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Star I Am Not

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Everything posted by Star I Am Not

  1. One member of the community suggested I post this here, and so I have. :whoops: This is a pretty serious fanfiction that I've taken forever and a half to write - and I'm only with chapters one and two. *sweatdrop* It's based about the Megaman X games, as stated in the title, starting "six months after the events of MMX6" (the official explanation I tell everyone). This is going by the ending where Zero goes into a pod and doesn't wake up until Rockman Zero starts. [URL=http://www.cherden.com/star/gac_cp1.htm]Chapter One - Insult And Injury[/URL] [URL=http://www.cherden.com/star/gac_cp2.htm]Chapter Two - Do You Dream of Nightmares?[/URL] Constructive criticism is very much appreciated. ^_^
  2. I've had some good times (and bad times) in my life, and that's more than some people can say, so I guess I wouldn't be sorry if I dropped dead tomorrow. If it happens, well, tough luck, no one could have stopped it. If it doesn't happen, yay, I get to live another day. [quote]Death is before me today: Like the recovery of a sick man, Like going forth into a garden after sickness Death is before me today: Like the odor of myrrh, Like sitting under a sail in a good wind. Death is before me today: Like the course of a stream Like the return of a man from the war-galley to his house. Death is before me today: Like the home that a man longs to see, After years spent as a captive. ~The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes, by Neil Gaiman[/quote]
  3. In my old bedroom in Singapore there's an ant nest in the attic right above it. There're tiny little holes everywhere in the ceiling that we can really do nothing about, so the ants come and go from there. Since I'm a complete pig concerning food, we've never gotten rid of the ants. We also have little grey-green lizards, but they don't do any harm and they're everywhere in Singapore, so they're not a problem. Here in Canada, though... Summer heralds the coming of spiders. Lots of them. Big one, small ones, icky ones, ones that bite REALLY painfully (I'm not kidding; have you seen the SIZE of those fangs?! Scares the poopie out of me.) I keep finding cobwebs everywhere. There was one on my table lamp a few days ago, but I wrecked it and chased the spider away. But apparantly Mr Spider moved to my brother's table lamp. Stupid spiders. Though it is quite interesting to watch the web on the chandelier grow.
  4. Fourteen years old. No snoggin' yet. Though I haven't had much chance of one, seeing as six years of my life were spent in a all girls' school (at which time I had no idea I was bisexual), and the last two years (by then I realised I was, in fact bi) the boys I knew were peverted and just damned full of themselves and girls I knew were homophobic. (Besides, I'm ugly.) But I'm starting high school next school year, so who knows?...
  5. In short, yep, I believe there are aliens, somewhere out there. Maybe they're not intelligent in the way we define intelligence, but they're there. For all we know, the other planets in our little Solar System may be inahbited. We just don't know it. How do you know the aliens on, say, Venus need water or withstandable heat or oxygen to survive? Maybe they're just so infinitely small that our minds can't even comprehend them, let alone detect them. Maybe there are still people living on Mars, they're just very well hidden. Maybe there's another form of intelligent, sentient life in Earth, apart from humans, but we just don't know it. Can we know for sure? Probably not.
  6. I can even begin to count the stupid thigs I've done... Here are the ones I remember: Running into the bookshelf in the living room. I then crashed to the floor and endured the entire family laughing at me. Running in the snow. Very bad idea. I've slipped down on my heinie (and once I fell face-down) many many times to date, and I've only been through two winters in my life. Getting lost in Quebec during a school trip. Always remember, kiddies: Wherever you go, BRING A MAP THAT MAKES SENSE. Listening to other people's advice when I knew they were wrong. Boy, was THAT stupid. Trying to stay up all night. I succeeded, but right after that I fell asleep at 4 PM. X_x
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RequiemofaDream [/i] [B]if the government is saying "your personal life, who you choose to have sex with and get married too is the business of the partners and no one else", well, it can go so many ways....[/QUOTE] ...Drawing the line at adultry, of course. ^_~ ALl I have to say on the subject is, I support gay marriages. I'm bi, but even if I wasn't, I'd still probably support it. Gay people are people, not some weird, inferior subspecies not deserving of the same things straight people can have.
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