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About embersky_gemini

  • Birthday 06/09/1979

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  1. Who is James Nero? I tried looking him up on ask jeeves and the internet movie database, but I didn't come up w/anyone by that name. I want to see what he looks like. I hope his hands aren't as hairy! LoL. I know what you mean though about his hands being freaky. It makes you wonder where else he is that hairy. Yikes! :)
  2. Once again, "techno" is a specific type of electronic music. I have a dj friend who will literally flip out if he hears someone use the word to describe dance music in general. Anyways this is my opinion. Anything you hear on the radio is not the real thing. It's just some unoriginal dj trying to make money off the recent mass marketing to the pop culture audience. It takes a while to really figure out what the different genres are and what is good and what is not. DNB(drum&bass) and jungle are really close to answer JY's question. If you want to hear some good artists check out my list: Dieselboy Aphrodite Avalanches Bad Boy Bill DJ Irene Frankie Bones Richie Hawtin Cirrus Doormouse AK1200 Timo Maas DJ Venom
  3. I have to say that the movie they went to see was "The Evil Dead", which is a popular cult classic type horror flick. It's while that movie is playing that Frank asks Donnie, "Have you ever seen a Portal?" and then tells him to watch the screen. I just find it interesting that in the movie Evil Dead, at the end they say the right words to send the evil back to who knows where, and a huge "time portal" opens up and sucks everything in the area into it which leads up to the sequel "The Army of Darkness". I don't know what, if anything, that helps clear up.
  4. I can't say exactly what happened to Aeon Flux, but I rented a 3 episode video I found at the video store. I really liked that. All the episodes were really creative and thought-provoking. The plot is really all there is to watch for though, seeing the animation style is kind of dumb. I tryed watching Reign but I couldn't stand it. I assume it will die out as did Aeon.
  5. I thought it was awsome!!! It was different, and confusing, but that's just what sucked me in to watching it all the rest of this week. I was very sad to hear it's only 6 episodes. Something that brilliant makes me want it to last forever. I love the girls in it and how they keep hitting on this grade school kid. He is kind of cute though. Seems like all the characters have something that makes you just love them, cept his dad. He's a freak! I like the little black kitten that appears in episode 2 also.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Xai [/i] Jigen has got to be my favorite character. He sorta reminds me of Jet from Cowboy Bebop. [/QUOTE] Wow! I think so too. I was sure I was the only one to think that though. I see not though. I love how Lupin is a pervert, and how he usually always fools all his advisary's. Sly like a fox, and kind of attractive(im a girl)in a cute dorky way. [color=hotpink][size=1]Edited to fix tags. *QA*[/color][/size] Oh yeah! According to the Adult Swim messages. (I don't know what the correct word for them is. You know, when they have the black background on and say funny stuff) Anyways, they say there is going to be a live action movie based on Lupin the III. (Then of course it says, "I wonder who's gonna play Fujiko?...Ahh Fujiko?") So, I was curious what ppl think about that idea? I have doubts about it being any good. Or at least it representing the anime justly. Who do you think would make a good Fujiko? or Lupin? My friend and I think Matthew Lillard would make a good Lupin. I'm just not sure if he's a little too old now or not. Let me know your thoughts. [color=hotpink][size=1]Please do not double post. Just go back and edit your first post. *QA*[/color][/size]
  7. I think the only one that actually disturbed me was Akira. Now I think it's great, but the first time I saw it the ending was just gross and disturbed me. I'd like to say that FLCL is an awsome show. Very weird and different, but not disturbing in my opinion.
  8. Those are fun to take to raves or any party that is in a dark area/outside. Even if you can't do anything w/them, people will keep asking you to play with them or feel jealous that they don't have any lighted novelty to show off. You might learn a few tips from someone too.
  9. Event Horizon creeped me out. I think I watched it too often a few years back cuz I started having dreams that were like it. Also I think movies like Hellraiser and IT are pretty scary too.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gettles [/i] Am i the only one who loved the opening just as much as the ending. The scene with Myer's carrage moving through the town as the crosses bend, water freezes and glass cracks was just perfect [/B][/QUOTE] Hell yeah! Now that you mention it, that really is pretty damn sweet. Looks like I gotta bust out the ol' dvd again and watch that someday soon.:excited:
  11. I think this is a movie that didn't really catch me until i watched the whole thing thru, but now each time I watch it again I am throughly impressed with the details. I think it is a visual and musical masterpiece. I thought the music was excellent and fit well with the scene. I really liked the ending music, it was beautifully ironic. BTW...i believe this is based off of an old 1930's-ish German film. I never saw it, but if you look up "metropolis" on the internet movie data base site, you'll see what im talking about.
  12. This is one of my favorite movies. I thought it was alot more interesting than the 1st one. I enjoyed seeing more of the future-retro type setting and I loved the ending. I love the part when D has to pass through the Barboroy and kicks ***. Etc. Etc.
  13. There was one on the other night that said something along the lines of: "This portion of Futurama brought to you by Defcon Owl (something?) Killing owls dead In the Future"
  14. "Regret" and "The most depressing song" by The Get up Kids "Street Spirit(Fade out)" by Radiohead
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