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About ChibiChaos

  • Birthday 09/29/1987

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I'm crazy, I love anime, computer stuff, other stuff, and fire.. Oh! and explosions ^_^
  • Occupation
    Cannibal Student

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  1. Hellsing, Bastard!, Slayers, InuYasha, Yami no Matsuei, CCS, Cowboy Bebop, off the top of my head ^^;;; I love pretty much all the animes I've seen and they're all my favourite... Well, Bastard! and Slayers stick out the most though, I guess ^^;;;
  2. ChibiChaos


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Luminaire [/i] [B][color=crimson]I am fifteen, and still afraid of the dark. ~Lumi ^_^[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] So am I, in a certain view, and I'm 16. If I'm outside or something, it can be pitch black and it won't bother me. But when I'm in the basement, I go into full paranoia/freak-out mode. I always think that there are these pairs of glowing eyes watching me or something. Of course this is really only when I'm in my basement... When I am, I'm like, almost terrified to movebecause of it [and this is really bad for me since quite often I'm up until4am In the dark,in the basment on the computer. ^^;;; Of course i knowthe excat reason why I'm like this too... I blame myself from when I was 6-9years old ¬¬
  3. ChibiChaos


    I'm afraid of wasps/bees/yellowjackets/hornets/etc. They scare the crap out of me. Nothing much besides that. I used to be afraid of spiders, now I just enjoy killing them because I hate them *Tarantulas are cool though... unless they're about to kill you >>*
  4. 4 dudes on that one lol. I like the second one a lot better... I dunno why ^^;;;
  5. not to me, I've yet to like a guy that much ^^;;;
  6. I give it a three and a half dudes. ^_^ That may be because the background is all bright though ^^;;; .. looks cool inverted [What?! I have an invert fetish!!! Leave me be!!!]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LostProphet [/i] [B]The dog is wearing Pink Nail Polish....I feel really sorry for it right about now *scratches his own dogs ears* [/B][/QUOTE] I agree, the poor thing... hmm, I live in Ottawa, and I find it interesting how some view it as exciting and stuff [maybe I'm just weird ^^;;] IMO, the coolest place in Canada is Victoria. Now That place is awesome ^_^
  8. As I told you before.... DUDE. and I add, Damn, I wish I could do that
  9. My favourite movie is stucvk between Cowboy Bebop Movie and Escaflowne movie... although i the end I'd prolly pick Cow boy bebop... 1. Cowboy Bebop 2. Escaflowne 3. Spirited Away
  10. This series is one of my favourites ever. My favourite Characters would be Xellos, Zelgadis, and Phibrizzo [such a cute little Hellmaster lol >>]. My favourite moment? hmm... Tough to say:sweat: I guess the series of episodes of Valgaav ^^;; I wish the Novels were translated though.. I want to read them!! [Dynast's in them! Wohoo!]
  11. my current record is only... 21 hours... I love broadband ^_^ It'd be longer if I was able to stay on longer these days to break my record... Oh well. :P
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