Xaru Silverfire
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Everything posted by Xaru Silverfire
Anime What Saga Do You Think Is Best
Xaru Silverfire replied to dbzsuperfan's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Meteora [/i] [B][color=blood red][size=1][i]Well my favorite would be the Trunks saga. I liked it because well Trunks is like my favorite character. He is so awsome. Plus I liked it when Trunks killed Frieza.(I think its the right saga) It was so awsome.[/color][/size][/i] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, that WOULD be my favorite if it lasted longer. My favorite movie is The History Of Trunks, wich I think is amazing. My favorite saga..... Definatly The Cell Saga, which was supposed to be the last saga. Think about it..... Goku dieing for peace of the earth. The fact that cell was supposed to be PERFECT (But DEFEATABLE.) Majin-buu was idiotic. I mean... come on. HE NEVER DIED. It was typical that Goku would use the Spirit bomb to destroy him. The he comes[i] back[/i] As a good guy? No. Also In DBGT Goku was turned into a kid. What was the point of that!? He went from being like 40 to being 12. SSJ4 [i]was[/i] a pointless level. So was SSJ3. As REVENGE2 said, the Buu-saga was a pointless saga because SSJ2 was supposed to be a Saiya-jin that surpassed Super saiya-jin. They were supposed to be the most powerfull beings in the universe. But yeah, concidering that The Cell Saga was supposed to be the last, I think it was the best. -
My favorite part was SSJ2 Gohan did the super Kamehameha To perfect cell. I like how Picollo was the first to go out and help Gohan, then everyone else helped. Also when Goku gave his life to save everyone on earth, then cell lived anyway..... and Goku could have lived, but he sacrificed himself to keep enemies away from the planet. Basicly, in my oppinion, the Cell Saga was the best. ~Xaru.
Sign Up Samurai and Ninja: Saving Tokyo the old fashoned way
Xaru Silverfire replied to a topic in Theater
Name: Xaru Age: 20 Bio: Raised by a veteran Ninja who used to work for the government. Now that the government is collapsing, he has decided to assaninate the government leader and bring peace to the land. Weapons: Ninja-to [url]http://www.entertheninja.com/ninja_weapons/images/swords.gif[/url] Kyoketsu-shogei [url]http://www.entertheninja.com/ninja_weapons/images/shoge.gif[/url] Tanto [url]http://www.entertheninja.com/ninja_weapons/images/tanto.gif[/url] Tetsu-bishi [url]http://www.entertheninja.com/ninja_weapons/images/tetsubishi.gif[/url] Apearance: Check attachment. -
I went through a whole day of school, sick. Then I had to go to football practice because I went the whole day of school. And the RULES say that I can't go a whole day of school and miss practice. ::Mummbles under his breath:: Now I'm still sick. I slept for 10 hours when I got home and woke up at 1:30. Being sick is really a pain in the... ~Xaru
Name: Xaru. Age: 17 Gender: Male. Apearance: Check attachment. Bio: Xaru is a young sayajin. He hates Freiza. He keeps a lowprofile ready to strike "The Great" Freiza at the right time. He was born on the planet Vegitta (I thought it was Vegeta.) His father gave him a sword when he was very small, like 8 or so. Later, his father was killed by Frieza for being of no use to him. Now Xaru tries to avenge his father and eliminate Frieza at any cost. Weapon: Sword.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]I forgive you :P No, the Ninja-to was almost exactly like the samurai sword, the length being the only difference. It allowed the ninja-to to be wielded with the same speed one-handed. And this was their primary weapon. Uhh yeah, I bet you saw it on TV then. When I think unblockable attack, i think ultimate corc-screw. A nice Nagitana pointed a bit over my head could easily abate the ninja's actions. Also, they weren't weaker than samurai (no s), they just killed in stealth. Samurai had a habit of meeting on open ground, duel or battlefeild. Any samurai could probably whoop a ninja hand to hand, that's why a ninja would happily slit the samurai's throat while he slept. I know I would. Most of the info is fact. Becoming invisible... flying? Nono, that is myth if you SEARCH for that kind of junk. Ninja never claimed to fly.... You are riding on some "iron monkey' hollywood stereotype. Stop. Please. ... Honestly, a nice dart to the corotid artery would do nicely without poision. The handle wasn't longer than a samurai sword, as I said before the ninja-to is one handed, samurai used two-handed swords. Why in the hell would you poision a noose? That sounds pointless if you ask me. And I will pay you 50 bucks to show me anyone who can jump 7 feet into the air. You are seriously spewing, man. If you don't know what you are talking about, stop talking. Most ninja used anything they could. If you assasinated someone, it could be as easy as jamming a knife into their chest, poisioning their food, using a blowgun to administer a lethal poision, martial combat, traps, explosives, hanging, ninja-to evisceration, you name it. It is physically impossible to rip through a sternum and grab a heart, if you've ever diseccted a cadaver, you'd know how immensly resistant the human body is. Don't you think that ripping out a heart is kind of pointless? I mean, I'd wrather gouge their eyes with a finger, then use the moment to stab them or something. Snapping people's necks sounds reasonable, if they didn't have a blade or noose. Crushing spines? Please. Why the hell would you cut off a head if you could just slit the throat? Please, just... don't bother... [/B][/QUOTE] [i]The ninja sword (ninja-to) was different than that of the samurai. The long sword that the samurai carried was made of high-carbon steel, and took months to have made. They were hand made specially for each samurai, taking great care to make a very high quality sword. It was so sharp that it could easily cut a man in two, even through their armor. The length of the samurai swords averaged around 26 1/2 to 37 inches. The ninja sword was considerably shorter, only 24 inches, and the quality of the swords was much poorer. The reason for the poorer quality was the way they used the sword as opposed to the way the samurai used theirs. Samurai would swing their sword, severing limbs and slashing at the opponent. Ninja, on the other hand, used the sword more in a stabbing motion. To use the blade of the ninja sword effectively you would have to use a sawing motion when the blade came in contact with the opponents flesh. Another reason for the poor quality of the swords is that since ninja were mostly mountain people and outlaws, they could not afford to hire expert sword smiths like the samurai could. Also their own sword smiths did not have access to the right resources to be able to make curved edge swords with well constructed blades. If a Ninja could overcome a samurai he would take his swords, simply because they are better. Although the ninja sword was smaller and poorer quality, it still had its advantages. The scabbard for instance was made longer than the sword, about 3 to 4 inches longer. At the end of the scabbard there was a hidden compartment that was used to hide small weapons such as spikes, daggers or small amounts of poisons. Another use the sword had was that it could act as a small step by jamming the blade into the ground, the ninja could use the hand-guard as a step to get that extra height needed to scale a wall. Because the blade was not very sharp, the ninja could also use it as a hammer by holding onto the blade (carefully) and hitting with the handle. Also it was common to have the tip of the scabbard come off so it could be used as a snorkel. Another reason for using the Ninja sword was so that the ninja would be ale to weild it within small corridors on various missions.[/i] Source, [url]http://www.entertheninja.com/ninja_weapons/swords.shtml[/url]
The only thing I really fear is getting a limb cut off. Everything else does't bother me much.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]Heh, thats a funny reply! Really! I like the death-blow part. Did you make that up yourself? No, really you could just google "ninja". From what I understand, Ninja is short for the martial art, Ninjutsu. They began around the 6th century, but their golden era was actually around the 15th century, shogun times. What made the ninja deadly was the very seclusive art that they practiced. They worked as spies for samurai and shogun. The sword Xaru was talking about was probably the ninja-to, much like the samurai sword, but about half the length. The ninja relied on stealth to get their work done, either espionage, or assasination. The ninja also used a myriad of weapons, spiked boots (Ashiko), blowguns (fukiya), daggers (tanto), you name it. Oh, an Ninja are traditionally a japanese origionated group, not chinese. Edit: by government, do you mean the U.S gov't? If so, i think these "ninjas" are CIA: Non-commisioned operatives. Note, don't say CIA "agent", that's like calling a football player a waterboy. CIA "agents" are citizens of other countries found by CIA operatives, turned against their own nation and sent to spy on their own government, giving the information to our NOCs. Hope that helped as well :) [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry... ^.^ I got the dates wrong. It was the actually mid 7th century that they began (They ended in the 19th century.) The ninja sword was nothing like the samurai sword. It was less quality because they rarely used it in a battle. The death blow I did not make up. It is said they when they were noticed, they used that to eliminate their opponent. They were much weaker than samurais, so it much needed. It may be a myth, but most information about ninja are myths. For instance, becoming invisable, having the strenght of 10 men, and flying. Also the handle of the Ninja-to was longer than a samurai's because Ninja used it to store poison darts and other items. Another thing is that they mostly used poison rings to strangle their target. Ninja were said to be able to jump 10 feet into the air.... The highest now is... 7-9 feet? Some ninja didn't use a sword. Some used daggers, and their hands, wich had spikes on them. Another death blow, that I think is a myth is the Ninja who used their hands, ripped through their apponets chest and rip his or her heart out. They were said to also snap necks, crush spines and other things. The one's who used daggers were known to cut off heads. There is a lot more info so, yeah, do a google seach or somthing. ~Xaru. Edit: I'll fix the "ninjas"
If you had supernatural powers what would they be?
Xaru Silverfire replied to Max's topic in General Discussion
I would want to have the ability to telekineticly move things with my mind. And teleport, and fly, and shapeshift. I mean... who would want just one? -
I usually go to sleep now, right now it's 4:00. And I wake up at 9:00, 9:30. I'm fine in the morning but I'm get so tired in the afternoon. I take my hour long nap when I get back from school and I'm fine again.
I keep having this dream about a movie called "MONTAUK", where I live ( It is the farthest east you can get on Long Island. ) It's about hurrican Isabell. Anyway.. The hurrican comes throught the town destroying everything. In the dream I see houses flying all over the place. Everyone is in the firehouses basement, which has a lot of frozen food and water. I don't know, I guess it was like "The Perfect Storm"(Which that movie was based in the ocean off Montauk.) But everyone comes out of the firehouse and looks around. Nothing was there. Only debree. In 1938 a category 5 hurricane hit Montauk and destroyed everything. History might repeat itself. ~Xaru.
Well the only thing I know is that REAL ninjas work for the government. They existed in China in the 1700's and early 1800's. The have a extremely short sword which they hold upside down( For instance, if you stick a sword in the ground, pick it up without twisting your wrist. ) Their death blow is to jump into the air, stap their apponent in the chest. Corksrew half flip over the opponent and stab him/her through the neck. The only way to block this ultimate blow is to grab the sword, which the blade is facing the ninja. I hope that helped. ~Xaru.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Angelus_Necare [/i] [B]That's the way life is I suppose, but look meteora, I keep trying so there must be some hope for people like us? [/B][/QUOTE] Trust me, there is. Just find a nice guy, but he might be shy so it can take some time.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adahn [/i] [B]If you believe in evolution, then you know that the chances of another form of life even being able to exist is as ridiculous as the possibility of pigs instantly sprouting wings and flying for no particular reason. [/B][/QUOTE] What? I believe that the Universe is so expansive that it is [i]impossible[/i] for there to be [b]no[/b] life other than on earth. On topic.... I get amazed easily. Like "Hey, I can move my finger, thats amazing." Or... "It's amazing how we developed language." Well, anyway...... Evolution isn't random, it's adapting to one's environment. Planets blocking meteors. Rofl... It ALWAYS happens.
The only time when I experienced pain was when me and my friends were jumping gaps in the woods in his backyard. We were jumping all day, doing lame tricks. My over confident friend said he could do a backflip. He went off the ramp and started a backflip but he fell off halfway through. He twisted his wrist. Overconfident me said I could do a nothing. I went off the ramp and let go of the handle bars and took my feet off the petals. The bike hit the ground before I got back on it, I landed on the hard seat (Wich was the extreme pain part.), and hit my face on the handle bar as I put my hands on them, and broke my nose. My eyes were closed and I ran into a tree, ramming the top of my head into a tree. I can remember much about after I hit my head. But my friend said I was laughing while he had his brother drive us to the hospital. That was the worst injury I had. ~Xaru
I live in an unpopulated area. I mean all you hear in the news is people that were kidnapped in places like LA or New York. I live far away from a big city, not to far but no one would go THAT far out of their way just to kidnap someone. (Unless it's Bill Gates's kids.) And I don't even go to the porn bot flooded chats like the people that were kidnapped. I go to the the chat RP. And no one I talk to online I have EVER met or seen. ~Xaru
I'll be at the helipad!" he yelled. Jake walked out of the room well after Kevin left, with his hands in his pockets. Ben turned into a ball of liquid behind him and followed. Jake threw a zippo lighter over his shoulder. It landed in Ben. "What's this?" Ben asked while going back into his human form with the lighter in his hand. "You might need it." Jake said dully. Jake faded out then faded back in on the helipad. "Hey, I'll cover your back on this mission." Jake said to Kevin. He took a pocketknife out of his hand. Flicking it into the air, he kicked it at Kevin. The blade opened as Jake kicked it and went strait at Kevin. Kevin stopped it and grabbed the blade. "Keep it. It's a present." Jake told Kevin. Carved in the blade was "Magnev". "You can find me... uh.... Somewhere when you are ready." Jake said as he faded away.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Either you're some super brainiac, or you copies most of that right out of your science book, which I'm willing to bet is the case. [/B][/QUOTE] Rofl! I actually took the definitions out of my physics report. And the whole creating and developing of the glaxy I made with no researce, and I won first place in the science fair. EDIT: And I'm only 14. And about the super brainiac thing. No. Anyone can write their own theory. It just takes time.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tsukasa_hack [/i] [B]heh, nobody likes you, Xaru[/B][/QUOTE] OOC: Are you refering to my posts in the lounge or here. Here I'm evil! I'm supposed to be hated. Or, you're talking about my encounter with the angels thread? And now I can't post anything because of Jubei. ::Glares at him::
Come on........ Havn't I stated this. Oh nevermind. That was on AIM to Spikey. Before there was this galaxy all there was... was the [b]space time continuum[/b]. There was no matter in it at all. All there was in it was energy. This little bit of energy started growing. (More energy fused with it.) It coulded hold it's own energy. Being a [b]positve mass of energy[/b] it expoloded instead of imploding. The explosion caused a [b]negative[/b] energy mass. The equivilent to gravity. This was a black hole bigger than a normal star. Most black holes are the size of a pea, which can take out the sun in a flash. That black hole was the bigining of the galaxy. While the universe is still expanding it leaves behind [b]nebulas[/b]. Which [b]create planets and solar systems.[/b] It also creates ateroids. In our galaxy we had one ring of asteroids. nine planets. And one star. Now..... I quote myself. The planet known as "Jupiter" is so large it almost became a star. If that happend it would be impossible to live on earth, the solar orbits would be corrupted, and we would all be crushed because of the akward orbit of any palnet that would be suitible to live on. Well, anyway. The sun was shining on a desert wasteland with overly large amounts of water for blillions of years. The sun was shining on it so long energy started to crystilize. That eventually turned into a non-mobile, non-thinking, plant, known as algea, today. And plants evolve just as animals do. The algea began to populate and populate untill it crept onto land then rooted itself as a weed. That weed turned to other plants like grass. Through blillions of years of evolution plants became mobile animals. Eating eachother and plants((This was the dinosaur era.)). Things started to evolver into smaller meat-eaters, so they wouldn't eat as much and all starve to death. Then a meteor hit. The largest in history. It caused a thick layer of dust to rise into the sky and cause the ice age. During the Ice age, all the dinosaurs died off and thier cousins, birds having some sort of warmth and being warm blooded, lived. The primates were dieing off because they were "smart" for their time, but also weak. They started to walk on thier legs and make tools. Like a hammer, to hammer meat, in order to scrape it off the bone. One time scientists believe they were hammering a hard type of rock. The rock busted open. The primates found it sharp and easyer to cut meat with. After that they started losing hair. Their head started to grow. Multiple changes. That was the age of the homo neanderthals. The next step before humans. We evolved at a fast rate compared to other animals. Using our wrists and apposible thumbs, we bouilt an empire. Using our intellegent minds we made language for the sake of communication. Even today we are still evolving. Starting to use more of our brain.....woah... I went way off the topic, ya? Well I didn't explaine the universe too much. To understand the universe to must understand TIME. now, you may have heard that time is a dimension just like space. IT ISNOT LIKE SPACE. Lengths measured in space are positive, and they are always positive. Lengths measured in the time dimension are called IMAGINARY, which means that a given length, multiplied by its self, is always negative. (Since time is a negative dimension and space is a positive dimension, it is possible to have a total length of zero - this is the case for light) TIME DILATION - A person who moves through space experiences a shorter period of time. In other words, if you sit on Earth for one year while your friend travels to Pluto and back, then your friend will claim that only six months had passed. This is not an illusion, nor is it a fault in the mechanism of a clock, it is a real effect. One way to think of this is if you walk along a straight line between your house and your neighbors house, and your friend walks from your house to the grocery store two miles away, and then to your neighbors house, you both start and end your trips at the same places, but your friend has traveled four miles further. LENGTH CONTRACTION - If a car moves past you, it will seem shorter than it actually is. MASS INCREASE - A moving object weighs more than an object, which isn't moving. It can be shown that if an object travels at the speed of light, it must either weigh nothing (which is only true for light) or it is infinitely heavy. This implies nothing can travel at the speed of light. TACHYONS-You have probably heard this term in science fiction books and movies without knowing exactly what it was. You know that nothing can travel at the speed of light except for light itself. Obviously there are things which travel slower than the speed of light, because our entire world fits in the category. What about faster than light? There is nothing in the theory of relativity, which prevents an object from traveling faster than the speed of light, although such objects can never slow down to below the speed of light or they would violate special relativity. Any particle, which travels faster than the speed of light, is called a TACHYON. Such objects must obey certain rules: 1. The mass of a tachyon is imaginary. Recall that this means that if you multiply the mass by itself, the result is negative. 2. Tachyons go faster when they lose energy. I must admit I can't think of a case when a tachyon would lose energy, since a collision with normal matter is forbidden. 93,856,000,000,000,000kmph is the speed of light in this universe. Think of this galaxy as a tachyon, negative wieght. The universe is expanding at a rate faster than light. It is impossible to touch the side of the universe. It is said that if you do touch the side of the universe, you would corupt the entire universe and it would stop expanding. If the universe were to stop expaning right now I would never be able to finish typing this. We would all be reduced to the size of a proton. But, that is all I know. I've only taken earth science. ~Xaru
I carry around a knife all the time in school. Somtimes I take it out in class. The teachers watch me. Then, they go on with there day. I've even poked a teacher with that knife. The knife is conscealed in a pen. I bought it because I lived in florida before and the basers carry around weapons and stuff. The point is it is [i]so[/i] easy to bring a weapon to school. You can burn down a school with a simple ballon. some gassoline, and a long wick. Not that I intend to. But terrorism cannot be stoped. "Where there's a will, there's a way." ~Xaru.
I can't think of anything that is a great fear to me. I can think of a million things that shake me up but none that I fear ultimitly. Wait... This isn't a phobia nor just being afraid of a certain species. My grandma has a dog that she got from the police office. (Well she has to.) They got thrown out for attacking their trainer.(They are also rot whielers.) One day my grandma was cleaning out the dog that almost killed it's owner.(His name was Gustan.) He was on a chain and the dog is extremely strong. I walked by the chain and said, "Hey Gustan" The dog whent wild and tried to kill me, [b][i]litterally[/b][/i]. He broke the chain and ran at me.I looked at him and cussed pretty loud. I had a plant pot in my hand that I threw at his head. He turned around and killed a goose near the pond. Later while he was in his cage he started to try to tear the wall down. trying to get to me. I walked up to the cage and yelled at the top of my lungs, "Gustan shut up!" Ever sence then he has only growled at me. So I guess it is possible to conquer fears. Normally you just need help from friends like force someone on a roller coaster and tell the guy at the button to hurry up and press it. (Muhaha.) And Noirrac, I'm sure that if you practice your landing skills, you can jump off roofs in no time. :wink:
Whats more important: Booksmarts or Commonsense
Xaru Silverfire replied to pbfrontmanvdp's topic in General Discussion
I would say [b]common sence[/b] is the most important. Common sence is like "Which shap is smaller?". I would say [b]brainpower[/b] or [b]IQ[/b] Is what people normally mistake as "Common sence"( I believe piromonkey meant if people are truly "Smart." Not just memorize a bunch of stuff.) With brainpower people are actually smart. They have a high IQ and everything. Normally when you take a test you use information in which you have [b]memorized[/b]. Memorized information usually is forgotton. [b]Brainpower[/b] on the other hand stays with you for your whole life. (or almost) -
You could try to get them stuck some place for a long time. Like an hour. That usually works. But uh if that dude "Doser" Likes you even the slightest bit more than "Kat" Then he wont pay attention to her when your around. That might explain the reason of "Doser" usually runs off. But trust me guys dont give up if they really like someone. So I'm not sure about "Doser" and "Kat." But I don't know anything about the two so I can't give you too acurate information. ~Xaru
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GrimmFang [/i] [B]I always wonder how the world would have turned out without humanity. Like what if humans never evolved or came to be? [/B][/QUOTE] I wonder the same thing. Like right now I wonder if [b]total apocalypse[/b] Will come in 21 years if that meteor hits. Life will start over... again.