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Xaru Silverfire

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Everything posted by Xaru Silverfire

  1. Spikey, I said nature cannot create itself [b]sarcasticly[/b]. Nothing existed before the big bang. There is more than one universe. Each seperated by space and time. Each evolve at different rates. That is my theory. As yours is that an all powerful being "God" created everything. Some people believe the big bang. Some people believe stationary and set. Some people believe god, budda, whatever, all powerful force, [b]something[/b] that created [b]everything[/b]. People have the right to belive what they want... Enough said. ~Xaru
  2. This has no backstory or anything but hey. Earth Name: Jake Personallity: "Funny guy" Jokes a lot. Kind of a wise a**. Fun to be around, though. Normally hangs around, does nothing. Age: 17 Bio: Jake grew up in a normal neigborhoog. Got into a lot of fights in school... ect. Net Name: Xaru Personality: A leader type. Hangs in groups. Doesn't care what kind of mission he gets. Style: Blaster Speacial attack: Buster cannon. Unleashes a large amount of non-elemental damage to a player.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]I mean, somebody had to start all this. Why not believe in god? See, nature cannot start by itself. In the begining there was nothing, correct? Anyway, someone, or something had to start it all. So why not god?[/B][/QUOTE] Hmmm I am interested in hearing your theorys of how [b]God[/b] was created. As you said, Spikey, Nature [b]cannot[/b] start itself. So I am curious. After all [b]nothing[/b] existed forever.
  4. (( Hey... did you read my powers? It says energy conversion. Simply moving energy from one point to another.... instantly. Being able to move through matter. I forgot to add on my limitations that it doesn't go very far. The limit is like 2 miles. ))
  5. They have made a 4 player RPG(Or they are in the making.) The name: Final Fantasy Crystal. Or that's what it was originally. I think it will be out for gamecube in spring 2004. Does this belong in Nentendo? Oh well.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Estraya [/i] [B] In order to read and understand alot of the older pieces of writtings (ie Beowulf...) we have to understand that the people in those days were for the most part, strictly Christian.[/B][/QUOTE] Yes, true and they didn't have the intellegence we have today. They were going basicly on thoughts. But.... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Estraya [/i] [B] People have the right to believe in what they wish, if they want to believe that purple bananas created the world, then they are welcome to, and that belief should not be held against them. [/B] That is absolutly true. People have the [b]right[/b] to believe in what they want.
  7. Spiders are like cool. But I'm into things most people are afraid of. I want a pet tarantula. I have a snake. I had a scorpion. But I can't find any tarantulas in Nevada.
  8. Jake is sitting at his computer playing some game. The screen goes blank then a falshing red mission alert comes up. "... Let's roll." Jake leaned back in his chair. The chair fell backwards as he rolled backwards out of it. He opened the door and started walking down the hall, with his hands in his pockets. He takes his hands out of his pockets and starts to jog, then run, directly at a wall. He disapears, then reapppears sitting on a chiar across from Kevin. "We have a mission." Jake jumps up on the celing, sitting on his forelegs with one hand on his knee. "We should get the others." Kevin: "I know, come on." Jake teleports behind Kevin, they both walk out the door.
  9. My favorite episode is Death's a *****. Stewie [spoiler]finally sets up a trap for Louis. She trips on a roller skate then Stewie throws a dresser on her. He takes out a machine gun and puts thousands of holes in it. Then he runs up to it and throws a grande in the dresser. It explodes then Louis comes out all bloody and says. "Stewie don't leave your toys laying around" Then stewie does that little "Blast!" Thing.[/spoiler] Stewie does make that show great.
  10. I'm not an archer or anything but my uncle is a sharpshooter instructer for the Las Vegas swat team. He gave me a lesson in sharpshooting. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, not the aiming part, but the bullet gets moved by wind and it's almost impossible to hit the bulls eye. Well, I would like to learn archery but I think using high tech ones are kind of lame. I would want to use old fashioned ones like wooden. ~Xaru
  11. I am the biggest procrastinator. Probably because I do things extremely fast. I don't need all that time that you get to do a simple 6 page essay. It is entirly possible to finish an essay in one night. But, some people are slower typers, can't find information, etc. If you [i]know[/i] that you can't finish something within short notice, then try to space it out. When you get bored stop working, as if you are bored, work on it. ~Xaru
  12. I always wonder about everything. What it would be like to be blind, deph, or mute. I wonder how things are made how technology started in the first place. But like Matto said, I as well would drive myself insane. That is what happens with the most intellgent people in history.. they went insane or people thought they were insane and threw them in prison. ~Xaru
  13. Dude, Air Force is the way to go. :cool: I'm going for it.. But only to test X-planes. So, man, are you in college or Air Force training?
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ratix [/i] [B]Well, since I wear baggy (boys) clothes almost all the time, I think most people consider me 'teh kewl sk8R' . Which is rediculous because I can't skate at all :) Which immediately makes me a prep of course.. Oh yeah, I also think they think I'm lesbian. Because I'm one of the few who don't constantly drool over boys and shout "OMG, he's liek, totally gorgeous!!!!!11!!11" all the time... Um yeah, 'liek whatever'.... [/B][/QUOTE] Just a little input... Most tomboys act just like girls except they are like 10 times cooler. My school has a couple of tomboys.... all of them are straight ( well... they like guys..... And maybe the same sex. But normal people are like that.) And what makes a girl lesbian is if she's frenching another girl in the hallway and ten guys are standing around watching. And I have to fit in a small category with 30 year olds. I listen to hard rock of the 80's and 90's. AC/DC, The Clash, etc.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]I would love to be me. Yes stupid, but I have no desire to be anyone else. [/B][/QUOTE] Spikey, You got the right idea. I don't see why anyone would want to be someone else.... Personally rather than be someone else, I would want my life to change. But right now, my lifes cool. ~Xaru
  16. I don't belive in angels or a god, multiple gods, a all powerful being or anything. The reason behind this is simple. I belive strongly and only in science. I don't belive in anything without a strong presence of proof. One thing that gets on my nerves is the :ahem:, who was probably drinking out of a lead cup, thought he saw a godly figure in the sky watching down on us. There is no proof that a god exists nor angels. Just stories.... like a fiction story. The messege of god only gives people false hope. In the game FFX the writer was trying to make the point of how blind people are. They believe things other people have written with no proof. They follow something believing that if they do... they will eventually go to another, better place. When ever I talk to a highly intellegent person, they say the same thing.. But most people follow religions just to be on the safe side like.... "What if it is true?" When ever I discuss this topic with anyone they say "They how did we get here? Huh?" The answer is simple. The nebula of our solar system created 9 planets, a bunch of asteroids, and a star. A small star at that. The planet known as "Jupiter" is so large it almost became a star. If that happend it would be impossible to live on earth, the solar orbits would be corrupted, and we would all be crushed because of the akward orbit of any palnet that would be suitible to live on. Well, anyway. The sun was shining on a desert wasteland with overly large amounts of water for blillions of years. The sun was shining on it so long energy started to crystilize. That eventually turned into a non-mobile, non-thinking, plant, known as algea, today. And plants evolve just as animals do. The algea began to populate and populate untill it crept onto land then rooted itself as a weed. That weed turned to other plants like grass. Through blillions of years of evolution plants became mobile animals. Eating eachother and plants((This was the dinosaur era.)). Things started to evolver into smaller meat-eaters, so they wouldn't eat as much. Well... I think I am a little off topic. Enough said. We did evolve from primates. But that, as they say, is that. And those are my beliefs. I am not trying to push them upon other people. ~Xaru
  17. What do you mean... live in hiding? So you mean we can't like go to a school like Exavior's mansion? Or is that what you mean by "Private teachers"? And I'm fine with the records being erased and stuff.
  18. [COLOR=darkblue]"Hiei, Hiei, Hiei." That was all Xaru said before pulling multiple dragon spirts out of his pockets. "Keep in mind that I am much more powerful than you. And all those wings do is slow you down. Hahah-" Xaru apeared behind Hiei, facing the wall. He jumped in the air just as Hiei turned around and kicked him in the face, hard, sending him into a wall. In Xaru's right hand a light blue energy orb appeared. He threw it at Hiei making a large explosion. "Heh heh" The wound in Xaru's shoulder slowly closed. Hiei burst out of the rubble screaming. The large peices of rock flew everywhere. Hiei kicked off the rock and at Xaru with his fist to his side ready to unleash a heavy blow upon Xaru. Xaru easily fell backwards on to the floor and slammed his foot into Hiei's stomach. Hiei rolled onto the floor. He backflipped up ready to kick Xaru in his temple; Xaru rolled out of range, unsurprisingly. Hiei took advantage of that. He corkscrew flipped to Xaru and landed hard on Xaru's head with his right foot, sending Xaru's head through the concrete. Hiei jumped away and ready for an attack. Xaru, sure enough, got up, but not into a fighting pose. He stood sidways towards Hiei. Hiei Kicked off the ground and sped at Xaru. Xaru dodged to the left. Hiei expected this; he kicked off the wall behind Xaru and slammed his knee into the back of Xaru's head. "I will not lose to some common warrior!" Hiei: "A common warrior. Hmph." "DIE!!!" Xaru extented his arms out to Hiei, his palms facing him. "Try some helium and hydrogen!" Xaru puts his hands apart from each other as if he was grasping an orb. Between his hands a hydrogen atom and helium atom fussed, creating a small atomic exposion. Zo created a shield over all the people around her. But Hiei was nowhere to be seen. Xaru was still standing tall in the same location. The building was gone. He casually walked over to Ryden and them but Hiei burst out of the ground, his eyes glowing with anger. (( Take it Jubei. ))[/COLOR]
  19. Name: Jake Larsen Codename:Haider Age: 18 Occupation: Student Identity: In the mutant world, eveyone knows him. Legal status: Citezen of Washington state. No criminal records. Group Affiliation: Mutant Brigade. Operation Group #4: Solidarity. Eyes: Crimson red. Hair: Brown Strength Level: Shadow possess the normal strenght of a man of his age who engage in intensive regular exercise. (Doesn't have overly large muscles, though.) Mutation Type: Energy form transformation Known superhuman power: Shadow changes himself into pure energy. Doing so enables him to travel through matter instantly. He also has the ability to defy gravity and walk on walls. Identifying quote: "Ill." Others: At first he doesn't speak much, likes to test people, and get on their nerves. When he knows someone is cool, he eases down and becomes a nice guy.
  20. Xaru continues screaming but after he knows that everyone was gone he started laughing. "I guess they didn't take a good look at my eyes" He starts laughing again. Xaru didn't use his eyes in that form... He could see everything around him... like a psycic power. All of his sences were gone but he still could use them. For instance he cant smell but he knows what smell lingers around him. He can't hear but he knows what is being said. He had transformed into the perfect warrior. Now that his wings are gone he has better movement. All of his strenghts increased; even his intellegence. The wind around him started to pick up again. Xaru lifted off the ground and started making all kinds of swift movements in the air. Movements that a dragoon could make with wings. "Time to go hunting." Xaru started speeing off in the direction of where the others fled to. He stepped down right infront of the entrance of the building and knocked on the door. Serena: "What was that?!"
  21. Sorry about that... tell me if I need to edit anything else, I'll be happy to edit it. ^.^ Oh, and Arika take a close look at your banner it says "Akira" >.>
  22. Racer Name: Zane Nyugen Racing Alias: Bug, named after the car he drives Age: 23 Nationality: Asian Gender: Male Description: Spiked, died blonde hair. Green eyes. Small gold loop earing. About 6'0". He has totalled aproximetly 0 cars within his liftime. Personality: Talks a little, but not much. Isn't a hard drinker. He doesn't consentrate on anything, it makes him mess up. When he's driving he kind of drives freely. In his car when he races he usually plays AC/DC. He is very protective of his sister Lina. Bio: Zane had started racing when he got his drivers lisence. With those ameture races he was only making a couple hundred for first place. To take care of himself and his sister, Lina, he needed to race in the professinal leages. He started making tons of money... before he knew it he had 1,200,000 from a couple of races. He decided to buy a good car, a fast car. The only worth his time was the legendary 16/4 Veyron. Extra: Zane carrys around a .45 custom with about 6 clipps in the car. The Vehicle Brand: Bugatti. Model:2002 16/4 Veyron Bugatti Color: Red and black, see attachment. Speed: 252.3.... due to limitations 220. 0-60 in 3.0 seconds. Extra: In the trunk is a total of 10 NOS tanks. It also has a second radiator. Green neon lighting at bottom. Shock leveler, prepares it for street use or racing.
  23. (( x.x;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sorry people, I was in Nevada for a month...... with no computer...... in the desert.... Well anyway..... OOC means "Out of character." As IC means "In Character." Well..... I'm finally posting. )) Xaru stops flying somewhere over a field. "Next time I shall finish them off.... [b]all[/b] of them. But... I must be sure of this." Xaru starts laughing evily. While continuing this annoying laugh he crouches in pain. The wings on his back seem to vanish as his hair turns a silver color and his eyes turn pale white. Then he lets out a high pitched screach. His voice changed to. It was now a silghtly low pitched echo. "I can't wait to kill them. In fact... I'll do it now!" Xaru starts runing and leaps in to the air. He puts his arms behind him, ready to fly, but falls on his face. "Koola nee cha! (( See Blade 2 for translations. >.> )) I'll find another way to travel." The wind behind Xaru starts to pick up. Leaves begin to rotate in a cyclone around him.... the wind slowly dies down. The cyclone vanishes.... Xaru is gone. Now he can be seen standing behind Ryden. "I've decided to kill you so you don't stand in my way." Ryden tried to turn around and stab him but Xaru had already moved. Coming from above, Hiei attempted to kick Xaru. Hiei: "Die!!!!!!" Xaru grabed his foot and slammed him into Ryden. He flew through the air and hit the ground, not that hard, but he had much velocity. Xaru, still holding Hiei's leg, jumped up in the air and slamed him down on Ryden causing a small crater. Xaru landed facing all of the others. He made a strange motion with his hands and a strong gust of wind knocked all of them off their feet and tumbelling backwards. "Why don't you all take me on at once." (( Well, now I'll post more. ))
  24. Xaru was now petting Ragnarok on the snout, the dragon looked up at him, evily. Serena finally noticed him. Xaru gave her a smirk and looked at one of the kids. "Cool dragon, isn't ..." Serena interupted him, "Back off or I'll.... I'll...." "You'll do what? Anyway I'm waiting for Ryden..... I have unfinished business." Xaru filpped backwards onto a builing and took off, flying through the market. Around five minutes of flying around he finally saw three people walking. He flew over to them, then hoverd over Hiei, Zo, and Hoshi. They were walking agaist the sun, so his shadow could not be seen. He set foor on the ground. Just as his feet touched ground, Hiei turned in his direction. But he had already vanished as if he had never been there. Hoshi saw Hiei look back. "What is it?" "I think Xaru may be near us. Keep your guard up." Xaru walked right in front of them, very quickly, but wasn't seen. He walked behind them and put his hand on Hoshi's shoulder. She looked behind her, very frightened. Before She saw him, he vasnished with the wind. :demon: (( Just messing around with you guys. ^.^; ))
  25. (( Guess who's back.... x.x; Sorry, I was gone for a LONG time. )) Xaru, byhimself sits on a bulding in Gnarwood. He jumps down and walks around the market. No one there knows who he is, so he decideds to walk around. He speaks to himself. "I wonder when they will be comeing...." He looks up and smirks at the sky. Then, he continues to walk around. A kid nearby starts crying. He runs up to Xaru and tugs at his shirt. Kid: "Mister, mister, I lost my mommy. Can you help me find her?" The little boy wipped his nose. And looked up at Xaru. Xaru sat there staring at the kid for a while. He almost mumbled. "Come with me." The boy follows him, walking at a slower pace than ususal. After about a half mile of walking a woman ran up to the child. Woman: "Raoku!" She hugged him as Xaru walked away. Raoku: "That man helped me...." He looked in the direction of Xaru.... He wasn't there. Xaru was crouching on top of a building looking at the two. He turned and walked away. Ryden(When Hiei and Hoshi return >.>): "We need to go to Gnarwood. Like... now!"
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