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About Domou

  • Birthday 01/09/1987

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    My life is my job, because I hate going to it.

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  1. I don't know.. But every now and then I observe some things that change through out the series. Such as Subaru's hair and how it's slightly longer in the first few episodes, and seems to get shorter in the near episodes. Just little things like that, and am wondering if anyone else has picked up such small details. It would be interesting to hear some. A tad hyper tonight, if you can't tell. :laugh:
  2. Rating: Indescribable. That episode just touched me in a way no other anime could. I have to give the creators major credit and there are just no words ... to describe how wonderful that episode was.. But poor Sora! ;-;
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by K.K.C. [/i] [B]Are you just mad because Sora lost? ^_~ I thought the beginning was the only part that went slow, but that was only for like... a min. And the scream that Morganna did was really cool! Just like Sora's! And Maha's! T_T Poor Maha! [/B][/QUOTE] *mumbles* Sora could of won, stupid crim distracted Sora by insulting his age. :mad: *shakes fist* Damn you crim!
  4. [b]8/10[/b] Maybe it's just me but I didn't feel that episode had.. well, what the last few episodes have. Can't really explain it but it did have some exciting moments. Like Bear asking to be Tsukasa's guardian, I found that quite interesting. Anyway, 8/10 is the best I'm going to give it..
  5. K.K.C, you're right, it does look like it's a shot from a tv show, which leaves me to believe that it just might be an amateur artists/cartoonests attempt at a rather erratic .Hack//sign film.
  6. I think the title may have been an error of behalf of Cartoon Network. Seeing how the episode said that the net slum was just an area in the world, or actually away from the world that contained a bunch of glyphs, errors and useless data/copys. Though it could of been the creators trying to be a little sly with the title. :p
  7. *blinks in utter shock* Wh-what is that? Is it fan art? Seriously though, it seems that it may be fan art by an artist trying to express cretin symbolic representations that he thinks the characters represent in the series. If not, someone doesn't draw very well ... at all.
  8. [b]10/10[/b] WOW, is the only word I have to describe that episode. Helba talked, the guardians dukes it out *makes gestures with hands from excitement* It was awesome. Not to mention that I think there is only one episode left, if im wrong correct me, leaving me almost begging for next weekend to come to see it. :eek:
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DemonzDragoon [/i] [B].hack cards?, they already have the video game. Cards would be pointless. [/B][/QUOTE] Mind telling us how you see that the card game would be pointless just because a few video games are out? I for one don't think that it would be because what happens after you finish all the games, hmmm? What next? The card game would keep people occupied for quite a long while until someone else comes up with another concept to entertain us. :D
  10. When it does come out ill buy a few packs just to check it out and if it isn't that good (Ill compare it to magic of course. :d) then ohwell, Ill give up on it. But the concept of the card game that is based on an RPG does intrigue me.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heavyblade [/i] [B]hey Domou not to burst your bubble but I'm a guy. That's alright everybody thinks I'm a girl because of my banner and avi. [/B][/QUOTE] Eh, sorry about that. *wishes there were gender tags on the avatars*
  12. *taunts Heavyblade saying Sora over and over driving her madly insane* Muwahahahahaha... Of course I would be a twin blade. :]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tidal [/i] [B]lol nice uber talk.if you played the games you notice she talks to Kite.Helba doesn't feel that she needs to talk to them yet. [/B][/QUOTE] Well yeah, of course she talks in the games :rolleyes: but I was kind of refering to the show..
  14. I was thinking about this the other day, and was wondering if she only uses text to talk, as everyone else that's been shown in the show uses the voice synthesizer to talk. I bet she's just tryin to be the 1337 h4x02 that she is. :d
  15. .hack//SIGN is not a part of adult swim, seeing how adult swim is sunday-thursday. Cartoon network started a block called "saturday" and that's what .hack//SIGN is on.
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