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Everything posted by Domou

  1. [b]Rating: 8.5[/b] Nice one by the way K.C.C, made me laugh. *drool* :p Great episode, seeing Tsukasa like that just leaves me with tons of questions. And so does that unbeatable monster, what connection does it have with the key of the twilight? Also, B.T. shows a small hint of kindness within that dark heart of hers, almost telling Subaru that Tsukasa was a girl in real life, that one stunned me. :eek:
  2. I enjoy all three of course, but if I had to pick one (which I did) it would have to be the plot. Of course the music fits in with the plot perfectly, but I would have to say I like it best over all. I wouldn't really know how to judge the animation though it is excellent from the other show's that I've seen, so over all, this is why .hack is my favorite anime. :P
  3. If I were to put in order of what I would be, it would go somethin like.. 1. Heavy Blade 2. Long Arm 3. Twin Blade 4. Wave Master (Not sure if there are any others. o.O Nor have I found any information to give the idea that there are a few other classes.)
  4. I've only seen a portion of that episode because I had other things to do, but it sounds like an okay theory. It sure would explain a lot of things that I haven't seen.
  5. Domou

    Any Order?

    Ahha! Seems that they'll be releasing the .hack//ENEMY cards for me at the comic convention in a week or two. You know I'm going. *grins* If anyone wants to see if there is a convention near you, this place has listings. [url]http://www.animatedbliss.com/FORUMS/forum_posts.asp?TID=562&PN=1[/url]
  6. Domou

    Any Order?

    So, there's going to be a card game now? Is there a date set to when it's going to be released? I wouldn't mind picking up a few and entertaining myself.
  7. [b]rating: 7.5[/b] The episode all together was a very good one, though there were some parts that.. left me confused (being the only reason I give it a 7.5) but all in all. The last part with Tsukasa getting torn up I really tried to understand but the best I could get out of it is that Tsukasa did something wrong bringing Subaru there, and got beat for it.. But why did it mean that Tsukasa was "no longer needed"? I wouldn't be suprised if we didn't see Tsukasa for an episode or two just because of that. When Tsukasa brought Subaru to that little place he always goes, and that little girl seemed to have disappeared, which I thought was quite odd since we haven't seen her move in a single episode. Where could she have of gone!? Anyways, it was a fair episode.. with some iffy parts, it just leaves a ton of questions.
  8. Interesting.. I wonder why they would take it off the air? Could it be that nobody is watching it? I wonder why that is, maybe it's because they PUT IT ON AT 12:00PM PST! Really though, the show isn't that bad, I really enjoy watching it but to take it off the air with seven episodes left leaving .hack fans around the country hanging like that, is just rude. Seems I'll have to go download the rest of the episodes off of some shareware program leaving me to read subtitles, or actually buy the DVDs (which I don't intend to.. yet). Nice going cartoon network, ruin my weekend, thanks.
  9. Wait.. if there's a hidden message there, what else do you think they're trying to tell us with them.. *gets all paranoid* :eek:
  10. I play a game called DarkAges, and in this game, there are similar facial expressions that are controlled by hotkeys. Though not as vibrant as the ones in The World it's still quite possible. But what you're saying is an interesting hypotheses, it could be that The World does control them on an emotional level.
  11. Yeah, I got the feeling that Subaru likes Tsukasa aswell.. by the way, anyone know the episode number of the july 5th one? I'm going to go try and download the next one before the weekend.. I can't wait ><
  12. Hmmm, well I'm new round these parts and saw you had a hack//sign fourm so I decided to drop by and give a friendly howdy. As to my knoledge I only hear there is a hack//sign game for the PS2 and was wondering if anyone else had any information on as to wether there is going to be one fer the computer. I'm not one to go out and buy a PS2 just to play a game, so this is why I ask.. I'll check back in a day or two for replys. G'day to you all. *slightly smiles* ~Domou
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