Akki Koroshiya
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Everything posted by Akki Koroshiya
It's a book about the Bataan Death March and what happened to the prisoners after the march was over, and how they were soposed to be freed)not quit done so i dont know if they were freed or not.). I read a decent ammount of WWII books but most of them are filled with facts, at least thats been my experience, and this one tells a story with teh facts built into teh story. I rarely read books that arent popluar, like i just finished the second Artimes Fowl book and I will soon start on theHarry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix. This is one of the books my dad found under the rest of all of his old books so its obviously not popluar at this time. So at first i was a bit cautious about reading it because i didn't have any idea on how it would be. After i started reading it I was hooked. In fact, I was so caught up in reading the book i missed an Acadimic Bowl meeting because all i had in my mind was to hear more about CLub Tsubaki(sp?). It's one of the ebst, if not the best, WWII book I've ever ha dthe pleasure of readinig. So if there is anyone else out there who read it, what are your thoughts and comments?
I can act alot older or alot younger. I find it easier to act olde ror younger on the Net for some reason. Here I'll say really stupid stuff and wish i hadn't said it as once i go backa nd read it 15min. later, it seems egotistical and immature. Or on a site i run I can act a bit more mature when it involves the site and stuf like that. Real life is pretty much teh same, bouncing off the walls on minute, mediating in the wood sthe next.(Though i needa do that more often now o.o)
[url]http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/5222273/[/url] i wanted to add a few more vines but i didnt want it to look cluttered.
Ganging up on one person bites.
Akki Koroshiya replied to Farto the Magic's topic in General Discussion
@Harry, that was exxageration, and i never said i fought them. I just intimidaed somone and things died down. It was nothing more than a shove against the locker and a glare... I never said i did, just some people will get really POed like those stupid insults stated above, which i think was already said. So if they are as immature as I am, then they might get POed. Which tehy'd have to be immature if they cant fight their own fights IMO. Then again, if they are to big of cowars to gang up on somone, then after that somone schoole dthem, they would more than likely run to somone to get the somone in trouble taking him with them. So maybe it IS best to ignore people... -
here ya go... [url]http://www.bmgmusic.com/catalog/browse/artist.jhtml?partyId=21338[/url] Yea Daft Punk was one of the things that got me into anime and music. Heh, i cause a lotta trouble with the radio so my dad is going to make me buy CDs to burn them so i can play them on my CD player so I dont cause problems with the radio. So of course I'm gonna get one of the Daft Punk CDs
Ganging up on one person bites.
Akki Koroshiya replied to Farto the Magic's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Farto the Magic]I'm sure that everyone hates this. Scenario: There's a big group of people and one of them calls you a name. You call them one back and then the whole group calls you names. Then you try for a little while and give up. Why do people do that? They start a fight, then they get their friends to help when you try to counter. That's like saying to someone: "How dare you try to defend yourself?" That happens to me all the time and I'm always the person who gets picked on. And it's always the popular people, too. As if they don't have enough of an ego, they tear down someone else's. You can't get them alone, because they're always flanked by four of their frineds. I mean, what the hell? I'm sure that other people would be glad to carry on my rant.[/QUOTE] Heh, yes I'm very sick of this and if it werent for a few adults i wouldve ran over some kids even though I'm 13 for ganging up on a kid. I even played a kids body guard for about 2 weeks til things simmered down, what sucked was i hadda defend him agaisnt a few of my firends because the kid that i was being a body guard for, was fighting another kid who was friends with my friends. I had the kid intimidated enough he started worrying about me instead of the kid i was being a body guard for, and because it was me, the 70 other people quit being body guards or simmered down themselves. Interenet or not i try and stop these ganging up ons, probally because i used to be gange dup on til i discovered weights :flaming: . In fact, there were some 20 kids vs me because i POed my own cousin for getting a bit of mud on his pants -_-. Well for those of you who are curious, i stayed in there long enough to throw a single punch that took him down. Though humiliating people instead of fighting them can be more profittable when they have friends around. Learn the art of the "Dis". You can PO them even more, or go witha more comical approach. Let's say they said."You gay ***!", how you should respond is somthing gay as a comeback like, "You know it.". So you go with the flo more or less. Or if they call you a MoFo, say it was their mom you fo'ed. Some of this stuff will get them so flabergasted they wont even wanna mess with you because they're confused. Or you could get your own pose? Fight fire with fire? Learn a bit of Judo and wrestling (it'll save your butt if you get into a major fight). Judo is really useful nowadays because all people do is throw punches and kicks, Judo flips are an excellent counter for those attacks that will easily win you fights. Or you could ignore them? @Wrist cutter, yea, "Sticks and stones will brake on my bones but words wont do crap to me." right? -
Thats why peopel say get a job you like, so you will have fun there too.
The point to life is to have fun. And if you care this much about what people think of you then you're not having fun at all. It's like when you read a book or watch a movie, you KNOW the good guy or main charecter will resolve the problem or defeat the evil foes, but you watch or read it anyway. The reason is pure curiosity, which is what you should do. If people spend more time thinking about things that matter instead of social classes we would be so advanced you couldnt imagine what we COULD do. I'm gonna rant about this if i don't stop now. Anyway, you should think of your life as a book, you kow your going to be introduced, and you know the story has to end, but how you get from point A to point B is what should intrege(sp?) you. You know it begins and ends, but how does it happen? It's how the story unfolds that makes it good ing my opinion, so it should be how your life unfolds. If you ponder on such a silly question then thats a chapter in your life wasted. Write your own book...
i was gonna say that but you beat me to it,but aside that my reasons above are what i beleive
*hits head on table* they are frigments over everyones natural trait,the human mind,they are nothing more or less than that.you need/want to beleive they are there so they are,just like when little boys said they saw monsters when they werent there,how many times must i repeat myself
Something to Really think about
Akki Koroshiya replied to FartMaster745's topic in General Discussion
ah but see,a computer is not a creature and even if we do givce it an AI it has no will to survive,so its not a creature,the cannot reproduce unaided,they dont have a will to survive,they arent animals so the will to survive isnt there so they should have no reason beside being programmed to,to kill or harm anyone/thing so AI is good in theory -
Spooker-dalmation/white crtested mix breed guinea pig Angel-Pure bred solid colour g-piggy Tigerl-a female tger syriped orange cat Snowflake*not my kitty kat*-White kat nameless kittens,3 tiger like,one white 2hermit crabs*not mine*
anime,manga,computers,techknowedgy,philoshophy,animinimals,models,art,nature,sports and a few other stuff that im to tired to name yea it suck when you lay awake thinkin of ideas,and i try to do them right then and there with my paper and stuff beside me and then finally at 3:30Am my bro says he wants the lights out,i go to sleep wake up a half hour later turn on the lights and continue,then once he wakes up again its now 5Am and im almost done and he goes upstair to get my parents and then i get in trouble.*breaths* i started on a manga but i forgot where i put it ^_^'
yea i know,but thats still no need not to think ahead and into the future,like the people who said launch the A-Bomb didnt
Something to Really think about
Akki Koroshiya replied to FartMaster745's topic in General Discussion
yea,when AI is mastered the meaning of life we be changed forever,like one AI can do work and learn the land and figure ways to make its job easier and more efficient whiel the other Ai that i know of is cabable of learning and mimicing like a baby does.So that cant quite be answereed at the moment.That question also reflects on should we pull the plug on people on life support*we should*.And even a little on cloneing.So at the time being tha question cant be answered.And you dont a certain space for remembering stuff,you can contain infinate knowledge if it were posible. -
i find paint chips somtimes in my corn,anssome whitestuff on som ice cream
[QUOTE]but imageation is soo great i tend to think most lose it when they "mature" u say it will be the fall no we wouldn't have half the technology that we have today if it wasn't for our imagenation [/QUOTE]imagination also kills inocent people,like the A-Bomb was the biggest military mistake ever made,even though it did what it was meant to do it also caused diseases like leukemia to pass on through inheritates and killed more and more people who werent even born dureing WWII and even moe inocent people,but if we didnt have such imagination then we wouldve never have made it,same goes for cars that pllute the air,and other things like that.dont get me wrong the things that we create are very useful but the cons will eventually catch up with the pro's
ok,the rise and fall of the human race will be its imagineation,we needed somthing to beleive in and somthing to scare us so thus came religion and monsters,now its as easy as that
im tryin to get in a routine for JH football,so im lifting,running,starting jump ropeing,and some little drills.i might stick to my basketball routine and run sprints,push ups sit ups,and some little drills
o the thing about angels saving them at a life threating moment,its just our diseased over active imagination,they think they see it just as a little boy thinks he sees a monster under the bed and the reason they get healed is because of all the adrenaline pumping nutrients and such go through the body more rapidly speeding up the healing process
Something to Really think about
Akki Koroshiya replied to FartMaster745's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE]If all that we know, all phisical realm that surrounds us and us as well consists of particales like atoms, electrons, neutrons, radiowaves and others, and all of the above as we all know obays chemical and phisical laws - how can we say that we really are intelligent beings and can take our own decisssions? Does that mean that that our thoughts are just chemical reactions which are destined to give out pre-defined results? Does that mean that free will is just an illusion and the end result will be exactly the same as it was meant to be unless there would be an "outside interference"? And might there be "something" behind the process adjusting it according to "it's" plan like adding catalsisers to the reaction? Kind of makes you thing of God and Soul doesn't it? Could anyone find a flaw in the "thought"? It realy makes me nervous, are we all so insignifican't? I won't be able to sleep for months now... What are your thoughts about this? [/QUOTE] yea ive somewhat encountered this on a philosophy forum and often wondered this myself,but im afraid,to fully answer this question we must first learn and now how to use the other85% of our brain*which goes to a theory of mine*like i beleive teleknetics and genius' are able to slightly tap into some of the brain we dont use and thats gives them the abbility to do such.But they still dont go to a full 100% of there brains,and until we finally catch up with our evolution we wont be able to answer thsi question,along with a few others,until we can/do. [QUOTE]What IS thought, though? I mean, our brains function on electrical currents, supposedly, just like any other animal. Why do we have the ability to think logically? OR is it all an illusion? I suppose logic CAN'T be an illusion, because we ARE able to control bodily functions, unlike other creatures, but what exactly controls us? If we answer that, we can figure out the dream thing. Hey, I'm confused.[/QUOTE] thought is one of the traits we gained from evo;ution,its allows us to be creative,inovative,change the world around us to better help us,and the evolutionary drive controls us,the will to survive,reproduce,and evolve.And i dream is a series of thoughts occuring dureing a certain realm of thought when the rest of your body shuts down. -
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo Man, first it was blacks, now there doing it all over again on gays, why does history have such a bad habbit of repeating itself?[/QUOTE] because the human race cant learn..............heh,"History is like an endless waltz,with the three beats of war,peace,and inovation*i think*."
um,no one arpund here skies,account of the hills arent good for sking but you can snowboard down them
it cant be a public school becasue its for gays only,so its a private school
1:models,i like to see somewhat how things work inside and models you can usually customize,another thing i like to do 2:loved em,all my legos zoids,gundams and planes.like i said above i like to see how things work and these helped a bit 3:um i like legos when i have enough friggin pieces.um i still like the otehr models cuz i just kinda statred them 4:um dolls and barbies and such like that means you think and are*usually* a girl,models means you have time on your hands usuually smart like to build things,and action figures are basically for everyone else