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Xaru Silverfire

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Everything posted by Xaru Silverfire

  1. (( Sorry about not posting in a while..... I was on a 10 hour delayed plane then had to meet realatives x.x; Sorry, but I am REALY tired... I'll ost tomorrow morning before I got to a party. x.x; Damn summer too much stuff going on.))
  2. Xaru tuns around, hearing giant steps of a dragon. "I knew I couldn't leave that cell alone." Xaru looks at Ryden. You want to fight me, so stay." Xaru flys up in the air (they are outside) and crases through the room that the cell is in. He brakes through the wall and lands in the dust, looking at the people in the room. He jumped up in the air and landed on the dragon's back, then put his pike edge near it's neck. Serena: "No!" "If you are going to break someone out of a prison, do it silently. And why were you going to break them out? I was going to send a gaurd to let them out so they may watch our battle." With that said, Xaru jumped off the dragon's back and cuts the bars. He throws his pike out the hole in the wall. The bars fall to the ground. He reaches in and grabs both of them, then flys out the hole. He steps away and grabs his pike. "How about.... you go first?" Ryden lifts off the ground ad speeds at Xaru.
  3. A car drove up to a slighlty large house. A man around the age of 20 stepped out of the car and walked up to the it. He opend the door and saw his roomate, Sean, on the couch. "Hey, man." Sean: "Sup, Jake. I have to leave at 6:00, I'm goin' to my parent's." "Alright." Jake walked into his room and threw his keys on his bed. He then lifted the headset next to his computer. Sitting down, he put the headset over his head. Xaru appears in a small city. He starts to walk away into an open field. There, he sat dwon on the grass, thinking of what to do.
  4. Xaru stands up, a little shocked. He looks at Hoshi, then to Hiei, finaly to Ryden. He dusts himself off. "So, Hiei, 1/4 of your power?" Xaru starts laughing. "You should be lucky that I havn't trasformed to beat any of you." Ryden: "What do you mean!?" "I have another form. A stronger form. And what is all this talk of "breaking out"? I have decided to let all of you go...... if one of you beats me.... one on one." Xaru turns around and looks at the alive winglie. The winglie nodds his head to him. Xaru turns around and smirks at the three. "Who will be brave enough to fight?"
  5. "Number 1, I am a higher rank than the Cheif. Number 2, if I did let her out, don't you think she would go back to the dragoons? If she "Didn't want to hurt her own kind" Why would she heal the ones that [i]were[/i] hurting her kind." Marie: "Please just let her go." Xaru suddenly turned and ran into the bars. He didn't hit them, he went through them. He grabbed Zo and walked back through the bars. He thn shoved he to Marie. "Be happy that I am slightly compassionate." Xaru looks at the ground. "Now leave!" Marie and Zo walk out the door. Xaru walks over to the bars. "So.... what do we have here? 3 dragoons." Ryden: "Tell me now! Why are you agaist the dragoons?" "You want to hear my story, eh? This is how it goes. I was once on the side of dragoons. I was a boy(Around 16). I was fighting a battle when the dragoons retrated, leaving me behind. I was nearly killed. when I got back they told me to leave the army. That I was a discrace. I refused to leave but they had a warrior attack me and throw me out. I left wounded and found the winglie army. They notcied my capalbilitys and gave me the gift of wind. I vowed to destroy every dragoon I come across..." He glances at Hoshi. "Or [i]almost[/i] every dragoon I come across." Ryden: "So all of this is because of being kicked out of an army?" "Ha. I think you, yourself have witnessed my power. It was thier mistake to lose a champion." Xaru looks at the three in the cell. "I might consider letting you all go... if all of you resign from the army."
  6. In the reall world. Name: Jake Yunker Age: 20 Gender: Male Description: Short brown hair, 5'11", athletic, usually wears shorty's cloths. .> Bio: Average life.... Average person. But Jake just found the world of .Hack . Ever sence then he's been hoocked on it. He almost never logs off so it's easy to find him in the world. Everyine wonders where he is durring the day, but he never answers. Doesn't hack but knows how to. In "the world" Name: Xaru Silverfire Class: Heavyblade Weapon: Large long sword, double sided. Description: Looks like he just came from the circus ^.^;. Apearance is the same as that of Fierce Diety (My icon) My character: He doesn't talk much.... to anyone. You can tell if he like the person if he even speaks a word to them. He protects people he doesn't even know. He doesn't hack.
  7. "Good, fly that way" Xaru extended his finger in the direction of the camp. Ryden lifted off the ground. Xaru, still standing there summoned a strong gust of wind and threw the sword and dagger up in the air. The wind caught them and blew them far away. He then jumped off the ground and flew behind Ryden. When they reached the camp, Ryden was instantly threw into the large cell where Hoshi and unconsious Zo were being kept. Hoshi: "Ryden!" She jumped up and hugged him. Ryden: "Sorry... I couldn't protect you." Hoshi: "I don't care.... You're here now." Ryden: "Do you have a plan for getting out of here?" Hoshi: "No, you can't touch the bars. They'll poison you and the ground, walls, celling are filled with a gas. If we break them, we'll be poisoned." Xaru walked in the door then Hoshi and Ryden stopped talking. Xaru's pike had been altered. On the blade was a encription of wings. It had been elementaly charged with wind making it more powerful and able to attack things from a distance. He sat down at a chair, next to the two winglies. "Let's see... I have a couple more of "Threats" To capture before I can take over this area. Crap! I forgot about that Hiei guy that I knocked off the building. I'll be right back, don't move." As Xaru flys back to the city Hoshi and Ryden exchange looks. Hiei still stumbles around looking for Zo to heal him. Xaru lands behind him. "I'm not done with you." He grabs Hiei's arm and flys back to the camp, using the wings of hope to make him faster. He arrives there, and like the other through him in the cell. Zo finally wakes up and sees Hiei. Zo: "Are you injured? Let me help you!" She crawls over to him and puts her hands near him the "Healling light" that apears when ever she heals someone. Hiei's wounds close. He sits down on the bench and looks at Xaru. Hiei: "Why are you doing this" "I have my own reasons." He gets up and walks out of the room.
  8. Xaru watched the winglies fly off with Hoshi. "Where is that winglie?" Xaru reaached into the rubble if the destroyed towar and pulled out Zo. She was unconcious from the implosion. "You're comming with me" He flew off, following the winglies. Arriving at camp, Xaru commanded to throw Hoshi and Zo in a prison cell. For some reason he said to throw them in the same cell. They did so and Xaru followed him. He, personally locked the door and sat on a chair faccing the cell. The wip was right next to him. Hoshi got up and raced to the bars of the cell but then she fell back fealling woosy. "They are elementally charged.... with poison. The more you try to struggle with them, the higher amout of poison will be directed to your body. Electricity wont work on your part of ecscape. The poison will eliminate the electricity almost instantly. One more thing, the floor, walls, and celing all have the same effect, except if you break them, a gas will be realesed causing instant death to you and your friend." Hoshi: "Damn you..." "Yes, yes. Now, I must go find that little friend of yours, Ryden." Xaru walked off and closed the door. No sooner had a pair of Winglies came in and sat on two chairs starring at the them. Xaru made his way back to the towar that many winglies tried to destroy, but him single handedly demolished it. He walked up behind Ryden and spoke quite loudly to him, "Surrender and come with me or Hoshi will be executed." Ryden: "Hoshi..." "Well, yes or no?"
  9. Xaru, ignoring the others, walked towards Raiden. "Hello, my name is Xaru. I control the earth and all of it's movments. I belive your name is Raiden, you control lightning, I presume. We need your help. I think you know about the evil spirt. We need you to help fight him. Please follow me." Raiden didn't move, but the ground below him did. When they reached the others the ground stoped. Sky: "Hi" Matt: "Who is he?" "His name is Raiden, I knew his ancestor." Xaru turns to Raiden. "Me and your ansecsors fought the evil spirt, orginly." He turns around. "And most of your ancestors. I'm a lot alder than all of you. when we sealed the Evil Spirt away I lost my god powers. I've been living underground ever sence."
  10. (( I'm a dragoon, buddy. )) Xaru slowly turned around and looked at Hiei. A the smirk was still on his face. He started to slowly clap. "That attack would have scratched me. Luckily you hit Ishigami. Is that the limit to your power?" Xaru starts to laugh. But then he appears behind Hiei. "Think before you choose to attack someone" Xaru starts slashing at him making many wounds in his body. After a seconds of doing this he stops. "A normal dragoon would be dead. Hmm...I hope you don't like hights" Xaru brakes Hiei's wings and pushes him off the building. He watches him fall to the ground. "Ooo that had to hurt." The winglie that had gotten hit by the attack flys back up to the roof. "Nice dodging." Winglie: "He didn't even see me move." A couple of hours pass then, Xaru, who was getting tired of waiting, turned around and jumped off the building. He slowed his decent and crashed in a window of the towar. About 8 dragoons turned, and looked at him. Xaru pointed his pike at them. "My name is Xaru, commanding officer of the winglie army. The one who has killed over 7000 in this war. Care to let me through?" Dragoon in the back: "W.. we wont let you through." Instantly Xaru starts jummping off the walls, thr floor, and the celing at lightning fast speed. He then stands behind them with his pike in a position where he just attacked. 7 of the dragoons drop to the floor. the last stands there trembelling. "You shouldn't speak for other people. It gets them in trouble." He stabs the last dragoon in the back and walks down the halway, as if nothing happend. "Now how do I get an army to come after me? Ah I know!" He quickly dives through the floor. When at the bottom ground he sicks his pike in the concrete floor. Xaru lifts off the ground and flys in a circle. Flying faster and faster, a wind tunnel starts to appear. The building implodes with him still inside. There was no way for anyone in the building to exscape. The winglie at the top flys into the air. "What the?" He flys off, back to camp. The winglie arives there and tells everyone what happened. They all run outside and fly off into the air. They get into formation and fly slowly to the towar, incase anyone sees them. A bunch af rubble shifts as Xaru climbs out, laughing evily. "Now lets see them retaliate agaisnt this act."
  11. Xaru held out his palm to the remaining demons. In an acient voice made by the creators of the earth, he used a spell on the them. "Shan tu ye mi talate." They all turned to stone then fell to the ground, shattering in hundreds of peices. Xaru put his pike on the ground and smirked. He turned and through his pike at Raiden. Travleing a didstance, he was able to see it comeing. He caught it and threw it back. Xaru recived it back in his hand and turned around. "I found another element decendant."
  12. Xaru sits in the destroyed camp, still waiting for reinforcements. "They should be here by now. I'm getting weary of waiting." Winglie: "Maybe they surrendered." "I don't care. I must take out all remaning generals!" With that word said, Xaru took off the ground and headed to the camp where Ryden, Aorashi, and others were. "I will kill them all!" A winglie started to lift off the ground and fly after him but another grabbed his ankle. Winglie: "He wants to go alone, let him." Xaru lands on the edge of the tower they were fighting at before. He looks over the city. In a quiet voice he says, "Come on fools, fight me." A second class commander lands behind Xaru. Winglie: "What are you doing here?" "When they attack, we ambush." Winglie: "Just both of us?" "That's all we need." A smirk apeard on Xaru's face.
  13. Name: Xaru Age: 20 Instrument: Electric Guitar Summon monster: Wolf Description: Looks like fierice Diety (My icon) Bio: Wanderer. Plays the electric guitar.... summons a wolf Doesn't know were he came from..... This isn't my thing, but I'm doing it anyway.
  14. [spoiler]I've been here for..... 2 days... so I know no one.[/spoiler]
  15. Xaru, now getting dragged through the air by a couple of winglies looked back at where the battle was. "I'll be back. Get off, I can fly fine." Xaru flew with the remaining troops. They all started to fly faster. When they reached the millitarty base Xaru sat down and looked at a map. "We will divise a head on attack. I will be in the frontlines." Xaru handed the map with scetches on it to the ruler of the winglies. Bast (Ruler): "Yes, I see. If we take out this army, it would do great in our efforts. You may leave as soon as ready" That night Xaru lay in his bed, not asleep. His mind was too busy to go to sleep, but his eyes were weary. "I will destroy the Dragoons!" He was still holding his pike, even while he was in bed, incase of an attack. It stated to glow.... Xaru felt as iff he were back to full health. "What is this???" A smirk apeared on his face. "I will leave... tommorow morning." Xaru fell asleep. The next morning all the troops were ready out side. Xaru walked in front of them, then turned to face them. "We leave.... now," Xaru lifted off the ground with the pike in his head to another dragoon city, which was now a base. When they arived there Xaru steped infront of the ready army. "We have come to take over this base... Surender now, or prepare to die." Commander of dragoons: "Attack!" "Fool!" Xaru kicked off the ground slashing at every dragoon he found. He took out eleven in his first attack. He started twirling around n a circle with his pike extended, mortaly wounding seventeen. Xaru contnued slashing at them. Not many were left. All of the sudden and arrow shot right at Xaru's head. He moved to the right and it shot a winglie in the heart. "Is that all you got?" Xaru jumped up and sliced off the commander's head. The winglies finished off the rest of the dragoons. "Now we wait." Winglie: "For what?" "For reinforcements." Winglie: "Ours?" "No, more dragoons."
  16. An arrow shot directly at Sky's head. Xaru shot his hand out and grabs it before it peirced his skull. The Evil Spirt was standing in a tree with a bow. Xaru, still looking the other way spoke to Sky, "All of you leave, now. I'll try to hold him off." Sky:"I'm staying and fighting" Sakura, Max, and Matt: "Yeah, were fighting, too." The surface of the land they were on started moving away, to the other side of the large field. Xaru was barly visable. The Evil Spirt still in the tree. Xaru jumped up at him and slashed his pike. The Evil pirt vansihed, then appeared behind Xaru. He kicked Xaru in the back, sending him ino a tree. He got up, jumped into the air once more, and slashed at The Evil Spirit, again. And, like before he vanished. Xaru kicked his foot behind him and hit him in the face. The Evil Spirt didn't even budge. "What the..." He was cut off by and arrow flying at his face. Thinking quickly he vanished underground and apeared near the rest of the decendants, miles away. "We need more man power. x.x;"
  17. Xaru motions his hand over to Sakura. The ground beneeth he rises, causing her to fly through the air. Xaru smaks her in the side with his pike. Sakura falls to the groung. "Looks like you need more training." He turns to walk away when a vine grabs his foot. "What the...." He flys through the air and lands on the ground, on his face. The vin picks him up and slams him into the ground again. It repeats the process 4 times, then the vine ties him up. Sakura walks over to him. "Had enough?" "Hardly" He grabs the blade of his pike and cuts all of the vines. The ground rises behind Sakura again. She almost hits the ground, but another peice of land rises and sends her flying again. That repeats for a while. Xaru looks at Sakura flying through the air. She flys hin his directiong. Catching her in his arms. "I'm luckly I had a weapon. ^_^ You're a good fighter yourself." He stands her up and brushes some dust off her shoulders. "That's better." He looks at Sky, the serious look back on his face. "You have stong hidden powers. We need to figure out how to unlock them." He sits on the ground and lays the pike against his shoulder. Xaru goes into a meditation state.
  18. (( Nice impersinations XD )) Xaru looked down at Hoshi. He turned away leaving Hoshi alone. HE felt sorry for her. "I'll take on the whole army myself!" He planted the butt of his pike in the ground, made tight fists, and started screaming. A large tornado engulfed all the soldiers, Winglies, and dragoons alike. The Winglies were able to take flight after they were tossed around by the torando, but the dragoons had crumpled wings. They all fell to the ground. Xaru looked around with a smirk on his face. "Come on! Is that all you got?! Bring your best soldiers. The winglies will defeet you!" All the other Winglies shouted. "Yeah!" A large sword swooped by Xaru's head, cutting a few hairs off.He looked surprised. He turned and looked at the foe that attacked. It was Ryden. "You... you dare challenge the supreme ruller of the sky?!" Xaru hit him in the side with the pike, not the sharp part. He then kicked him up in the air. "Bring it on!" (( ::Falls on the ground, cackleing insanly:: ))
  19. Xaru was still looking at Aorashi but he spoke to the girl. "Hello, I assume you know who I am.... Wait you seem as if you don't. My name is Xaru, commander of the winglie army. But I don't know if you are in my squad. Can you fight? Well, it doesn't matter. I'll take on all three!" Xaru's muscles were still large from the muscle burst. He runs at Aorashi. Slahing at him, then he plants his pike in the ground and swing around it, kicking him in the face. Xaru leaps into the air and brings the wooden part of his pike into Aorashi's head. "Hmph, I'm bored. All units, attack." His voice seemed like he was very bored. The winglies all ran at the three, one of them badly injured. They started attacking, but it was very easy to attack a large group of winglies. Xaru walked over to the girl. "As I said before, my name is Xaru, I am a dragoon, but I belive in the way of winglies. I am the commander of the winglie army. What is your name? I havn't seen you around." He thrusts his pike into the chest of a dragoon behind the girl.
  20. (( Dude, you can read me like a book XD )) "He isn't being much of a help." Xaru disapears under the ground, then apears infront of Matt. "Like it or not, you have to help us. If you don't then that's less of a chance we would win. Then you would be ensalved by the Evil spirt. Oh well" He walks back over to Sky and tells him to use his wind power agaist him. he readys himself again.
  21. "Yes, I do control the earth. I always found it fasinating." The land under the rock Sakura was sitting on rose up a littel, then drifted to Xaru. "I still find it facinating" Xaru smirks at her and turns to Sky and looks back at Sakura. "Can you boh of you use your elemental abilitys to fight? We must train. Sky, try to blow me away using your wind powers." Xaru stands and puts his left arm infront of his eyes. His right arm he held onto the pike, tighly. "Do it, now."
  22. (( Hey, you didn't let me get knocked unconsciece. You saved me! :) )) Xaru gets up and dusts himself off. He helps up the winglie that was knocked over. He turns to the new warrior, the Red dragoon, and Ryden. "Do you know who I am? I am the commander of the winglie army. I hate dragoons. My parents had to be filthy dragoons. Well, anyway. AMBUSH!" A mass of winglies jump out from behind builings. they surround the 3 warriors while the other winglies hold the other dragoons off. They all just stand there wathcing the 3. "I understand that the three of you are highly ranked. It would help so much to just elimminate you. But I think I would like to do that myself." He steps forward into the large circle. "It is now time to prepare for the worst, iI now choose to use my muscle burst!" Xaru's muscles get larger improving his speed and strenght. "Which one of you would like to fight me first? How about I choose. I pick you." He points his pike at Aorashi. "Or... are you to afraid to fight me? Haha" He gets himself into a fighing positon, ready to take any attack they can throw at him. "I was on vacation.... and your army ruins it. Fight now!"
  23. A rockformation forms next to Sky. It takes shape as a human, but a human couldn't do that. It spoke "Hello, Sky. My name is Xaru, I couldn't help hearing your conversation....with yourself. I control the Earth. Your powers control the sky and wind. Where do you think you got your name? Your parents gave it to you, for they also, once controlled the sky. He looks over to the man on the dragon. "Hmmm.... Could it be? Yes, that is. Our ancestors sealed him away long ago. Come we cannot fight it alone." He grabs sky and disapears into the ground with him. They come up in a field. "I don't hink you are aware of your powers. You have to have full awareness if we are going to conquer the Evil spirit. We must find the other elements."
  24. (( I don't know what I was thinking. Xaru is a Traitor, then. I wanted to be agaist the Dragoons. x.x; >.>; )) Xaru jumped out and said another chant. "In all the might and powers of the sky, send these foes flying high" In a sweep of his pike many dragoons lifted high into the air and crashed into the towar. Xaru sped over to the winglies' battle. He started twirling around and slashing at every dragoon he saw. Many of them dropped to the ground, mortally wounded. Xaru jumped up into the air towards Ryden. He slashed his pike at his head but Ryden dodged. ((I hope you don't have a problem with me making you [i]not[/i] getting hit x.x;)) He hit the ground and skidded 180 degrees facing the red dragoon and Ryden. "How did I miss that? He wont be so lucky next time. Slower foes and faster mind, give me the powers of hypertime." All of the Winglies started to get faster. Xaru hates dragoons and can't stand the fact that he is one. He works for the Winglies. ((Happy? Lol.)) He looks at Ryden, ready for another attack, but this time it will be almost impossilbe to dodge. He kicks off the ground and heads at Ryden. Xaru raises his pike ready to strike down Ryden. The red dragoon hits Xaru in the face with the flat side of his blade. He falls to the ground, unconsciece.
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