Akki Koroshiya
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Everything posted by Akki Koroshiya
you draw good,ill start it if and when we get more people
the four along with a few squads of enhanced humans board dropships and ighters and head for Jeckles space station "Every one,ct engine power,switch to hper space,activate claking devices and head for jeckle."
some games ill walk right up to a guard with a bazooka with its a spy mission,and the guy doesnmt care he just walks by and BOOM!other times some one shoots his fellow guard and they get into a gun fight and i walk right past them into the next room and try to repeat the process,somtimes i get enemy vehicles to run into stuff.and when playing unreal for my MAC,i run at the comp. players to get them to run off of somthing.and when my partner is messing up the thesecurity they dont even make an effort to shoot her.
An alien race that has been watching over the human race as finally leaned about all of the secrets of the humans.They are now trying to invade the Earth.The United Nations set up a defensive group so they could produce super weapons.But these weapons are humans.These speacial humans have the abbility to morphinto a "Guardian Mode".In there guarddian mode their speed,heighth,strength,and all other abbilities grow immensely so they can match this alien race.But they grow a new form shedding there old human skin.They turn into monsters to fight these equally powerful alien race.There form range from being a hideous beats to being somthing that resembles a phoneix.But this Guardians still need some help even though they are very powerful.So a ground crew with the most advanced weapons helps out.The ground crew arent usually very big though. i need some ground crew(they can consist of 1),Guardians,and some Aliens(aliens are as powerful as guardians but cant morph) Human sign up Name: Age: Weapons:what you can carry Vehicle:Tank,Van,air craft carrier Description Bio: Guardian sign up Name: Age: Weapons:what you can carry Description:Human: Bio: Descrption:Guardian:Be creative Speacial attack:Like anenergy beam,anything you can think of Alien sign up Name: Descrption: Speacial Attack: ok im back Name:Akki Koroshiya(Grim Reaper) Age:21 Weapons:a sword and a sniper rifle Description:Human:White t shirt,Dark blue jeans.Black leather jacket. Bio:He needed some mony so he figured what the heck,its not like the worlds comin to an end Descrption:Guardian:a few stories tall,white skin/armor with black under it.The chest armor is "v" shaped and so its the top of the head except the head has two horns that sweep back and a small horn that points foreward.The shoulder skin/armor sticks out a little and the biceps/triceps are big but the foresarms arm huge,their ape like almost.On the forearm's os a spike the protects the elbow same as the Shin armor.The joints are all black skin.His hands are claws.His feet have 3 toes,two point foreward.His tail is made of tiny plates and black skin in between.like his backs spine.along the back and tail are small spikes.The wings frame is white and the skin under it is black.Its resembles a bat wing except the fingures are alot longer and are tipped. Speacial attack:He can matierlize anything he can think of,usually a sword or scythe. [font=gothic][color=indigo]Double post again, and you are so gonna feel some wrath. -The Harlequin.[/font][/color]
OOC:riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight the three get in Jak car and zip off towards the park.they meet up with Jack.Jak flashes his badge Jak"The Eart Federation Elite needs you to help us on a mission....." Jack"Yea ive been informed." Jak"Oh,okay.Anyway we're here to pick you up.After we get you then we need to get the rest.After that we,along with a few Fed soldiers will invade Jeckle's base,bring back the Doc,and destroy the formula for IMORTALITY." "Ok,so we get paid alot right?" jak shows him the ammount and jack whistles and says hes in,they get in the car and ride back to HQ to receive the whereabouts of whoever they pick up next."
Hero Name:Grim Reaper Real Name:Akki Koroshiya Powers:He has robotic arms,legs,and eyes.Little gadjets built in.and loves his weapons.His signature weapon is a big Scythe. Weaknesses:Hes still mostly human Description:Hero:he has a big cloak over his body,His body is a sleek black with some red markings on his chest. and shoulder armor Normal:He doeny look built but because of his body he is emensly superhuman in a sense.He wears a Black t shirt that says death on it.Dark Blue jeans.Black hair pale skin and sun glasses. Bio:Hes more of a bounty hunter than any hero,Tgough he does fight for good it is out of greed.
Bounty Hunter Name:Kurigara Age:21 Appearance:6ft7in,250lb.Black clothing.Sheuolder armor,shin armor,forearmor.and a black cloak over it all.All of the amror is pointed. Weapon:Twin katanas.Crossbow.and a long sword
but little did they know,Kim had enhanced hearing so he told the Cahirman they arranged a change of plans,as they started walking out they met Clyde,jak went to talk to him while Kim ran into an ally,the city has grown so much,with the old eart underneah this new lawers of metal and glass.the platforms can range from hundreds of feet from the olf earthjak walk uo to clyde and they begin talking and speaking in some odd language "Dra cissan ec rud." Clyde:"Dra Vmufanc femm tea." "We still need to get Jack." "Ya i know,i came here to meet up with you two first.So where's Kimihari?" two men in black jumpsuits fall off HQ and start screaming,then Kim comes into sight and he dives past the two then open his wings catching a breeze keeping him hovering,he catches the two then glides downwards a bit and drops them,not killing them but they're knocked outjak turns back to Clyde as Kim watches over the two as an ambulance comes "He's right there."
looks at the time Name:Max Norakami Age:12 Favorite Era:Japanese medievil times Weapon(s):Two samurai swords,and two daggers Description:5ft4in.250lb.brown eyes.Black hair.He wears a white t shirt that says"Army" onit and he wears blue jean shorts with an orange and red dragon crawling up the leg. Bio:Hes good at fighting.Hes not as obsessed with it as amy is but he still likes it.He really gets kicks outta fighting.
after the two escaped Jak and KIm lost them so they just headed to HQ they walked into a big ivory coloured building through some double doors once they get to the middle of the building they walk through a long hall and into some more double doors.theres a council of of many races at a big circular desk,theres an old human in the middle.he is the most powerful person in the room because of his authority.Hes the chairman of the board. Chairman"Good job on the mission,but i heard things got a little messy?" Jak"Yes they did sir.But i think they were expecting it sir." Kim"Kill puny little guards though." Jak"So we covered it up" Chairman"I see.And I heard you went to help out the Mars base without orders?" Jak"Yes sir we did,we managed to hit them but the got away with the Doctor." Chairman"Damn,i hope he remembers his interrogation training.Anyway,your next mission is to meet up with named Jack he should be near Liberty park Sector three.After you come back i will get you three to gather a few others.Got it?" Kim and Jak say in unison "YES SIR!"
sry for the double post ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on there way to earth they have to pass by mars.to save fuel and keep there hyper excelerator from over heating they leave hyperspace.they see the comotion the the Mars HQ and receive a becon signal.they notice two enemy scout drones and fire at them blowing them up.they enter the docking bay and notice two men fighting off the guards.they fire their ships lasers at them even if they miss though the heat would still get themthey keep the ships turrents on auto and Jak takes his rifle and fires at there legs and Kuri threw all of his stars,they form a pattern so thers no escape from eaither attack
OOC:um?whatever,ill PM you
4 walker bots come in front of them while four more take them by surprise frm the behind,fireing at them catching the Kataro in the leg causeing him to turn full human,they kee fireing a few bullets hit the two but thedo there best to dodge,the telekenetic finally crushes the bots and through one of the windows they see a few ships escape,they tie down the man and just contimue the masacre
in the 38th centery not only was there a second Reinisance,medical dicoveries,a treaty with aliens,and space colonization,Earth became one gouverment.They also found a substance when mixed with water and eaten,it made you immortal.But immortal to natural causes and will make you heal much faster,but if you took somones head off then uses some common sense,they could regrow that back.But this new discovery got some people angered.Not only was it not tested on humans and was extemly expensive,it could cause everything around the human race to callapse over time.Because if you couldnt die,then that causes over population which hurts the enviroment even more.Some said just build more colonies but this takes time,so eventually everything would die but humans but then they would eventually die despite this substance.Despite all this the Earth Federation kept the project up and hired a group of hitman along wit there normal guard to keep things under control.One of the members of the Federation(Seymour Jeckle) though was going to figure out how this substance worked and then give it to his elite soldiers and take over the Fed. and then control the colonies.So a band of special soldiers heard about this and were hired to keep an eye on the man,They figured out that he already had soldiers pumped with it.Then the gang was spotted spying on jeckle by his elite and were all captured.Now,2months later, Jeckle threatened the peace and began attacking.Another group of brave enhanced,soldiers were sent under secracy to stop him and take out the soldiers,and destroy the last of the substance.Jeckle has an enhanced army(speacilalties)and his Elite Guard who were the best of the best and were injected with this new substance and enhanced with other new types of steroids. if you wann join post your bio in the recruitent jak assebles his sniper rifle on top ofan abondone bulding,turns he pushes his belt's button and a silver metalic like coating goes over his body and he puts on a pair of red goggles "Oh yea,i forgot." he adds a silencer on his barrel and sets the gun up on a tripod and aims,an alien that looks human but has pointed ears,white hair,bat wings,and two fangs,walks ito view.hes wearing a black suit and starts to turn to walk into a building,Jak fires killing the man with a bullet through the head,as he falls Jak fires again at the masn heart to insure his death,he pushes his button again and he returns to his normal cloths,he puts his collaspible rifle in a suitcase and inside the suitcase is a head set,which he gabs and puts on "Call HQ,front desk,room number470661,password Project:IMORTALITY." "Hello?What is your codname please?"said a woman "Shadow Sniper.I wish to speak with the man in charge." Jak said as he started walking down the flights of stairs,the first door he wlaked through he met up with a lion like human name Kimihari Jak gave him a thumbs up and they started walking down some more tsairs then they took an elevator he continued to talk on the phone "Boss,misson complete im heading back to HQ as we speak." "Good,good." "Over and out." a beep is heard as the phone turns off,the elevator dings as they reach the bottom,when the door open some people who looked like the one Jak shot before were at the entrance of the elavtor,one of them shot at Jak but Kimihari took the bullet in the arm,he grabbed his throwing stars in one hand and threw them,cutting three of the mens through,he then roared as he outstreched his wings and charged at the rest taking his spear and stabbing the men,they did shoot at him but he was moving so much there was hardly a time to get a claer shot,Kim did grab a man by the throught,another man with a red insignia on one of his soulders took his gun and aimed at Kims head,but jak he had stepped out of the elevator sureing the comotion and drew his laser pistols fired at the man twice,once from each gun,instantly killing him with shots through the head,meanwhile Kim sunk his claws into the mans throught long enough that he slit the mans throught ,then Kim launched him into the wall shttering the wall and the mans bones,killing him "D*** it Kim,i was hopeing this mission woyldnt be so messy,but mission complete right?" "Yea,thanks for savin my butt back there." "You wouldve sone the same.........i hope"Jak said jokeingly,they both leave the building and hope on two sleek hover motorcyles and ride to a hotel where Kim gets there stuff and Jak ties the stuff to there bikes they ride to a space port,flash there badges as they walk through the X-rays so the guards ignore there arsenel of weapons and other stuff.the load there stuff on there private ship,they open port and ride their ship to the Planet Earth
ah heck,everyones bios are good enough ill start tonight
kudos on the bios,but you guys might wanna make a second charecter so we could start this a little sooner
ill start this when we get some people for jeckles side,remember the two elite squads are soposed to be equals
in the 38th centery not only was there a second Reinisance,medical dicoveries,a treaty with aliens,and space colonization,Earth became one gouverment.They also found a substance when mixed with water and eaten,it made you immortal.But immortal to natural causes and will make you heal much faster,but if you took somones head off then uses some common sense,they could regrow that back.But this new discovery got some people angered.Not only was it not tested on humans and was extemly expensive,it could cause everything around the human race to callapse over time.Because if you couldnt die,then that causes over population which hurts the enviroment even more.Some said just build more colonies but this takes time,so eventually everything would die but humans but then they would eventually die despite this substance.Despite all this the Earth Federation kept the project up and hired a group of hitman along wit there normal guard to keep things under control.One of the members of the Federation(Seymour Jeckle) though was going to figure out how this substance worked and then give it to his elite soldiers and take over the Fed. and then control the colonies.So a band of special soldiers heard about this and were hired to keep an eye on the man,They figured out that he already had soldiers pumped with it.Then the gang was spotted spying on jeckle by his elite and were all captured.Now,2months later, Jeckle threatened the peace and began attacking.Another group of brave enhanced,soldiers were sent under secracy to stop him and take out the soldiers,and destroy the last of the substance.Jeckle has an enhanced army(speacilalties)and his Elite Guard who were the best of the best and were injected with this new substance and enhanced with other new types of steroids. ok,you are limited to two charecters.If your an alien race state what you look like and,if any,speciel abbilities.robots and splicing are also allowed Name: Code Name:base it on you abbilities or specialty Side:Fed,Jeckles Elite Race:whatever you can think of Specialty:Sniper,Demalitions,Hand to Hand comabat,hopefully you get the idea Weapons:Please limit yourself to what you can carry,and if you have super strength that doesnt mean a tank Abbilities:If any,dont be gaudy here,like an alien race could have telekeesis,or super strength Description:what ya look like Bio:why you joined that side or you history Name:Jak Kurigara Code Name:Shadow Sniper Side:Fed Race:Enhanced Human Specialty:Sniper Weapons:Rail Driver,Sniper Rifle(collapsible),and Two Semi auto laser pistols Abbilities:Enhanced eye sight and hearing,like a 6 sense of danger,and a staedy trigger fingure Description:While he is doin a job he puts on a belt that has a red dot in the center,when pushed it activates a jump suit like micro thin armor which its color adapts to the eviorment,so city=silver or tan,forest=green and so on.But normally he wears very dark blue jeans,tenese shoes,a black t shirt and cloak.He has an ear ring and purple hair. Bio:He was trained assasin and to him this is jst another job. Name:Kimihari Code Name:LION Race:Riskukoso Side:Fed Speacialty:Hand to Hand combat,Close range combat Weapons:a what appears to be wood,staff with a big golden circle at the top and a triangle facing so its somwhat of an axe and a point on the other end.He also carries two katanas which can be energized but only the blade so its noy like a beam saber.And a few throwing stars. Abbilities:enhanced hearing;speed;smelling;strength;sight;learning enemies abbilities;and flight Description:He appears to be half human half lion.Hes over 7ft tall.He has black fur and his mane hangs down,his mane is a little longer than shoulder length and it has a few black strreaks and two strands on one side are braided.He has two small white"devil" horns.His two fangs hang out of his mouth slightly.He has black shoulder,shin,and forearm armor which has a gold trim.He has a golden belt and a brown cloth under it has been made into shorts.The fur on the tip of his tail is white but that is tipped black.He has big Black feathered wings with red tipped. Bio:After his planet was plauged he left on his personal ship and landed on an Earth conoly after being attack,and knocked out,from space pirates.After he found out that he was one of the few that escaped his planet he joined the Feds just because he could easily quialify becasue of his strength and speed.So he joined and got easy money,until Jeckle started his Elite soldiers and army that is. ill start this when i get enough people to join
i changed it,and CAS is an armor change but this one is only 2 parts but whatever
meanwhile deep in the woods that border the area that the rest are in,Kurigara runs through the woods with burn marks and dents on him,a small probe flys after hiim releaseing a truckload of ammo on him in auomatic fire,kuri finally gets fed up and does a backflip off a tree and lands on the things and punches through it and jumps off as it explodes,then two more of the little things hover slowly until them see him then they gain speed and open fire "Damn little biggers." he runs in between them and the fire at each other causing each otehr to blow up
Mech Pilot Name:Raven Age:?? Eye Color:Black Hair Color:Black Anime or Manga From:Zoids Bio:He joined the guylos empire and is the rivil of the Helic pilot van,he has pilotd a saber tiger,genosaurer,and the geno breaker Picture: Mech- Name:Geno Breaker Jet Weapons:4 missles*hidden*,2 AZ80mm cannon,2 120mmcannons,claws,spike,anchors,thrusters,aafter burners Anime or Manga From:ZoidsCC/GF Other:Super Cahrged Particle Gun,Frontal Sheild,CAS armor change Picture:[IMG]http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-4/170053/GenoBreakerJetA.jpg[/IMG]
Sign Up Kingdom Hearts 2: Riku's evolution
Akki Koroshiya replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
Name:Kimahri Age:32 Series:FFX Weapon:Spear Appearance:Tall,built and has blue fur with a white mane.Darker blue shine and forearm armor and has yellow cat eyes.He lost his horn that all Rosso have but he is still very dangerous with his Lancet abbility.He also has white with black/light yellow tipped wings.These arent really used for flying(too small) Bio:Hes been the guardian of Yuna since she was only a child.He met up with Wakka,Tidus,Auron,Lulu,and Rikku(the al bhed).He speaks very little. -
Name:Sephiroth Age:?? Weapon:Masamune Bio:A leader of Soldier and the last of a lost race.Hes the only one able to weild the masamune. Pic:[IMG]http://otakumed.tempdomainname.com/arena/contestants/sephiroth.gif[/IMG] Origional Island:The one Cloud came from??
Name:Sephirah Class: Android Weapon: Twin dagger which are more like beam sabers because they emit laser energy instead of having blades Instrument: His voice Description:Purple hair,6ft7in.250lbs.Red eyes when he gets real angry but normally they're green.Black t-shirt with a browm long coat and dark blue jeans with a red asian dragon on the back right crawling around a ying-yang Name: Project XXXG-00W0 Weapon: His hands form a very thing plastic bubble.He leaves a hole in it which a hole in his hand connects to.The hole in the hand then releases some energy into the ball and he hurls it at an enemy and it explodes and leaves a big crater where ever it hits. Description:His body is black with two red stripes coming down from his armpits and getting bigger as the go down his body until they reach his waist.
good bad good bad,o wait sephiroth is on the bad side,im a bad guy if its ok Name: Akki Koroshiya Age:19? Weapon:Twin swords which can combine and a long whip. Bio:He is Seph's new right hand man.Very loyal and a very long member of Soldier.He heard that Sephie needed a few people to help him,[spoiler]Ansem[/spoiler],and the heartless.So of course he came a runnin.Not much else is really known about him except after Cloud left SOLDIER he stepped up and Sephie took him under his wing(lol).He has purple hair and an earing that appears to be the Guilintene Cross,and a tatoo of the cross on his back.Before he joined SOLDIER he was an assasin so he earned the cross.His shin armor points over hs knee so it covers more area with less armor and the same goes for the forearm armror.He has small skirt armor but it doesnt really effect anything along with his chest armor and his back "plates" with the spines on them.He has red cat eyes,which he forulated to help him "hunt"his prey.And a monkeys tail for the same reason. Pick:do u mean pic? Origional Island:The one Sephie came from?