gerudo. *Shrugs it off.* ----------- Haven't played Wind Waker in a while, but I think it's 5 minutes to complete the Fire and Ice Ring Isles.
Weirdest things your mom/dad does
Crisis Analogy replied to Terpischore's topic in General Discussion
My parents are dead. -
Alright... Why is Ganondorf the only male Gerudo?
Ignorant people piss me off.
How did you find OtakuBoards?
Crisis Analogy replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Senor Ding Dong [/i] [B]I somehow found it by doing my usual digimon-looking thing when i was obsessed w/it a year ago......From the Otaku Digi-Section, of course. So, with that, how did you find OB? [/B][/QUOTE] I found this place on the back of a carton of milk. -
Hmm, an anime would be a better step onto the public screens. A movie might not do so hot, considering the casting for actors and actresses. It might do more harm than good in this case. However, with an anime, things can go alot smoother, without all the bumps of crappy acting, and stupid parodies. The manga's been out for ages.. So thats nothing new to look forward to, really. A real life movie sounds kewl, but I wouldn't really have high hopes for it, seeing as the way it would be portrayed would seem pretty lame. Some of the characters have only a "drawing theme" to them. Meaning, no actor would ever compare, no matter how much is applied to effects. Like I said, do the anime, and see where it takes us.
Famicom Disk System: The Legend of Zelda. (This was the ORIGINAL FORMAT for the Legend of Zelda. Which was indeed a floppy disk. It came out later on the NES, which technically makes it a port game for the NES as nothing was changed about the game's features.) NES: The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda 2: The Adventures of Link. GB: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, The Legend of Zelda: DX. GBC: The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons. GBA: The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past(with the "Four Swords" mini game included.) SNES: The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past. N64: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Satellaview (BS-X): BS Zelda 1 (Nintendo) Phillips CD-I: The Legend of Zelda: Link and the Faces of Evil, The Legend of Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon. I believe there was a THIRD game for the Phillips CD-I, but no information has been found indicating it yet. More than likely, never released. GameCube: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. (Limited purchaes only included Ocarina of Time with graphic enhancements, and the Master Quest addition.)