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Xaru Silverfire

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Everything posted by Xaru Silverfire

  1. (( I know nothing about dragoons. :Sweatdrop: Do winglies look anyhting like dragoons? ))
  2. I'v always been wondering.... What gender is Shippo? ::Killing time:: o.o; I'm bored someone IM me. My SN, Xaru Silverfire.
  3. Yesterday, I was surfing the web for .Hack//Sign pics. I searched on Google and the first thing that came up was... theotaku.com I was looking at the pics and checking around when I saw OtakuBoards. I clicked on it to get some .Hack info, because I saw that was one of the topics. I learned today that there is a lot more stuff on this board. Including RPGs! So here I am now, typing on how I found this site.
  4. Lol, my cat, Mulan always followed people around. She was like [b]right[/b] at who ever's ankels that she was following. So one day my dad was walking and he was going outside. He opend the door sliding glass door and shut it on Mulan. She lived but now she hops like a rabbit. It's funny and sad.
  5. Name: Xaru Age: 20 Gender: Male Element: Earth Elememt abilitys: If he taps the gound with the butt of his pike, the ground shakes (can destroy bulidings), Cause a split in the earth. move the land to Xaru's (or allies andvantage.) Weapon: 5FT pike. Aperance: (Crim from .Hack//SIGN) Long bluegreen spikey hair. Slighly long ponytail. Bio: Not much is know about Xaru. He had been living under ground, controlling earthquakes and rock slides od sorts. He recently ventured to the surface to find ot about the gods.
  6. O.o; I already started and I used the wings of Hope. x.x; My other spell is Gust, and it blows enemys away, but does minimal damage.
  7. Far away from the attacked town a man around the age of 20 layed in a hammoch(sp?), resting peacefuly with his pike up agaist a tree.:sleep: He had long, blue green, spikey hair and a slighly long ponytail. His cloths consisted of a button shirt with yellow patterns on the sleves. The shirt was open, exposing his chest; on that was a light blue tattoo of a large circle with triangles lined on the perimeter of it. His pants looked like his shirt. Red sneaker-type shoes with fire patterns were right next to the hammoch. The man suddenly awoke hearing an explosion.:therock: He stood up, put his shoes on, and grabbed his pike. "What was that?" He held the pike in both hands tighly. "Dragoons...." an angry expression apeared on his face. He placed the butt of the pike in the ground and closed his eyes. Starting in a soft voice and ending in a strong one he said the chant of the Wings of Hope. "I call upon the powers of light, to give me the chance and will to fight. I must borrow your powers. I [b]must[/b] take flight!" After having said that he lifted off the groud and sped towards the destroyed city. Ariving there he landed on the ground near the towar. "No... what happened..." He looked at his pike, encripted on it was [i]Xaru[/i]. Xaru floated off the ground and flew near the top of the towar. Flying through the window, he saw a dragoon. The dragoon turned around as he heard the noise but before he could fully see his foe, Xaru bashed him over the heads with the flat side of his pike. The dragoon fell to the ground, unconscience. Xaru made his way down the hall. He saw two dragoons. They were talking about war tactics. Xaru looked around for a place to hide. The dragoons turned and looked in his direction, but he wasn't there. Xaru was holing on to a bar, in a shadowy part of the celing. The dragoons walked casualy under him. After they were gone, he dropped down and continued to run down the hallway. He came to a coner and peeked around it. Xaru saw two dragoons, one was sitting down sleeping and one was shouting "Ryden!" He saw Ryden wake up and heard a conversation about the Winglies. He stealhly followed them in the air. After they were near the other dragoon. Xaru hid behind a piece of rubble. He whispers to himself "Are one of those the leader? I better keep an eye on them." He peeks out from behind the rubble and watches them. (( I hope that was a good enough entrance x.x; ))
  8. Name: Xaru Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Human Element: Air Weapon: 5 FT. pike Spells: Wings of hope, ability to fly. Silence, stops multiple enemys at a time from attacking. Hypertime, causes Xaru's (or allies') brains to think faster, causing faster reflexes and speedy attacks. Muscle burst, Xaru's strenth increases causing more harmful attacks. Xaru looks like Crim from .Hack//SIGN.
  9. [b]10/10[/b] That was a great episode, it focused mainly on Subaru. What happened at the end showed that she matured a little more. When she fell out of her wheelchair to trying to get to Tukasa, that was definetly a strong point of the whole .Hack series.
  10. Cowboy Bebob was a great show, but there were only 25 or so episodes. I want to see the movie. My friend said it was good. I think they should put it on SVES for the people who havn't seen it.
  11. I still don't understand why Tsukasa can't log out. Maybe they will explain it in the finale when he does log out. I think it's possilbe that he got his mind pulled into the game, like Ruby said.
  12. I'm really confused...... .Hack is a game. The episode last night(July 5th) Showed Subaru sitting at a computer.... I always thought .Hack was some sort of a virtual reality system in which you interact physicly with other characters. That can't be true because Subaru is crippled. Someone straiten this out for me, please. :confused:
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyber E. [/i] [B]Just so you all know, Kenshin moving to SVES is nothing more than a stunt to get the viewers from Toonami to SVES to get it ratings. Adult Swim is kicking major butt in the ratings while everything else seems to be falling behind. If you have the same crowds watching both blocks than you'd get good ratings. Therefore Kenshin will be back on Toonami in no time, possibly September. If this theory pans out (which, it will. :-P) this means that Kenshin will [I]not[/I] get less cuts. Because Williams Street isn't going to two sets of editing within such a close period of time. They will be at the same level. -Cyber [/B][/QUOTE] If they [I]were[/I] to put Kenshin back on Toonami in September, they would have shown about 13 episodes on SVES, leaving.... not to many. That would make them repeat Ruroni Kenshin over and over again (Like DBZ). That, after a while would get boring. But anyway, they should think about taking DBZ off of Toonami. All they're doing is wasting a half hour. Don't get me wrong, DBZ is a great show, but I think every one has seen each of the repeats al least 4 times. Toonami stands for Cartoon party in Jappanesse?
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